Where to Go from Here

We’ve created an overview of the hybrid cloud and introduced you to all of its significant components. We recommend that you read the first three chapters to give you context for what the cloud is about and how it changes the way services will be delivered in the future. The next five chapters break down the different types of cloud services and how they’re relevant to your organization.

You can read from cover to cover, but if you’re not that kind of person, we’ve tried to adhere to the For Dummies style of keeping chapters self-contained so you can go straight to the topics that interest you most. Wherever you start, we wish you well.

Many of these chapters could be expanded into full-length books of their own. The hybrid cloud and the emerging technology landscape is a big focus for us at Hurwitz & Associates, and we invite you to visit our site and read our blogs and insights at www.hurwitz.com .

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