In modern AC electric power systems (Figure 2.1), power is generated, transmitted, and distributed as balanced, three-phase AC. The three-phase system was independently invented by Galileo Ferraris, Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, Jonas Wenström, and Nikola Tesla in the 1880s and is the most widely used means of transferring power through power grids. The three-phase system has the advantage of economy over the single-phase system because more power can be transmitted with significant cost savings in conductors per unit line length. The three-phase system may be configured as three-wire star, four-wire star, or three-wire delta system.

Diagram shows circuit containing components such as generator, wind energy system, on-line tap changer, storage, power management unit, transformer, transformer, DC to AC inverter, solar PV, SVC, load, and motor.

Figure 2.1 Simplified single-line diagram schematics of a modern electric power system.

Because of advances in electronics, the future electric power system is headed in the direction of microgrids and smart grids. In anticipation of demands, researchers and students need to be equipped with relevant knowledge on the emerging trends in this area. This chapter introduces the fundamentals of electric power systems and the basic computational tools needed for the design and analysis of the future-generation power system.


In electrical power systems, we are mainly concerned with flow in the electrical circuit, such as Voltage (V), Frequency (f), Current (I), and Power (P). To treat sinusoidal, steady-state behavior of an electric current, some further definitions are necessary.


(2.1)numbered Display Equation


(2.2)numbered Display Equation


(2.3)numbered Display Equation


(2.4)numbered Display Equation

In polar form,

(2.5)numbered Display Equation


(2.6)numbered Display Equation

It is important to recall the following trigonometric identities:

(2.7)numbered Display Equation

(2.8)numbered Display Equation

For a voltage signal represented in terms of root mean square (rms) value:

(2.9)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

(2.10)numbered Display Equation

(2.11)numbered Display Equation

(2.12)numbered Display Equation

For impedance, if the circuit is purely resistive, inductive, or capacitive, there will be difference in current and angle phase shift.

2.2.1 Purely Resistive Circuit

In a purely resistive circuit, Figure 2.2, the current is in phase with voltage:

(2.13)numbered Display Equation
Diagram shows resistor with current I sub(m) and voltage V sub(R). Corresponding phasor diagram shows current I sub(m) in phase with voltage V sub(m) directed along positive x axis.

Figure 2.2 Phasor diagram of a purely resistive circuit.

2.2.2 Purely Inductive Circuit

Current lags behind V by 90° as seen in Figure 2.3:

(2.14)numbered Display Equation
Diagram shows circuit containing inductor L. Corresponding phasor diagram shows voltage V sub(L) directed along positive y axis and current I sub(m) directed along positive x axis.

Figure 2.3 Phasor diagram of purely inductive circuit.

2.2.3 Purely Capacitive Circuit

In a purely capacitive circuit Figure 2.4, current leads voltage by 90°:

(2.15)numbered Display Equation

Diagram shows circuit containing capacitor C. Corresponding phasor diagram shows voltage V sub(C) directed along negative y axis and current I sub(m) directed along positive x axis.

Figure 2.4 Phasor diagram of a purely capacitive circuit.

2.2.4 Instantaneous Power

The instantaneous power is given by:

(2.16)numbered Display Equation

(2.17)numbered Display Equation

(2.18)numbered Display Equation

(2.19)numbered Display Equation

where Cosϕ is the power factor.

2.2.5 Power Factor

The power factor of a system is defined as:

(2.20)numbered Display Equation

where P = VICosϕ and Q = VISinϕ.

Q is the reactive power measured in kilo-var (kvar).

2.2.6 Complex Power

The apparent power S is then:

(2.21)numbered Display Equation

(2.22)numbered Display Equation


(2.23)numbered Display Equation

(2.24)numbered Display Equation

If the load impedance is Z, then,

(2.25)numbered Display Equation

In terms of load admittance,

(2.26)numbered Display Equation

(2.27)numbered Display Equation


Consider the AC circuit of Figure 2.5. The load, operating at a voltage VL, draws a current IL from the source whose voltage is Vs, through resistance R and inductive reactance jX.

