Chapter 4. Defining and Using Models

As explained in Chapter 3, “Starting Out,” the data model of a Web application is usually its foundation, and at any rate is an excellent place to begin exploring the details of Django development. Although this chapter has two main sections—defining models, and then using them—the two halves are more intertwined than separate. We need to consider how we plan to use our models, while we’re defining them, to generate the most effective arrangement of classes and relationships. And, of course, you can’t make the best use of a model without understanding the how and the why of its definition.

Defining Models

Django’s database model layer makes heavy use of an ORM (Object-Relational Mapper), and it’s a good idea to understand the reasoning behind this design decision as well as the pluses and minuses of the approach. Therefore, we start out this section with an explanation of Django’s ORM, after which we get into the details of model fields, the possible relationships between model classes, and the use of model class metadata to define specific behaviors of the model or enable and customize the Django admin application.

Why Use an ORM?

Django, along with most other modern Web frameworks (as well as many other application development tools), relies on a rich data access layer that attempts to bridge an underlying relational database with Python’s object-oriented nature. These ORMs are still a subject of much debate in the development community with various arguments for and against their use. As Django was designed with the use of an ORM in mind, we present to you four arguments in favor of using them, specifically Django’s own implementation.

Encapsulation of Useful Methods

Django model objects, as we cover later in this chapter, are first and foremost a way of defining a collection of fields, which generally map to database columns. This provides the first and primary step in tying the relational database to object-oriented concepts. Instead of a SQL query like SELECT name FROM authors WHERE id=5, one can request the Author object whose id is 5 and examine—this is a much more Pythonic type of interface to the data.

However, model objects can add a lot of extra value to that humble beginning. Django’s ORM, like many others, enables you to define arbitrary instance methods, leading to any number of useful things. For example:

  • You can define read-only combinations of fields or attributes, sometimes known as data aggregation or calculated attributes. For example, an Order object with count and cost attributes could expose a total that is simply the product of the other two. Common object-oriented design patterns become much easier—façades, delegation, and so forth.

  • In Django, the ORM presents the option of overriding built-in database-altering methods such as saving and deleting objects. This enables you to easily define a set of arbitrary operations to be performed on your data before it is saved to the database or to ensure that certain clean-up operations are always called prior to deleting a record, no matter where or how the deletion occurs.

  • Integration with the programming language—in Django’s case, Python—is generally simple, enabling you to let your database objects conform to specific interfaces or APIs.


Due to their very nature—being a layer of code between your application and the database itself—ORMs provide excellent portability. Most ORM platforms support multiple database backends, and Django’s is no exception. At the time of this writing, code utilizing Django’s model layer runs on PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and Oracle—and this list is likely to grow as more database backend plugins are written.


Because you are rarely executing your own SQL queries when using an ORM, you don’t have to worry as much about the issues caused by malformed or poorly protected query strings, which often lead to problems such as SQL injection attacks. ORMs also provide a central mechanism for intelligent quoting and escaping of input variables, freeing up time otherwise spent dealing with that sort of minutia. This sort of benefit is common with modularized or layered software of which MVC frameworks are a good example. When all the code responsible for a specific problem domain is well-organized and self-contained, it can often be a huge time-saver and increase overall safety.


Although not directly related to the definition of models, one of the greatest benefits of using an ORM (and certainly one of the largest differences, compared to writing raw SQL) is the query syntax used to obtain records from the database. Not only is a higher-level query syntax arguably easier to work with, but the act of bringing the query mechanisms into the realm of Python enables a host of useful tactics and methodologies. For example, it becomes possible to construct otherwise unwieldy queries by looping over data structures, an approach that is generally more compact than the equivalent SQL and can avoid the sometimes tedious string manipulation that can be otherwise required.

Django’s Rich Field Types

Django models cover a wide range of field types; some of them are closely tied to their database implementations, although others have been designed with Web form interfaces in mind. Most of them fall between these two extremes. Although an exhaustive list can be found in the official Django documentation, we present a comparison study which covers some of the most commonly used fields. First, we provide a quick introduction to the basics of Django model definition.

from django.db import models

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author)
    length = models.IntegerField()

From the previous, it should be relatively obvious what we’ve just created: a simplistic model of a book made of up various database-related concepts. It’s not much to look at—generally those tasked with cataloging books are interested in much more than just the title, author, and number of pages—but it’ll do. It’s also perfectly workable. You could throw that example into a Django file and be well on your way to a book catalog app with very few modifications.

As you can see, Django uses Python classes to represent objects, which generally map to SQL tables with attributes mapping to columns. These attributes are themselves objects, specifically subclasses of a Field parent class; as stated previously, some of them are obvious analogues to SQL column types, although others provide some level of abstraction. Let’s examine some specific Field subclasses.

  • CharField and TextField: Possibly the most common fields you encounter, these two do much the same thing—they hold text. CharFields have a set, finite length, although TextFields are essentially infinite; which one you use depends on your needs, including the fulltext search capabilities of your database or your need for efficient storage.

  • EmailField, URLField, and IPAddressField: These three fields, among others, are essentially CharFields which provide extra validation. Such fields are stored in the database, like a CharField but have validation code defined to ensure their values conform to e-mail addresses, URLs, and IP addresses, respectively. It’s simple to add your own validation to model fields and thus to create your own “field types” on the same level as Django’s built-in ones. (See Chapters 6, “Templates and Form Processing,” and 7, “Photo Gallery,” for more on validation.)

  • BooleanField and NullBooleanField: BooleanField works in most situations where you want to store True or False values, but sometimes you want the capability to store the fact you don’t know yet if the value is one or the other—in which case the field would be considered empty, or null, and thus NullBooleanField was born. This distinction highlights the fact that modeling your data often requires some thought, and decisions sometimes need to be made on a semantic level as well as a technical one—not just how the data is stored, but what it means.

  • FileField: FileField is one of the most complex fields, in no small part because almost all the work involved in its use isn’t in the database at all, but in the request part of the framework. FileField stores only a file path in the database, similar to its lesser cousin FilePathField, but goes the extra mile and provides the capability to upload a file from the user’s browser and store it somewhere on the server. It also provides methods on its model object for accessing a Web-based URL for the uploaded file.

