
One of the most important pieces of a PKI is its digital certificate. A certificate is the mechanism used to associate a public key with a collection of components in a manner that is sufficient to uniquely identify the claimed owner. The standard for how the CA creates the certificate is X.509, which dictates the different fields used in the certificate and the valid values that can populate those fields. The most commonly used version is 3 of this standard, which is often denoted as X.509v3. Many cryptographic protocols use this type of certificate, including SSL.

The certificate includes the serial number, version number, identity information, algorithm information, lifetime dates, and the signature of the issuing authority, as shown in Figure 3-47.

The Registration Authority

The registration authority (RA) performs the certification registration duties. The RA establishes and confirms the identity of an individual, initiates the certification process with a CA on behalf of an end user, and performs certificate life-cycle management functions. The RA cannot issue certificates, but can act as a broker between the user and the CA. When users need new certificates, they make requests to the RA, and the RA verifies all necessary identification information before allowing a request to go to the CA.


Figure 3-47  Each certificate has a structure with all the necessary identifying information in it.

PKI Steps

Now that we know some of the main pieces of a PKI and how they actually work together, let’s walk through an example. First, suppose that John needs to obtain a digital certificate for himself so he can participate in a PKI. The following are the steps to do so:

1. John makes a request to the RA.

2. The RA requests certain identification information from John, such as a copy of his driver’s license, his phone number, his address, and other identifying information.

3. Once the RA receives the required information from John and verifies it, the RA sends his certificate request to the CA.

4. The CA creates a certificate with John’s public key and identity information embedded. (The private/public key pair is generated either by the CA or on John’s machine, which depends on the systems’ configurations. If it is created at the CA, his private key needs to be sent to him by secure means. In most cases, the user generates this pair and sends in his public key during the registration process.)


Figure 3-48  CA and user relationships

Now John is registered and can participate in a PKI. John and Diane decide they want to communicate, so they take the following steps, shown in Figure 3-48:

1. John requests Diane’s public key from a public directory.

2. The directory, sometimes called a repository, sends Diane’s digital certificate.

3. John verifies the digital certificate and extracts her public key. John uses this public key to encrypt a session key that will be used to encrypt their messages. John sends the encrypted session key to Diane. John also sends his certificate, containing his public key, to Diane.

4. When Diane receives John’s certificate, her browser looks to see if it trusts the CA that digitally signed this certificate. Diane’s browser trusts this CA and, after she verifies the certificate, both John and Diane can communicate using encryption.

A PKI may be made up of the following entities and functions:

•  Certification authority

•  Registration authority

•  Certificate repository

•  Certificate revocation system

•  Key backup and recovery system

•  Automatic key update

•  Management of key histories

•  Timestamping

•  Client-side software

PKI supplies the following security services:

•  Confidentiality

•  Access control

•  Integrity

•  Authentication

•  Nonrepudiation

A PKI must retain a key history, which keeps track of all the old and current public keys that have been used by individual users. For example, if Kevin encrypted a symmetric key with Dave’s old public key, there should be a way for Dave to still access this data. This can only happen if the CA keeps a proper history of Dave’s old certificates and keys.


NOTE Another important component that must be integrated into a PKI is a reliable time source that provides a way for secure timestamping. This comes into play when true nonrepudiation is required.

Applying Cryptography

Cryptography is an essential tool in our cyber security toolkits. Now that we have covered its most important technical aspects, we are in a position to understand how to apply it to defending our information systems. Perhaps the most important consideration when applying cryptography is that it, like a fine steak, has a limited shelf life. Given enough time and resources, any cryptosystem can be broken, either through analysis or brute force.

The cryptographic life cycle is the ongoing process of identifying your cryptography needs, selecting the right algorithms, provisioning the needed capabilities and services, and managing keys. Eventually, you determine that your cryptosystem is approaching the end of its shelf life and you start the cycle all over again.

How can you tell when your algorithms (or choice of key spaces) is about to go stale? You need to stay up to date with the cryptologic research community. They are the best source for early warning that things are going sour. Typically, research papers postulating weaknesses in an algorithm are followed by academic exercises in breaking the algorithm under controlled conditions, which are then followed by articles on how it is broken in general cases. When the first papers come out, it is time to start looking for replacements.