Diagram shows voltage V sub(s) applied across input terminals of circuit having resistor with voltage V sub(R) connected in series with inductor with current I sub(L) and voltage V sub(L) across it.

Figure 2.5 AC circuit analysis with phasor diagram.

By Kirchhoff's voltage rule:

(2.28)numbered Display Equation


(2.30)numbered Display Equation

(2.31)numbered Display Equation

If the load is operated at power factor Cosϕ and voltage VL then

(2.32)numbered Display Equation

(2.33)numbered Display Equation

Then Equation 2.29 may be rewritten as:

(2.34)numbered Display Equation

A phasor diagram Figure 2.6 may be constructed based on Equation 2.35 from which the source voltage Vs may be determined.

Phasor diagram shows V sub(L) directed along positive x axis, I sub(L) inclined at angle phi below x axis, V sub(s) inclined above x axis, I sub(L)Z inclined at angle theta above x axis, and I sub(L)R inclined below axis, and I sub(L)X connecting I sub(L)R and I sub(L)Z.

Figure 2.6 Phasor relationships of power system quantities.


One of the methods of transmitting and distributing AC electric power is by means of polyphase systems. This is a system with three or more energized AC currents carrying conductors with a phase deviation between them. For a balanced n-phase system, the phase difference is given by:

(2.36)numbered Display Equation

For two-, three- … six-phase systems, voltages will be out of phase by 90°, 120°, …60°, respectively.

Polyphase systems are particularly useful for transmitting power as more power can be transmitted than when a single phase is used.

2.4.1 Three-Phase Circuits

Power generation, transmission, and distribution are usually connected in a type of polyphase system for heavy utilization of AC electric power. These types of connections provide economic advantages as well as system stability and capacity control. Both voltage and currents are sinusoidal waveforms equal in magnitude, but are displaced from one another by 120° in time phase. Stator windings are connected in three-phase through a ground wire, leading to four wires. The center of the four wires (Figure 2.7) leads to a Y-connected system, where each is referred to as a phase and the fourth conductor is called the neutral wire, which has four-wire balanced connection.

Circuit diagram shows Y-connection of resistors R1, R2, and R3 with central point N and end points C, A, and B respectively. It shows I sub(P) and V sub(P) across R2 and I sub(L) and V sub(L) across points A and C.

Figure 2.7 Equivalent Y diagram.

2.4.2 Balanced Y-Connected Three-Phase Source

In vector (phasor) form

(2.37)numbered Display Equation

(2.38)numbered Display Equation

(2.39)numbered Display Equation

(2.40)numbered Display Equation

(2.41)numbered Display Equation

(2.42)numbered Display Equation

Similarly, for Δ-connected system

(2.43)numbered Display Equation

2.4.3 Phase and Line Voltages: Delta Connected

The line-neutral and line–line voltages with proper relations are shown in Figure 2.8.

Phasor diagram shows triangle abc formed by voltages V sub(c), V sub(ab), and V sub(bc). V sub(bc) is vertical, V sub(c) is inclined 30 degree above horizontal, and V sub(ab) is inclined 30 degree below horizontal. It also shows V sub(oc) and V sub(ob) within triangle.

Figure 2.8 Phase and line voltage representation.

(2.44)numbered Display Equation

Line-Neutral, VBA leads VNA by 30°, VCB leads VNB by 30°.

2.4.4 Equivalent Y-Connected Voltage Phasor Representation

Taking VNA as a reference from Figure 2.9,

Phasor diagram shows Y-connected voltages V sub(RY), V sub(BR), and V sub(YB) which are separated from each other by 120 degree. It also shows voltage components like V sub(R), V sub(B), and V sub(R).

Figure 2.9 Equivalent Y-connected voltage phasor representation.