These are only a handful of the available field types present in Django model definitions, and as new Django releases come out, new fields are occasionally added or updated. To see the full, up-to-date list of model field classes and what you can do with them, see the official Django documentation. You also see many of these fields throughout this book in example code snippets and example applications in Part III, “Django Applications by Example.”

Primary Keys and Uniqueness

A common concept in relational database definition is that of a primary key, which is a field guaranteed to be unique across an entire table (or in Django ORM terms across an entire model). These primary keys are typically auto-incrementing integers because such a field is a simple and effective method of ensuring that each row in the table has a unique value.

They’re also useful as reference points for relationships between models (which are covered in the next few sections)—if a given Book object has an ID number of 5 and is guaranteed to be the only Book with that ID number, a reference to “book #5” is unambiguous.

Because this type of primary key is fairly ubiquitous, Django automatically makes one for you unless you specify otherwise. All models without an explicit primary key field are given an id attribute, which is a Django AutoField (an auto-incrementing integer). AutoFields behave just as normal integers, and their underlying database column type varies depending on your database backend.

For those wanting more control over primary keys, simply make sure you specify primary_key=True for one of your model fields, and that field becomes the primary key for the table in place of id (which is omitted in such circumstances). This means the field’s values must be completely unique, so specifying it for a string field such as a name or other identifier cannot be a good idea unless you’re 110 percent certain you never, ever have duplicates!

Speaking of duplicates, we’ll also mention there’s a similar argument that can be applied to just about any field in your model: unique=True. This enforces uniqueness for the field in question without making that field the primary key.

Relationships Between Models

The capability to define relationships between model objects is, naturally, one of the strongest selling points for using relational databases (as evidenced by the name itself—relational) and is also an area where ORMs sometimes tend to differ from one another. Django’s current implementation is fairly database-centric, making sure the relations are defined at the database level and not just at the application level. However, because SQL only provides for one explicit form of relation—the foreign key—it is necessary to add some layering to provide more complex relationships. We examine the foreign key first and then move to how it can serve as a building block for the other relationship types.

Foreign Keys

Because foreign keys are fairly simple, Django’s implementation of them is similarly straightforward. They’re represented as their own Field subclass, ForeignKey, whose primary argument is simply the model class being referred to, as in the following example:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author)

You should note we need to define classes being referred to at the top because otherwise the Author variable name would not be available for use in the Book class’s ForeignKey field. However, you can use a string instead, either the class name if it’s defined in the same file, or using dot notation (for example, 'myapp.Author') otherwise. Here’s the previous example rearranged and rewritten using a string-based ForeignKey:

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    author = models.ForeignKey("Author")

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

It’s also possible to define self-referential ForeignKeys by using the string 'self.'. This is commonly used when defining hierarchical structures (for example, a Container class defining a parent attribute enabling nested Containers) or similar situations (such as an Employee class with attributes such as supervisor or hired_by).

Although the ForeignKey is only defined on one side of the relationship, the receiving end is able to follow the relationship backward. Foreign keys are technically a many-to-one relationship, as multiple “child” objects can refer to the same “parent” object; thus, the child gets a single reference to its parent, but the parent gets access to a set of its children. Using the previous example, you could use Book and Author instances such as:

# Pull a book off the shelf - see below in this chapter for details on querying
book = Book.objects.get(title="Moby Dick")
# Get the book's author - very simple
author =
# Get a set of the books the author has been credited on
books = author.book_set.all()

As you can see, the “reverse relationship” from Author to Book is represented by the Author.book_set attribute (a manager object, outlined later in the chapter), which is automatically added by the ORM. It’s possible to override this naming scheme by specifying a related_name argument to the ForeignKey; in the previous example, we could have defined author as ForeignKey("Author", related_name="books") and would then have access to author.books instead of author.book_set.


The use of related_name is optional for simple object hierarchies, but required for more complex ones, such as when you have multiple ForeignKeys leading from one object to another. In such situations, the ORM needs you to tell it how to differentiate the two reverse relationship managers on the receiving end of those two ForeignKey fields. Django’s database management tools lets you know by way of an error message if you forget!

Many-to-Many Relationships

Foreign keys are generally used to define one-to-many (or many-to-one) relationships—in our previous examples, a Book has a single Author and an Author can have many Books. However, sometimes you need more flexibility. For example, until now we’ve assumed a Book has only one Author, but what about books written by more than one person, such as this one?

Such a scenario requires a “many” relationship not only on one side (Author having one or more Books) but on both (Book also having one or more Authors). This is where the concept of many-to-many relationships come in; because SQL has no definition for these, we must build them using the foreign keys it does understand.

Django provides a second relationship-oriented model field to handle this situation: ManyToManyField. Syntax-wise, they are identical to ForeignKey; you define them on one side of the relationship, passing in the class to relate to, and the ORM automatically grants the other side the necessary methods or attributes to use the relationship (typically by creating a _set manager as seen previously with ForeignKeys). However, due to the nature of ManyToManyField, it doesn’t generally matter which side you define it on because the relationship is inherently symmetrical.


If you plan on using Django’s admin application, keep in mind the admin forms for objects in a many-to-many relationship only display a form field on the defining side.


Self-referential ManyToManyFields (that is, a ManyToManyField on a given model referencing that same model) are symmetrical by default because it’s assumed the relationship goes both ways. However, this is not always the case, and so it’s possible to change this behavior by specifying symmetrical=False in the field definition.

Let’s update our book example with the newfound realization we must handle multiple-author books:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

The usage of ManyToManyField is similar to the “many” side of a foreign key relationship:

# Pull a book off the shelf
book = Book.objects.get(title="Python Web Development Django")
# Get the books' authors
authors = Book.author_set.all()
# Get all the books the third author has worked on
books = authors[2].book_set.all()

The secret of the ManyToManyField is that underneath, it creates an entirely new table in order to provide the lookups needed for such a relationship, and it is this table which uses the foreign key aspects of SQL; each row represents a single relationship between two objects, containing foreign keys to both.

This lookup table is normally hidden during regular use of Django’s ORM and cannot be queried on its own, only via one of the ends of the relationship. However, it’s possible to specify a special option on a ManyToManyField, through, which points to an explicit intermediate model class. Use of through thus lets you manually manage extra fields on the intermediate class, while retaining the convenience of managers on the “ends” of the relationship.

