
• Numerics •

3D video settings, 203

180-degree rule, 151152

• A •


calls to action, 109110

overview, 109

Adobe Creative Suite, 105

Adobe Premiere, 159160

AdSense. See also YouTube Analytics

account creation, 335338

ad controls, 348349

ad-receiving management, 300


ad performance, 349350

earnings data, 348

channel linking, 335

fan funding setup, 347

monetization setup, 338340

overview, 332

advertising. See also AdSense; business; target audience

call-to-action overlays, 328329

community standards/policies, 300

contact information, 12

creators versus advertisers, 281

credibility, 286

Google Preferred channels, BC5, 330

Google/YouTube relationship, 299300

in-display ads, BC4, 300301, 320321

in-stream ads, BC4, 300301, 320321

in-video overlays, 299

leverage, 22

masthead ads, 299

media categories, 292

metadata, 1213

monetization settings

paid spokesman policies, 103

Video Manager editor screen, 200202

music track inclusion, 173

new videos, 1516

organic growth versus, 292293, 297

overlay ads, BC5

overview, 297298

paid/owned media versus, 292

publisher/advertiser relationship, 292293, 299

purchase links, 38, 54

revenue, 10

social media integration, 1213

TrueView campaigns

AdWords for Video use, 298

Google Display Network support, 298

in-display ads, 300301

overview, 298

payment structure, 298

pre-roll ads, 298, 300

pricing structure, 298299, 315

What to Watch Next page, 223

video advertising

beauty industry example, 289291

business model adjustments, 284

consumer search patterns, 283284

content authenticity, 284

content effectiveness, 287288

conversation control shift, 288

credibility, 286

cross-media integration, 293294

media categories, 292

organic growth versus, 292293, 297

overview, 281282

sales funnel comparison, 285288

success strategy, 283

vlogger interaction, 288290

YouTube versus Google, 283284, 296

video title choices, 12, 16, 187189

your channel

Google search optimization, 16

video title choices, 12, 16

YouTube ads

campaign effectiveness, 297

formats, 299

YouTube banner ads, 30

YouTube leveraging, 22

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

YouTube Spaces, 54

YouTube value, 20


account creation, 302303

channel linking, 303305

overview, 301302

AdWords for Video. See also TrueView advertising

ad campaign setup, 312315

ad targeting

default settings, 306307

narrow targeting categories, 307309

overview, 306

targeting group setup, 306, 315318, 326327

mobile bid adjustment, 314

TrueView ad campaigns, 298

age restrictions, 203


definition, 34

History link use, 61

watch time factor, 102

All Activity link, My Subscriptions page, 60

analysis. See also YouTube Analytics

channel surveys, 103104

Fans and Insights features, 215216

Google Analytics, 271

overview, 147148

software tools, 105

subscriptions History section, 29

target audience, 108109

animated movies, 95


end-cards, 113114, 235236, 277

key terms, 274

Merch, 54

metrics evaluation, 276277

overview, 235

setup, 237239

targets, 236237

types, 235236

viewer interaction, 238240

Any Video Converter Pro, 164

API (application programming interface), 277

Apple Final Cut, 105

application programming interface (API), 277


channel links, 112


computer editing, 65

creating, 66

graphical templates, 111

placement guidelines, 67

platform considerations, 66, 111

stock art options, 67

device agnostic designs, 111

icon creation, 7072


adding photos, 6769

cropping, 69

audience. See also community; engaging audience; target audience

analyzing, 215216


analyzing viewing habits, 1112

identifying strengths, 11

understanding/satisfying needs, 22

creating specific content, 21

demographics/statistics, 15, 99

Engagement report, 271274

entertainment value, 21

Fans and Insights features, 215216

getting noticed

challenges, 910

competition for attention, 911

identifying strengths, 11

organic growth versus advertising, 292293, 297

importance of, 11

monitoring responses, 119120

needs/demands, 10

size, 15

variety of, 11

Audience Retention report, 261263

audio. See also cameras; editing

capturing suggestions, 138

crowd sounds, 156

dialects, 155

editing tools

Adobe Premiere, 159160

CyberLink PowerDirector, 161

Final Cut Pro, 158159

Garage Band, 158, 178

Pinnacle Studio, 161

Pro Tools, 178

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 161

Windows Movie Maker, 160

external microphones

built-in versus, 82, 127, 131, 137

hardware options, 8788, 137

USB, 178

wired versus wireless, 138

external recorders, 127

microphone choices, 8788

overview, 136137


diction practice, 155

overview, 83, 154155

pausing, 156

Audiojungle, 175


advertising to viewers, 284285