Services of Cryptosystems

Cryptosystems can provide the following services:

•  Confidentiality Renders the information unintelligible except by authorized entities.

•  Integrity Data has not been altered in an unauthorized manner since it was created, transmitted, or stored.

•  Authentication Verifies the identity of the user or system that created the information.

•  Authorization Upon proving identity, the individual is then provided with the key or password that will allow access to some resource.

•  Nonrepudiation Ensures that the sender cannot deny sending the message.

As an example of how these services work, suppose your boss sends you a message telling you that you will be receiving a raise that doubles your salary. The message is encrypted, so you can be sure it really came from your boss (authenticity), that someone did not alter it before it arrived at your computer (integrity), that no one else was able to read it as it traveled over the network (confidentiality), and that your boss cannot deny sending it later when he comes to his senses (nonrepudiation).

Different types of messages and transactions require higher or lower degrees of one or all of the services that cryptography methods can supply. Military and intelligence agencies are very concerned about keeping information confidential, so they would choose encryption mechanisms that provide a high degree of secrecy. Financial institutions care about confidentiality, but they also care about the integrity of the data being transmitted, so the encryption mechanism they would choose may differ from the military’s encryption methods. If messages were accepted that had a misplaced decimal point or zero, the ramifications could be far reaching in the financial world. Legal agencies may care most about the authenticity of the messages they receive. If information received ever needed to be presented in a court of law, its authenticity would certainly be questioned; therefore, the encryption method used must ensure authenticity, which confirms who sent the information.


NOTE If David sends a message and then later claims he did not send it, this is an act of repudiation. When a cryptography mechanism provides nonrepudiation, the sender cannot later deny he sent the message (well, he can try to deny it, but the cryptosystem proves otherwise). It’s a way of keeping the sender honest.

The types and uses of cryptography have increased over the years. At one time, cryptography was mainly used to keep secrets secret (confidentiality), but today we use cryptography to ensure the integrity of data, to authenticate messages, to confirm that a message was received, to provide access control, and much more.

Digital Signatures

A digital signature is a hash value that has been encrypted with the sender’s private key. The act of signing means encrypting the message’s hash value with a private key, as shown in Figure 3-49.

From our earlier example in the section “The One-Way Hash,” if Kevin wants to ensure that the message he sends to Maureen is not modified and he wants her to be sure it came only from him, he can digitally sign the message. This means that a one-way hashing function would be run on the message, and then Kevin would encrypt that hash value with his private key.


Figure 3-49  Creating a digital signature for a message

When Maureen receives the message, she will perform the hashing function on the message and come up with her own hash value. Then she will decrypt the sent hash value (digital signature) with Kevin’s public key. She then compares the two values, and if they are the same, she can be sure the message was not altered during transmission. She is also sure the message came from Kevin because the value was encrypted with his private key.

The hashing function ensures the integrity of the message, and the signing of the hash value provides authentication and nonrepudiation. The act of signing just means the value was encrypted with a private key.

We need to be clear on all the available choices within cryptography, because different steps and algorithms provide different types of security services:

•  A message can be encrypted, which provides confidentiality.

•  A message can be hashed, which provides integrity.

•  A message can be digitally signed, which provides authentication, nonrepudiation, and integrity.

•  A message can be encrypted and digitally signed, which provides confidentiality, authentication, nonrepudiation, and integrity.

Some algorithms can only perform encryption, whereas others support digital signatures and encryption. When hashing is involved, a hashing algorithm is used, not an encryption algorithm.

It is important to understand that not all algorithms can necessarily provide all security services. Most of these algorithms are used in some type of combination to provide all the necessary security services required of an environment. Table 3-3 shows the services provided by the algorithms.