The following is identical to our previous ManyToManyField example, but contains an explicit Authoring intermediate table, which adds a collaboration_type field to the relationship, and the through keyword pointing to it.

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, through="Authoring")

class Authoring(models.Model):
    collaboration_type = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    book = models.ForeignKey(Book)
    author = models.ForeignKey(Author)

You can query Author and Book in an identical fashion to our earlier query example and can also construct queries dealing with the type of “authoring” that was involved.

# Get all essay compilation books involving Chun
chun_essay_compilations = Book.objects.filter(

As you can see, this adds significant flexibility to Django’s ability to compose relationships meaningfully.

Composition with One-to-One Relationships

In addition to the commonly used many-to-one and many-to-many relationship types you’ve just seen, relational database development sometimes makes use of a third type, namely one-to-one relationships. As with the other two, the name means exactly what it says; both sides of the relationship have only a single-related object.

Django implements this concept as as a OneToOneField that is generally identical to ForeignKey—it requires a single argument, the class to relate to (or the string “self” to be self-referential). Also like ForeignKey, it optionally takes related_name so you can differentiate between multiple such relationships between the same two classes. Unlike its cousins, OneToOneField does not add a reverse manager for following the reverse relationship—just another normal attribute—because there’s always only one object in either direction.

This relationship type is most often used to support object composition or ownership, and so is generally a bit less rooted in the real world than it is in object-oriented design. Before Django supported model inheritance directly (see the following), OneToOneField was typically used to implement inheritance-like relationships and now forms the behind-the-scenes basis for that feature.

Constraining Relationships

As a final note regarding the definition of relationships, it’s possible—for both ForeignKeys and ManyToManyFields—to specify a limit_choices_to argument. This argument takes a dictionary as its value, whose key/value pairs are query keywords and values (again, see the following for details on what those keywords are). This is a powerful method for specifying the possible values of the relationship you’re defining.

For example, the following is a version of the Book model class that only works with Authors whose name ends in Smith:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class SmithBook(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, limit_choices_to={
        'name__endswith': 'Smith'


It’s also possible—and sometimes desirable—to specify this limitation at the form level. See the description of ModelChoiceField and ModelMultipleChoiceField in Chapter 6.

Model Inheritance

A relatively new feature in Django’s ORM at the time of this writing is that of model inheritance. In addition to foreign key and other relationships between otherwise distinct model classes, it’s possible to define models which inherit from one another in the same way that normal, non-ORM Python classes do. (Some examples of which can be found in Chapter 1, “Practical Python for Django.”)

For example, the previous SmithBook class could be defined not as its own stand-alone class that just happens to have the same two fields as the Book class, but as an explicit subclass of Book. The benefits are hopefully obvious—the subclass can then add or override only the fields that differentiate it from its parent, instead of replicating the entire definition of the other class.

Our simplistic Book example doesn’t make this sound too exciting, but consider a more realistic model with a dozen or more attributes and a handful of complex methods, and suddenly inheritance becomes a compelling way to adhere to Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY). Do note, however, that composition—the use of ForeignKey or OneToOneField—is still a viable alternative! Which technique you use is entirely up to you and depends a lot on your planned model setup.

Django currently provides two different approaches to inheritance, each with its own pluses and minuses: abstract base classes and multi-table inheritance.

Abstract Base Classes

The approach of using abstract base classes is, to put it simply, “Python-only” inheritance—it enables you to refactor your Python model definitions such that common fields and methods are inherited from base classes. However, at a database and query level, the base classes don’t exist, and their fields are replicated in the database tables for the children.

This sounds like a violation of DRY, but is actually desirable in scenarios where you don’t want an extra database table for the base class—such as when your underlying database is legacy or otherwise being used by another application. It’s also just a neater way to express refactoring of class definitions without implying an actual object hierarchy.

Let’s re-examine (and flesh out) the Book and SmithBook model hierarchy, using abstract base classes.

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    num_pages = models.IntegerField()
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

class SmithBook(Book):
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, limit_choices_to={
        'name__endswith': 'Smith'

The key is the abstract = True setting in the Meta inner class of Book—it signifies that Book is an abstract base class and only exists to provide its attributes to the actual model classes which subclass it. Note SmithBook only redefines the authors field to provide its limit_choices_to option—because it inherits from Book instead of the usual models.Model, the resulting database layout has columns for title, genre, and num_pages, as well as a many-to-many lookup table for authors. The Python-level class also has a __unicode__ method defined as returning the title field, just as Book does.

In other words, when created in the database, as well as when utilized for object creation, ORM querying, and so forth, SmithBook behaves exactly as if it were the following definition:

class SmithBook(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    num_pages = models.IntegerField()
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, limit_choices_to={
        'name__endswith': 'Smith'

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title

As mentioned, this behavior extends to the query mechanism as well as the attributes of SmithBook instances, so the following query would be completely valid:

smith_fiction_books = SmithBook.objects.filter(genre='Fiction')

Our example isn’t fully suited to abstract base classes, however, you’d typically want to create both normal Books as well as SmithBooks. Abstract base classes are, of course, abstract—they cannot be created on their own, and as stated previously, are mostly useful to provide DRY at the model definition level. Multi-table inheritance, outlined next, is a better approach for our particular scenario.

Some final notes regarding abstract base classes: The inner Meta class on subclasses is inherited from, or combined with, that of the parent class (with the natural exception of the abstract option itself, which is reset to False, as well as some database-specific options such as db_name).

In addition, if a base class uses the related_name argument to a relational field such as ForeignKey, you need to use some string formatting, so subclasses don’t end up clashing. Don’t use a normal string, such as "related_employees", but one with %(class)s in it, such as "related_%(class)s" (refer back to Chapter 1 if you don’t recall the details about this type of string replacement). This way, the subclass name is substituted correctly, and collisions are avoided.

Multi-table Inheritance

Multi-table inheritance, at the definition level, appears to be only slightly different from abstract base classes. The use of Python class inheritance is still there, but one simply omits the abstract = True Meta class option. When examining model instances, or when querying, multi-table inheritance is again the same as what we’ve seen before; a subclass appears to inherit all the attributes and methods of its parent class (with the exception of the Meta class, as we explain in just a moment).

