The purpose of this chapter is to study the application of digital processing and communications to the power grid, as data flow and information management are central to the smart grid. Various capabilities result from the deeply integrated use of digital technology with power grids, and integration of the new grid information flows into utility processes and systems is one of the key issues in the design of smart grids. Electric utilities now find themselves making three classes of transformations: improvement of infrastructure (called the strong grid in China), addition of the digital layer (the essence of the smart grid), and business-process transformation (necessary to capitalize on the investments in smart technology). Much of the work that has been ongoing in electric-grid modernization, especially substation and distribution automation, is now included in the general concept of the smart grid, but additional capabilities are evolving as well.

Smart-grid technologies emerged from earlier attempts at using electronic control, metering, and monitoring. In the 1980s, automatic meter reading was used for monitoring loads from large customers, and evolved into the advanced metering infrastructure of the 1990 s, using meters that could record how electricity was used at different times of the day. Smart meters add continuous communications so that monitoring can be done in real time, and can be used as a gateway to demand response-aware devices and “smart sockets” in the home. Early forms of such demand-side management (DSM) technologies were dynamic demand-aware devices that passively sensed the load on the grid by monitoring changes in the power supply frequency.

It is expected that the new smart grid will provide:

  • greater penetration of renewable resources
  • effective and extensive communication overlay from power generation customers
  • utilization of high-speed control and cutting-edge sensors to make the grid more robust
  • superior operating efficiency
  • superior resiliency against natural disasters and attacks
  • rapid service restoration after storms
  • effective automated metering
  • real-time as well as time-of-use pricing of electrical power by users
  • increased customer participation in selling and generation of electrical energy generated by through renewable resources

A smart grid utilizes innovative services and products together with intelligent control, monitoring, communications, and self-healing technologies.


The comparative analysis between todays Power Grid and Smart Grid is summarized on Table 15.1

TABLE 15.1 Comparison of Current Grid to Smart Grid

Preferred Characteristics Current Grid Smart Grid
Active consumer participation Consumers are uninformed and do not participate Informed, involved consumers; demand response and distributed energy resources
Accommodation of all generation and storage options Dominated by central generation; many obstacles exist for distribution energy resources interconnection Many distributed energy resources with plug-and-play convenience; focus on renewables
New products, services and markets Limited, poorly integrated wholesale market; limited opportunities for consumers Mature, well-integrated wholesale market; growth of new electricity markets for consumers
Provision of power quality for the digital economy Focus on outages; slow response to power-quality issues Power quality is a priority with a variety of quality/price options; rapid resolution of issues
Optimization of assets and efficient operation Little integration of operational data with assets management and business processes Greatly expanded data acquisition of grid parameters; focus on prevention and minimizing impact to consumers
Anticipation of responses to system disturbances (self-healing) Responds to prevent further damage; focus is on protecting assets; flowing fault Automatically detects and responds to problems; focus on prevention and minimizing impact to consumers
Resiliency against attacks and natural disasters Vulnerable to acts of terror and natural disasters Resilient to attacks and natural disasters with rapid restoration capabilities

A working definition of a smart grid should include the following attributes:

  • assess grid health in real time
  • predict behavior, anticipate requirements
  • adapt to new environments like distributed resources and renewable-energy resources
  • handle stochastic demand and respond to smart appliances
  • provide self-correction, reconfiguration, and restoration
  • handle randomness of loads and market participants in real time
  • create more complex interactive behavior with intelligent devices, communication protocols, and standard and smart algorithms to improve smart communication and transportation systems

In this environment, smart control strategies will handle congestion, instability, or reliability problems. The smart grid will be a cyber system that is secure, resilient, and able to manage shock to ensure durability and reliability. Additional features include facilities for the integration of renewable and distribution resources, and obtaining information to and from renewable resources and plug-in hybrid vehicles. New interface technologies will make data-flow patterns and information available to investors and entrepreneurs interested in creating goods and services.

Thus, the working definition of a smart grid becomes:

The smart grid is an advanced, digital, two-way, power flow, power system capable of self-healing, is adaptive, resilient, and sustainable, with foresight for prediction under different uncertainties. It is equipped for interoperability with present and future standards of components, devices, and systems that are cyber-secured against malicious attack.


