About This Book

The hybrid cloud is new to many people and, therefore, it requires some investigation and understanding of both the technical and business requirements. Many different people need knowledge about the hybrid. Some of you want to delve into the technical details, while others will want to understand the economic implications of using the hybrid cloud. Other executives need to know enough to be able to understand how the hybrid cloud can affect business decisions. Implementing a hybrid cloud environment requires both an architectural and a business approach — and lots of planning.

No matter your goal in reading this book, we address the following issues to help you understand the hybrid cloud environment and the impact it can have on your business:

check.png Whether you should keep your data center just the way it is today or evolve it to support only certain types of applications and workloads

check.png When it’s a good idea to use a public cloud service and how to use private cloud services

check.png How a move to a public cloud service affects security and governance requirements

check.png What it means to really have a private cloud computing utility behind a firewall

check.png Whether the IT organization can become a service provider to the business

check.png What cloud management means in a hybrid environment

check.png The best approaches to cloud storage

check.png What it means to have the right service agreement across different vendors and services

check.png What you need to know about the economics of the hybrid cloud

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