Digital Signature Standard

Because digital signatures are so important in proving who sent which messages, the U.S. government decided to establish standards pertaining to their functions and acceptable use. In 1991, NIST proposed a federal standard called the Digital Signature Standard (DSS). It was developed for federal departments and agencies, but most vendors also designed their products to meet these specifications. The federal government requires its departments to use DSA, RSA, or the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) and SHA. SHA creates a 160-bit message digest output, which is then inputted into one of the three mentioned digital signature algorithms. SHA is used to ensure the integrity of the message, and the other algorithms are used to digitally sign the message. This is an example of how two different algorithms are combined to provide the right combination of security services.


Table 3-3  Various Functions of Different Algorithms

RSA and DSA are the best known and most widely used digital signature algorithms. DSA was developed by the NSA. Unlike RSA, DSA can be used only for digital signatures, and DSA is slower than RSA in signature verification. RSA can be used for digital signatures, encryption, and secure distribution of symmetric keys.

Key Management

Cryptography can be used as a security mechanism to provide confidentiality, integrity, and authentication, but not if the keys are compromised in any way. The keys can be captured, modified, corrupted, or disclosed to unauthorized individuals. Cryptography is based on a trust model. Individuals must trust each other to protect their own keys; trust the administrator who is maintaining the keys; and trust a server that holds, maintains, and distributes the keys.

Many administrators know that key management causes one of the biggest headaches in cryptographic implementation. There is more to key maintenance than using them to encrypt messages. The keys must be distributed securely to the right entities and updated continuously. They must also be protected as they are being transmitted and while they are being stored on each workstation and server. The keys must be generated, destroyed, and recovered properly. Key management can be handled through manual or automatic processes.

The keys are stored before and after distribution. When a key is distributed to a user, it does not just hang out on the desktop. It needs a secure place within the file system to be stored and used in a controlled method. The key, the algorithm that will use the key, configurations, and parameters are stored in a module that also needs to be protected. If an attacker is able to obtain these components, she could masquerade as another user and decrypt, read, and re-encrypt messages not intended for her.

Historically, physical cryptographic keys were kept in secured boxes and delivered by escorted couriers. The keys could be distributed to a main server, and then the local administration would distribute them, or the courier would visit each computer individually. Some implementations distributed a master key to a site, and then that key was used to generate unique secret keys to be used by individuals at that location. Today, most key distributions are handled by a protocol through automated means and not manually by an individual. A company must evaluate the overhead of key management, the required security level, and cost-benefit issues to decide how it will conduct key management, but overall, automation provides a more accurate and secure approach.

When using the Kerberos protocol (which we will describe in Chapter 5), a Key Distribution Center (KDC) is used to store, distribute, and maintain cryptographic session and secret keys. This method provides an automated method of key distribution. The computer that wants to access a service on another computer requests access via the KDC. The KDC then generates a session key to be used between the requesting computer and the computer providing the requested resource or service. The automation of this process reduces the possible errors that can happen through a manual process, but if the ticket-granting service (TGS) portion of the KDC gets compromised in any way, then all the computers and their services are affected and possibly compromised.

In some instances, keys are still managed through manual means. Unfortunately, although many companies use cryptographic keys, they rarely, if ever, change them, either because of the hassle of key management or because the network administrator is already overtaxed with other tasks or does not realize the task actually needs to take place. The frequency of use of a cryptographic key has a direct correlation to how often the key should be changed. The more a key is used, the more likely it is to be captured and compromised. If a key is used infrequently, then this risk drops dramatically. The necessary level of security and the frequency of use can dictate the frequency of key updates. A mom-and-pop diner might only change its cryptography keys every month, whereas an information warfare military unit might change them every day or every week. The important thing is to change the keys using a secure method.

Key management is the most challenging part of cryptography and also the most crucial. It is one thing to develop a very complicated and complex algorithm and key method, but if the keys are not securely stored and transmitted, it does not really matter how strong the algorithm is.

Key Management Principles

Keys should not be in cleartext outside the cryptography device. As stated previously, many cryptography algorithms are known publicly, which puts more stress on protecting the secrecy of the key. If attackers know how the actual algorithm works, in many cases, all they need to figure out is the key to compromise a system. This is why keys should not be available in cleartext—the key is what brings secrecy to encryption.