The reference architecture describes the structure of a system with its elements and their structure, as well as their interaction types, among each other and with the environment. Figure 15.1 shows the architecture of the smart grid.


Figure 15.1 Architecture of the smart-grid design.


Electric power grids are highly complex dynamical systems vulnerable to several disturbances in day-to-day operations, which make the system challenging. Hence, to handle the complexity and challenges in the system, an electric grid should be smart. The design of the smart grid involves the coupling of tools, technologies, and techniques for three different subsystems:

  • generation
  • transmission
  • distribution

Figure 15.2 illustrates the four advanced optimization and control techniques required to meet the criteria for smart-grid performance.


Figure 15.2 Smart grid using advanced optimization and control techniques.

15.4.1 Generation

Power plants or power-generating units convert fuel, such as coal, natural gas, and uranium, into electricity. These processes of generation involve several stages, like heating water with coal to create steam that spins turbines to produce electricity. Direct conversion is also possible by using flow of water that spins turbines to produce electricity or wind and solar, such as through wind-rotating generators on towers and solar PV panels.

Advances in technology or more efficient fossil-fueled power plants would improve the thermodynamic efficiency of converting fossil fuels (whether coal or gas) into electricity, mechanical efficiencies of carbon capture and storage systems, and efficiencies of auxiliary power loads at plants, such as fans, motors, and pumps.

Generation-Level Automation

Automation at the generation level involves the use of advanced computation technologies and a new algorithm for dispatch and unit commitments to ensure:

  • economic dispatch
  • unit commitment under different uncertainties and constraints
  • reliability
  • stability
  • security analysis
  • distributed generation control

Forecasting techniques must be incorporated into real-time operating practices as well as day-to-day operational planning. Consistent and accurate assessment of variable generation availability to serve peak demand is needed in longer-term system planning. High-quality, real-time data must be integrated into existing practices and software.

Economic dispatch is a computational process where the total required generation real and reactive power, including renewable-energy resources, is allowed to vary within certain limits, so as to meet a particular load demands with minimum fuel cost. Mathematically, objective function of a load dispatch problem can be formulated as

(15.1)numbered Display Equation

where, Fc is the total operating cost of the system, NG is the number of generating units, and Fk(Pk) is the fuel cost of the generating unit k for real power Pk.

Traditionally, the economic-dispatch problem is formulated as an optimization with cost as the quadratic function of generating units. Mathematically, this formulation can be expressed as:

(15.2)numbered Display Equation

where, αk, βk, and γk, denote the fuel cost.

This is subjected to different constraints as follows:

  • Power balance constraints: Total power output from generating units should exactly satisfy load demand for that hour and corresponding network losses.
    (15.3)numbered Display Equation

where, PD is total load demand and Ploss represents losses in transmission network. Kron's formula is used to calculate total losses Ploss, calculated using B-coefficients, given by

(15.4)numbered Display Equation

where, Pi and Pk are the real power injection at ith and kth buses, respectively, and Bki is the loss coefficient, which can be assumed to be constant under normal operating conditions.

  • Thermal constraints
    (15.5)numbered Display Equation
    (15.6)numbered Display Equation
    (15.7)numbered Display Equation
    (15.8)numbered Display Equation

where, RUk/ RDk are ramp-up/down rate of the kth generating unit and τ is a (Unit Commitment) UC time step.

15.4.2 Transmission

Advanced transmission operations apply advanced digital technologies and power electronics devices to increase the performance of the system, enable interconnection of inaccessible power systems, and increase the size and capacity of existing transmission assets to increase the ability of system operators to control the system.

Automation of the Smart Grid at Transmission Level

The automation of different functions of the transmission system is important for achieving resilience and sustainability of the system. The following functions are evaluated, and the appropriate intelligent technology proposed:

  • congestion minimization of the transmission line
  • voltage stability, collapse detection, and prevention using intelligent database
  • monitoring and controlling reactive power using intelligent controls
  • based on intelligent-switching operations performing fault analysis and reconfigurations
  • load balance and power generation via intelligent switching operations and minimizing demand interruption
  • DG and DSM via DR strategy

The integration of these functions is shown in Figure 15.3.


