Add Adjustments pop-up menu, 169

Adjustment Action pop-up menu, 169

Adjustment preset, 201

Adjustments and filters, 60

Adjustments disclosure triangle, 200

Adjustments HUD, 168, 169–70

Color, 180–3

Enhance, 175–7

Exposure, 174–5

Highlights and Shadows, 178–80

Histogram, 170–1

Levels, 177–8

Raw Fine Tuning brick, 171–2

white balance, 172–4

Adjustments Inspector, 51–2, 167–9

Adobe Bridge and Aperture, 261, 262

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) and Aperture, 261–2

Adobe Photoshop and Aperture, 269–70, 271

Albums, 227, 231

and Smart Albums, 232–3

Alternate option, 48

Aperture, 140

and Adobe Camera Raw, 261–2, 263

and Adobe Bridge, 261, 262

and Adobe Photoshop, 269–70, 271

Bridge, image migration from, 262–4

DNG Conversion, 265–9

Dodge & Burn brush tool, 276–9

iLife and iWork applications, 287–8

image editing plug-ins, working of, 279

Image Trends, 284–5

in InDesign and Applescript, 291–5

individual images/albums, importing, 259–60

iPhoto library importing, 258–9, 286

iTunes, 286–7, 288

Mail, 288–9, 290

metadata, 264–5

new masters creation, 270–2

Noise Ninja Photoshop plug-in, 282–3

Photoshop editing, 290, 291

plug-ins and external editing, 280–1

Power Stroke, 284

preview preferences, 285–6

Tiffen Dfx, 283

transparent problem, 274–5

workflow considerations, 272–3

Aperture Library, 31, 106

in iPhoto, 297, 298

Aperture workflow, 120–5

Albums and Smart Albums, 227, 231–3

from camera to export, 233

backup, performing, 238–9, 244–5

images, sorting, 239–41

metadata presets, defining, 234–5

output photos, 243–4

photos, editing, 243

photos, importing, 235–8

photos, rating and picking, 241–3

for first-time users, 68–75

color management, 72–4

customising aperture, 70–1

exporting shortcut presets, 71–2

Preferences setting, 74–5

folders, 227, 228–9

head up displays (HUDs), 61–8

images storage, 31–4

Light Tables, 245

sorting and editing from, 248–9

organising images, 54–6

projects, 227, 229–31

Projects Inspector, 35

stacking, 249–53

versions and version sets, 253

automatic creation, 253–4

manual creation, 254

workspace, 29–31

layouts, 56–61

Aperture’s actions, accessing, 120

Appearance tab, 74

Apple, 5, 93, 97, 119, 310, 313

Apple plug-ins, 275–6

Applescript, 291–5

Archive tag, 53

Automator launching, 120


Backup, 238–9, 244–5

and time machine, 97–9

Batch operations, 138–9

Black Point, 175

Blank option, 48

Book production, 323–32

Brick, 168

Brightness, 175

Browser, 35–6

Browser & Viewer mode, 57

Browser Only mode, 57

Burn Folders, 117–18


Calendar search criterion, 157

Camera, importing from, 78–80

Camera Raw formats, 4

Canon EOS 20D, 8

Canon EOS 350D, 93

Caption & Credits Metadata view, 135

Chromatic aberration, 23

Clipping, 198

overlays, 199–200

Clone tool, 186

CMYK, 303

ColorSync menu, 337, 338

ColorSync Utility, 72, 73, 303

Color brick, 180–3

Color casts, dealing with:

Levels adjustment, 218–19

Tint controls, 216, 217, 218

white balance, 215–16

Color components, of Adjustments Inspector, 52

Color correction, 179–80

‘Color filter array’, 12, 13

Color management, 72–4, 302–4, 335–6

Color Monochrome, 190, 222–3, 224

Compare view mode, 47

Context-sensitive menu, 327

Contrast, 175

Control Bar, 141, 143–5

and keyword controls, 42

photos navigation using, 42–3

rating and sorting images using, 43–5

for ratings, 130

Creative Techniques:

color to B & W, 219–22

tinting, 222–4

Crop tool, 188–9

Custom Scale setting, 342


Decoder version pop-up menu, 20

Definition, 176

Demosaicing, 10, 12–13

Desktop option, 48

Devignette adjustment, 187–8

Dfx, 283

Digital Film Tools, 284

Digital Masters and Versions, 33–4, 55

Dissolving Thumbnails, 343


by Adobe, 24–7

conversion, 265–9

Dodge & Burn brush tool, 276–9

dpmatte, 284

dSLR parameter setting, 10

dvGarage, 284


Edge Sharpen, 192, 193–6, 197, 273

Edges slider, 194

Edit plug-ins, working of, 279, 280

Enhance brick, 175–7

Events, 229

Exif metadata, 127, 133

Exif tag, 53

Export names and destinations, defining, 304–7

Export plug-ins, 309–10

Export Presets tool, 299

Export tab, 75

Exporting images, 297

color management, 302–4

export names and destinations, defining, 304–7

export plug-ins, 309–10

export settings, defining, 299–301

exported images, protecting, 301–2

exporting metadata, 307–9

protection of, 301–2

two Macs and two libraries, working with, 311, 312

Exposure brick, 174–5

eXtensible Metadata Platform see XMP

Eyedropper, 172, 173


Falloff slider, 194–6

Favorite Projects, 231

Filename presets, creating, 87–8

Files, renaming, 95–6

Fisheye-Hemi, 284–5

Flat images see Low contrast images

Folder actions, 119

Folders, 227, 228–9

for organising images, 54–6

Full-screen and dual-screen mode, 50–1


Gamma and Black Point Compensation options, 337, 338

Gamma curve, 14, 15

Gamut, 302

GarageBand application, 349


Hard disk management, 114

aperture workflow, building, 120–5

aperture’s actions, accessing, 120

automator launching, 120

burn folders, 117–18

folder actions, 119

smart folders, 115–17

HDR Toner, 284

Head-up displays (HUDs), 29, 41, 42, 61

Inspector HUD, 64–5

Lift and Stamp HUD, 65–7

metadata overlays, 67–8

Query HUD, 63–4

see also Adjustments HUD

High dynamic range (HDR), 205–6

High Tonal Width, 180

Highlights and Shadows, 178–80, 210

Histogram, 170–1, 196–9

Hot and Cold Spots, 199–200

Hue slider, 180–1, 182


iCal event, 119

iLife Applications, 287, 289

Image imports, controlling, 37–8

Image library:

adding images to, 77

camera, importing from, 78–80

filename presets, creating, 87–8

folder names, creating presets for, 84–7

import workflow, completing, 88–90

metadata presets, creating, 90–1

organizing before import, 81–2

pictures, importing, 91–3

referenced images, saving, 84

sorting before import, 80–1

storing, 82–4

migration from Bridge, 262–4

Image migration, 111

flexible way, 113–14

quick way, 112–13

Image Scale dialog, 326

Image Trends, 284–5

Images, management of:

files, renaming, 95–6

hard disk management, 114

aperture workflow, building, 120–5

aperture’s actions, accessing, 120

automator launching, 120

burn folders, 117–18

folder actions, 119

smart folders, 115–17

importing, sources of, 93

importing, without dialog, 94–5

library, adding images to, 77

camera, importing from, 78–80

filename presets, creating, 87–8

folder names, creating presets for, 84–7

import workflow, completing, 88–90

metadata presets, creating, 90–1

organizing before import, 81–2

pictures, importing, 91–3

referenced images, saving, 84

sorting before import, 80–1

storing, 82–4

migrating images, 111

flexible way, 113–14

quick way, 112–13

moving libraries, 106

splitting, 107–8

raw files, backing up, 96

Backup and Time Machine, 97–9

referenced images, moving, 108

consolidating, 110–11

managing, 109–10

vaults, managing, 99

creation, 99–102

maintenance, 102–3

restoring library from, 103–4

transferring library to new Mac, 104–6

Images, organising:

digital masters and versions, 55

folders, 54–5

projects, 55

stacks, 55–6

Images, sorting, 239–41

Images adjustment:

Adjustment Presets, 201

Adjustments HUD, 169–70

brick by brick, 170–83

Adjustments Inspector, 167–9

color casts, dealing with:

Levels adjustment, 218

Tint, 217, 218

white balance, 216–17

Color Monochrome, 190

copying, using Lift and Stamp, 200

creative techniques:

color to B & W, 219–22

tinting, 222–4

Crop and Straighten adjustments, 188–9

Histogram, use of, 196–8

Hot and Cold Spots and Clipping Overlays, 199–200

Monochrome Mixer, 189–90

Noise Reduction, 190–1

Problems and corrective measures:

overexposure, 201–5

slight overexposure and HDR, 205–9

Sepia Tone, 190

Sharpening Tools, 191–6

Spot and Patch and Retouch, 184–6


low contrast images, 214–15

mild underexposure and shadow recovery, 210, 213–14

severe underexposure, 209–13

vignette and devignette, 186–8

Images comparison, for rating, 130–2

InDesign, 291–5

Individual images/albums importing, 259–60

Inspector HUD, 64–5

Inspector see Projects Inspector Intensity slider, 194, 196, 197

iPhoto, 286

iPhoto Browser, 259–60

iPhoto library, 69

importing, 258–9

IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council), 90, 123, 133, 308