These steps, and all of key distribution and maintenance, should be automated and hidden from the user. These processes should be integrated into software or the operating system. It only adds complexity and opens the doors for more errors when processes are done manually and depend upon end users to perform certain functions.

Keys are at risk of being lost, destroyed, or corrupted. Backup copies should be available and easily accessible when required. If data is encrypted and then the user accidentally loses the necessary key to decrypt it, this information would be lost forever if there were not a backup key to save the day. The application being used for cryptography may have key recovery options, or it may require copies of the keys to be kept in a secure place.

Different scenarios highlight the need for key recovery or backup copies of keys. For example, if Bob has possession of all the critical bid calculations, stock value information, and corporate trend analysis needed for tomorrow’s senior executive presentation, and Bob has an unfortunate confrontation with a bus, someone is going to need to access this data after the funeral. As another example, if an employee leaves the company and has encrypted important documents on her computer before departing, the company would probably still want to access that data later. Similarly, if the vice president did not know that running a large magnet over the USB drive that holds his private key was not a good idea, he would want his key replaced immediately instead of listening to a lecture about electromagnetic fields and how they rewrite sectors on media.

Of course, having more than one key increases the chance of disclosure, so a company needs to decide whether it wants to have key backups and, if so, what precautions to put into place to protect them properly. A company can choose to have multiparty control for emergency key recovery. This means that if a key must be recovered, more than one person is needed for this process. The key recovery process could require two or more other individuals to present their private keys or authentication information. These individuals should not all be members of the IT department. There should be a member from management, an individual from security, and one individual from the IT department, for example. All of these requirements reduce the potential for abuse and would require collusion for fraudulent activities to take place.

Rules for Keys and Key Management

Key management is critical for proper protection. The following are responsibilities that fall under the key management umbrella:

•  The key length should be long enough to provide the necessary level of protection.

•  Keys should be stored and transmitted by secure means.

•  Keys should be extremely random, and the algorithm should use the full spectrum of the keyspace.

•  The key’s lifetime should correspond with the sensitivity of the data it is protecting. (Less secure data may allow for a longer key lifetime, whereas more sensitive data might require a shorter key lifetime.)

•  The more the key is used, the shorter its lifetime should be.

•  Keys should be backed up or escrowed in case of emergencies.

•  Keys should be properly destroyed when their lifetime comes to an end.

Key escrow is a process or entity that can recover lost or corrupted cryptographic keys; thus, it is a common component of key recovery operations. When two or more entities are required to reconstruct a key for key recovery processes, this is known as multiparty key recovery. Multiparty key recovery implements dual control, meaning that two or more people have to be involved with a critical task.


NOTE More detailed information on key management best practices can be found in NIST Special Publication 800-57, Part 1 Revision 4: “Recommendation for Key Management, Part 1: General.”

Trusted Platform Module

The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a microchip installed on the motherboard of modern computers and is dedicated to carrying out security functions that involve the storage and processing of symmetric and asymmetric keys, hashes, and digital certificates. The TPM was devised by the Trusted Computing Group (TCG), an organization that promotes open standards to help strengthen computing platforms against security weaknesses and attacks.

The essence of the TPM lies in a protected and encapsulated microcontroller security chip that provides a safe haven for storing and processing security-intensive data such as keys, passwords, and digital certificates.

The use of a dedicated and encoded hardware-based platform drastically improves the Root of Trust of the computing system while allowing for a vastly superior implementation and integration of security features. The introduction of TPM has made it much harder to access information on computing devices without proper authorization and allows for effective detection of malicious configuration changes to a computing platform.

TPM Uses

The most common usage scenario of the TPM is to bind a hard disk drive, where the content of a given hard disk drive is affixed with a particular computing system. The content of the hard disk drive is encrypted, and the decryption key is stored away in the TPM chip. To ensure safe storage of the decryption key, it is further “wrapped” with another encryption key. Binding a hard disk drive makes its content basically inaccessible to other systems, and any attempt to retrieve the drive’s content by attaching it to another system will be very difficult. However, in the event of the TPM chip’s failure, the hard drive’s content will be rendered useless, unless a backup of the key has been escrowed.

