In Chapter 1 we dealt essentially with random experiments which can be described by finite sample spaces. We studied the assignment and computation of probabilities of events. In practice, one observes a function defined on the space of outcomes. Thus, if a coin is tossed n times, one is not interested in knowing which of the 2n n-tuples in the sample space has occurred. Rather, one would like to know the number of heads in n tosses. In games of chance one is interested in the net gain or loss of a certain player. Actually, in Chapter 1 we were concerned with such functions without defining the term random variable. Here we study the notion of a random variable and examine some of its properties.

In Section 2.2 we define a random variable, while in Section 2.3 we study the notion of probability distribution of a random variable. Section 2.4 deals with some special types of random variables, and Section 2.5 considers functions of a random variable and their induced distributions.

The fundamental difference between a random variable and a real-valued function of a real variable is the associated notion of a probability distribution. Nevertheless our knowledge of advanced calculus or real analysis is the basic tool in the study of random variables and their probability distributions.


In Chapter 1 we studied properties of a set function P defined on a sample space (Ω, images ). Since P is a set function, it is not very easy to handle; we cannot perform arithmetic or algebraic operations on sets. Moreover, in practice one frequently observes some function of elementary events. When a coin is tossed repeatedly, which replication resulted in heads is not of much interest. Rather one is interested in the number of heads, and consequently the number of tails, that appear in, say, n tossings of the coin. It is therefore desirable to introduce a point function on the sample space. We can then use our knowledge of calculus or real analysis to study properties of P.

In order to verify whether a real-valued function on (Ω, images ) is an RV, it is not necessary to check that (1) holds for all Borel sets Bimages . It suffices to verify (1) for any class images of subsets of images which generates images . By taking images to be the class of semiclosed intervals images we get the following result.


  1. Let X be the number of heads in three tosses of a coin. What is Ω? What are the values that X assigns to points of Ω? What are the events images ?
  2. A die is tossed two times. Let X be the sum of face values on the two tosses and Y be the absolute value of the difference in face values. What is Ω? What values do X and Y assign to points of Ω? Check to see whether X and Y are random variables.
  3. Let X be an RV. Is |X| also an RV? If X is an RV that takes only nonnegative values, is images also an RV?
  4. A die is rolled five times. Let X be the sum of face values. Write the events images .
  5. Let images and images be the Borel σ–field of subsets of Ω. Define X on Ω as follows: images if images , and images if images . Is X an RV? If so, what is the event images ?
  6. Let images be a class of subsets of images which generates images . Show that X is an RV on Ω if and only if X-1(A) ∈ images for all Aimages .


In Section 2.2 we introduced the concept of an RV and noted that the concept of probability on the sample space was not used in this definition. In practice, however, random variables are of interest only when they are defined on a probability space. Let (Ω,images ,P) be a probability space, and let X be an RV defined on it.

and it follows that the number of points x in (a, b] with jump images is atmost ε– 1{F(b)–F(a)}. Thus, for every integer N, the number of discontinuity points with jump greater than 1/N is finite. It follows that there are no more than a countable number of discontinuity points in every finite interval (a, b]. Since images is a countable union of such intervals, the proof is complete.

Finally, let {xn} be a sequence of numbers decreasing to –∞. Then,








and the proof is complete.

The next result, stated without proof, establishes a correspondence between the induced probability Q on (images , images ) and a point function F defined on images .




  1. Write the DF of RV X defined in Problem 2.2.1, assuming that the coin is fair.
  2. What is the DF of RV Y defined in Problem 2.2.2, assuming that the die is not loaded?
  3. Do the following functions define DFs?
    1. images , and = 1 if images .
    2. images .
    3. images , and images .
    4. images if images , and images .
  4. Let X be an RV with DF F.
    1. If F is the DF defined in Problem 3(a), find images .
    2. If F is the DF defined in Problem 3(d), find images .


Let X be an RV defined on some fixed, but otherwise arbitrary, probability space (Ω, images , P), and let F be the DF of X. In this book, we shall restrict ourselves mainly to two cases, namely, the case in which the RV assumes at most a countable number of values and hence its DF is a step function and that in which the DF F is (absolutely) continuous.