(2.45)numbered Display Equation

(2.46)numbered Display Equation

(2.47)numbered Display Equation

2.4.5 Mesh or Delta Connection

(2.48)numbered Display Equation

(2.49)numbered Display Equation

(2.50)numbered Display Equation

These connections are not properly balanced to maintain balanced voltage across each load. A delta-connected generator Figure 2.10 is possible but not desirable for two main reasons:

  1. Grounding is not possible with a delta-connected generator. For safety, a generator-neutral point typical of Y is the logical point of connection to ground.
  2. A delta connection of the coils of the generator provides a short-circuited path in which current can flow. Third harmonics in the coil voltages cause a disturbance, which produces power loss and lowers the efficiency of the generator.
Diagram shows impedances Z sub(AC), Z sub(AB), and Z sub(CB) placed on edges of triangle ABC along with current and voltage components I sub(P), I sub(L), V sub(P), and V sub(L). It shows line voltage equals phase voltage.

Figure 2.10 Mesh or delta connection.


A delta-connected load or Y-connected load (Figure 2.11) uses the same configuration as discussed in Section 2.8.

Diagram shows impedances Z sub(ac), Z sub(ab), and Z sub(cb) placed on edges of triangle ABC along with current and voltage components I sub(A), I sub(B), I sub(C), I sub(abL), I sub(bcL), I sub(caL), and V sub(abL).

Figure 2.11 Delta-connected three-phase loads.

(2.51)numbered Display Equation

(2.52)numbered Display Equation

(2.53)numbered Display Equation

From which the individual phase currents may be computed as

(2.54)numbered Display Equation

(2.55)numbered Display Equation

(2.56)numbered Display Equation

The line currents are

(2.57)numbered Display Equation

(2.58)numbered Display Equation

(2.59)numbered Display Equation

Also, under a balanced condition,

(2.60)numbered Display Equation

In general, the sum of the three line currents in a three-phase, three-wire system is zero. This implies that power is also balanced.

Total power

(2.61)numbered Display Equation

These are also given as real power for each phase, i.e.,

(2.62)numbered Display Equation

(2.63)numbered Display Equation

(2.64)numbered Display Equation

Accordingly, if

(2.65)numbered Display Equation

then |Pp| are equal and out of phase 120° apart and the line currents are . Similarly, voltages are equal and out of phase by 120°.

Therefore, we write: VCB = VPh = VLfor delta connection

numbered Display Equation

Total power

numbered Display Equation


(2.66)numbered Display Equation

Cosθ is referred to as the power factor.

The same applies to a Y-connected system (Figure 2.12)

Diagram shows impedance loads Z sub(A), Z sub(B), and Z sub(C) Y-connected at neutral point N. It shows current and voltage components like I sub(AN), I sub(BN), I sub(CN), V sub(AB), V sub(BC), V sub(CA) et cetera.

Figure 2.12 Y-connected load.

(2.67)numbered Display Equation

A Y-connected load can have four wires, as shown:

(2.68)numbered Display Equation

(2.69)numbered Display Equation

(2.70)numbered Display Equation

The phase and line currents have the same value

(2.71)numbered Display Equation

(2.72)numbered Display Equation

(2.73)numbered Display Equation

This leads to:

numbered Display Equation

So that total power

(2.74)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

(2.75)numbered Display Equation

(2.76)numbered Display Equation

Total power

numbered Display Equation

(2.77)numbered Display Equation

Example 1

Find the positive-sequence, line-to-line voltages in the balanced Y-connected generator if the line-to-neutral voltages have a magnitude of 12 kV and phase a is the reference.

Phasor diagram shows V sub(an) along positive x axis, V sub(bc) along negative y direction, and V sub(ab) inclined at 30 degree above V sub(an). It also shows components like V sub(cn), V sub(ca), and V sub(bn).

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Example 2

Given a Y-connected load of impedance ZY = 10∠30° Ω and a balanced positive sequence source with Vab = 14.4∠30° kV, find the load currents.