The primary difference is the underlying mechanism. Parent classes in this scenario are full-fledged Django models with their own database tables and can be instantiated normally as well as lending their attributes to subclasses. This is accomplished by automatically setting up a OneToOneField between the subclasses and the parent class, and then performing a bit of behind-the-scenes magic to tie the two objects together, so the subclass inherits the parent class’s attributes.

In other words, multi-table inheritance is just a convenience wrapper around a normal “has-a” relationship—or what’s known as object composition. Because Django tries to be Pythonic, the “hidden” relationship is actually exposed explicitly if you need it, via the OneToOneField, which is given the lowercased name of the parent class with a _ptr suffix. For example, in the snippet that follows, SmithBook gets a book_ptr attribute leading to its “parent” Book instance.

The following is our Book and SmithBook example with multi-table inheritance:

class Author(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    genre = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    num_pages = models.IntegerField()
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title

class SmithBook(Book):
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author, limit_choices_to={
        'name__endswith': 'Smith'

As mentioned, the only difference at this point is the lack of the Meta class abstract option. Running syncdb on an empty database with this file would create three main tables—one each for Author, Book, and SmithBook—whereas with abstract base classes we’d only have tables for Author and SmithBook.

Note SmithBook instances get a book_ptr attribute leading back to their composed Book instance, and Book instances that belong to (or that are part of, depending on how you look at it) SmithBooks get a smithbook (without a _ptr suffix) attribute.

Because this form of inheritance enables the parent class to have its own instances, Meta inheritance could cause problems or conflicts between the two sides of the relationship. Therefore, you need to redefine most Meta options that can otherwise have been shared between both classes (although ordering and get_latest_by is inherited if not defined on the child). This makes honoring DRY a little bit tougher, but as much as we’d like to achieve 100 percent DRY, it’s not always possible.

Finally, we hope it’s relatively clear why this approach is better for our book model; we can instantiate both normal Book objects as well as SmithBook objects. If you’re using model inheritance to map out real-world relationships, chances are you prefer multi-table inheritance instead of abstract base classes. Knowing which approach to use—and when to use neither of them—is a skill that comes with experience.

Meta Inner Class

The fields and relationships you define in your models provide the database layout and the variable names you use when querying your model later on—you often find yourself adding model methods such as __unicode__ and get_absolute_url or overriding the built-in save or delete methods. However, there’s a third aspect of model definition and that’s the inner class used to inform Django of various metadata concerning the model in question: the Meta class.

The Meta class, as the name implies, deals with metadata surrounding the model and its use or display: how its name should be displayed when referring to a single object versus multiple objects, what the default sort order should be when querying the database table, the name of that database table (if you have strong opinions on the subject), and so forth. In addition, the Meta class is where you define multi-field uniqueness constraints because it wouldn’t make sense to define those inside any single field declaration. Let’s add some metadata to our first Book example from earlier.

class Book(models.Model):
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    authors = models.ManyToManyField(Author)

    class Meta:
        # Alphabetical order
        ordering = ['title']

That’s it! The Book class is so simple it doesn’t need to define most of the options the Meta inner class provides, and if we didn’t really care about a default ordering, it could have been left out entirely. Meta and Admin are entirely optional, albeit commonly used, aspects of model definition. Let’s whip up a more complex example because Book’s meta options are fairly boring.

class Person(models.Model):
    first = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    last = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    middle = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True)

    class Meta:
    # The proper way to order people, assuming a Last, First M. style of
    # display.
    ordering = ['last', 'first', 'middle']
    # Here we encode the fact that we can't have a person with a 100%
    # identical name. Of course, in real life, we could, but we'll pretend
    # this is an ideal world.
    unique_together = ['first', 'last', 'middle']
    # Django's default pluralization is simply to add 's' to the end: that
    # doesn't work here.
    verbose_name_plural = "people"

As you can see from the comments, modeling the concept of a person would be rough going without defining some Meta options. We have to consider all three fields when ordering records, and to avoid duplication, and having the system refer to more than one person as “persons” can be quaint, but is probably not desired.

For more details on the various Meta class options you can define, we defer you to the official Django documentation.

Admin Registration and Options

If you’re using the “admin” contrib app that comes with Django, you are making heavy use of admin site objects and their register function, as well as optional ModelAdmin subclasses. These subclasses enable you to define various options concerning how your model is utilized when you’re interacting with it in the admin application.

Simply registering your model class with the admin (along with enabling the Admin app itself, covered in Chapter 2, “Django for the Impatient: Building a Blog”) is enough to get the admin to pick it up and provide you with basic list and form pages; hooking in a ModelAdmin subclass with extra options enables you to hand-pick the fields displayed in list views, the layout of the forms, and more.

In addition, you can specify inline editing options for relational fields such as ForeignKey, by creating Inline subclasses and referencing them in a ModelAdmin subclass. This proliferation of extra classes can seem odd at first, but it’s an extremely flexible way of ensuring any given model can be represented in more than one way or in multiple admin sites. Extending the model hierarchy to inline editing also enables you to place an inline form in more than one “parent” model page, if desired.

We leave the detailed explanation of what each option does to the official documentation—and note there are some examples of admin usage in Part 3—but here’s a basic outline of what’s possible in each of the two main types of ModelAdmin options.

  • List formatting: list_display, list_display_links, list_filter, and similar options enable you to change the fields shown in list views (the default being simply the string representation of your model instances in a single column) as well as enabling search fields and filter links, so you can quickly navigate your information.

  • Form display: fields, js, save_on_top, and others provide a flexible means of overriding the default form representation of your model, as well as adding custom JavaScript includes and CSS classes, which are useful if you want to try your hand at modifying the look and feel of the admin to fit the rest of your Web site.

Finally, realize if you find yourself making very heavy use of these options, it can be a sign to consider disregarding the admin and writing your own administrative forms. However, make sure you read the “Customizing the Admin” section of Chapter 11, “Advanced Django Programming,” first for tips on just how much you can flex the Django admin before setting out on your own.