creator transparency, 293

credibility, 286

crowd sounds, 156

spokesperson choice, 110

value of, 99, 103

video trailers, 118

vocal energy, 155

AVCWare Video Converter, 164

AVS Video Converter, 164

• B •, 189

book organization, 45


building, 101

channel art, 6569

channel identification

headers, 19

icon choice, 112

intro clips, 19

logos, 19

playlists, 20

spokesperson choice, 110111

trailers, 20, 111, 118

consistency, 19

Google versus YouTube searches, 283284, 296

icon creation, 7072

mobile device integration, 242

overview, 100, 111, 240


accessing, 240

branded video intros, 240241

watermark overlays, 241242

social media integration, 111

verified names, 112

Branding For Dummies (Chiaravalle and Schenck), 111

B-roll footage. See also editing

overview, 153154

using, 171172

Browse Channels feature, 1617, 29, 33, 63

business. See also advertising; marketing; target audience

funnel-based approach

content changes, 285287

examples, 287288

overview, 285

monetizing channels

advertising relationships, BC56

advertising revenue, BC34

copyright issues, 158, 182185

crowdfunding, BC1116

definition, 15, 20, 331

earning a living, BC2, 102

inventory management, 351352

length, 369

Merch annotations, 54

methods, 331332

mobile device settings, 202

monetization settings, 103

multiple revenue streams, BC3

overview, 2223

paid product placement, BC3, BC910

settings, 103

sound recording issues, 158

sponsorships, BC11

syndication settings, 202

third-party funding, BC3

Video Manager editor screen, 200202

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

YouTube potential, 23

YouTube setup, BC79, 333334

personal account separation, 39

video marketing

beauty industry example, 289291

business model adjustments, 284

consumer search patterns, 283284

content authenticity, 284

content effectiveness, 287288

conversation control shift, 288

credibility, 286

media categories, 292

overview, 281282

sales funnel comparison, 285288

success strategy, 283

vlogger interaction, 288290

YouTube versus Google, 283284, 296

YouTube ad effectiveness, 297

YouTube value, 20

• C •

calls to action (CTA)

overlays, 328329

overview, 109110


consumer models

advantages, 130

disadvantages, 130131

prosumer versus, 131

overview, 81, 122, 129

prosumer models

advantages, 131132

disadvantages, 132

cameras. See also audio; lighting


consumer models, 130131

overview, 81, 122, 129

prosumer models, 130, 131132

codecs, 163164

digital SLR, 81


advantages, 126127

disadvantages, 127129

overview, 122, 126

recommended models, 129


codec options, 124

image stabilization, 125126

lenses, 123

manual controls, 126

monitors, 124

resolution/format choices, 123

sensor size, 122123

storage formats, 124125

zoom options, 124

GoPro, 82, 9294, 132

overview, 80, 121

smartphones, 82, 122, 133

stabilization equipment

dollys, 134

sliders/cranes/jibs, 134

steadicam rigs, 134

tripods, 84, 133

tripod use, 84

water sports, 92

webcams, 82, 8788

Carucci, John, 93

category selection, 203

Channel Browse view, 223

Channel Comments, 17

channel creation. See also customizing; planning

business account separation, 39

category selection, 47, 203


startup capital, 10

video production, 10

custom name choice, 4548

custom URLs

checking availability, 48

obtaining, 5254


Add Channel Art button, 56

channel icons, 56

comments, 59

Edit button control, 57

header bar, 56

overview, 56

popular channels display, 58

related channel additions, 58

trailer addition, 57, 118

video sections, 5758

View as Public mode, 58

Gear icon access, 45

Google+ account creation, 49

History link use, 62

number of, 9


overview, 5051

unlocked features, 5152

vertical assignments, 49

channels. See also branding; subscriptions; uploading

advertising revenue, 10

Browse Channels feature, 1617, 29, 33, 63

flagging videos, 29

History link, 61

home page management options, 29

importance of, 912

information display, 36

Manage Subscriptions link

collections management, 64

individual subscriptions management, 65

monitoring comments, 65

overview, 63

My Channel page, 5658

My Subscriptions page

link descriptions, 60

overview, 59

participating channels, 244

practice tips, 58

promoting to viewers

Channel Comments, 17

clear descriptions, 18

Google search optimization, 12, 16

social media, 1516

subscriptions, 17

YouTube searches, 1617

Purchases link, 63

purpose, 910

related channels display, 5859

Subscriptions Sections link, 63


About tab, 59

Channels tab, 59

Discussion tab, 59

Home tab, 58

Playlist tab, 59

Videos tab, 59

unlisted/private videos, 52

Watch Later link, 62

website links, 52

Chiaravalle, Bill, 111

click-through rate (CTR)

