Chapter 1

An Out-of-the-Box Experience


check Unboxing your Android

check Charging the battery

check Locating important things

check Getting optional accessories

check Storing a phone or tablet

You begin your Android adventure by removing the device from its box. Yes, I know: You’ve already completed that task. I don’t blame you; I removed my new Android from the box before I wrote this chapter. Yet you may consider a few helpful tips and suggestions before that out-of-the-box experience becomes a distant memory.


Like most electronics, your new Android phone or tablet works fastest when you remove it from its box. Savor the moment. Breathe deep the scent of industrial glue used to seal the box. Gingerly lift out the packaging. Marvel as you peel back the plastic sheeting.

Array before you the contents of the box. These useful items include

  • The device itself: Tablets come fully assembled, but some phones require that you insert the battery and then snap on the back of the case. Directions are found inside the box.
  • USB cable: You can use it to connect the phone or tablet to a computer or a wall charger. Some tablets may come with a charger cord only.
  • Power adapter: Use this thing (and the USB cable) to charge the Android’s battery. The adapter may come in two pieces, both of which must be assembled.
  • Earbud headset: This item might be a simple headset, or you might find a microphone/controller gizmo on one of the earbud leads.
  • Useless pamphlets: It’s odd that the safety and warranty information is far more extensive than the flimsy setup guide. That shows the priority our culture places on lawyers over technology writers.
  • The SIM card and removal tool: For cellular Androids, you may find the card holder used to install the device’s SIM card. If you purchased your device at a phone store, someone there may have tossed the SIM card holder into the box as well. You can throw it out, though I recommend keeping the SIM card removal tool.

The important thing to do is confirm that nothing is missing or damaged. Ensure that you have all the parts you paid for, including any optional accessories. If anything is missing or appears to be damaged, immediately contact the folks who sold you the phone or tablet.

tip I recommend keeping the packaging and its contents as long as you own the Android: The box makes an excellent storage place for that stuff — as well as for anything else you don’t plan to use right away.

Device Assembly

Most Android phones come fully assembled. If yours didn’t, the folks at the phone store will put everything together for you. When you’re on your own, you must perform this task. This process might involve installing the SIM card, though you might also need to install the phone’s battery and, optionally, insert a microSD card. To assist you, specific directions come with the phone.

Don’t worry about the assembly process being overly complex: If you’re good with LEGOs, you can put together an Android phone.

Many of the topics in this section also apply to Android tablets, though they all come fully assembled.

Peeling off the plastic sheeting

The phone or tablet ships with a clingy plastic sheeting over its screen, back, or sides. The sheeting might tell you where to find various features, so look it over before you peel it off. And, yes, you must remove the sheeting; it’s for shipping protection, not for long-term protection.

  • tip Check the device’s rear camera to confirm that you’ve removed the plastic sheeting from its lens.

  • Feel free to throw away the plastic sheeting.

Installing the SIM card

A SIM card identifies an Android phone or tablet to the digital cellular network. Before you can use the device on that network, the SIM card must be installed.

Most of the time, the kind people at the phone store install the SIM card. They pretend like it’s a task that requires a Ph.D. in quantum mechanics, though the task is LEGO-brick simple.

If you’ve purchased your phone or LTE tablet outside the realm of the phone store and you have a SIM card to install (and you know how to obtain service for it and all that), follow these steps when the device is turned off:

  1. Pop the SIM card out of the credit-card-size holder.

    Push the card with your thumb and it pops out. Don’t use scissors or you may damage the card.

  2. Locate the SIM card cover on the device’s outer edge.

    The cover features a dimple or hole on one end.

  3. Firmly insert the SIM card removal tool into the hole on the SIM card cover, and remove the SIM card tray.

    The SIM card cover pops up or the SIM card tray slides out.

  4. Set the SIM card into the SIM card tray or otherwise insert it into the SIM card slot.

    The SIM card is shaped in such a way that it’s impossible to insert improperly. If the card doesn’t slide into the slot, reorient the card and try again.

  5. Insert the SIM card tray back into the slot or close the SIM card cover.

    You’re done.

The good news is that you seldom, if ever, need to remove or replace a SIM card.

  • On some phones, the SIM card is inserted internally. In that case, remove the phone’s back cover and, if necessary, remove the battery to access the SIM card slot.
  • technicalstuff SIM stands for subscriber identity module. SIM cards are required for GSM cellular networks as well as for 4G LTE networks.

Installing a microSD card

A few phones and tablets offer removable storage in the form of a microSD card slot. This storage is in addition to internal storage that comes with every Android device.