Another application of the TPM is sealing a system’s state to a particular hardware and software configuration. Sealing a computing system through TPM is used to deter any attempts to tamper with a system’s configurations. In practice, this is similar to how hashes are used to verify the integrity of files shared over the Internet (or any other untrusted medium).

Sealing a system is fairly straightforward. The TPM generates hash values based on the system’s configuration files and stores them in its memory. A sealed system will only be activated once the TPM verifies the integrity of the system’s configuration by comparing it with the original “sealing” value.

The TPM is essentially a securely designed microcontroller with added modules to perform cryptographic functions. These modules allow for accelerated and storage processing of cryptographic keys, hash values, and pseudonumber sequences. The TPM’s internal storage is based on nonvolatile random access memory (NVRAM), which retains its information when power is turned off and is therefore termed nonvolatile.

TPM’s internal memory is divided into two different segments: persistent (static) and versatile (dynamic) memory modules.

Persistent Memory Two kinds of keys are present in the static memory:

•  Endorsement Key (EK) A public/private key pair that is installed in the TPM at the time of manufacture and cannot be modified. The private key is always present inside the TPM, while the public key is used to verify the authenticity of the TPM itself. The EK, installed in the TPM, is unique to that TPM and its platform.

•  Storage Root Key (SRK) The master wrapping key used to secure the keys stored in the TPM.

Versatile Memory Three kinds of keys (or values) are present in the versatile memory:

•  Attestation Identity Key (AIK) Used for the attestation of the TPM chip itself to service providers. The AIK is linked to the TPM’s identity at the time of development, which in turn is linked to the TPM’s Endorsement Key. Therefore, the AIK ensures the integrity of the EK.

•  Platform Configuration Registers (PCR) Used to store cryptographic hashes of data used for TPM’s “sealing” functionality.

•  Storage keys Used to encrypt the storage media of the computer system.


Digital Rights Management

Digital Rights Management (DRM) refers to a set of technologies that is applied to controlling access to copyrighted data. The technologies themselves don’t need to be developed exclusively for this purpose. It is the use of a technology that makes it DRM, not its design. In fact, many of the DRM technologies in use today are standard cryptographic ones. For example, when you buy a Software as a Service (SaaS) license for, say, Office 365, Microsoft uses standard user authentication and authorization technologies to ensure that you only install and run the allowed number of copies of the software. Without these checks during the installation (and periodically thereafter), most of the features will stop working after a period of time. A potential problem with this approach is that the end-user device may not have Internet connectivity.

An approach to DRM that does not require Internet connectivity is the use of product keys. When you install your application, the key you enter is checked against a proprietary algorithm and, if it matches, the installation is activated. It might be tempting to equate this approach to symmetric key encryption, but in reality, the algorithms employed are not always up to cryptographic standards. Since the user has access to both the key and the executable code of the algorithm, the latter can be reverse-engineered with a bit of effort. This could allow a malicious user to develop a product-key generator with which to effectively bypass DRM. A common way around this threat is to require a one-time online activation of the key.

DRM technologies are also used to protect documents. Adobe, Amazon, and Apple all have their own approaches to limiting the number of copies of an electronic book (e-book) that you can download and read. Another approach to DRM is the use of digital watermarks, which are steganographically embedded into the file and can document details such as the owner of the file, the licensee (user), and date of purchase. While watermarks will not stop someone from illegally copying and distributing files, they could help the owner track, identify, and prosecute the perpetrator.

Attacks on Cryptography

Eavesdropping and sniffing data as it passes over a network are considered passive attacks because the attacker is not affecting the protocol, algorithm, key, message, or any parts of the encryption system. Passive attacks are hard to detect, so in most cases methods are put in place to try to prevent them rather than to detect and stop them.

Altering messages, modifying system files, and masquerading as another individual are acts that are considered active attacks because the attacker is actually doing something instead of sitting back and gathering data. Passive attacks are usually used to gain information prior to carrying out an active attack.

The common attack vectors in cryptography are key, algorithm, implementation, data, and people. We should assume that the attacker knows what algorithm we are using and that the attacker has access to all encrypted text. The following sections address some active attacks that relate to cryptography.

