Names and contact information

If you are creating a form that collects personal information, whether as a webpage or as a content example, globalize your form by using the guidelines in the following table.


More information

Use first name or given name and surname in describing parts of a person’s name.

Given name is preferable to first name. In many countries, the surname comes first.

Be aware that not all cultures use middle names.

It is all right to have a middle name field in a form, but do not make it required information.

Use title, not honorific, to describe words such as Mr. or Ms.

Not all cultures may have an equivalent to some titles that are common in the United States, such as Ms.

Provide text fields that take international addresses into account.

Make text fields large enough for the user to enter the entire address so that the user can include whatever information is appropriate for the locale. At a minimum, do not require the user to complete fields that do not apply everywhere, such as state.

Use postal code instead of ZIP Code.

Allow for at least ten characters for a postal code, and allow for a combination of letters and numbers.

Use state or province instead of state by itself.

Do not require an entry in this field.

Include a field for country/region instead of just country to accommodate disputed territories.


If you need information for mailing between European countries or regions, include a field for the country/region code.


Provide enough space for long international telephone numbers.

For details about formatting international telephone numbers, see Phone numbers (Chapter 7).

Be aware that many countries strictly control what personal information can be legally collected, stored, and shared.

If you are creating content that includes information about how to contact you, be aware that toll-free telephone numbers are not always available worldwide. Provide an alternate way for customers to contact you.

Try to avoid references to specific third-party companies or organizations in the United States, even very large ones. In particular, avoid referring users to United States resources. If you must provide a vendor, supplier, or retailer reference, state that it is a United States company or organization, and suggest where the user outside the United States might look for local resources.

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