A microSD card provides your device with more storage, plus the capability to easily transfer storage between devices. More details on using the card are offered in Chapter 19. Here are the directions for inserting the card:

  1. Locate the microSD card slot.

    The slot is labeled as illustrated in Figure 1-1. It is not the same as the SIM card slot.

  2. Flip open the teensy hatch on the microSD card slot.

    Insert your thumbnail into the tiny slot and flip the hatch outward. It’s attached on one end, so it may not completely pop off.

  3. Insert the microSD card into the slot.

    The card goes in only one way. If you’re fortunate, a little outline of the card illustrates the proper orientation. If you’re even more fortunate, your eyes will be good enough to see the tiny outline.


FIGURE 1-1: Opening the microSD card hatch.

tip You may hear a faint clicking sound when the card is fully inserted. If not, use the end of a paper clip or your fingernail to fully insert the card.

  • You must purchase a microSD card separately from your phone or tablet.
  • It’s okay to insert the microSD card while the device is on. If so, a notification appears, detailing information about the card.
  • Refer to Chapter 19 if the notification indicates that the card must be formatted.
  • The Android works with or without a microSD card installed.
  • Storage capacity for microSD cards is measured in gigabytes (GB). Common capacities are 8GB, 16GB, 32GB, and higher. The maximum size allowed depends on the phone or tablet’s design. The side of the box lists compatible capacities.

Removing the microSD card

To remove the microSD card, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the phone or tablet.

    It’s possible to remove the card while the gizmo is on, and directions are offered in Chapter 19. For now, ensure that the device is off. Specific power-off directions are found in Chapter 2.

  2. Open the little hatch covering the microSD card slot.

    Refer to the preceding section.

  3. Using your fingernail or a bent paper clip, gently press the microSD card inward a tad.

    The microSD card is spring-loaded, so pressing it in pops it outward.

  4. Pinch the microSD card between your fingers and remove it completely.

After you’ve removed the card, you can continue using the phone or tablet. It works just fine without a microSD card.

warning The microSD card is too tiny to leave lying around. Put it into a microSD card adapter or its original plastic container. Don’t lose it!

Charge the Battery

Manufacturers give your new phone or tablet enough charge to survive the setup process, but little more. Therefore, one of your first duties, and eventually a routine task, is to charge the Android’s battery. You can wait in an old castle for a lightning storm or just abide by these steps:

  1. If necessary, assemble the charging cord.

    Connect the charger head (the wall adapter) to the USB cable that comes with the Android.

  2. Plug the charger head and cable into a wall socket.
  3. Connect the Android to the USB cable.

    The charger cord plugs into the micro-USB connector, found at the device’s bottom.

As the device charges, you may see a Charging Battery graphic on the touchscreen, or a notification lamp may glow. Such activity is normal.

When the device is fully charged, the icon is “full” or you see 100% on the battery indicator. At that point, you can remove the charging cord, though leaving the Android plugged in doesn’t damage the device.

  • The phone or tablet may turn on when you plug it in for a charge. That’s okay, but read Chapter 2 to find out what to do the first time the Android turns on.
  • Some tablets use their own charging cord, not the USB cable.
  • I recommend fully charging the gizmo. You can use it while it’s charging, but give it a full charge before you disconnect the cord.
  • Older Androids feature a micro-A USB connector, which plugs in only one way. If the cable doesn’t fit, flip it over and try again.
  • Newer USB Type-C cables and connectors plug in any-which-way.
  • Some Androids can charge wirelessly, but only when you purchase a special wireless charger: Lie the phone or tablet on its charging pad or set it in the charging cradle.
  • If the battery charge is too low, the phone or tablet won’t turn on. This is normal behavior. Let the device charge a while before you turn it on.
  • The Android also charges itself whenever it’s connected to a computer’s USB port. The computer must be on for charging to work. The device may charge only when plugged into a powered USB port, such as one of those found directly on the computer console.
  • Androids charge more quickly when plugged into the wall than into a computer’s USB port or a car adapter.
  • Unlike with the old NiCad batteries, you don’t need to worry about fully discharging the battery before recharging it. If the phone or tablet needs a charge, even when the battery is just a little low, feel free to do so.
  • Some Androids can be charged wirelessly. See the later section “Adding accessories.”
  • Also see Chapter 24 for battery and power management information.

Android Exploration

No one told the first person to ride a horse which way to sit. That’s because some things just come naturally. If using your Android phone or tablet doesn’t come naturally, refer to this section for help finding important items on the device and learning what those doodads are called.

