Oral and Written Expression


Meets/Exceeds Expectations

image Speaks clearly and confidently without hesitation

image Addresses others in an open fashion

image Is totally at ease when addressing a large audience

image Allows others to complete their thoughts before countering their arguments

image Acknowledges others’ points of view

image Never has a bad thing to say about anyone

image Always has a smile on her face

image Articulates her thoughts clearly and logically

image Constructs compelling arguments

image Is effective at saying no respectfully but firmly

image Uses clear and simple language

image Her correspondence never gets bogged down in unnecessary detail

image Is careful not to speak over her audience

image Composes correspondence that is brief, well structured, and error free

image Creates useful spreadsheets for capturing and filtering large amounts of data

image Documents complex ideas in a user-friendly fashion

image Keeps all written memos to one page

image Uses bulleted formats that clearly capture an issue’s salient points

image Writes clear and persuasive memos

image Creates and uses compelling PowerPoint slides to amplify presentation

image Debates skillfully and convincingly and “holds his own” very well

Needs Improvement

image Speaks too quickly and appears to ramble at times

image Quickly loses her audience

image Suffers from a fear of public speaking

image Sometimes “whines” and weakens the value of his spoken message

image Commits confidential information to e-mail

image Fails to synthesize key points in his writing

image Allows excessive narratives to distract from his written message

image Fails to use spell check and other electronic tools

image Publishes memos with spelling and grammatical errors

image Tends not to stick to the point in her writing

image Does not check memos for errors before distributing them

image Tends to back down and acquiesce whenever openly challenged

image Hesitates to verbally defend her stated position

image Writes excessively long memos that make it difficult to crystallize key points

image Overuses boldface and exclamation marks in his memos

image Lacks a basic mastery of business writing techniques

image Fails to record edits and changes in the redlining process

Oral and Written Expression Goals

image Write to express, not to impress

image Write succinctly

image Use no more than three bullets to capture the essence of your message

image Purchase and read a book on grammar to help you keep memos error free

image Begin your memos with your conclusion or ultimate recommendation

image Consistently use the spell-check feature before sending e-mails to others

image Structure your ideas neatly into paragraphs

image Use simple language that is clear and concise

image Write in a natural, conversational style

image Employ executive summaries to present your key points and ideas

image Keep proposals to one page whenever possible

image Don’t “shout” when you write by using too many exclamation marks

image Always ask questions to confirm your understanding

image Connect with your audience by walking around the room

image Refrain from using sarcasm

image Never appear to whine or complain about matters beyond your control

image Use a bulleted format to structure e-mail messages succinctly

image Avoid providing too much detail

image Count to two after someone finishes speaking so as not to interrupt them

image Paraphrase what you hear someone saying to confirm your understanding

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