definition, 274

measuring, 349

overview, 276277

closed captioning

adding, 242244, 359360

language options, 273

Video Manager editor screen, 202

codecs, 124, 163164

comments. See also Messages feature

engagement value, 212214, 234

importance of, 224


channel-level setup, 225226

inappropriate postings, 229230

moderating, 227229

multiple comments, 229

overview, 223, 225

responses, 224225

trolls, 231

video-level setup, 226227

overview, 38

settings, 202


business conversation control shift, 288


audience evolution characteristics, 212213

goal setting, 213

importance of, 213214

overview, 212

Engagement report, 271274

subscriber updates, 219220

Community Settings, 233234


audience needs/demands, 10, 22


crowd sounds, 156

spokesperson choice, 110

value of, 99, 103

video trailers, 118

vocal energy, 155

banned types, 7475

copyrighted material, 75


overview, 21

quality production benefits, 21

YouTube Spaces, 54

discoverability, 102

live events, 119, 246


consistent scheduling, 117118

event reaction, 118

flexibility, 118

formats, 114115

presentation strategy, 113114

types, 115116

upload management strategy, 117

search optimization, 12, 16, 102

subscriber rewards, 18

trailers, 20, 111, 118

watch time factor, 102

YouTube Spaces, 54

Content ID claims, 365366


account status checks, 183185

consequences, 365366

Content ID claims, 365

fair use, 367

length, 369

music tracks, 174, 364

overview, 75, 363364

ownership, 364

permissions, 366

pictures, 365

sound recording issues, 158

TV/movie clips, 365

Video Manager editor screen, 202

violation flagging, 183

YouTube detection systems, 369

YouTube policies, 182

YouTube strikes, 367369

cord cutters, 295

CPM (cost per thousand impressions), BC4, 299

CPV (cost per view), 299, 325, 327

creator credits

assigning credit, 245246

receiving credit, 244245

Creator Studio

accessing, 28

account status checks, 183185

annotations, 237

branding options, 240242

channel creation, 4549

channel management, 204206

comments management, 225229

Community Settings, 215216, 233234

credit attribution, 244245

enabling features, 186

fan funding setup, 347

Messages page, 232233

monetization settings, 333334

My Channel link, 29

privacy settings, 195196, 221222

subtitles/captions, 242244

Video Manager editor screen, 199

YouTube Analytics access, 249

YouTube settings

channel verification, 5052

custom URLs, 5254


assigning, 245246

receiving, 244245


Indiegogo, BC1516

Kickstarter, BC1214

overview, BC11

Patreon, BC1415

Subbable, BC1112

CTA (calls to action)

overlays, 328329

overview, 109110

CTR (click-through rate)