Using Models

Now that we’ve explained how to define and enhance your models, we go over the details of how to create, and then query, a database based on them, finishing up with notes on the raw SQL underpinnings of the overall mechanism.

Creating and Updating Your Database Using

As mentioned previously in Chapter 2, the script created with every Django project includes functionality for working with your database. The most common command is syncdb. Don’t let the name fool you; it doesn’t do a full synchronization of your database with your models as some users can expect. Instead, it makes sure all model classes are represented as database tables, creating new tables as necessary—but not altering existing ones.

Therefore, if you create a model, run syncdb to load it into the database, and later make changes to that model, syncdb does not attempt to reconcile those changes with the database. It is expected that the developer makes such changes by hand or via scripts or simply dumps the table or database entirely and reruns syncdb, which results in a fully up-to-date schema. For now, what’s important is that syncdb is the primary method for turning a model class into a database table or tables.

In addition to syncdb, provides a handful of specific database-related functions which syncdb actually builds upon to perform its own work. Table 4.1 shows a few of the more common ones. Among these are commands such as sql and sqlall, which display the CREATE TABLE statements (sqlall performs initial data loading as well); sqlindexes for creating indexes; sqlreset and sqlclear, which empty or drop previously created tables; sqlcustom, which executes an app’s custom initial SQL statements (see the following for more); and so forth.

Table 4.1. Functions Function



Create necessary tables needed for all apps


Display CREATE TABLE call(s)


Same as sql plus initial data-loading statements from .sql file


Display the call(s) to create indexes for primary key columns


Display the DROP TABLE call(s)


Combination of sqlclear and sql (DROP plus CREATE)


Display custom SQL statements from .sql file


Load initial fixtures (similar to sqlcustom but without raw SQL)


Dump current database contents to JSON, XML, and so on

Unlike syncdb, these sql* commands do not update the database on their own. Instead, they simply print out the SQL statements in question, enabling the developer to read them for verification’s sake (ensuring a later syncdb does what the developer intends, for example) or save them to a stand-alone SQL script file.

It’s also possible to pipe these commands’ output into one’s database client for immediate execution, in which case they can act as more granular analogues to syncdb. You can also combine the two approaches by redirecting to a file first, modifying that file, and then redirecting the file into the database for execution (see Appendix A, “Command Line Basics,” for more on pipes and redirection).

For more information on how to use these commands and the intricacies of syncdb, see the example application chapters in Part 3 or visit the official Django documentation.

Query Syntax

Querying your model-generated databases requires the use of two distinct, but similar, classes: Managers and QuerySets. Manager objects are always attached to a model class, so unless you specify otherwise, your model classes each exhibit an objects attribute, which forms the basis for all queries in the database concerning that model. Managers are the gateway to obtaining info from your database; they have a trio of methods that enable you to perform typical queries.

  • all: Return a QuerySet containing all the database records for the model in question.

  • filter: Return a QuerySet containing the model records matching specific criteria.

  • exclude: The inverse of filter—find records that don’t match the criteria.

  • get: Obtain a single record matching the given criteria (or raise an error if there are either no matches or more than one).

Of course, we’re getting ahead of ourselves—we haven’t explained what a QuerySet really is yet. QuerySets can be thought of as simply lists of model class instances (or database rows/records), but they’re much more powerful than that. Managers provide a jumping-off point for generating queries, but QuerySets are where most of the action really happens.

QuerySets are multifaceted objects, making good use of Python’s dynamic nature, flexibility, and so-called “duck typing” to provide a trio of important and powerful behaviors; they are database queries, containers, and building blocks all rolled into one.

QuerySet as Database Query

As evidenced by the name, a QuerySet can be thought of as a nascent database query. It can be translated into a string of SQL to be executed on the database. Because most common SQL queries are generally a collection of logic statements and parameter matches, it makes sense that QuerySets accept a Python-level version of the same thing. QuerySets accept dynamic keyword arguments or parameters that are translated into the appropriate SQL. This becomes obvious in an example using the Book model class from earlier in this chapter.

from myproject.myapp.models import Book

books_about_trees = Book.objects.filter(title__contains="Tree")

The keywords accepted are a mix of your model’s field names (such as title in the previous example), double underscores for separation, and optional clarification words such as contains, gt for “greater than,” gte for “greater than or equal to,” in for set membership testing, and so forth. Each maps directly (or nearly so) to SQL operators and keywords. See the official documentation for details on the full scope of these operators.

Going back to our example, Book.objects.filter is a Manager method, as explained previously, and Manager methods always return QuerySet objects. In this case, we’ve asked the Book default manager for books whose title contains the word “Tree” and have captured the resultant QuerySet in a variable. This QuerySet represents a SQL query that can look like this:

SELECT * FROM myapp_book WHERE title LIKE "%Tree%";

It’s entirely possible to make compound queries, such as one for the Person model also defined previously:

from myproject.myapp.models import Person

john_does = Person.objects.filter(last="Doe", first="John")

which would result in the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last = "Doe" AND first = "John";

Similar results appear when using other previous Manager methods, such as all:

everyone = Person.objects.all()

which turns into the unsurprising SQL query:

SELECT * FROM myapp_person;

It should be noted the various query-related options defined in the optional Meta model inner class affect the generated SQL, as you can expect; ordering turns into ORDER BY, for example. And as we explore later, QuerySet’s extra methods and composition capabilities also transmute the SQL, which is eventually executed on the database.

Finally, if you speak SQL yourself and understand the implications of various query mechanisms (both in terms of the result sets and the execution times), you will be better equipped to construct ORM queries, which are faster or more specific than ones you could otherwise have created. In addition, planned and current development work on Django makes it easier to pry open QuerySet objects and tweak the resultant SQL—giving you more power than ever.

QuerySet as Container

QuerySet is list-like. It implements a partial list interface and thus can be iterated over (for record in queryset:), indexed (queryset[0]), sliced (queryset[:5]), and measured (len(queryset)). As such, once you’re used to working with Python lists, tuples, and/or iterators, you already know how to use a QuerySet to access the model objects within. Where possible, these operations are accomplished intelligently. For example, slicing and indexing make use of SQL’s LIMIT and OFFSET keywords.

