Induction machines are the most common form of electromechanical energy-conversion devices for industrial, commercial, and domestic appliances that operate at constant speed. The need for energy processing and conversion from electrical to mechanical energy to do mechanical work abounds in every sector of human endeavor. About one-third of the world's electricity consumption is used for running induction motors that drive pumps, fans, compressors, elevators, and machinery of various types to meet industrial, commercial, and domestic needs.

The AC induction motor is a common form of asynchronous motor whose operation depends on three electromagnetic phenomena:

  1. Motor action. When an iron rod (or other magnetic material) is suspended in a magnetic field so that it is free to rotate, it will align itself with the field. If the magnetic field is moving or rotating, the iron rod will move with the moving field so as to maintain alignment.
  2. Rotating field. A rotating magnetic field can be created from fixed-stator poles by driving each pole pair from a different phase of the AC supply.
  3. Transformer action. The current in the rotor windings is induced from the current in the stator windings, avoiding the need for a direct connection from the power source to the rotating windings. Consequently, the induction motor can be considered an AC transformer with a rotating secondary winding.


The induction motor stator resembles the stator of a revolving-field, three-phase, synchronous generator. The stator or the stationary part consists of three-phase winding held in place in the slots of a laminated steel core enclosed and supported by a cast-iron steel frame, as seen in Figure 5.1 [5].

Image described by caption

Figure 5.1 Induction motor stator.

The phase windings are placed 120° electrical apart and may be externally connected in Y or delta for which six leads are brought out to a terminal box mounted on the frame of the motor. When the stator is energized from a three-phase voltage, it produces a rotating magnetic field in the stator core.

Three-phase induction motors are of two kinds:

  • cage-rotor or squirrel-cage induction motors
  • wound-rotor or slip-ring induction motors

Cage Rotors

Cage-rotor machines (also called squirrel-cage machines) are the most common type of induction motors. In a cage-rotor design, solid conductors are in slots on the rotor. The ends of the conductors are short circuited at each end of the rotor using an “end-ring.” For small to medium-sized machines (up to a few hundred horsepower) the rotor conductors are cast using aluminum. This construction makes the rotor relatively cheap to produce. In larger machines, rotors are usually made by manually hammering solid copper bars into the rotor slots, then manually brazing an end-ring into place. Fabricated rotor cages are significantly more expensive that cast rotor cages. Figure 5.2 [5] shows a cage-rotor induction motor.

Diagram shows squirrel-cage rotor under construction and finished squirrel-cage rotor with labels of laminations forming iron core, copper end ring, welding at all joints, rotor bar, copper or aluminium bars, and short-circuiting end ring.

Figure 5.2 Cage-rotor induction motor.

Wound Rotors

Wound-rotor induction machines have a three-phase winding, similar to the stator winding, on the rotor as seen in Figure 5.3 [5]. The rotor is usually Y connected with the terminals of the three rotor phases connected to slip rings. In normal operation, the windings at the slip rings are short circuited to allow currents to flow. An advantage of wound-rotor machines is that external circuits can be connected to the rotor, allowing external control of the machine. While all induction machines can be controlled to operate at different torques and speeds, wound-rotor control is particularly attractive in some applications. However, wound-rotor induction machines are usually significantly more expensive than cage rotor machines. Possible applications for wound-rotor machines include:

  • speed control of very large machines (multi-milliwatt)
  • reduced cost control of large machines
  • doubly fed induction generation (used in some wind turbines)
Diagram shows wound-rotor induction motor with labels of rotor core, rotor windings, slip rings, cooling fan, and ball bearings at two ends.

Figure 5.3 Wound-rotor induction motor.


The basic idea behind the operation of an induction machine is quite simple. The three-phase stator winding is connected to a three-phase supply. Currents flow in the stator winding, producing an mmf and flux density that rotates at synchronous speed:

(5.1)numbered Display Equation

The magnetic field passes conductors on the rotor and induces a voltage in those conductors. Since the conductors are short circuited, current flows in the rotor conductors, producing a second rotor magnetic field, which acts to oppose the stator magnetic field and rotates at synchronous speed. With two magnetic fields rotating at constant speed, a torque is produced.