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation
Diagram shows 440 volt, three phase AC source connected to delta connected 100 ohm resistors followed by Y-connected 100 ohm resistors. Line current is 2.54 ampere and phase current for delta connection is 4.4 ampere.

Example 3

Three noninductive resistances, each of 100 ohms, are connected in star to a three-phase 440 V supply. Three inductive coils, each of reactance 100 ohms connected in delta are also connected to the supply. Calculate the (a) line current and (b) power factor of the system.


Voltage across each phase resistance = 

Current flowing through each resistor

For three inductive coils connected in delta, Vφ = VL = 440V

Total line current drawn from the source = (2.53 − j7.62) = 8.032 A


In power-network computations, it is often required to convert a Y network to a delta (Δ) and vice versa. Consider the Y connection of impedances shown in Figure 2.13.

Diagram shows conversion of star-connected impedance loads A, B, and C with terminals 1, 2, and 3 respectively into delta-connected impedances A, B, and C placed on triangle with vertices 1, 2, and 3.

Figure 2.13 Star-delta conversion of impedances.

Given ZAZBand ZC,

(2.78)numbered Display Equation

(2.79)numbered Display Equation

(2.80)numbered Display Equation

For balance, if

numbered Display Equation


(2.81)numbered Display Equation

For conversion of delta to Y, the diagram and process is as shown in Figure 2.14:

Diagram shows conversion of delta-connected impedances A, B, and C placed on triangle with vertices 1, 2, and 3 into star-connected impedance loads A, B, and C with terminals 1, 2, and 3 respectively.

Figure 2.14 Delta-star impedance conversion.

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation


Table 2.1 shows a summary of phase and line voltages and currents for balanced three phase systems.

TABLE 2.1 Summary of Phase and Line Voltages/Currents for Balanced, Three-Phase Systems

Connection Phase Voltages/Currents Line
Y–Y Voltage VYAN = Vp∠0° 1.1
VYBN = Vp∠ − 120°
VYCN = Vp∠120°
Current Phase currents same as line currents

where + θ is for leading pf and − θ is for lagging pf

IB = IA∠ − 120° ± θ
IC = IA∠120° ± θ
Y − Δ Voltage VYAN = Vp∠0° 1.2
VYBN = Vp∠ − 120°
VYCN = Vp∠120°
Current IΔ1IA = IA∠ ± θ 1.3
IΔ2 = IB = IA∠ − 120° ± θ
IΔ3 = IA∠120° ± θ
Δ − Δ Voltage Same as phase voltage
Current IΔ1 = IA∠ ± θ 1.4
IΔ2 = IA∠ − 120° ± θ
IΔ3 = IA∠120° ± θ
Voltage VYAN = Vp∠0° 1.5
VYBN = Vp∠ − 120°
VYCN = Vp∠120°
Current IΔ1IA = IA∠ ± θ
IΔ2 = IB = IA∠ − 120° ± θ
IΔ3 = IA∠120° ± θ

Example 1

A balanced, delta-connected load having an impedance 20 − j15Ω is connected to a delta-connected, positive-sequence generator having Vab = 330∠0°V. Calculate the phase currents of the load and the line currents.


The load impedance per phase is: ZΔ = 20 − j15 = 25∠ − 36.87°Ω.

Since VAB = Vab, the phase currents are:

numbered Display Equation

For delta load, the line current always lags the corresponding phase current by 30° and has a magnitude times that of the phase current. Hence, the line currents are:

numbered Display Equation

Example 2

A balanced abc sequence, Y-connected source with Van = 100∠10° is connected to a Δ-connected, balanced load 8 + j4Ω per phase. Calculate the phase and line currents.

Option 1

numbered Display Equation

If the phase voltage Van = 100∠10°, then the line voltage is

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

The phase currents are

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

The line currents are

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Option 2

Use a single-phase analysis approach.


Convert the delta-connected load to the star using the delta–star conversion procedure where

numbered Display Equation



Recall that line current and phase current are the same in a star-connected system.