Discovering what’s what and where

Take a gander at Figure 1-2, which illustrates common items found on the front and back of a typical Android phone. Figure 1-3 provides the same details, but for a typical Android tablet.


FIGURE 1-2: Your phone’s face and rump.


FIGURE 1-3: Things to find on your Android tablet.

Not every item shown in the figures may be in the exact same spot on your phone or tablet. For example, the Power/Lock key might be found on top of the device, not on the side.

The items illustrated in Figures 1-2 and 1-3 use terms found throughout this book and in whatever scant Android documentation exists. Here are the highlights:

Power/Lock key: This button, or key, turns the device on or off or locks or unlocks the device. Directions for performing these activities are found in Chapter 2.

Volume key: The volume control is two buttons in one. Press one side of the key to set the volume higher, or the other side to set the volume lower.

Touchscreen: The biggest part of an Android gizmo is its touchscreen display, which occupies almost all the territory on the front of the device. The touchscreen is a look-touch gizmo: You look at it but also touch it with your fingers to control the Android.

Front camera: The front-facing camera, found above the touchscreen, is used for taking self-portraits as well as for video chat. Small-format Android tablets feature the front camera above the touchscreen as the device is held vertically; larger tablets put the front camera above the touchscreen as the device is held horizontally.

Rear camera: The rear camera is found on the back of the phone or tablet. It may be accompanied by one or two LED flash gizmos.

Speaker(s): The primary phone speaker is located top-center, above the touchscreen. One or more additional speakers might also be found on the phone’s bottom edge or backside. Tablets feature stereo speakers on either side of the device, though some smaller tablets may have their speakers on the back.

Microphone: Somewhere below the touchscreen, you’ll find the phone’s microphone. It’s tiny, about the diameter of a pin. Don’t stick anything into the hole! A second, noise-canceling microphone might also be found on the back of the phone. Android tablets put the microphone along the edge, typically on the bottom.

Headphone jack: Somewhere on the device’s edge is the hole where you can connect standard headphones.

Removable storage slot: Into this slot you insert a microSD card, which expands the device’s storage. Not every Android features this expansion option.

SIM card cover: This spot is where you access a cellular device’s SIM card, as covered earlier in this chapter.

USB/Power connector: This slot is where you connect the USB cable, which is used both to charge the battery and to connect your Android to a computer.

Take a moment to locate all the items mentioned in this section, as well as shown in Figures 1-2 and 1-3. It’s important that you know where these items are.

  • As you might expect, some devices feature extra doodads beyond the basics here. For example, you may find a row of navigation icons along the bottom of the touchscreen. Older Samsung devices feature a physical Home button. Newer Samsung devices have a Bixby button, used to summon Samsung’s digital assistant.
  • A common feature found on the back of many phones is a fingerprint reader. This gizmo is used to unlock the device. Refer to Chapter 22.
  • The Galaxy Note line of Androids features a pointing device, in the form of a digital stylus called an S Pen. It docks at the device’s bottom edge.
  • It’s common for some phones to feature controls on the back. You may find the power button (near the top-center on the back of the phone), a volume key, or a fingerprint reader.

Using earphones

You can use your Android without earphones, but they’re nice things to have. If you didn’t find a set of earbuds in the box with the phone or tablet, I recommend that you buy a pair: The earbud-style earphone sets directly into your ear. The sharp, pointy end of the earphones, which you don’t want to stick into your ear, plugs into the device’s headphone jack.

Between the earbuds and the sharp, pointy thing, you might find a doodle button. The button is used to answer a call on an Android phone, mute the mic, or, on both a phone and tablet, start or stop the playback of music.

A teensy hole on the doodle serves as a microphone. The mic allows you to wear the earbuds and talk on the phone while keeping your hands free. If you gesture while you speak, you’ll find this feature invaluable.

  • remember The earphones must be inserted fully into the jack. If not, you won’t hear anything.

  • You can also use a Bluetooth headset with your phone, to listen to a call or some music. See Chapter 18 for more information on Bluetooth.
  • tip Fold the earphones when you put them away, as opposed to wrapping them in a loop. Put the earbuds and connector in one hand, and then pull the wire straight out with the other hand. Fold the wire in half and then in half again. You can then put the earphones in your pocket or on a tabletop. By folding the wires, you avoid creating something that looks like a wire ball of Christmas tree lights.