definition, 274

measuring, 349

overview, 276277


brand/audience connection, 103

channel appeal, 116

credibility building, 286

cross-channel promotion, 116

overview, 114115

playlists, 59, 286

recycling content, 116

sources, 116


channel art

computer use, 65

creating, 66, 111

graphical templates, 111

managing artwork, 6769

placement guidelines, 67

platform considerations, 66, 111

stock art options, 67

icon creation, 7072

link overlays, 7274

overview, 65

cutaway shots, 90. See also video production

cuts. See editing

CyberLink PowerDirector, 161

• D •

Daum, Devin, 108, 282

Debut Video Capture, 91

deleting videos, 206207

Demographics report, 263265


consistency, 191

keyword inclusion, 190

managing, 358359

metadata, 1213, 189190

overview, 189, 358

purpose of, 190, 358

search optimization, 12, 16, 186, 189191

shortlinks, 189191

size limit, 189

spam avoidance, 191

Video Manager editor screen, 199

digital single-lens reflex cameras. See DSLR

discoverability. See also advertising

authenticity factor, 103

Channels tab use, 59

definition, 212

metadata factor, 186

narrow versus broad focus, 106107

Playlist tab use, 59

search optimization, 186187

Traffic Sources report, 266268

watch time factor, 102, 192, 213

display controls, 35

distribution. See uploading

DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras


depth of field control, 126

interchangeable lenses, 126127

manual settings, 127


aftermarket costs, 128

autofocus issues, 128

manual settings, 128

manual zoom control, 128

record time limitations, 128

sound recording issues, 127128

overview, 122

recommended models, 129

• E •

editing. See also audio; video; video production

audio tracks, 172

bells and whistles, 173

B-roll footage

overview, 153154

using, 171172

color corrections, 172


overview, 169

special effect use, 171

timing tweaks, 172

types, 170

export settings, 179

fades, 170

file formats

codec options, 163164

conversions, 164

determining, 164

overview, 163


books, tutorials, 162

test projects, 161162

logging footage, 166

Mac software

Adobe Premiere, 159

Final Cut Pro, 158159

Garage Band, 158

iMovie, 158

music tracks

choosing music, 174

copyrighted versus royalty-free, 174

cutting music to video, 177178

cutting video to music, 177

emotional impact, 176177

fades, 170

fine-tuning, 172

inserting, 176

level consistency, 172

overview, 173

software tools, 158161, 178

software-provided, 175

stock libraries, 175

timing, 177

transitions, 172

volume levels, 176

overview, 157, 161, 165

reordering sequences, 169

rough cut, 168

safety copies, 169

sound effects

overview, 173, 178

stock libraries, 173, 175, 179

titles, 173

transitions, 170171

trimming, 167

visual effects, 173

voiceover narration, 178

Windows software

Adobe Premiere, 160

CyberLink PowerDirector, 161

Pinnacle Studio, 161

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 161

Windows Movie Maker, 160

YouTube export settings, 179

Education vertical, 32

educational videos

creating, 89

types, 101

end-cards, 113114, 235236, 277

engaging audience


overview, 235

setup, 237239

targets, 236237

types, 235236

viewer interaction, 238240

branding, 240242

comments value, 212214, 234

community development, 212213

content management, 206

discoverability, 102

Engagement report, 271274

likes and comments, 107108, 213214

live events, 119, 246

overview, 234235

playlist use, 115

search optimization, 194

shooting techniques, 84

social media integration, 100

spokesperson choice, 110

subscriber value, 36, 109

subtitles/closed captions, 242244

surveys, 103104

upload spacing, 117

entertainment videos

celebrity news, 96

overview, 101

equipment. See cameras; lighting

export settings, 179

eyeline matching, 150151

• F •

fades, 170

fair use, 367

fan funding, 347