On occasion, you can find you need to accomplish something with a QuerySet that isn’t possible or desirable with the existing features Django’s ORM provides. In these cases, you can simply turn a QuerySet into a list with list, after which point it becomes a true list containing the entire result set. Although this is sometimes necessary or useful—such as when you want to do Python-level sorting—keep in mind this can cause a lot of memory or database overhead if your QuerySet results in a large number of objects!

Django strives to provide as much power as possible with its ORM, so if you do find yourself thinking about casting to a list, make sure you spend a few minutes skimming this book or the official documentation, or poke around the Django mailing list archives. Chances are good you find a way to solve your problem without pulling the entire QuerySet into memory.

QuerySet as Building Block

QuerySet is lazy; it only executes a database query when it absolutely has to, such as when it is turned into a list or otherwise accessed in ways mentioned in the previous section. This behavior enables one of the most powerful aspects of QuerySets. They do not have to be stand-alone, one-off queries, but can be composed into complex or nested queries. This is because QuerySet exposes many of the same methods as Managers do, such as filter and exclude, and more besides. Just like their Manager counterparts, these methods return new QuerySet objects—but this time they are further limited by the parent QuerySet’s own parameters. This is easier to understand with an example.

from myproject.myapp.models import Person

doe_family = Person.objects.filter(last="Doe")
john_does = doe_family.filter(first="John")
john_quincy_does = john_does.filter(middle="Quincy")

With each step we cut down the query results by an order of magnitude, ending up with one result object, or at least very few, depending on how many John Quincy Does we have in our database. Because this is all just Python, you could use a one-liner.


Of course, the astute reader notices this provides nothing we couldn’t do with a single call to Person.objects.filter. However, what’s to say we don’t get the earlier john_does QuerySet in a function call or take it out of a data structure? In that case, we don’t know the specific contents of the query we’re handling—but we don’t always need to.

Imagine we have added a due_date field to our Book model and are responsible for displaying books that are overdue (defined, naturally, as books whose due date is earlier than today). We could be handed a QuerySet containing all the books the library knows about, or all the fiction books, or all the books being returned by a specific individual—the point being that it’s some arbitrary collection of books. It’s possible to take such a collection and narrow it down to show only the books we’re interested in, namely the overdue ones.

from myproject.myapp.models import Book
from datetime import datetime
from somewhere import some_function_returning_a_queryset

book_queryset = some_function_returning_a_queryset()
today =
# __lt turns into a less-than operator (<) in SQL
overdue_books = book_queryset.filter(due_date__lt=today)

In addition to filtering in this manner, QuerySet composition is absolutely required for nonsimple logical constructs, such as finding all the Books written by authors named Smith and which are nonfiction.


Although it could have been possible to achieve the same result with query options for negation, such as __genre__neq or similar (something Django’s ORM used to support in the past), breaking that logic out into extra QuerySet methods makes things much more compartmentalized. It’s also arguably easier to read this way by breaking the query down into a few discrete “steps.”

Sorting Query Results

It should be noted that QuerySets have a handful of extra methods that aren’t present on Manager objects because they only serve to modify a query’s results and don’t generate new queries on their own. The most commonly used such method is order_by, which overrides the default ordering of a QuerySet. For example, let’s say our previous Person class is normally ordered by last name; we can get an individual QuerySet ordered by first name instead, such as:

from myproject.myapp.models import Person

all_sorted_first = Person.objects.all().order_by('first')

The resulting QuerySet is the same as any other, but behind the scenes the SQL-level ORDER BY clause was updated as we requested. This means we can continue to layer on more syntax for more complex queries, such as finding the first five people sorted by first name.

all_sorted_first_five = Person.objects.all().order_by('first')[:5]

You can even sort across model relationships by using the double-underscore syntax you’ve seen earlier. Let’s pretend for a moment our Person model has a ForeignKey to an Address model containing, among other things, a state field, and we want to order people first by state and then by last name. We could do the following:

sorted_by_state = Person.objects.all().order_by('address__state', 'last')

Finally, it’s possible to reverse a sort order by prefixing the identifying string with a minus sign, for example, order_by('-last'). You can even reverse a whole QuerySet (if, for example, your code was passing a QuerySet around and you had no direct control over the previous call to order_by) by calling a QuerySet’s reverse method.

Other Ways to Alter Queries

Aside from ordering, there are a few other QuerySet-only methods to consider, such as distinct, which removes any duplicate entries in a QuerySet by using SELECT DISTINCT on the SQL side of things. Then there’s values, which takes a list of field names (including fields on related objects) and returns a QuerySet subclass, ValuesQuerySet, containing only the requested fields as a list of dictionaries instead of normal model classes. values also has a twin method called values_list, which returns a list of tuples instead of dictionaries. Here’s a quick interactive example of values and values_list.

>>> from myapp.models import Person
>>> Person.objects.values('first')
[{'first': u'John'}, {'first': u'Jane'}]
>>> Person.objects.values_list('last')
[(u'Doe',), (u'Doe',)]

Another useful but often overlooked method is select_related, which can sometimes help with a common ORM problem of having an undesirably large number of queries for conceptually simple operations. For example, if one were to loop over a large number of Person objects and then display information on their related Address objects (considering the scenario in the previous section), your database would be queried once for the list of Persons, and then multiple times, one query per Address. This would be a lot of queries if your list contained hundreds or thousands of people!

To avoid this, select_related automatically performs database joins in the background to “prepopulate” related objects, so you end up with a single, larger query—databases are typically better performers with a few big queries than a ton of small ones. Note, however, select_related does not follow relationships where null=True is set, so keep that in mind if you’re designing a model layout geared for performance.

Some final notes on select_related; you can control how “far” it reaches down a chain of relationships with the depth argument to prevent a truly gigantic query from happening if you have a deep object hierarchy. Furthermore, you can select only a few specific relationships if you have a wider hierarchy with lots of links between objects by passing their field names as positional arguments.

As an example, the following is how one would use select_related to do a simple join of our Person with its address and to avoid any other defined ForeignKey fields on either Person or Address:

Person.objects.all().select_related('address', depth=1)

Not a very exciting example, but that’s rather the point; select_related and these other methods are only useful when you need to grab more or less than the query engine does by default. If you haven’t worked with medium or large Web sites before, these don’t seem too useful yet, but they’re indispensable once your application is fully developed, and you need to start worrying about performance!