Figure 15.3 Automation functions at transmission level.


Figure 15.4 Automation functions at distribution level.

Congestion minimization of the transmission line can be done utilizing two different approaches. The first approach uses rescheduling of generating units and prioritization and curtailment of loads/transactions. The second approach utilizes operation of transformer taps, phase shifters, or FACTS devices. FACTS devices assume importance in the context of power system restructuring since they can expand the usage potential of transmission systems by controlling power flows in the network. FACTS devices are operated in a manner so as to ensure that the contractual requirements are fulfilled as far as possible by minimizing line congestion.

The mathematical formulation can be stated as:

(15.9)numbered Display Equation

subject to constraints such as:

(15.10)numbered Display Equation

(15.11)numbered Display Equation

The illustrated equations are well known as power-balance equations. After Thyristor-Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) location, the achieved equations are:

(15.12)numbered Display Equation

(15.13)numbered Display Equation

where PFn and QFn are the injected active and reactive powers of TCSC to the bus n. The other constraints are:

(15.14)numbered Display Equation

(15.15)numbered Display Equation

where superscript i is the bilateral transaction index; n and m are the bus indices, P and M signify pool transaction and bilateral (or multilateral) transaction, PPgn  and PPdn show the pool real power generation and demand at bus n, PMgi, n and PMdi, n are the bilateral injection and extraction of agent i at bus n, QPgn and QPdn are the pool-reactive power generation and load at bus n, Vminn and Vmaxn  are the lower and upper limits of voltage at bus n, and Xminc and Xmaxc are the lower and upper limits of capacitive reactance of TCSC, respectively.

15.4.3 Distribution

Advanced distribution operations allow a grid that can self-heal through auto-detection of faults and auto-reconfiguration of circuits, with greater efficiency due to innovative system modeling and analysis and voltage/var control, which is more flexible and situationally aware due to cutting-edge sensing, data acquisition, and automated controls. The distribution system of the future smart grid will permit the incorporation of distributed energy resources and will also operate with novel circuit configurations required for microgrids.

Distribution Automation Function and Relationship to the Smart Grid

The IEEE defines distribution automation (DA) as a system that enables an electric utility to remotely monitor, coordinate and operate distribution companies in real-time mode from remote locations [1]. Strategies such as various DMS applications are utilized to automate and manage electric grid operations. Moreover, DA optimizes a utility's operations and directly improves the reliability of its distribution power system.

The goal of DA is real-time adjustment to changing loads, generation, and failure conditions of the distribution system, usually without operator intervention. However, accurate modeling of distribution operations supports optimal decision-making at the control center and in the field. The following functions are evaluated, and the appropriate intelligent technology is proposed:

  • Voltage/var control technologies monitor power, determine control settings, and physically adjust voltage and reactive power. Equipment, technology, and control packages for change, measurement, and control in voltage and power factors are given in Table 15.2. Problem formulation for voltage/var control is discussed in Section 14.4.1.
  • Power quality refers to the ability of electrical equipment to consume the energy being supplied to it. Several power quality issues impact the efficiency of electrical equipment, including:
    • electrical harmonics
    • poor power factors
    • voltage transient impulses
    • voltage sag
    • total harmonic distortion
    • flicker factors
  • Network reconfiguration of a distribution system has long been identified as a useful method for the improved performance of the system. A better reconfiguration scheme would take care of these issues to maximize the benefit of network reconfiguration in the distribution system. The objectives of network reconfiguration may be formulated as:
    • minimize power loss
    • maximize sag voltage during fault or switching
    • minimize harmonic distortion
    • minimize system unbalances
  • DSM or demand-side response (DSR) provides an opportunity for consumers to play a significant role in the operation of the power network by reducing or shifting their demand during peak periods in response to time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. DSM may be aimed at addressing the following issues:
    • cost reduction
    • reliability and network issues
    • improved markets
    • environmental and social improvement
    For distribution automation functions, DSM is classified into three categories:
    • energy-reduction programs
    • load-management programs
    • load growth and conservation programs

TABLE 15.2 Equipment, Technology, and Control Packages for DA

Equipment Technology Control Packages
On Load Tap Changer (OLTC) Substation/distribution voltage and current sensors Transformer load tap changers
Distribution capacitor banks Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) communication Capacitors/voltage regulators
Distribution voltage regulators Smart meters Distribution management systems and voltage optimization software

Figure 15.4 shows the distribution automation schemes for distribution systems.