Ciphertext-Only Attacks

In this type of attack, the attacker has the ciphertext of several messages. Each of the messages has been encrypted using the same encryption algorithm. The attacker’s goal is to discover the key used in the encryption process. Once the attacker figures out the key, she can decrypt all other messages encrypted with the same key.

A ciphertext-only attack is the most common type of active attack because it is very easy to get ciphertext by sniffing someone’s traffic, but it is the hardest attack to actually be successful at because the attacker has so little information about the encryption process.

Known-Plaintext Attacks

In known-plaintext attacks, the attacker has the plaintext and corresponding ciphertext of one or more messages. Again, the goal is to discover the key used to encrypt the messages so other messages can be deciphered and read.

Messages usually start with the same type of beginning and close with the same type of ending. An attacker might know that each message a general sends out to his commanders always starts with certain greetings and ends with specific salutations and the general’s name and contact information. In this instance, the attacker has some of the plaintext (the data that is the same on each message) and can capture an encrypted message, and therefore capture the ciphertext. Once a few pieces of the puzzle are discovered, the rest is accomplished by reverse-engineering, frequency analysis, and brute-force attempts. Known-plaintext attacks were used by the United States against the Germans and the Japanese during World War II.

Chosen-Plaintext Attacks

In chosen-plaintext attacks, the attacker has the plaintext and ciphertext, but can choose the plaintext that gets encrypted to see the corresponding ciphertext. This gives the attacker more power and possibly a deeper understanding of the way the encryption process works so she can gather more information about the key being used. Once the key is discovered, other messages encrypted with that key can be decrypted.

How would this be carried out? Doris can e-mail a message to you that she thinks you not only will believe, but will also panic about, encrypt, and send to someone else. Suppose Doris sends you an e-mail that states, “The meaning of life is 42.” You may think you have received an important piece of information that should be concealed from others, everyone except your friend Bob, of course. So you encrypt Doris’s message and send it to Bob. Meanwhile Doris is sniffing your traffic and now has a copy of the plaintext of the message, because she wrote it, and a copy of the ciphertext.

Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks

In chosen-ciphertext attacks, the attacker can choose the ciphertext to be decrypted and has access to the resulting decrypted plaintext. Again, the goal is to figure out the key. This is a harder attack to carry out compared to the previously mentioned attacks, and the attacker may need to have control of the system that contains the cryptosystem.


NOTE All of these attacks have a derivative form, the names of which are the same except for putting the word “adaptive” in front of them, such as adaptive chosen-plaintext and adaptive chosen-ciphertext. What this means is that the attacker can carry out one of these attacks and, depending upon what she gleaned from that first attack, modify her next attack. This is the process of reverse-engineering or cryptanalysis attacks: using what you learned to improve your next attack.

Differential Cryptanalysis

This type of attack also has the goal of uncovering the key that was used for encryption purposes. This attack looks at ciphertext pairs generated by encryption of plaintext pairs with specific differences and analyzes the effect and result of those differences. One such attack was invented in 1990 as an attack against DES, and it turned out to be an effective and successful attack against DES and other block algorithms.

The attacker takes two messages of plaintext and follows the changes that take place to the blocks as they go through the different S-boxes. (Each message is being encrypted with the same key.) The differences identified in the resulting ciphertext values are used to map probability values to different possible key values. The attacker continues this process with several more sets of messages and reviews the common key probability values. One key value will continue to show itself as the most probable key used in the encryption processes. Since the attacker chooses the different plaintext messages for this attack, it is considered a type of chosen-plaintext attack.

Linear Cryptanalysis

Linear cryptanalysis is another type of attack that carries out functions to identify the highest probability of a specific key employed during the encryption process using a block algorithm. The attacker carries out a known-plaintext attack on several different messages encrypted with the same key. The more messages the attacker can use and put through this type of attack, the higher the confidence level in the probability of a specific key value.

The attacker evaluates the input and output values for each S-box. He evaluates the probability of input values ending up in a specific combination. Identifying specific output combinations allows him to assign probability values to different keys until one shows a continual pattern of having the highest probability.