The following induction-motor concepts are important to understanding the operation and application of these machines.

Leakage Reactance

The leakage reactance is for magnetizing the armature of the cylindrical-rotor machines. It is given by

(5.2)numbered Display Equation

The mutual air-gap flux between the rotor and the stator is φ (weber, or Wb) per pole and rotates at an angular speed of ω radians per second. The flux linkage of N-turns of conductors will be at maximum when ωt = 0 and also at ωt = 90°. Assuming distributed winding, the flux linkage λa will vary as the cosine of the angle ωt. Thus, the flux linkage with coil a is

(5.3)numbered Display Equation

The induced voltage

(5.4)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

(5.5)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

The rms value of the generated voltage is then

(5.6)numbered Display Equation

(5.7)numbered Display Equation

In actual machines, the armature conductors are distributed in slots such that the phasor sum of the induced emf is less than the numerical sum. Hence, a factor to account for the difference is introduced, which we shall call the winding factor Kw (note that Kw varies between 0.85 and 0.95 for three-phase windings). Consequently, for distributed-phase windings, the rms value of the generated voltage is:

(5.8)numbered Display Equation

Let stator emf be E1 and rotor emf Er. Hence, we may write

(5.9)numbered Display Equation

(5.10)numbered Display Equation

Since Er was induced by transformer action, the induction motor behaves like a transformer with a rotating secondary winding. Hence, we may write an expression for the transformation ratio in terms of the stator and rotor parameters as:

(5.11)numbered Display Equation

where f is frequency in Hz, Kw1 and Kw2 are stator and rotor winding factors, Nph1 and Nph2 are the number of turns in the stator and rotor windings, and a1and a2 are the corresponding number of current paths.


Suppose that the rotor circuit is open and is rotated at a speed n rpm by some external means in the duration of the rotating flux φm. If nsyn is given in rpm, the rotational speed of φm is defined as the slip s

(5.12)numbered Display Equation

When motor rotor is at slip s

(5.13)numbered Display Equation

the rotor frequency is given by

(5.14)numbered Display Equation

This frequency also affects the resulting voltage Es:

(5.15)numbered Display Equation


If r22 is the resistance of the rotor winding in ohms/φ, with the corresponding leakage inductance L22, the wound-rotor leakage inductance in henrys/φ leads to leakage reactance of the rotor, given by:

(5.16)numbered Display Equation

and with slip s accounted for,

(5.17)numbered Display Equation

Therefore, rotor current

(5.18)numbered Display Equation

This mimics the transformer-equivalent circuit from the secondary side comprising of in series with the reactance of the secondary side given as the equivalent circuit, as shown in Figure 5.4.

Circuit diagram shows series combination of resistor R1 and inductor X1, followed by parallel combination of G sub(c) and B sub(m). It shows voltage V1 and current I1 at input and E1 and I2 at output.

Figure 5.4 Induction-motor equivalent circuit.

The primary side is equivalent to the stator-winding operating at stator frequency regardless of the slip, i.e.,

(5.19)numbered Display Equation

This follows from the fact that the polyphase rotor currents at slip s have a synchronous frequency and therefore produce a rotor mmf that rotates at snsync rpm relative to the rotor in the same direction as the stator flux while the rotor is rotating at a speed of (1 − s)nsyn rpm in the same direction.

The resultant speed of the rotor mmf relative to the stator is the sum of those two speeds:

(5.20)numbered Display Equation

Synchronous speed nsyn = sn of speed of stator at stator frequency f (Hz).

The ideal transformer may be used to model the equivalent circuit of an induction motor as shown in Figure 5.5.

Diagram shows circuit with voltage E2 across input terminals, resistor r2, followed by inductor jX2, and variable resistor 1 minus s by s times r2 at output.