Significant progress has been made toward the growth and employment of a smart grid, nevertheless, there are challenges still to be addressed. Various road maps and reports have defined the technical issues and potential methodologies for overcoming them from the industry, state, federal, and even worldwide perspectives.

15.5.1 Integration of Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Sources onto the Grid

Huge, utility-scale renewable-energy (RE) systems (approximately 50MW or larger) can potentially make a significant influence on future domestic power supplies. A wide assortment of RE sources may be considered for large-scale grid integration, such as wind, geothermal, solar, and hydropower. Even though progress has been made in the deployment of renewable energy technologies, there are still unique challenges associated with the integration of these sources in large-scale systems. Challenges have developed when attempting to integrate power sources that are variable and nontraditional, and sources that are non-base load power onto the grid. The variable nature of the output has to be considered when attempting to optimize the operation of the entire grid. These new sources will require that conventional power plants, along with other system assets, operate differently.

15.5.2 Integration of Energy Storage and Distributed Generation on the Grid

While advancement has been made in the accommodation and deployment of DER technologies, there are distinctive challenges related to integrating these resources. Issues related to economics, regulation, and technology are inhibiting larger integration of DERs. For instance, communication between DER, dispatchers, loads, and utilities is generally inadequate for an optimized smart grid. By and large, new devices and technologies are outstripping the ability to integrate them on the grid at full functionality.

15.5.3 Technical Challenges

Among the technical challenges for the smart grid are:

  • Decision tools for operators are required to increase visibility and situational awareness, aid planning and forecasting, and offer logic for decision-making.
  • Communications infrastructure currently is insufficient and must be enhanced to allow interconnection between various components and systems, public networks, and devices, along with operations and planning functionalities.
  • Performance metrics are lacking to fully comprehend, control, and manage performance and flexibility of the system.
  • Analytics and data management and are not sufficient for effectively collecting, storing, and interpreting the enormous volumes of data potentially to be collected.
  • Robust operational and business models are desirable to facilitate effective planning and operations to integrate diverse sources of generation, storage options, and models for flexibility.

15.5.4 Nontechnical Challenges

Nontechnical challenges to the smart grid also remain, including:

  • Privacy of information is still unreliable, and it is necessary to assure consumers that personal data is protected and its release is tightly controlled.
  • Coordination of regulations and policies on the smart grid is lacking at the federal level and between states, along with utilities. The result is uncertainty and a business environment not fully supportive of risk taking and innovation.
  • Market fragmentation for smart-grid technologies exists due to a lack of a common vision among utility standards organizations for the smart grid and the residential sector. This leads to manufacturers having to address numerous different solutions and types of technologies when entering the market.
  • The business proposition for smart-grid technologies is still ambiguous and lacks clarity. Investments are further convoluted by uncertainties over who should bear the cost for upgrades (e.g., consumers, utilities) and how and when these costs should be recouped.


The complexity of smart grid projects adds to the challenges of electric power system modernization as utilities will be required to make significant investments in information communication technology, an area largely outside their core competencies. The smart grid will be as integral to the core systems as enterprise resource planning is to the manufacturing industry, and it will be as geographically diverse as the new telecommunications network. Successful deployment will necessitate robust coordination across customary organizational boundaries, substantial process change, and with rigorous governance. The attributes of a good smart grid as follows:

  • unconditional reliability of power supply
  • optimal utilization of bulk electric power storage and generation in tandem with distributed energy resources and dispatchable/controllable consumer loads to guarantee lowest cost
  • minimal environmental impact of electricity production and delivery
  • reduction in the generation of electricity and an increase in the efficiency of the power delivery system and effectiveness of end use
  • resiliency of supply and delivery from physical and cyberattacks and major natural disasters
  • assuring optimal power quality for all consumers who require it
  • monitoring of critical power system components to enable automated maintenance and prevention of outages

Illustrative Problems and Examples

  1. Problem 1

    1. Distinguish between the smart grid, intelligent grid, and microgrid, using all their attributes.
    2. Describe the functions or criteria for a smart grid and suggest the technology needed to achieve these functions.
  2. Problem 2

    1. Compare the smart grid to the prevalent traditional grid.
    2. What are the attributes of the smart grid?
  3. Problem 3

    Discuss the existing challenges and benefits to the application of the concept of smart grids.

