Creating a Demo Project

Creating applications for Windows Azure is something that affects a big plethora of scenarios, because you can generally build and deploy any kind of Web applications. This chapter provides an example of a Silverlight Web application to show how different technologies (ASP.NET, Silverlight, and Azure) can coexist in the cloud development. With that said, run Visual Studio 2010 and open the New Project dialog.

Visual Studio Requires Elevated Privileges

To test your Windows Azure applications locally, Visual Studio needs to be run with elevated privileges (Run as Administrator). This is required because Visual Studio needs to launch the Development Fabric, which also needs to be run with elevated privileges.

Click the Cloud Service folder and select the Windows Azure Cloud Service project template. Name the new project as AzureBookstore. See Figure 40.1 for details.

Figure 40.1 Creating the new project.


After you click OK, another dialog displays requesting you to specify the application type. In this dialog select the ASP.NET Web Role option and press the right arrow so that everything appears as in Figure 40.2.

Figure 40.2 Selecting the project type.


It is possible to select different kinds of projects, such as ASP.NET MVC 2 or WCF projects. The ASP.NET Web Role is the most common template for classic ASP.NET applications. After this, Visual Studio generates a new solution storing two projects: The first project is the Cloud service that stores information for the Windows Azure hosting service. The second project is the ASP.NET Web application that you actually work on. Before putting hands on the code, an explanation about both projects is required.

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