Figure 5.5 The ideal transformer model of an induction motor.

Equivalent rotor resistance is shown in two parts, namely:

  1. Rotor resistance r2 is dynamic resistance.
  2. Mechanical load on the machine is modeled as .

Example 1

A four-pole, three-phase induction motor operates from a supply whose frequency is 50 Hz. Calculate:

  1. speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating
  2. speed of the rotor when the slip is 0.04
  3. frequency of the rotor current when the slip is 0.03
  4. frequency of the rotor currents at standstill


Stator field revolves at synchronous speed, given by:

numbered Display Equation

rotor speed

numbered Display Equation

frequency of rotor current

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

at standstill

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Example 2

A 110 V, 50 Hz, delta-connected induction motor has a star-connected, slip-ring rotor with phase transformation ration of 3.8. The rotor resistance and standstill leakage reactance are 0.012Ω and 0.25Ω per phase, respectively. Neglecting stator impedance and magnetizing current, determine:

  1. rotor current at start with slip rings shorted
  2. rotor power factor at start with slip rings shorted
  3. rotor current at 4 percent slip with slip rings shorted
  4. rotor power factor at 4 percent slip with slip rings shorted
  5. external rotor resistance per phase required to obtain starting current of 100A in the stator supply lines

It should be noted that in a Δ/Y connection, primary-phase voltage is the same as line voltage. The rotor-phase voltage can be found by using the phase transformation ratio of 3.8, i.e., K = 1/3.8.


Rotor-phase voltage at standstill = 1,100 × 1/3.8 = 289.5 V

  1. rotor impedance/phase
  2. rotor phase current at start = 289.5/0.2503 = 1, 157A
  3. power factor = R2/Z2 = 0.012/0.2503 = 0.048 lagging
  4. at 4 percent slip
    numbered Display Equation
  5. external resistance required/phase = 0.7196 – 0.012 = 0.707Ω


As shown in Figure 5.4, for an induction-machine equivalent circuit, we can compute

(5.21)numbered Display Equation

(5.22)numbered Display Equation

(5.23)numbered Display Equation

from which we compute

(5.24)numbered Display Equation

Given the value of Pin and Plosses for mechanical power

(5.25)numbered Display Equation

If we account for friction and stray losses (PfwPstray), we have the net mechanical power as follows:

(5.26)numbered Display Equation

where Pfw is power lost as friction and windage.

The induction motor can become a generator when I22 reverses its direction and

(5.27)numbered Display Equation

This is only possible when Q is supplied to the motor at the bus where it is connected.


Assuming the machine is three-phase connected and accounting for its losses in steady-state conditions, the currents and voltages align with neutral values at the stator side. The machine's rotating air-gap flux is defined by balanced, three-phase emf of the stator. This gives a terminal voltage, which differs from the stator emf by the voltage drop in the stator leakage impedance given as

(5.28)numbered Display Equation

In terms of rotor emf

numbered Display Equation

where V1 is stator terminal voltage, E1 is counter emf generated by resultant field flux, I1 is the stator current, R1 is the stator effective resistance,  X1 is the stator leakage reactance.

As an analog to the transformer model, we have the stator equivalent circuit as shown in Figure 5.6.

Circuit diagram shows series combination of resistor R1 and inductor X1, followed by parallel combination of G sub(c) and B sub(m). It shows voltage V1 and current I1 at input and E1 and I2 at output.

Figure 5.6 Induction-motor stator equivalent circuit-transformer analog model.


  • I produces mmf linking mmf of the rotor current.
  • Im is the stator current required to create the resultant air-gap flux as a function of E1.
  • Ic is in phase with E1 and magnetizing component I22 lagging E1 by 90°.

These quantities are included in the circuit diagram in Figure 5.6.

As before, we can refer to the cage-wound rotor as a function of slip and then refer to the secondary side as seen in Figure 5.7.