Hence, using the abc sequence, line currents are obtained as:

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Example 3

A balanced, delta-connected load with an impedance 20 − j5Ω is connected to a delta-positive sequence generator with Vab = 330∠0°. Calculate the phase currents of the load and the line currents.


The load impedance per phase is

numbered Display Equation

For a delta-connected system, phase voltage is equal to line voltage, i.e., VAB = Vab, hence the phase currents are

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

For a delta load, the line current always lags the corresponding phase current by 30° and has a magnitude of times that of the phase current. Hence, the line currents are

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Example 4

A balanced, Y-connected load with a phase impedance of 40 + j25Ω is supplied by a balanced, positive-sequence delta-connected source with a line voltage of 210 V. Calculate the phase currents. Use Iab as a reference.


The load impedance is

numbered Display Equation

and the source voltage is Vab = 210∠0°.

When the delta-connected source is transformed into a Y-connected source,

numbered Display Equation

The line currents are

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

which are the same as the phase currents.


The power-system quantities such as voltage, current, and power are normalized for ease of computation. In power-system analysis, per unit or percent of specified base values typically are expressed as measurements. The advantages of using per unit measurements are:

  1. ease of computation and ease of comparison of results for various power systems that may have different base quantities,
  2. early detection of calculation errors, especially when device parameters fall in small ranges, and
  3. elimination of ideal transformers as windings, such that voltages, currents, and external impedances and admittances, expressed in per unit, do not change when they are referred from one side of the transformer to another. This leads to computational savings in a power system with hundreds of transformers and helps to eliminate errors in calculation.

The per unit definition allows an actual quantity to be normalized to unity and facilitates the comparison of all other measured values to that base-unit value. By definition, the per-unit value of a quantity X is given by

(2.82)numbered Display Equation

The actual quantity is the value of the quantity in actual units such as watts, vars, or hertz. The base values are determined by the mass quantity allowed for a device in terms of V, I, P, or f by the operation.

The base value has the same unit as the actual quantity, hence per unit is dimensionless. For electrical laws to be valid in the per unit system, the following relations must be used for other bases:

given that

numbered Display Equation


(2.83)numbered Display Equation


(2.84)numbered Display Equation

such that

(2.85)numbered Display Equation

(2.86)numbered Display Equation

(2.87)numbered Display Equation

(2.88)numbered Display Equation

(2.89)numbered Display Equation

(2.90)numbered Display Equation

Note that:

  1. The value of Pφ = Qφ = Sφ applies to the entire system and is the same for the entire circuit.
  2. The ratio of voltage bases on either side of a transformer is selected to be the same as the ratio of the transformer voltage ratings. With these two rules, it is evident that per unit impedance is the same for transformers when referred from one side to the other.

Example 1

Consider a 100 V sinusoidal source in series with a 3Ω resistor, an 8Ω inductor, and a 4Ω capacitor. Taking base voltage as 100 V and base VA as 500VA and working in per unit:

  1. Draw the circuit diagram representing each component by its per unit value.
  2. Compute the series impedance and the current flowing in the circuit.


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Converting the circuit component values to per unit:

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

The circuit is:

    Circuit diagram shows 1.0 per unit signal generator connected in series to 0.15 per unit resistor, 0.40 per unit inductor, and 0.20 per unit capacitor.
  2. Zp.u. = 0.15 + j(0.4 − 0.2)
       = 0.15 + j0.2
  3. 4.0∠ − 53.1°

Illustrative Problems and Examples

  1. Three impedances of 4 + j3Ω are Δ connected and tied to a three-phase 208 V power line. Find:
    1. Iph, ILPSQ
    2. power factor for this load


numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

For Δ connection,

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation
  1. If v is 141.4 cos(ωt + 60°) V and i is 14.14 sint + 120°) A, find both V and I:
    1. maximum value
    2. rms value
    3. phasor expression using voltage as the reference
    4. phasor expression using current as the reference
    5. whether circuit in which the voltage and current exist is capacitive or inductive