    How do we overcome them?

  4. Problem 4

    Consider a generating station that contains three generating units. The fuel costs of these units are given by

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    The generation limits of the units are

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    The total load that these units supply varies between 90MW and 1,250MW. Assuming that all three units are operational all the time, compute the economic operating settings as the load changes.

  5. Problem 5

    What about cybersecurity? Does the smart grid make us less or more secure?

  6. Problem 6

    Discuss the following terms that relate to the smart grid:

    • self-healing
    • interoperability
    • adaptiveness
    • cybersecurity
  7. Problem 7

    What is the simplest thing about the smart grid? What is the most complex thing about it? Why is it important for states and localities to build a smart-grid infrastructure?

  8. Problem 8

    Review different test beds for a smart grid design and validate the experimental set-up at CESaC. Develop processes and procedures for achieving an economically viable test bed for studies of different functions of smart-grid concepts outline in the syllabus.


In this chapter we discussed the concept of smart grid, its evolution and drivers, the need as well as energy sources and architecture of smart grid. A comparative analysis has been made between smart grid and current power grid. The components forming smart grid are addressed with automation function applications on transmission and distribution of the grid. Design procedures with challenges of integrating DGs are briefly discussed. The materials presented in this chapter are designed to equip the student with fundamental knowledge needed about smart grid functions, controls, and interfaces, which are necessary in smart-grid design.


  1. D. Gruenmeyer, “Distribution Automation: How should it be evaluated?,” Rural Electric Power Conference, 1991.
  2. W. Wang, Y. Xu, and M. Khanna, “A Survey on the Communication Architectures in Smart Grid,” Comput. Netw. 55, 15 (2011).
  3. J. H. Chow, F. F. Wu, and J. A. Momoh, eds. Applied Mathematics for Restructured Electric Power Systems: Optimization, Control, and Computational Intelligence, Springer Science and Business Media, New York, 2005, pp. 11–24.
  4. Workshop on Technology, Measurement, and Standards Challenges for the Smart Grid, August 13–14, 2012, Boulder, Colorado.
  5. Fujitsu and GTM Research, Next-Generation Communications Protocols for Advanced Smart Grid Applications, GTM Research Whitepaper, April 2012,
  6. V. C. Güngör, D. Sahin, T. Kocak, et al., “Smart Grid Technologies: Communication Technologies and Standards,” IEEE T. Ind. Inform. 7, 4 (November 2011).
  7. X. Lu, W. Wang, and J. Ma, “An Empirical Study of Communication Infrastructures Towards the Smart Grid: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation,” IEEE T. Smart Grid 4, 1 (Mar. 2013).
  8. A. Hahn, A. Ashok, S. Sridhar, et al., “Cyber-Physical Security Testbeds: Architecture, Application, and Evaluation for Smart Grid,” IEEE T. Smart Grid 4, 2 (June 2013).
  9. SCE-Cisco-IBM SGRA Team, Smart Grid Reference Architecture, Volume 1: Using Information and Communication Services to Support a Smarter Grid, July 14, 2011,
  10. Kentucky Smart Grid Roadmap Initiative, Kentucky's Smart Grid Roadmap: Recommendations on a Vision and Direction for the Future of the Electric Power Grid in the Commonwealth, nd,
  11. A. Asthana, A. Booth, and J. Green, Best Practices in the Deployment of Smart Grid Technologies, McKinsey and Company, June 1, 2010.
  12. T. Gönen, Electrical Machines with MATLAB, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2011.
  13. J. Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, IEEE Press, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2012.
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