Organization and Planning Skills


Meets/Exceeds Expectations

image Displays excellent organization and planning skills

image Takes a methodical and consistent approach toward organizing her work

image Locates back-up information quickly

image Plans, organizes, and completes tasks in an acceptable time frame

image Readily adheres to deadlines and production benchmarks

image Maintains a very neat and well-organized working environment

image Will not leave to go home at night unless everything is put away in its place

image Develops practical alternatives to various “what if” scenarios

image Has created a processing system that allows coworkers to step in during his absence

image Demonstrates a well-honed ability to forecast potential problems and pitfalls

image Always plans tomorrow’s goals before he leaves the office

image Consistently relies on a PDA to keep fully informed of her calendar

image Manages multiple tasks effectively

image Documents repetitive tasks

image Files documents immediately upon receipt

image Is very effective in anticipating bottlenecks

image Duly considers the possible outcomes of a particular course of action

image Proposes strategies and tactics that are concrete and definitive

image Anticipates potential areas of growth for our core product lines

image Is highly proficient in anticipating resource needs

image Always creates various “what if” scenarios to counter contingencies

image Prepares her assignments in a systematic and orderly fashion

image Never appears to be overwhelmed by the sheer volume of work

Needs Improvement

image Has difficulty planning a course of action without specific instruction

image Does not plan ahead

image Fails to head off minor problems before they become major impediments

image Does not communicate when he requires additional support or assistance

image Has difficulty translating theoretical ideas into tactical action plans

image Demonstrates a reactive, “management by crisis” style

image Has difficulty keeping two steps ahead of his current project load

image Gets lost in a myriad of details

image Quickly loses sight of the bigger picture

image Does not consistently tie up loose ends and wrap up projects cleanly

image Fails to plan for and follow through with detail work

image Consistently fails to plan for the unexpected

image Does not make contingency plans should initial assumptions prove wrong

image Tends to over-commit her time

image Is inconsistent in tracking incoming statements and records

image Fails to consult with other stakeholders when planning a large-scale project

image Does not conduct proper needs assessments in the preplanning stage

image Appears overwhelmed and disorganized despite years of tenure in this role

Organization and Planning Goals

image Plan your work and work your plan

image Become a more effective goal setter

image Prepare contingency and alternative plans

image Understand and implement the key benefits of organization and planning

image Identify and address organizational needs

image Rely on a daily planner to block periods of time for particular tasks

image Do not over-commit your time or resources

image Ensure that you don’t allow last-minute interruptions to get in your way

image Automate several of the paper-intensive tasks on your desk

image Strengthen your forecasting ability

image Maintain a workspace that is free and clear of clutter

image Dedicate one hour per week to thinning the outstanding reports on your desk

image Plan for the appropriate level of resources when undertaking a new project

image Avoid scheduling conflicts

image Focus on both short- and long-term plans

image Don’t get discouraged by unexpected delays

image Establish both strategic and tactical planning goals

image Translate goals into concrete action plans

image Always plan for the unexpected

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