Adding accessories

Beyond earphones, you can find an entire phone store full of accessories and baubles that you can obtain for your Android phone or tablet. The variety is seemingly endless, and the prices, well, they ain’t cheap. Here are some of your choices:

Phone case: Protect your phone by getting it a jacket, one that further expresses your individuality.

Pouches, sleeves, and keyboard covers: Android tablets have larger-format cases, almost like folios. Special pouches double as tablet stands. The fanciest tablet accessory is a keyboard cover, which features a wireless (Bluetooth) keyboard.

Keyboard: Speaking of keyboards, even if it isn’t part of the case, a Bluetooth keyboard is a handy Android tablet accessory.

Screen protector: This clear, plastic sheet adheres to the touchscreen, protecting it from scratches, finger smudges, and sneeze globs while still allowing you to use the touchscreen. Ensure that you get a screen protector designed specifically for your phone or tablet.

Belt clip: To sate your envy of Batman’s utility belt, consider getting a fine leatherette or Naugahyde phone case that you can quickly attach to your belt.

Vehicle charger: Use the vehicle charger to provide power to your phone or tablet for a long trip. This accessory is a must for older vehicles that lack USB ports.

Car mount: This device holds your Android phone so that you can easily see it while driving. It makes for easier access, although these things are forbidden in some states.

microSD Card: When your Android supports this type of removable storage, consider buying this memory card. See the earlier section “Installing a microSD card.”

Wireless charger: Not every phone can be charged wirelessly, but if yours can, definitely get a wireless charger. Set your phone on the pad or prop it up in the dock. The phone’s battery starts magically recharging.

Screencasting dongle: This accessory connects to an HDTV or computer monitor. Once configured, it allows you to cast the Android’s screen onto the larger-screen device. It’s ideal for watching movies or Netflix or YouTube videos, or for enjoying music. Google’s Chromecast is an example of a screencasting gizmo. See Chapter 19 for more information on screencasting.

Other exciting and nifty accessories might be available for your phone or tablet. Check frequently for new garnishes and frills at the location where you bought your Android. Your credit card company will love you.

  • Android devices generally don’t recognize more than one button on the earphone doodle. For example, if you use earphones that feature a Volume button or Mute button, pressing that extra button does nothing.
  • Another useful accessory to get is a microfiber cloth to help clean the touchscreen, plus a special cleaning-solution wipe. See Chapter 24 for more information about cleaning an Android’s screen.

Where to Keep Your Digital Pal

The good news is that an Android combines multiple devices. So instead of keeping track of a clock, camera, phone, video recorder, game machine, tiny TV, or other gizmos, you need to mind only one device. Of course, the panic is still there when you misplace the phone or tablet. This section offers hints on how to avoid that situation.

Toting an Android phone

The compactness of the modern smartphone makes it perfect for a pocket or even the teensiest of party purses. And its well-thought-out design means you can carry your phone in your pocket or handbag without fearing that something will accidentally turn it on, dial Mongolia, and run up a heck of a cell phone bill.

  • Most phones feature a proximity sensor. It keeps the touchscreen locked, which prevents a phone in a pocket or purse from waking up and making a call.
  • See Chapter 22 for details on the On Body Detection feature used to keep the phone from locking while you’re moving.
  • warning Don’t forget that you’ve placed the phone in your pocket, especially in your coat or jacket. You might accidentally sit on the phone, or it can fly out when you peel off your coat. The worst fate for any smartphone is to take a trip through the wash. I’m sure your phone has nightmares about it.

Taking an Android tablet with you

The ideal place for an Android tablet is in a specially designed pouch or sleeve. The pouch keeps the device from being dinged, scratched, or even unexpectedly turned on while it’s in your backpack, purse, or carry-on luggage or wherever you put the tablet when you’re not using it.

Also see Chapter 23 for information on using an Android tablet on the road.

Making a home for the Android

It’s best to keep your phone or tablet in the same place when you’re not actively using it, especially a tablet. I prefer to keep my gizmos by my computer, where I can charge them and also refer to them as I work.

Another ideal location is on a nightstand. Especially if you get a dock for the phone or tablet, you can use it as your alarm clock. Ensure that you connect the Android to a power source so that it charges overnight.

Above all, keep the phone or tablet in the same spot. That’s the key to not losing it. Always set it back in the same place. (This advice applies to anything you’re prone to losing, not just a phone or tablet.)

  • Phones and tablets on coffee tables get buried under magazines and are often squished when rude people put their feet on the furniture.
  • Avoid putting your phone or tablet in direct sunlight; heat is bad news for any electronic gizmo.
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