Diagram shows voltage E sub(2s) connected across input of circuit containing inductor sX2 and resistor R2.

Figure 5.7 Rotor equivalent circuit of three-phase induction motor at slip frequency.

(5.29)numbered Display Equation

(5.30)numbered Display Equation

(5.31)numbered Display Equation

Thus, referring to the stator is essentially the same as referring the secondary quantities to the primary side of the static transformer.

Earlier, we defined as part of slip

(5.32)numbered Display Equation


  • Z2s is the slip-frequency rotor-leakage impedance per phase referred to the stator, R2 is the effective resistance, and sX2 is the leakage reactance at slip frequency.


(5.33)numbered Display Equation

(5.34)numbered Display Equation

The redrawn equivalent circuits for polyphase induction motors are shown in Figure 5.8.

Circuit diagram on top shows components like R1, X1, parallel combination of G sub(c) and B sub(m), X2 and variable resistor R2 by s. Circuit diagram on bottom shows R1, X1, parallel combination of G sub(c) and B sub(m), R2, X2 and variable resistor 1 minus s by s times R2.

Figure 5.8 Equivalent circuits of three-phase polyphase induction motors.

The equivalent circuit is used to analyze the induction motor in general since V, I, losses, and torque are based on the model parameters.

We derive them simply as follows:

Pg transferred across the air gap from the stator is

(5.35)numbered Display Equation

The total rotor loss I2R can be written as a1I22R2.

Net power is

(5.36)numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Motor mechanical power is

(5.37)numbered Display Equation

Total power delivered to the rotor is a fraction of Pg(mech).

(1 − s) is converted into mechanical power because of Pg1 (electrical power). The conversion (1 − s) mechanical is dissipated as rotor circuit I2R loss.

The internal mechanical power per stator phase is equal to the power absorbed by the resistance

(5.38)numbered Display Equation


A 115 V, 60 Hz, three-phase, Y-connected, six-pole induction motor has an equivalent circuit consisting of stator impedance (0.07 + j0.3)Ω and an equivalent rotor impedance at standstill of (0.08 + j0.3)Ω. The magnetizing branch has G= 0.022 mho and Bm = 0.158 mho. Find:

  1. secondary current
  2. primary current
  3. primary power factor
  4. gross power output
  5. gross torque
  6. input power
  7. gross efficiency using equivalent circuit—assume a slip of 29 percent


  1. Using the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 4.8,
    numbered Display Equation
  2. numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
  3. Primary power factor = cos 36.5° = 0.804.
  4. Pg = 3I22RL = 3 × 16.172 × 3.92 = 3, 075W.
  5. Synchronous speed Ns = 120 × 60/6 = 1,200 rpm.
    Actual rotor speed N = (1 − s)Ns = (1 − 0.02) × 1, 200 = 1, 176 rpm
    Therefore, .
  6. Primary power input = 

    numbered Display Equation


(5.39)numbered Display Equation

(5.40)numbered Display Equation


numbered Display Equation

Note that torque and power do not include stray, frictional, windage, and load losses.


A three-phase induction motor has a four-pole, star-connected stator winding and runs on a 220 V, 50 Hz supply. The rotor resistance per phase is 0.1Ω and reactance 0.9Ω. The ratio of stator to rotor turns is 1.75. The full load slip is 5 percent. Calculate for this load:

  1. load torque in Nm
  2. speed at maximum torque
  3. rotor emf at maximum torque


  1. K = rotor turns/stator turns = 1/1.75

    Stator voltage/phase,

    numbered Display Equation

    Standstill rotor emf/phase,

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    numbered Display Equation

    Rotor copper loss

    numbered Display Equation
  2. For maximum torque,
    numbered Display Equation
    numbered Display Equation
  3. Rotor emf/phase at maximum torque = 1/9 × 72.6
    numbered Display Equation


To approximate the model further, the exciting branch is usually neglected to allow for 30 to 50 percent full-load current and because the leakage is also higher. This is drawn as either of the two diagrams in Figure 5.9.