Side-Channel Attacks

All of the attacks we have covered thus far have been based mainly on the mathematics of cryptography. Using plaintext and ciphertext involves high-powered mathematical tools that are needed to uncover the key used in the encryption process.

But what if we took a different approach? Let’s say we see something that looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck, swims in water, and eats bugs and small fish. We could confidently conclude that this is a duck. Similarly, in cryptography, we can review facts and infer the value of an encryption key. For example, we could detect how much power consumption is used for encryption and decryption (the fluctuation of electronic voltage). We could also intercept the radiation emissions released and then calculate how long the processes took. Looking around the cryptosystem, or its attributes and characteristics, is different from looking into the cryptosystem and trying to defeat it through mathematical computations.

If Omar wants to figure out what you do for a living, but he doesn’t want you to know he is doing this type of reconnaissance work, he won’t ask you directly. Instead, he will find out when you go to work and when you come home, the types of clothing you wear, the items you carry, and whom you talk to—or he can just follow you to work. These are examples of side channels.

So, in cryptography, gathering “outside” information with the goal of uncovering the encryption key is just another way of attacking a cryptosystem.

An attacker could measure power consumption, radiation emissions, and the time it takes for certain types of data processing. With this information, he can work backward by reverse-engineering the process to uncover an encryption key or sensitive data. A power attack reviews the amount of heat released. This type of attack has been successful in uncovering confidential information from smart cards. In 1995, RSA private keys were uncovered by measuring the relative time cryptographic operations took.

The idea is that instead of attacking a device head on, just watch how it performs to figure out how it works. In biology, scientists can choose to carry out a noninvasive experiment, which will watch an organism eat, sleep, mate, and so on. This type of approach learns about the organism through understanding its behaviors instead of killing it and looking at it from the inside out.

Replay Attacks

A big concern in distributed environments is the replay attack, in which an attacker captures some type of data and resubmits it with the hopes of fooling the receiving device into thinking it is legitimate information. Many times, the data captured and resubmitted is authentication information, and the attacker is trying to authenticate herself as someone else to gain unauthorized access.

Timestamps and sequence numbers are two countermeasures to replay attacks. Packets can contain sequence numbers, so each machine will expect a specific number on each receiving packet. If a packet has a sequence number that has been previously used, this is an indication of a replay attack. Packets can also be timestamped. A threshold can be set on each computer to only accept packets within a certain timeframe. If a packet is received that is past this threshold, it can help identify a replay attack.

Algebraic Attacks

Algebraic attacks analyze the vulnerabilities in the mathematics used within the algorithm and exploit the intrinsic algebraic structure. For instance, attacks on the “textbook” version of the RSA cryptosystem exploit properties of the algorithm, such as the fact that the encryption of a raw “0” message is “0.”

Analytic Attacks

Analytic attacks identify algorithm structural weaknesses or flaws, as opposed to brute-force attacks, which simply exhaust all possibilities without respect to the specific properties of the algorithm. Examples include the Double DES attack and RSA factoring attack.

Statistical Attacks

Statistical attacks identify statistical weaknesses in algorithm design for exploitation—for example, if statistical patterns are identified, as in the number of zeros compared to the number of ones. For instance, a random number generator (RNG) may be biased. If keys are taken directly from the output of the RNG, then the distribution of keys would also be biased. The statistical knowledge about the bias could be used to reduce the search time for the keys.

Social Engineering Attacks

Attackers can trick people into providing their cryptographic key material through various social engineering attack types. Social engineering attacks are carried out on people with the goal of tricking them into divulging some type of sensitive information that can be used by the attacker. The attacker may convince the victim that he is a security administrator that requires the cryptographic data for some type of operational effort. The attacker could then use the data to decrypt and gain access to sensitive data. The attacks can be carried out through persuasion, coercion (rubber-hose cryptanalysis), or bribery (purchase-key attack).

Meet-in-the-Middle Attacks

This term refers to a mathematical analysis used to try and break a math problem from both ends. It is a technique that works on the forward mapping of a function and the inverse of the second function at the same time. The attack works by encrypting from one end and decrypting from the other end, thus meeting in the middle.