  1. The voltage leads the current by 30°.

  2. The current lags the voltage by 30°.
  3. Hence the circuit is inductive.
  1. Express each of these currents as a phasor
    1. 800 cos(ωt + 130°)A
    2. 480cos ωt − 640sin ωt A
    3. 550 sint + 40°) + 420 sint + 110°)A



In this chapter we presented the fundamentals of electric power network analysis concepts and principles, which are essential in analysis and computations in any electric power system. The nature and behavior of electric currents and voltage signals, and the effects of their interactions with discrete circuit components, are important base knowledge for students, as is awareness of the three-phase system as a better, more reliable carrier of electric power. Circuit analysis at this level is equally beneficial to dealing with more advanced electric power-system issues. Overall, fundamental computational skills needed for any analysis of the power system was presented here. This information is particularly applicable for competitive work in the micogrid.


  1. Determine the line current drawn from a three-phase, 440 V line by a three-phase, 10HP motor operating at rated load. The motor has an efficiency of 91.6 percent and a power factor of 0.85 lagging. Also calculate the real and reactive power drawn by the motor.

  2. In Problem 4, if the line connecting the motor has an impedance of 0.5 + j1.0Ω, find the line–line voltage at the supply bus, assuming the motor bus voltage is 440 V.

  3. Determine the phase and line currents of the delta-connected, positive-sequence load shown in Figure Q3.

    Circuit diagram shows wye-connected 110 volt voltage sources with neutral point n and terminals a, b, and c connected to delta-connected impedance loads Z sub(A), Z sub(B), and Z sub(C).

    Figure Q3 A Wye-Delta Circuit.

    given that ZΔ = 60 < 45° Ω.

  4. For the three-phase Y–Δ circuit shown in Figure Q4, calculate the line and phase currents of the load. Assume that ZL = 12 + j2 Ω.

    Circuit diagram shows wye-connected 110 volt voltage sources with neutral point n and terminals a, b, and c connected to delta-connected impedance loads Z sub(L) with terminal A, B, and C through three impedance loads of 1 plus j2 ohm.

    Figure Q4 A Wye-Delta Circuit.

  5. Determine the current drawn from a three-phase, 440 V line by a three-phase 15HP motor operating at full load, 90 percent efficiency, and 80 percent power-factor lagging. Find the values of P and Q drawn from the line.

  6. If the impedance of each of the three lines connecting the motor of Problem 5 to a bus is 0.3 + j0.85, find the line-to-line voltage at the bus that supplies 440 V at the motor.

  7. A balanced delta load consisting of pure resistance 15ohm per phase is in parallel with a balanced Y load having phase impedances of (8 + j6) ohm. Identical impedances of (2 + j5) ohm are in each of the three lines connecting the combined loads to a 110 V, three-phase supply. Find the current drawn from the supply and line voltage at the combined loads.

  8. A balanced, delta-connected load having an impedance 12 – j10Ω is connected to a delta connected, positive-sequence generator having Vab = 210∠0°V. Calculate the phase currents of the load and line currents.

  9. A balanced, Y-connected load with a phase impedance of 60 + j25Ω is supplied by a balanced, positive-sequence, delta-connected source with a line voltage of 220 V. Using Iab as a reference, calculate the phase currents.


  1. B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology, 1st multicolour ed., S. Chand, New Delhi, 2005.
  2. J. Casazza and F. Delea, Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview of the Technology, the Marketplace, and Government Regulations, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
  3. C. A. Gross, Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
  4. S. J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2012.
  5. T. Gönen, Electrical Machines with MATLAB, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2011.
  6. W. L. Matsch and J. D. Morgan, Electromagnetics and Electromechanical Machines, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 1986.
  7. M. S. Sarma, Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dynamic Performance, WMC Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA, 1985.
  8. C. K. Alexander and M. N. O. Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2013.
  9. J. A. Momoh, Electric Power Systems Applications of Optimization, 2nd ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2008.
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