Then images .

We next consider RVs associated with DFs that have no jump points. The DF of such an RV is continuous. We shall restrict our attention to a special subclass of such RVs.


  1. Let

    Does {pk} define the PMF of some RV? What is the DF of this RV? If X is an RV with PMF {pk}, what is P{nXN}, where n, N (N > n) are positive integers?

  2. In Problem 2.3.3, find the PDF associated with the DFs of parts (b), (c), and (d).
  3. Does the function images if images , and images if images , where images , define a PDF? Find the DF associated with fθ (x); if X is an RV with PDF fθ(x), find images .
  4. Does the function images if images , and images otherwise, where images define a PDF? Find the corresponding df.
  5. For what values of K do the following functions define the PMF of some RV?
    1. images
    2. images
  6. Show that the function

    is a PDF. Find its DF.

  7. For the PDF images if images , and images if images , find images .
  8. Which of the following functions are density functions:
    1. images , and 0 elsewhere.
    2. images , and 0 elsewhere.
    3. images , and 0 elsewhere, images .
    4. images , images , and 0 elsewhere.
    5. images for images for images for images , images for images , = 4/27 for images , and 0 elsewhere.
    6. images .

    (c), (d), and (f)

  9. Are the following functions distribution functions? If so, find the corresponding density or probability functions.
    1. images for images , images for images , images for images , images for images and =1 for images .
    2. images if images , images if images , and 1 for images where images
    3. images
    4. images
    5. images
  10. Suppose images is given for a random variable X (of the continuous type) for all x. How will you find the corresponding density function? In particular find the density function in each of the following cases:
    1. images if images , and images for images , images is a constant.
    2. images if images , and images , for images , images is a constant.
    3. images if images , and images if images .
    4. images if images , and images if images ; images and images are constants.


Let X be an RV with a known distribution, and let g be a function defined on the real line. We seek the distribution of images , provided that Y is also an RV. We first prove the following result.

Example 4 shows that we need some conditions on g to ensure that g(X) is also an RV of the continuous type whenever X is continuous. This is the case when g is a continuous monotonic function. A sufficient condition is given in the following theorem.

In Examples 7 and 8 the function images can be written as the sum of two monotone functions. We applied Theorem 3 to each of these monotonic summands. These two examples are special cases of the following result.

A similar computation can be made for images . It follows that the PDF of Y is given by



  1. Let X be a random variable with probability mass function

    Find the PMFs of the RVs (a) images , (b) images , and (c) images .

  2. Let X be an RV with PDF

    Find the PDF of the RV 1/X.

  3. Let X be a positive RV of the continuous type with PDF f(·). Find the PDF of the RV images . If, in particular, X has the PDF

    what is the PDF of U?

  4. Let X be an RV with PDF f defined by Example 11. Let images and images . Find the DFs and PDFs of Y and Z.
  5. Let X be an RV with PDF

    where images . Let images . Find the PDF of Y.

  6. A point is chosen at random on the circumference of a circle of radius r with center at the origin, that is, the polar angle θ of the point chosen has the PDF

    Find the PDF of the abscissa of the point selected.

  7. For the RV X of Example 7 find the PDF of the following RVs: (a) images , (b) images , and (c) images , where images if images , = 1/2 if images , and = –1 if images .
  8. Suppose that a projectile is fired at an angle θ above the earth with a velocity V. Assuming that θ is an RV with PDF

    find the PDF of the range R of the projectile, where images , g being the gravitational constant.

  9. Let X be an RV with PDF images if images , and = 0 otherwise. Let images . Find the DF and PDF of Y.
  10. Let X be an RV with PDF images if images , and = 0 otherwise. Let images . Find the PDF of Y.
  11. Let X be an RV with PDF f (x) = 1 /(2θ) if –θxθ, and = 0 otherwise. Let Y = 1/X2. Find the PDF of Y.
  12. Let X be an RV of the continuous type, and let images be defined as follows:
    1. images if images , and images if images .
    2. images if images , images if images , and images if . images
    3. g(x)= x if |x|> b, and = 0 if |x| < b.

    Find the distribution of Y in each case.

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