Foolish Assumptions

Try as we might to be all things to all people, when it came to writing this book, we had to pick who we thought would be most interested in Hybrid Cloud For Dummies. Here’s who we think you are:

check.png You’re smart. You’re no dummy, yet the topic of hybrid cloud gives you an uneasy feeling; you can’t quite get your head around it, and if you’re pressed for a definition, you might try to change the subject.

check.png You’re a businessperson who wants little or nothing to do with technology. But you live in the twenty-first century, so you can’t escape it. Everybody’s saying, “It’s all about moving to the hybrid cloud,” so you think that you better find out what they’re talking about.

check.png You’re an IT person who knows a heck of a lot about technology. The thing is, you’re new to this cloud stuff. Everybody says it’s something different. Once and for all, you want the whole picture.

Whoever you are, welcome. We’re here to help.

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