Details on all these functions, as well as order_by and reverse, can be found on the official Django documentation.

Query Keyword Composition with Q and ~Q

QuerySet is further augmented by a keyword-argument-encapsulating class named Q, which enables even more complex logic, such as composition of AND and OR using the & and | operators (which, although similar, should not be confused with their equivalent Python operators, and and or or the bitwise & and |). The resulting Q objects can be used in place of literal keyword arguments within filter or exclude methods, such as:

from myproject.myapp.models import Person
from django.db.models import Q

specific_does = Person.objects.filter(last="Doe").exclude(
    Q(first="John") | Q(middle="Quincy")

Although that example is rather contrived—there probably aren’t many situations where you’d care about searching for a specific first or middle name—it should illustrate how Q is used.

Like QuerySets themselves, Q objects can be composited together over time. The & and | operators, when used on Qs, return new Q objects equivalent to their operands. For example, you can create potentially large queries via looping.

first_names = ["John", "Jane", "Jeremy", "Julia"]

first_name_keywords = Q() # Empty "query" to build on
for name in first_names:
    first_name_keywords = first_name_keywords | Q(first=name)

specific_does = Person.objects.filter(last="Doe").filter(first_name_keywords)

As you can see, we created a short for loop, primed it with the first item in our list, and then kept “appending” to the resulting Q object by using the | operator. This example actually isn’t the best—such a simple scenario would be served better by the __in query operator—but hopefully it illustrates the potential power of composing Q objects together programmatically.


We could have saved a few lines in the previous example by using some functional programming tools Python provides, namely list comprehensions, the built-in method reduce, and the operator module. The operator module provides functional equivalents to operators, such as or_ for | and and_ for &. The three lines surrounding the for loop could have been rewritten as reduce(or_,[Q(first=name) for name in first_names]). As always, because Django is “just Python,” this sort of approach can be applied to just about any aspect of the framework.

Finally, you can use the single-operand operator ~ with Q objects to negate their contents. Although the QuerySet exclude method is a more common solution for such queries, ~Q shines when your query logic gets a bit more complex. Take for example this compound one-liner that grabs all the Does, plus anyone named John Smith, but not anyone named John W. Smith.

Person.objects.filter(Q(last="Doe") |
    (Q(last="Smith") & Q(first="John") & ~Q(middle__startswith="W"))

Tacking on exclude(middle_startswith="W") to such a query wouldn’t have quite done the trick—it would have excluded any Does with a middle initial of “W,” which is not what we want—but we were able to express our specific intentions with ~Q.

Tweaking the SQL with Extra

As a final word on what you can accomplish with Django’s query mechanisms (and a lead-in to the next section about what they aren’t currently capable of), we examine the QuerySet method extra. It’s a versatile method, which is used to modify aspects of the raw SQL query that is generated by your QuerySet, accepting four keyword arguments that we describe in Table 4.2. Note the examples in this section can make use of attributes that were not defined in earlier model examples, for the sake of being more illustrative.

Table 4.2. Some of the Parameters that extra Accepts

extra Parameters



Modify parts of SELECT statement


Provide additional WHERE clauses


Provide additional tables


Safely substitute dynamic parameters

The select parameter expects a dictionary of identifiers mapped to SQL strings, which enables you to add custom attributes to the resultant model instances based on SQL SELECT clauses of your choosing. These are handy when you want to define simple additions to the information you pull out of the database and limit those to only a few parts of your code (as opposed to model methods, which execute their contents everywhere). In addition, some operations are simply faster in the database than they would be in Python, which can be useful for optimization purposes.

Here’s an example of using select to add a simple database-level logic test as an extra attribute:

from myproject.myapp.models import Person

# SELECT first, last, age, (age > 18) AS is_adult FROM myapp_person;
the_folks = Person.objects.all().extra(select={'is_adult': "age > 18"})

for person in the_folks:
    if person.is_adult:
        print "%s %s is an adult because they are %d years old." % (person.first,
            person.last, person.age)

The where parameter takes as input a list of strings containing raw SQL WHERE clauses, which are dropped straight into the final SQL query as-is (or almost as-is; see params in the following). where is best used in situations when you simply can’t make the right query by using attribute-related keyword arguments such as __gt or __icontains. In the following example, we use the same SQL-level construct to both search by, and return, a concatenated string using PostgreSQL-style concatenation with ||:

# SELECT first, last, (first||last) AS username FROM myapp_person WHERE
# first||last ILIKE 'jeffreyf%';
matches = Person.objects.all().extra(select={'username': "first||last"},
    where=["first||last ILIKE 'jeffreyf%'"])

Possibly the simplest extra parameter is tables, which enables you to specify a list of extra table names. These names are then slotted into the FROM clause of the query, often used in tandem with JOIN statements. Remember by default, Django names your tables as appname_modelname.

Here’s an example of tables, which deviates a bit from the rest (and returns to the Book class with an additional author_last attribute) for brevity’s sake:

from myproject.myapp.models import Book

# SELECT * FROM myapp_book, myapp_person WHERE last = author_last
joined = Book.objects.all().extra(tables=["myapp_person"], where=["last =

Finally, we come to the params argument. One of the “best practices” of performing database queries from higher-level programming languages is to properly escape or insert dynamic parameters. A common mistake among beginners is to do simple string concatenation or interpolation to get their variables into the SQL query, but this opens up a whole host of potential security holes and bugs.

Instead, when using extra, make use of the params keyword, which is simply a list of the values to use when replacing %s string placeholders in the where strings, such as:

from myproject.myapp.models import Person
from somewhere import unknown_input

# Incorrect: will "work", but is open to SQL injection attacks and related problems.
# Note that the '%s' is being replaced through normal Python string interpolation.
matches = Person.objects.all().extra(where=["first = '%s'" % unknown_input()])

# Correct: will escape quotes and other special characters, depending on
# the database backend. Note that the '%s' is not replaced with normal string
# interpolation but is to be filled in with the 'params' argument.
matches = Person.objects.all().extra(where=["first = '%s'"],

Utilizing SQL Features Django Doesn’t Provide

The final word on Django’s model/query framework is that, as an ORM, it simply can’t cover all the possibilities. Few ORMs claim to be a 100 percent complete replacement for interfacing with one’s database via the regular channels; Django is no different, although the developers are always working to increase its flexibility. Sometimes, especially for those with extensive prior experience with relational databases, it’s necessary to step outside the ORM. The following sections are a few thoughts on how this is possible.

