Mini EI Quiz


This short assessment will give you an idea of what emotional intelligence is about. It is not meant to be a serious test of your emotional functioning, so have fun with it.

For a comprehensive test of emotional intelligence that has been scientifically validated, I recommend the BarOn EQ-i, which is the assessment this book is based on.

If you are going through some trauma in your life, the results may be quite skewed and not a good indication of where you truly are. Wait until things return to a more normal state before doing the quiz.

Note: When answering the questions, please stay focused on what the question asks. Because of the way the questions are set up, it is easy to answer the opposite way from what you intended.

1. When I have a strong emotional reaction, I am usually able to relate it to an experience from my past.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

2. I have no difficulty asking for what I want.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

3. The people whom I choose to spend time with are supportive of me and my goals.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

4. I am satisfied with what I have achieved in life.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

5. I rely on my own judgment in making decisions.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

6. I am able to understand why others feel the way they do.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

7. In conversations, I often ask others about themselves and their world.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

8. I believe that helping others is an important part of life.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

9. Solving problems comes easily to me.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

10. Understanding the way others see things is easy for me.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

11. I adapt easily to change.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

12. I seldom let pressure get to me.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

13. I rarely speak or act without thinking things through.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

14. Most of the time it feels great to be alive.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

15. I expect things to get better in the future.

  1. Not true of me
  2. Seldom true of me
  3. Sometimes true of me
  4. Often true of me
  5. True of me

Add up your numbers from all of your answers. The results are below.

Results of Harvey's EI Quiz:

60–75 Congratulations! Indications are that you are doing very well in the high end of the emotional intelligence scale. You know yourself well and have developed healthy, sustaining relationships with others. You are usually happy and optimistic, and feel quite good about what you have accomplished in your life. Because you already have a solid base, your potential to develop to an even higher level by using EI is excellent.
45–59 Your score indicates that you are doing fairly well. Your self-awareness and relationships with others are above average. You have achievements you are proud of, are generally in a good mood, and see the world in a positive way. There is still room for improvement in all areas and there are times when you feel you are capable of doing/achieving more than you have. By diligently using EI tools, you are able to get even more from life.
30–44 Your score indicates that you are struggling somewhat with how you feel about yourself and your relationships with others. You are aware of this and are likely open to making some changes. The good news is that you can make significant changes by diligently practicing new positive EI behaviors.
15–29 Give yourself credit for answering honestly. Your results indicate that your life is a difficult struggle in a number of areas. The good news is that you are able to make significant changes to your life if you are willing to do what is required. There are countless stories of people who have made drastic changes despite coming from a difficult place. You will find that once you start seeing changes resulting from your efforts you will begin feeling much more positive about your life.

For further information on the BarOn EQ-i assessment, contact:

Multi Health Systems
[email protected]
1-800-456-3003 in the United States
1-800-268-6001 in Canada

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