Supporting a Dynamic Lifecycle

The lifecycle of cloud computing is different in many ways from the lifecycle of a traditional computing environment. The architecture of the cloud environment is predicated on the ability to abstract the details away from users based on a services-oriented architecture. As a result of the cloud, you must think about the term lifecycle in a new way. Now the focus isn’t on disconnected tools and capabilities; instead, the cloud begins to enforce a discipline that has been missing in traditional computing environments. One of the benefits of a cloud environment is that it is designed to support change. To support changing numbers of users, applications, and workloads requires an environment that is architected for change. Therefore, the lifecycle of working with the architecture has to expect changes. One day you might be supporting 100 developers who are working on a new experimental application that will be gone in a month. The architecture has to expect shifts in workloads.

Your business will gain real benefits by approaching cloud computing as a dynamic architectural model that speeds the development and deployment of applications and that makes linking services together easier. For example, you might find that by tying together development and deployment in the cloud environment that there are fewer misunderstandings between those developing applications and those deploying those applications. In addition, when a company adds new employees through an acquisition, it will be straightforward to provision additional capacity or to add more users to a SaaS application. Because security becomes a service within the cloud environment, it is much easier to update and change security requirements.

As you start thinking about supporting a dynamic lifecycle to support a hybrid cloud environment, consider the following:

check.png Think about an overall services-based model that breaks down traditional disconnected silos of applications, processes, and services.

check.png Think about creating an environment with fewer dependencies so that when you add new cloud services, you’ll have the flexibility to advance as the industry advances.

check.png Think about the performance requirements that will give your customers excellent experiences.

check.png Think about creating a predictable, safe, and well-governed environment that will support business operations in the long run.

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