Fans feature, 215216

Featured Channels, 112

file formats

codec options, 163164

conversions, 164

determining, 164

overview, 163

Final Cut Pro, 158159

flagging, 29

Footage Firm, 175

• G •

Gaming vertical, 32

gaming videos, 91

Garage Band, 158, 178

GDN (Google Display Network), 298

getting noticed

competition for attention, 911

content, 11

identifying strengths, 11

stardom, 1314

video, 910

Goeldi, Andreas, 108, 282

going viral. See viral

Google. See also YouTube accounts

search optimization, 12, 16, 102

YouTube acquisition/integration, 25, 38

Google AdSense. See AdSense

Google AdWords. See AdWords

Google AdWords For Dummies (Jacobson, McDonald), 299, 302

Google Analytics, 271

Google Display Network (GDN), 298

Google Preferred channels, 330

Google+ integration

account creation, 4245, 49

channel art links, 72

channel icon changes, 7072, 112

Fans and Insights features, 215

overview, 222

privacy concerns, 231

privacy settings, 195

uploading videos, 197

verified names, 112

GoPro, 82, 9294, 132

GoPro Cameras For Dummies (John Carucci), 93

• H •

header bar, 56

Hein, Bettina, 108, 282

History link

algorithm use, 61

list editing, 62

overview, 61

home page options

banner ads, 30

default view, 55

history file, 29

logged-in viewing, 2730

logged-out viewing, 3033

subscription management, 29

• I •

iMovie, 158

incognito browsing mode, 33

income. See monetization

Indiegogo, BC1516

in-display ads, BC4, 300301, 321322


AdSense, 347

Annotation reports, 276

Fan Finder versus, 216

metrics versus, 248

overview, 215

YouTube Analytics, 260, 277

Insights feature, 215216

in-stream ads, BC4, 300301, 320321

interviews, 152153

in-video overlays, 299

• J •

Jacobson, Howie, 299, 302

• K •

keywords. See metadata

Kickstarter, BC1214

• L •

lighting. See also cameras

3-point lighting setup, 134135

available home lights, 136

high-key lighting, 136

overview, 83, 87, 134

like/dislike options, 37


channel navigation, 5558, 6165

custom URLs, 5254

description use, 38

emailing, 37

link overlays, 7274

logged-in viewing, 2730

logged-out viewing, 3033

outside websites, 52

purpose of, 190

shortlinks, 189191

subscription management, 5960

live events, 219, 246

Live vertical, 32


animal videos, 92

music videos, 86

pre-production planning, 21

logging in

advantages versus disadvantages, 2627

advertising adaptations, 26

home page options, 2731

logged-out viewing versus, 3033

overview, 26

• M •

Mac software

Adobe Premiere, 159

Final Cut Pro, 158159

Garage Band, 158

iMovie, 158

Manage Subscriptions link

collections management, 64

defined, 60

individual subscriptions management, 65

monitoring comments, 65

overview, 63

marketing. See also AdSense; advertising; business; target audience

brand establishment, 100101

business promotion, 20

cross-channel promotion, 116

cross-media integration, 293294

discoverability, 292

funnel-based approach

content changes, 285287

examples, 287288

overview, 285

monetizing channels

advertising revenue, 10

copyright issues, 158

definition, 15, 20

earning a living, 102

Merch annotations, 54

monetization settings, 103

overview, 2223

Video Manager editor screen, 200202

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

YouTube potential, 12, 15, 23


purchase links, 38, 54

video presentations, 101102

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

video advertising

beauty industry example, 289291

business model adjustments, 284

consumer search patterns, 283284

content authenticity, 284

content effectiveness, 287288

conversation control shift, 288

overview, 281282

sales funnel comparison, 285288

success strategy, 283

vlogger interaction, 288290

YouTube versus Google, 283284, 296

masthead ads, 299

McDonald, Joel, 299, 302

McDonald, Kristie, 299, 302

MCNs (Multichannel Networks)

