About the Authors

JOSH ANON has been a nature photographer for most of his life, with his interest in photography starting when he received his first Kodak 110 camera at the ripe old age of four. Camera in hand, he received a B.S. in computer science from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois.

After graduating, Josh started working at Pixar Animation Studios in Emeryville, California. There he has worked on The Incredibles, Ratatouille, Toy Story 3, and more. Currently he is a camera and staging artist.

He has traveled the globe searching for the next great picture, be it a hundred feet deep on the Great Barrier Reef, on a cold and windy beach in the South Atlantic, or in the Arctic Circle. His award-winning images, represented by the prestigious Jaynes Gallery and available on www.joshanon.com, have appeared in a variety of galleries, calendars, and other publications, including the NBC Nightly News, Nature's Best, Photo Media, and more. Josh teaches photography, both privately and for the Digital Photo Academy, and he and his mother, Ellen, have also co-authored Aperture 3 Portable Genius (Anon and Anon, Wiley, 2011) and Photoshop CS5 for Nature Photographers (Anon and Anon, Sybex, 2010).

When not shooting and making movies, Josh can be found developing iOS applications and kiteboarding.

ELLEN ANON got her start in photography at a similar young age, but it remained a hobby for many years, as she initially followed a different fork in the road, earning a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. A broken foot in 1997 forced her to take a break from working as a psychologist and she used the time to study photography. Doors began opening and a new path emerged that led to her becoming a freelance photographer, speaker, and writer. Her goal with her images is to go beyond the odinary in ways that she hopes stimulates others to pause and appreciate some of the beauty and wonder of our earth. Ellen's images are included in collections in several countries. Her images are also represented by the Jaynes Gallery and are available on www.ellenanon.com. Her photos have been showcased in galleries, used in numerous publications including the Sierra Club's Mother Earth, the prestigious Yogananda Inner Reflections calendars, and as one of the Apple TV screensavers. In addition, she has been Highly Commended by the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the year competition as well as Highly Honored in Nature's Best Windland Smith Rice Competitions. Ellen is the co-author of seven popular books (including several with Josh, as listed above) as well as numerous video training tapes. In addition, she is a writer for the highly esteemed www.dpreview.com.

She is honored to be part of Nik Software's Team Nik, the SanDisk Extreme Team, Wimberley Professional Services, and Paramo's Nature Pros.

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