Schema Definition and Custom Initial SQL

Aside from standard tables and columns, most RDBMS packages provide additional features such as views or aggregate tables, triggers, the capability to define “cascade” behavior when rows are deleted or updated, and even custom SQL-level functions or datatypes. Django’s ORM—like most others—is largely ignorant of such things at the time of this writing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them.

One recently added aspect of Django’s model definition framework is the capability to define custom initial SQL files, which must be .sql files within a sql subdirectory of an application, such as myproject/myapp/sql/triggers.sql. Any such file is automatically executed on your database whenever you run SQL-related commands such as reset or syncdb and is included in the output of sqlall or sqlreset. The feature has its own command, sqlcustom, which (such as the other sql* commands) prints out the custom SQL it finds.

Through use of initial SQL, you can store schema definition commands within your Django project and know that they are always included when you use Django’s tools to build or rebuild the database. Most of the following bullet points can be accomplished by making use of this feature:

  • Views: Because SQL views are effectively read-only tables, you can support them by creating Model definitions to mirror their layout, and then use the normal Django query API to interact with them. Note you need to be careful not to execute any SQL-related commands that would attempt to write such a model to the database, or you’d run into problems. As with any SQL library accessing such views, attempts to write to the view’s table results in errors.

  • Triggers and cascades: Both work just fine with inserts or updates generated by normal ORM methods and can be defined via initial SQL files, depending on your database (cascade constraints can be manually added to the output of sqlall, if they cannot be created after the fact).

  • Custom functions and datatypes: You can define these in initial SQL files, but need to make use of QuerySet.extra to reference them from within the ORM.

Fixtures: Loading and Dumping Data

Although not technically a SQL extra per se, we’d like to include in this section a look at a Django feature related to working with your database outside the ORM itself: fixtures. Fixtures, touched on briefly in Chapter 2, are a name for sets of database data stored in flat files, which are not usually raw SQL dumps, but a database-agnostic (and often human-readable) representation, such as XML, YAML, or JSON.

The most common use for fixtures is as initial data loaded into a database when it is created or re-created, such as “prefilling” database tables used for categorizing user-entered data or loading up test data during application development. Django supports this in a similar fashion to the initial SQL outlined previously; each Django app is searched by a fixtures subdirectory, and within it, a file named initial_data.json (or .xml, .yaml, or another serialization format). These files are then read using Django’s serialization module (see Chapter 9, “Liveblog,” for more on this topic) and their contents used to create database objects, whenever database create/reset commands are run, such as syncdb or reset.

Here’s a quick example of what a simple JSON fixture file for our Person model class can look like:

        "pk": "1",
        "model": "myapp.person",
        "fields": {
            "first": "John",
            "middle": "Q",
            "last": "Doe"
        "pk": "2",
        "model": "myapp.person",
        "fields": {
            "first": "Jane",
            "middle": "N",
            "last": "Doe"

and the output from importing it into our database:

user@example:/opt/code/myproject $ ./ syncdb
Installing json fixture 'initial_data' from '/opt/code/myproject/myapp/fixtures'.
Installed 2 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)

In addition to initial data, fixtures are also useful as a more ‘neutral’ (although sometimes less efficient or specific) database dump format than using your database’s SQL dump tool—for example, you could dump a Django application’s data from a PostgreSQL database and then load it into a MySQL database, something that’s not nearly as easy without the intermediate translation step of fixtures. This is accomplished with dumpdata and/or loaddata.

When using dumpdata and loaddata, the location and name of the fixtures used is more flexible than with initial data. They can have any name (as long as the file extension is still that of a supported format) and can live in the fixtures subdirectory, any directory specified in the FIXTURES_DIRS setting, or even on an explicit path provided to loaddata or dumpdata. For example, we can dump out the two Person objects imported previously, like so (using the indent option to make the output more human-readable).

user@example:/opt/code/myproject $ ./ dumpdata --indent=4 myapp > /tmp/myapp.json
user@example:/opt/code/myproject $ cat /tmp/myapp.json
        "pk": 1,
        "model": "testapp.person",
        "fields": {
            "middle": "Q",
            "last": "Doe",
            "first": "John"
        "pk": 2,
        "model": "testapp.person",
        "fields": {
            "middle": "N",
            "last": "Doe",
            "first": "Jane"

As you can see, fixtures are a useful way of dealing with your data in a format that’s a bit easier to work with than raw SQL.

Custom SQL Queries

Finally, it’s important to remember if the ORM (including the flexibility provided by extra) doesn’t meet your query-related needs, it’s always possible to execute fully custom SQL by using a lower-level database adapter. Django’s ORM uses these modules to interface to your database as well. These modules are database-specific, depending on your Django database setting, and likely conform to the Python DB-API specification. Simply import the connection object defined in django.db, obtain a database cursor from it, and query away.

from django.db import connection

cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT first, last FROM myapp_person WHERE last='Doe'")
doe_rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in doe_rows:
    print "%s %s" % (row[0], row[1])


See the Python DB-API documentation, the “Database” chapter of Core Python Programming, and/or the database adapter documentation (see for details on the syntax and method calls provided by these modules.


We’ve covered a lot of ground in this chapter, and with luck, you’ve come out of it with an appreciation for the amount of thinking that can (and usually should) go into one’s data model. You’ve learned how ORMs can be useful, learned how to define simple Django models as well as more complex ones with various relationships, and seen the special inner classes Django uses to specify model metadata. In addition, we hope you’re convinced of the power and flexibility of the QuerySet class as a means of pulling information out of your models and understand how to work with your Django application’s data outside the ORM itself.

In the next two chapters, Chapters 5, “URLs, HTTP Mechanisms, and Views” and 6, you learn how to make use of your model in the context of a Web application by setting up queries in your controller logic (views) and then displaying them in your templates.

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