alternatives, BC2526

channel curation, 116

creating, BC21

history, BC22

joining, BC1820

monetization opportunities, 331332

overview, BC1718

pros and cons, BC22–24

Merch annotations, 54

Messages feature. See also comments

accessing, 232


multiple messages, 233

options, 232233

overview, 231


definition, 113

descriptions, 189191

keyword inclusion, 1213, 16, 188, 190

misleading content, 74, 362

search optimization

overview, 113

video titles, 187189, 357

shortlinks, 189

size limit, 360

tags, 186, 192

titles, 187189, 357

updating/editing, 355356, 360

metrics. See also analysis; YouTube Analytics

advertising measurement, 293

insights versus, 248

key terms, 274

TrueView campaigns, 323326

TV versus YouTube measurements, 295296


built-in versus external, 82, 127, 131, 137

hardware options, 8788, 137

wired versus wireless, 138

mobile devices

branding options integration, 242

channel layout planning, 111

channel updates, 219

description displays, 191

mobile bid adjustments, 314

monetization settings, 202

search strategies, 105

thumbnails, 115

title limitations, 357

video planning, 115

video titles, 188

YouTube Analytics access, 277

monetization. See also AdSense

advertising relationships, BC56

advertising revenue, BC34, 10

copyright issues, 158, 182185


Indiegogo, BC1516

Kickstarter, BC1214

overview, BC11

Patreon, BC1415

Subbable, BC1112

definition, 15, 20, 331

earning a living, BC2, 102

inventory management, 351352

length, 369

Merch annotations, 54

methods, 331332

mobile device settings, 202

multiple revenue streams, BC3

overview, 2223

paid product placement, BC3, BC910

settings, 103

sound recording issues, 158

sponsorships, BC11

syndication settings, 202

third-party funding, BC3

Video Manager editor screen, 200202

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

YouTube potential, 12, 15, 23

YouTube setup, BC79, 333334

Movies vertical, 32

Multichannel Networks. See MCNs

music tracks

copyrighted, 174


choosing music, 174

cutting music to video, 177178

cutting video to music, 177

emotional impact, 176177

fades, 170

inserting, 176

overview, 173

software tools, 158161, 178

software-provided, 175

timing, 177

transitions, 172

volume levels, 176

fine-tuning, 172

royalty-free, 174

stock libraries, 175

value of, 173

Music vertical, 32

music videos

artist collaboration, 86

audio quality, 85

concepts, 86

locations, 86

overview, 85

visual interest, 85

My Subscriptions page

All Activity link, 60

Manage Subscriptions link, 60

overview, 59

Uploads Only link, 60

• N •

News vertical, 32

• O •

180-degree rule, 151152

online resources

advertising guidebook, 301

analytics tools, 277278

art templates, 111

audio editing software, 178

bonus chapters/updates, 6

content generation, 54

copyrights, 365366

crowdfunding, BC1116

music tracks, 175

screen capture programs, 91

shortlinks, 189

sound effects, 173, 175, 179

target audience identification, 108

video converters, 164

video marketing, 104

video software tools, 105

organization of book, 45

overlay ads, BC5

• P •

participating channels, 244


leveraging, 22

related channels

Channels tab editing, 59

overview, 58

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 58, 195196

Patreon, BC1415

Pinnacle Studio, 161

Pixability Analytics, 277278

Pixability Video Marketing Software, 104106


authentic content

crowd sounds, 156

spokesperson choice, 110

value of, 99, 103

video trailers, 118

vocal energy, 155

benefits, 99

brand establishment, 100, 111

channel design elements, 111112

channel mission

goal setting, 101102

overview, 100

passion showcase, 101


consistent scheduling, 117118

formats, 114115

live events, 119, 246

presentation strategy, 113114

types, 115116

upload management strategy, 117

desired actions

calls to action, 109110

overview, 109

discoverability goals, 102

monitoring audience responses, 119120

overview, 99

spokesperson choice, 110111


channel tracking software, 104106

community engagement, 104

content discovery, 104

content saturation, 104

influencer styles, 103

similar channels, 103104

software tools, 105

target audience

identifying, 108109

narrow versus broad, 106107

social media integration, 109

value of, 106108

upload preparation, 182

player controls, 35


editing, 59, 63

overview, 29

Playlist Section link, 63

privacy settings, 195196

Video Manager editor screen, 200

popular channels display, 58

Popular on YouTube vertical, 31

pornography, 74

PremiumBeat, 175

pre-roll ads, 298, 300

privacy settings

accessing, 221

options, 195196

Video Manager editor screen, 200

private browsing (incognito) mode, 33

Pro Tools, 178

product placement, BC3, BC910

publishing/unpublishing, 206

Purchases link, 63

• R •

recorders, 127

related channels display, 58

remarketing lists, 318319

Remember icon, 5

RPM (revenue per mille), 342

rule of thirds, 147148

• S •


purchase links, 38, 54

video presentations, 101102

YouTube Partner Program, BC67, 54, 195196

Schenck, Barbara Findlay, 111

Scott, Matt, 108, 282

screen capture programs, 91

search engine optimization. See SEO

search engines


keyword inclusion, 12, 16

popularity, 16

YouTube versus, 283284, 296


advanced search filters, 104105

Browse Channels feature, 1617, 29

discoverability, 102

Google versus, 283284, 296

popularity, 16, 104

ranking factors, 110

search optimization, 16, 102

SEO (search engine optimization)