IPTC metadata, 127

for rating images, 132–3

IPTC tag, 53

iTunes, 286–7, 288

iTunes Library, 345

iWork Applications, 287–8, 289


‘just in case’ Raw file, 6


Keyboard commands, for rating images, 129

Keyword HUD, 141, 142, 143


removing, 145–6

searching, 154–6

strategy, 140–1


Control Bar, 143–5

Keyword HUD, 142–3

Metadata Inspector, 141

Keywords toolbar, 57, 59


Layout Options, 341, 342

Layout Options dialog, 328

Levels, 177–8

adjustment, 218

Library, adding images to, 77

camera, importing from, 78–80

filename presets, creating, 87–8

folder names, creating presets for, 84–7

import workflow, completing, 88–90

metadata presets, creating, 90–1

organizing before import, 81–2

pictures, importing, 91–3

referenced images, saving, 84

sorting before import, 80–1

storing, 82–4

Lift and Stamp HUD, 65–7, 134–5

Lift and Stamp tool, 200

Light Tables, 241, 245

sorting and editing from, 248–9

Linear gamma curve, 14

Loupe, 39, 40

Low contrast images, 214–15


Mac OS X, 68, 72, 103, 115, 116, 119, 302

MacOs 10.5 Leopard, 272, 285

Mail, 288–9

Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF), 106


exporting, 307–9

overlays, 67–8

Metadata, working with, 127

images, displaying on:

Viewer and Browser Sets, 147–50

keywords addition:

using Control Bar, 143–5

using Keyword HUD, 142–3

using Metadata Inspector, 141–2

keyword strategy, 140–1

keywords removal, 145–6

preset groups, creating and editing, 146–7

presets creation, 135

Batch operations, 138–9

import, adding metadata on, 139–40

time adjustment, 139

rating images:

images comparison, 130–2

IPTC metadata, adding, 132–4

keyboard, using, 129

Lift and Stamp HUD, using, 134–5

Metadata Inspector, using, 134

metadata views, using, 134, 135

mouse, using, 130

workspace arrangement, 128–9

sorting and searching, 150, 158–9

ALL/ANY options, 156–7

by date, 157–8

keyword searching, 154–6

multiple search criteria, using, 159–61

multiple text searching, 161–4

Query HUD, 152–3

by rating, 152–4

search results, saving, 162, 164

search tools, 150–2

text-based search, 154

Metadata in Aperture, 264–5

Metadata Inspector, 51, 53, 134, 141, 141–2

adding and editing, views in, 53–4

Metadata presets:

creating, 90–1

defining, 234–5

Metadata tab, 75

Mid Contrast, 180

Migrate images, 23, 24

Mirror option, 47–8

MobileMe online services, 97, 297

Moiré and chromatic aberration, 22–3

Monochrome Mixer, 189–90, 220

Mouse, using to apply rating, 130

Moving libraries, 106

splitting, 107–8

Multi viewing mode, 46

Multiple search criteria, 159–61

Multiple text searching, 161–4


New Masters creation, 270–2

Nik Software, 281–2

Noise Ninja Photoshop plug-in, 282–3

Noise reduction, 19, 190–1


On-screen proofing, 339, 340

Other tag, 53

Output, 297

book production, 323–32

exporting, 297

color management, 302–4

export names and destinations, defining, 304–7

export plug-ins, 309–10

export settings, defining, 299–301

exported images, protecting, 301–2

exporting metadata, 307–9

two Macs and two libraries, working with, 311, 312

photos online, 311

web galleries, 312–16

web journals, 321–3

web pages, 316–21

printing, 332

color management, 335–6

output, sharpening, 340–1

page layout, 336–7

printed color management, 337–40

printing dialogs, features in, 334–5

single image settings and contact sheet printing, 341–3

sharpening, 340–1

slideshows, 343

playback control, 347–50

setting adjustments, 343–7

Outputting photos, 243–4

Overexposure, 201–5

slight overexposure and HDR, 205–9


Page layout, 336–7

PearlyWhites, 285

Photo Browser, 289


editing, 243

importing, 235–8

rating and picking, using Compare mode, 241–3

Photos publishing, onto Web, 311

web galleries, 312–16

web journals, 321–3

web pages, 316–21

Photoshop, 290–1

Pick image, 250

PictureCode, 282–3

Pictures, importing, 91–3

Playback control, of slideshows, 347–50

Power Stroke, 284

Preset groups, creating and editing, 146–7

Presets, 52

Previews, 260

Primary image, 49

Primary viewing mode, 47

Printed color, managing, 337–40

Printer Selection section, 335

Printing, 332

color management, 335–6

output, sharpening, 340–1

page layout, 336–7

printed color management, 337–40

printing dialogs, features in, 334–5

single image settings and contact sheet printing, 341–3

Printing dialogs, features in, 334–5

Projects, 55, 227, 229–31

Projects Inspector, 236

Adjustments Inspector, 51–2

browser, 35–6

Control Bar:

and keyword controls, 42

photos navigation using, 42–3

rating and sorting images using, 43–5

full-screen and dual-screen mode, 50–1

Metadata Inspector, 51, 53

adding and editing views in, 53–4

toolbar, 37–42

viewer toolbar, selecting and displaying images using, 46–50


Query HUD, 63–4, 152

Quick Preview mode, 49, 50, 106

‘Quince’, 237


Rating images:

images comparison, 130–2

IPTC metadata, adding, 132–4

keyboard, using, 129

Lift and Stamp HUD, using, 134–5

Metadata Inspector, using, 134

metadata views, using, 134, 135

mouse, using, 130

and sorting images: with Control Bar, 43–5

workspace arrangement, 128–9

Ratings and keywords, 57–8

Raw files, 3

backing up, 96

and Time Machine, 97–9

camera Raw formats, 4

demosaicing and color space conversion, 12–13

DNG, 24–7

in-camera processing and aperture alternatives, 12

moiré and chromatic aberration, 22–3

multiple images, decoder setting changes for, 23–4

noise reduction, 19

pros and cons, 6

benefits, 8–9

disadvantages, 9–10

to RGB file, 10–11

Raw Fine Tuning brick, 20–1

sensor data, capturing and storing, 12

sharpening, 19, 21–2

supports, 5–6, 7

tonal mapping, 13–17

white balance, 17–19

Raw Fine Tuning brick, 4, 171–2

in aperture, 20–1

Recent Projects, 231

Recovery slider, 174–5

Referenced images, 82, 83

moving, 108

consolidating, 110–11

managing, 109–10

saving, 84

Relocate Master tool, 109

Retouch tool, 184–6


Saturation, 175–6

Saturation slider, 176, 183

Search results, saving, 162, 164

Search tools, 150–2

Sepia Tone, 190, 222

Shadow slider, 213

Sharpen, 192–3


raw files, 19, 21–2

tools, 191–6

Sharpening slider, 192

ShineOff, 285

‘Sidecar’ files, 264–5

Single image settings and contact sheet printing, 341–3

Slideshows, 343

playback control, 347

quality management, 347–8

setting adjustments, 343–7

Smart Album creation, 163, 164

Smart Folders, 115–17, 233

Smart Setting dialog, 232

Software development kit (SDK), 310

Sorting and searching, 158–60

ALL/ANY options, 156–7

by date, 157–8

keyword searching, 154–6

multiple search criteria, 159–61

multiple text searching, 161–4

Query HUD, 152–3

by rating, 152–4

search results, saving, 162, 164

search tools, 150–2

text-based search, 154

Span option, 48

Spot and Patch tool, 184–6

Stack button, 34, 249

Stack viewing mode, 47

Stacks, 55–6, 81, 249–53

Standard workspace layout, 57

Still-based guide, creation of, 349–50

Straighten tool, 189


Temp slider, 172, 173

Text-based search, 154

Three-up viewing mode, 47

Tiffen Dfx, 283

Time-based slider, 81

Time Machine, 97–9

Time metadata adjustment, 139

Tint controls, 177, 217, 218

Tint slider, 172, 174

Tinting, 222–4

Tonal mapping, 13–17

Toolbar, across the Aperture interface, 37–42


Under exposure:

low contrast images, 214–15

mild underexposure and shadow recovery, 213–14

severe underexposure, 209–13

Untitled Project, 38


Vaults, managing, 99

creation, 99–102

maintenance of, 102–3

restoring library from, 103–4

transferring library to new Mac, 104–6

Versions and Digital Masters, 33–4, 55

Versions and version sets, 253

automatic creation, 253–4

manual creation, 254

Vibrancy, 176–7

View option, in Metadata Inspector, 53–4

Viewer Only mode, 57

Viewer toolbar:

selecting and displaying images using, 46–50

Vignette adjustment, 186–8

Viveza Photoshop plug-in, 281–2


Web galleries, 312–16

Web gallery tab, 75

Web journals, 321–3

Web pages, 316–21

White balance, 17–19, 172–4, 215–16

Workspace layouts:

adjustments and filters, 60

Browser Only & Viewer Only modes, 57

overlays, 60–1

ratings and keywords, 57–8

standard workspace layout, 57

swapping and rotating, 57, 58


XMP(eXtensible Metadata Platform), 264–5


Zoom tool, 41, 48

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