Circuit diagram on top shows components like R1, X1, parallel inductor X sub(phi), X2 and variable resistor R2 by s. Circuit diagram on bottom shows R1, X1, parallel inductor X sub(phi), R2, X2 and variable resistor 1 minus s by s times R2.

Figure 5.9 Approximate equivalent circuit of three-phase induction motor.


A three-phase, Y-connected, 220 V, L-L, 10Hp, 60 Hz, six-pole, induction motor has the following constants in ohms:

numbered Display Equation

The total friction, windage, and core loss are assumed constant at 403 W, load slip of 2.0 percent.

Determine torque, power, Istator, pf, and η of motor at rated frequency.


The impedance  Zf is represented in Figure 5.10 as

Diagram shows three-phase induction generator connected to prime mover on one side and through triangular arrangement of capacitors to load on other side.

Figure 5.10 Induction generator in self-excited mode.

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Sum of

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Applied voltage

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Deducting losses of 403W

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

numbered Display Equation

Efficiency : Total stator I2R loss = 3(18.8)2 × 0.294 = 312 W


numbered Display Equation

Friction + windage + core losses = 403W

Total = 403 + 369.25 + 312 = 1,084.25W

Output = 17,690

numbered Display Equation


To allow for multi-application of induction motors, engineers use many options to adjust the speed of induction motors, including:

  1. Pole changing motors. By simply changing coil connections, the number of poles can be changed in the ratio 2:1, typically for cage-rotor-induction motors.
  2. Line frequency control. Varying the line frequency can change the speed of the motor by using a wound-rotor induction motor as a frequency changer. The most effective and economic source of adjustable frequency must be determined for this method.
  3. Line-voltage control. This can be achieved by reduction of speed from n1 to n2 rpm by changing the control torque of the induction motor, which is proportional to the square of voltage at the primary side terminals.
  4. Rotor resistance control. This is done by adjusting the rotor-circuit resistance at the primary winding.
  5. Control of slip by auxiliary devices. By varying the slip s through changes in frequency, the speed of an induction motor can be controlled.


The following are some applications of induction motors.

  1. Squirrel-cage induction motors are more widely used in industrial applications than slip-ring induction motors since they are cheaper in cost, rugged in construction, and low maintenance. Squirrel-cage induction motors are suitable for applications where the drive requires constant speed, low starting torque, and no speed-control drives.
  2. Wound-rotor induction motors are suitable for loads requiring high starting torque and low starting current, and loads that have high inertia, which results in higher energy losses. They also are applicable for loads that require a gradual buildup of torque and speed control. Specific applications include in conveyors, cranes, pumps, elevators, and compressors.


The conditions under which polyphase induction machines behave as induction generators include the following.

  1. When the slip of a polyphase induction machine becomes negative, the rotor current and rotor emf attain negative values. The prime-mover torque becomes opposite to the electric torque. This condition can be achieved by coupling a prime mover whose speed can be controlled by the machine's rotor. If the speed of the prime mover is increased such that the slip becomes negative (i.e., the speed of the prime mover becomes greater than the synchronous speed) then the induction machine behaves like a generator.
  2. If the speed of the prime mover is further increased, such that it exceeds the negative maximum value of the torque produced, then the generating effect of the generator vanishes. Clearly the speed of the induction generator during the whole operation is not synchronous; therefore, the induction generation is also called asynchronous generation.

An induction generator is not a self-excited machine. In order to develop the rotating magnetic field it requires magnetizing current and reactive power. The induction generator obtains its magnetizing current and reactive power from the supply mains or from a synchronous generator connected in parallel with it. Thus, normally, the induction generator cannot work in isolation because it continuously requires reactive power from some external supply system.

The only way to make an induction generator self-excited in isolated mode is to use capacitor banks for reactive power supply instead of an AC-supply system.