discoverability, 186187

engagement level, 194


overview, 113

updating/editing, 355356

overview, 186187, 360362

privacy settings, 195196

Traffic Sources report, 266268

video descriptions

overview, 189

shortlinks, 189

Video Manager editor screen, 197200

video titles

file names, 189

goals, 188

keyword inclusion, 357

metadata placement, 188189

shortlinks, 189

settings menu, 35

Share link, 37

Shockwave-Sound, 179

shortlinks, 189191, 218

Snapz Pro X, 91

social media

advertising videos, 1516

branding integration, 111

channel links, 112

going viral, 15

link overlays, 7274

linking viewers to, 59

shortlinks, 189

subscriber connections, 18

YouTube integration, 12



Adobe Premiere, 159

Final Cut Pro, 158159

Garage Band, 158

iMovie, 158


Adobe Premiere, 160

CyberLink PowerDirector, 161

Pinnacle Studio, 161

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 161

Windows Movie Maker, 160

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 161

sound effects. See editing

Soundsnap sound library, 179

spam, 74


authenticity, 110

consistent voice, 110111

monetization policies, 103

sponsorships, BC11

sporting events

GoPro cameras, 9294

overview, 92

Sports vertical, 32

Spotlight vertical, 32

startup capital, 10


audience size, 9

channel number, 295

demographics, 15, 281, 295

device types, 281

unique visitors per month, 103, 281

uploads per minute, 25

U.S. media consumption, 282

video hours watched per month, 15, 25, 281

viewer locations, 281

YouTube brand searches, 284

YouTube versus television viewing, 295

strikes, 367369

Subbable website, BC1112


advertising versus organic growth, 292293, 297

analyzing fans, 215216

channel feed settings, 220221


channel trailers, 222223

links/buttons, 217218

engaging viewers, 17, 30, 36, 109

home page management options, 29

Manage Subscriptions link

collections management, 64

individual subscriptions management, 65

monitoring comments, 65

overview, 63

monetizing, 54, 216

My Subscriptions page

link descriptions, 60

overview, 59

privacy settings, 221222

statistics, 99

Subscribe button, 18, 216217

Subscriber report, 165166

Subscriptions Sections link, 63

tagging benefits, 19

update notifications, 219220

value of, 216

viewer rewards

new content, 18

social media connection, 18

Watch page display, 36

subtitles, 242244

syndication settings, 202

• T •


adding/editing, 360

definition, 19

keyword inclusion, 188189

overview, 192

SEO importance, 186

size limit, 192, 360

subscriber benefits, 19

Video Manager editor screen, 200

word choice, 192

takedown notices, 365366

target audience

developing relationships, 107

discoverability, 107

educating, 101

engagement level survey, 104

identifying, 108109

narrow versus broad, 106107

overview, 106

reaching influencers, 107

TrueView setup, 306, 315318

value of, 106108

Technical stuff icon, 5

3D video settings, 203


areas of use, 193

customizing, 112113, 193, 204205, 357358

default choices, 192193

design suggestions, 194

misuse, 362, 368

overview, 192193

playlists, 5859

search strategies, 105

uploading, 52

Tip icon, 5


descriptive phrases, 188

editing, 173

keyword inclusion, 357

managing, 357

search optimization, 186189

value of, 12

Video Manager editor screen, 199

working titles, 357

tracking/organizing, 37


branding, 20, 111, 118

channel trailers, 222223

reactive content, 118

transitions, 170171

tripods, 84, 134

trolls, 231

TrueView advertising. See also AdWords for Video

ad placement/management, 319323

bidding amount setup, 316

campaign optimization, 326327

Google Display Network support, 298

in-display ads, 300301


earned metrics details, 325326

paid metrics details, 324325

paid versus earned, 324

overview, 298

payment structure, 298

pre-roll ads, 298, 300

pricing structure, 298299, 315

remarketing list setup, 318319

subscriber advertising, 223

target audience selection, 306, 315318, 326327

What to Watch Next page, 223

Tubular Labs, 105

tutorials, 90

TV Shows vertical, 32

• U •

Uniform Resource Locator. See URL

uploading. See also Video Manager editor screen

“account in good standing” benefits, 185

channel preparation

account status checks, 183185

enabling features, 186

default settings, 204

device options, 195

distribution options setting, 202203

overview, 7475, 181182

privacy settings, 195196

search optimization

overview, 186187

title wording, 187189

synchronization, 194

YouTube Upload window

file selection methods, 197

options, 196

Uploads Only link, My Subscriptions page, 60

URL (Uniform Resource Locator)


