

I would like to thank all of the people who have shared their stories for this book. It is through these stories that we have been able to bring emotional intelligence to life in the real world. Thanks to the Mankind Project for the inspiring and invaluable work that you carry out. It is truly life transforming.

Thanks to my agent, John Willig for believing in me and for his relentless efforts to place my work with the right publishing house. I appreciated the warm welcome that I received from Jacqueline Flynn, executive editor at AMACOM books. It was a pleasure working with Jennifer Holder, my editor. Her discerning eye, knowledge, and sense of teamwork greatly enhanced the strength of the original manuscript.

Thanks to all the pioneers who have discovered, developed, and refined the notion of emotional intelligence. I am grateful to Dr. Reuven BarOn for his groundbreaking work in developing the first scientific assessment tool for emotional intelligence, upon which this book is based. Also, thanks to Daniel Goleman, whose best-selling books on emotional intelligence created a great deal of public awareness and interest in the topic. All of your hard work is helping to make the world a better place to live.

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