5.13.1 Isolated Induction Generators

Isolated induction generators are also known as self-excited generators. A bank of capacitors is connected across the generator's stator terminals as shown in Figure 5.10.

The function of the capacitor bank is to provide the lagging reactive power to the induction generator as well as the load. So

(5.41)numbered Display Equation

where Q is the total lagging reactive power supplied by the capacitor bank, Q1 is the reactive power drawn by the induction generator, and Q2 is the reactive power fed to the load.

5.13.2 Application of Induction Generators

The two main applications of induction generators are as follows:

  • When externally excited, induction generators are widely used for regenerative breaking of hoists driven by three-phase induction motors.
  • Self-excited generators help in conversion of unconventional energy sources into electrical energy and are used in wind turbines.

Illustrative Problems and Examples

  1. A three-phase 60 Hz, induction motor runs at 715 rpm at no load and at 670 rpm at full load.
    1. How many poles does this motor have?
    2. What is the slip at rated load?
    3. What is the speed at one-quarter of the rated load?
    4. What is the rotor's electrical frequency at one-quarter of the rated load?


  1. No-load speed NNL = 715 rpm
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Slip at rated load
    numbered Display Equation
  3. NS = 720 rpm
    numbered Display Equation
  4. Frequency = f × slip at 1/4 load
        = 0.01735 × 60
        = 1.041 Hz
  5. A 220 V, three-phase, six-pole, 50 Hz induction motor is running at a slip of 3.5 percent. Find:
    1. speed of the magnetic fields in revolutions per minute
    2. speed of the rotor in revolutions per minute
    3. slip speed of the rotor
    4. rotor frequency in hertz


  1. 220V, six poles, 50Hz running at slip of 3.5 percent
    numbered Display Equation
  2. Speed of the rotor (S) = (NS – N)/NS
    numbered Display Equation
  3. Slip speed of the rotor = NS − N = 1, 000 − 965 rpm = 35 rpm
  4. Rotor frequency = sf = 0.035 × 50 = 1.75Hz


Principles of induction machines have been presented in this chapter. This class of electromechanical machines is important as it serves dual purposes when in an electric power system depending on its mode of excitation. We have found that, as an induction motor, it is a nonlinear load, which is of interest because of the power-quality problem of harmonic distortion it creates in an electric power system. As an induction generator, its application in wind energy systems is of importance. Consequently, irrespective of the configuration of an induction machine, its place as a load or an energy source in any power system is of utmost interest, especially in the design, operation, and management of a microgrid. Considerable resources have therefore been included in this chapter for the benefit of the student to facilitate overall knowledge of this machine in preparation for its applications in a microgrid system. Several exercises to illustrate computational modelling, performance, and speed regulation of induction machines have been presented in this chapter.


  1. A 50 kW, 440 V, 50 Hz, two-pole induction motor has a slip of 6 percent when operating at full-load conditions. At full-load conditions, the friction and windage losses are 520 W, and the core losses are 500 W. Find the following values for full-load conditions:

    1. shaft speed in rpm,
    2. output power in watts
    3. load torque (load τ) in Newton meters
    4. induced torque (ind τ) in Newton meters
  2. A 480 V, 60 Hz, six-pole, three-phase, delta-connected induction motor has the following parameters: R= 0.461Ω, R= 0.258Ω, X= 0.507Ω, X= 0.309Ω, X= 30.74Ω, and rotational losses 2,450 W. The motor drives a mechanical load at a speed of 1,170 rpm. Calculate:

    1. synchronous speed in rpm
    2. slip
    3. line current
    4. input power
    5. air-gap power
    6. torque developed
    7. output power in horsepower
    8. efficiency
  3. A three-phase, six-pole, 10HP, 400 Hz induction motor has a slip of 3 percent at rated output power. Friction and windage losses are 300 W at rated speed. The rated condition total core losses are 350 W. R= R2 = 0.05Ω and X= X2 = 0.05Ω. Using the approximate equivalent circuit for analysis, if the motor is operating at rated output power, speed, and frequency, find:

    1. rotor speed
    2. frequency of rotor currents
    3. total power across the air gap
    4. efficiency
    5. applied-line voltage
  4. A three-phase, 50HP, 460 V, 60 Hz, 865 rpm induction motor is operating at rated conditions and has P= 43.75 kW and I1 = 61KA. It is known that R1 = 0.15Ω and rotational losses at rated speed are 1,050 W. Determine:

    1. full-load power factor
    2. full-load efficiency
    3. total rotor coil ohmic losses
    4. total core losses
  5. A 208 V, four-pole, 60 Hz, Y-connected, wound-rotor induction motor is rated at 30Hp. Its equivalent circuit components are:

    R= 0.100Ω R2 = 0.070Ω Xm = 10.0Ω
    X1 = 0.210Ω X2 = 0.210Ω
    Pmech = 500W Pcore = 400W

    For a slip of 0.05, find:

    1. line current
    2. stator copper losses
    3. airgap power
    4. power converted from electrical to mechanical from induced torque
    5. power converted from electrical to mechanical from total load torque
  6. The power crossing the air gap of a 60 Hz, four-pole, induction motor is 25 kW and the power converted from electrical to mechanical form in the motor is 23.2 kW.

    1. What is the slip of the motor at this time?
    2. What is the induced torque in this motor?
    3. If the mechanical losses are 300 W at this slip, what is the load torque of this motor?
  7. An induction motor draws 50A from a 380 V, three-phase line at a lagging power factor of 0.9. If its rotor copper losses are 1,000 W and 500 W, respectively, its core losses are 650 W, the friction and windage losses are 200 W, and the stray losses are 250 W, determine:

    1. air-gap power
    2. mechanical power developed
    3. shaft output power in watts and horsepower
    4. efficiency of the motor
  8. An induction motor draws 50A from a 480 V, three-phase line at a lagging power factor of 0.85. Its stator and rotor copper losses are 1,000 W and 500 W, respectively. Its core losses are 500 W, friction and windage losses are 250 W, and stray losses are 250 W. Determine:

    1. air-gap power
    2. mechanical power developed
    3. shaft output power in horsepower
    4. efficiency of the motor
  9. The input to the rotor of a 208 V, three phase, 60 Hz, 24-pole induction motor is 20 kW. If the rotor current is 63.25A per phase and the rotor resistance is 0.05Ω per phase, and ignoring the rotational losses, determine:

    1. developed (electromagnetic) torque in Nm
    2. speed in rpm and rad/s
    3. horsepower output of the motor


  1. Electrical4U, “Induction Motor,”
  2. J. Casazza and F. Delea, Understanding Electric Power Systems: An Overview of the Technology, the Marketplace, and Government Regulations, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.
  3. H. Saadat, Power System Analysis, 3rd ed., PSA Publishing, 2010.
  4. A. E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, and S. D. Umans, Fitzgerald & Kingsley's Electric Machinery, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1983.
  5. C. A. Gross, Power System Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1979.
  6. S. J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 2012.
  7. T. Gönen, Electrical Machines with MATLAB, 2nd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2011.
  8. W. L. Matsch and J. D. Morgan, Electromagnetics and Electromechanical Machines, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 1986.
  9. M. S. Sarma, Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dynamic Performance, WMC Brown Publishers, Dubuque, IA, 1985.
  10. R. Ramshaw and R. G. van Heeswijk, Energy Conversion: Electric Motors and Generators, Saunders College Publishing, Philadelphia, 1990.
  11. G. R. Slemon, Electric Machines and Drives, Addison-Wesley Publishing, New York, 1992.
  12. B. L. Theraja and A. K. Theraja, A Textbook of Electrical Technology, 1st multicolour ed., S. Chand, New Delhi, 2005.
  13. Electrical Engineering (blog), “Squirrel Cage Motors,”
  14. Electropaedia, “Electric Drives: AC Motors (Description and Applications),”
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