checking availability, 48

obtaining, 5254

shortlinks, 189

• V •

verified names, 112


Education vertical, 32

Gaming vertical, 32

Live vertical, 32

Movies vertical, 32

Music vertical, 32

News vertical, 32

Popular on YouTube vertical, 31

Sports vertical, 32

Spotlight vertical, 32

TV Shows vertical, 32

video. See also editing; thumbnails; video production

animal videos

overview, 9192

techniques, 92


capturing, 1112

getting noticed, 911

importance of, 11

needs/demands, 10

subscriber rewards, 18

variety of, 11

banned content, 7475

commenting, 38

contact information inclusion, 12

deleting, 206207

educational videos, 89

entertainment news, 96

evergreen versus viral, 9798


animated movies, 95

overview, 94

short films, 94

web series, 95

flagging, 29

gaming videos, 91

History link

list editing, 62

overview, 61

lighting choices, 87

like/dislike options, 37

links, 52

marketing software, 104106

metadata, 1213

microphone choice, 8788


audio quality, 85

concepts, 86

locations, 86

overview, 85

visual interest, 85

news/information, 9596

overview, 7980, 83

playlists, 29

quality expectations, 1

section creation, 5758

sharing, 37

sharing advantages, 1

social media integration, 1213

sporting events, 9294

success factors, 15

thumbnails, 52

title choice, 12, 16, 187189

tracking/organizing, 37

tutorials, 90

unlisted/private, 52

upload statistics, 25, 104

uploading, 181182

Video Manager link, 56


advertising, 98

common traits, 15, 98

definition, 14

evergreen content versus, 97

likelihood, 15, 98


consistency, 87

lighting choices, 87

microphone choice, 8788

multiple takes, 8990

overview, 8687

rambling delivery, 8889

Watch page

features overview, 3334

video info section, 3538

video player controls, 35

video advertising. See advertising

Video Manager editor screen

Advanced Settings, 202203

metadata entry, 197198

Monetization tab, 200202

overview, 197198

Video Marketing For Dummies (Daum, Hein, Scott, and Goeldi), 108, 282

video production. See also cameras; editing; uploading

audio quality

crowd sounds, 156

diction practice, 155

overview, 83, 154155

pausing, 156


180-degree rule, 151152

camera angles, 148

camera movement, 149150

eyeline matching, 150151

interview shots, 152153

over-the-shoulder shots, 151152

overview, 147

rule of thirds, 147148

scene breakdown, 149

creator credits, 244246

deleting, 206207

file formats

codec options, 163164

conversions, 164

determining, 164

overview, 163

video production


checklist, 140141

equipment preparation, 141

essential items, 140141

interview shots, 152153

scene scheduling, 143144

scripts, 8990, 140141

shoot sack packing, 142

weather checks, 142

publishing/unpublishing, 206

quality production factors, 21

set up

cast preparation, 141

equipment preparation, 141143

overview, 139

production notebook organization, 140

staging areas, 143

shooting guidelines

action handles, 146

communication phrases, 145

record button use, 146

scene continuity, 146

scene order, 144

scene planning, 144145

set management, 145


B-roll footage, 153154

camera movement, 149150

camera stabilization, 84

clean narration, 90

cutaways, 90

importance of, 8283

interview shots, 152153

length, 92

lighting choices, 83, 87

locations, 21, 86, 92

multiple takes, 8990, 154

safety takes, 154

screen capture, 91

shot structure, 84

smooth movement, 149

title cards, 90

VidStatsX, 277278

View as Public mode, 58

viewers. See also community; engaging audience; target audience

analyzing, 215216


analyzing viewing habits, 1112

identifying strengths, 11

understanding/satisfying needs, 22

creating specific content, 21

demographics/statistics, 15, 99

Engagement report, 271274

entertainment value, 21

Fans and Insights features, 215216

getting noticed

challenges, 910

competition for attention, 911

identifying strengths, 11

organic growth versus advertising, 292293, 297

importance of, 11

monitoring responses, 119120

needs/demands, 10

size, 15

variety of, 11

Views report, 260261

violence, 74

viral videos

advertising, 98

common traits, 15, 98

definition, 14

evergreen content versus, 97

likelihood, 15, 98

visual effects. See editing


brands versus, 289291

content authenticity, 290

industry interaction, 288290

multiple takes, 89

rambling delivery, 8889

subscriber engagement advantages, 290

• W •

Warning icon, 5

Watch Later link, 62

Watch page

features overview, 3334

video info section, 3538

video player controls, 35

watch time factor, 102, 192, 213

watermarks, 241242

web series, 95

Windows Movie Maker, 160

Windows software

Adobe Premiere, 160

CyberLink PowerDirector, 161

Pinnacle Studio, 161

Sony Vegas Movie Studio, 161

Windows Movie Maker, 160

Wondershare Mac Video Converter program, 164

• Y •

YouTube. See also channels; logging in

account status checks, 183185


definition, 34

History link use, 61

watch time factor, 102

export settings, 179

Google acquisition, 25

history, 9

importance of, 912

overview, 2526

private browsing (incognito) mode, 33

quality expectations, 1


“account in good standing” benefits, 185

community guidelines strikes, 182

copyright infringement, 182183

copyright strikes, 183

overview, 182

search optimization, 16, 102

sharing advantages, 1

time-wasting potential, 15

upload statistics, 25, 104


content options, 3133

overview, 31

viewer statistics, 99

YouTube accounts


integration, 38, 49

profile creation, 43

overview, 38

setting up, 3944

YouTube Analytics

accessing, 249

ad performance

analysis, 342344

metrics options, 341342, 347

advertising measurements, 293

Annotation reports, 275276

API use, 277

Audience Retention report, 261263

custom groups, 252

data comparisons, 253

Demographics report, 263265

Earnings Reports, 340341

Engagement report, 271274

estimated earnings, 344347

language analysis, 273

metrics interaction, 248

mobile device access, 269, 277

overview, 147148, 340

Playback Locations, 269270


charts, 251, 254259

details, 252, 259260

filters, 251, 253254

overview, 249250

run time optimization, 115

Subscriber report, 165166

traffic sources, 115

Traffic Sources report, 266268

viewing habits, 12, 120

Views report, 260261

YouTube Partner Program

overview, BC67, 54

privacy settings, 195196

YouTube Spaces, 54

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