Site and Facility Security

Let’s recap briefly where we’ve been so far in this chapter. We covered a variety of computing architectures and how to evaluate the security of systems built upon them. Since it is critical to protect not only our computing systems but also the information that makes them useful to us, we included a lengthy discussion on cryptography. This gives us a very solid base on which to engineer security into our systems. (We defer the discussion on network issues until the next chapter.) Unfortunately, this is not enough. If skilled attackers can have “alone time” with our systems, the odds are very good that they will be able to compromise the security of those systems. We must then ensure that we make it difficult for unauthorized persons to gain physical access in the first place.

Many people in the information security field do not think as much about physical security as they do about information and computer security and the associated hackers, ports, malware, and technology-oriented security countermeasures. But information security without proper physical security could be a waste of time.

Physical security has a different set of vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures from that of computer and information security. The set for physical security has more to do with physical destruction, intruders, environmental issues, theft, and vandalism. When security professionals look at information security, they think about how someone can enter an environment in an unauthorized manner through a port, wireless access point, or software exploitation. When security professionals look at physical security, they are concerned with how people can physically enter an environment and cause an array of damages.

The threats that an organization faces fall into these broad categories:

•  Natural environmental threats Floods, earthquakes, storms and tornadoes, fires, extreme temperature conditions, and so forth

•  Supply system threats Power distribution outages, communications interruptions, and interruption of other resources such as water, gas, air filtration, and so on

•  Manmade threats Unauthorized access (both internal and external), explosions, damage by disgruntled employees, employee errors and accidents, vandalism, fraud, theft, and others

•  Politically motivated threats Strikes, riots, civil disobedience, terrorist attacks, bombings, and so forth

In all situations, the primary consideration, above all else, is that nothing should impede life safety goals. When we discuss life safety, protecting human life is the first priority. Good planning helps balance life safety concerns and other security measures. For example, barring a door to prevent unauthorized physical intrusion might prevent individuals from being able to escape in the event of a fire. Life safety goals should always take precedence over all other types of goals; thus, this door might allow insiders to exit through it after pushing an emergency bar, but not allow external entities in.

As we consider site and facility security, we must implement layered defense models, which means that physical controls should work together in a tiered architecture. The concept is that if one layer fails, other layers will protect the valuable asset. Layers would be implemented moving from the perimeter toward the asset. For example, you would have a fence, then your facility walls, then an access control card device, then a guard, then an IDS, and then locked computer cases and safes. This series of layers will protect the company’s most sensitive assets, which would be placed in the innermost control zone of the environment. So if the bad guy were able to climb over your fence and outsmart the security guard, he would still have to circumvent several layers of controls before getting to your precious resources and systems.

Security needs to protect all the assets of the organization and enhance productivity by providing a secure and predictable environment. Good security enables employees to focus on their tasks at hand and encourages attackers to move on to an easier target. We’ll next look at physical security that can affect the availability of company resources, the integrity of the assets and environment, and the confidentiality of the data and business processes.

The Site Planning Process

A designer, or team of designers, needs to be identified to create or improve upon an organization’s current site and facility security program. The team must work with management to define the objectives of the program, design the program, and develop performance-based metrics and evaluation processes to ensure the objectives are continually being met.

The objectives of the site and facility security program depend upon the level of protection required for the various assets and the company as a whole. And this required level of protection, in turn, depends upon the organization’s acceptable risk level. This acceptable risk level should be derived from the laws and regulations with which the organization must comply and from the threat profile of the organization overall. This requires identifying who and what could damage business assets, identifying the types of attacks and crimes that could take place, and understanding the business impact of these threats. The type of physical countermeasures required and their adequacy or inadequacy need to be measured against the organization’s threat profile. A financial institution has a much different threat profile, and thus a much different acceptable risk level, when compared to a grocery store. The threat profile of a hospital is different from the threat profile of a military base or a government agency. The team must understand the types of adversaries it must consider, the capabilities of these adversaries, and the resources and tactics these individuals would use. (Review Chapter 1 for a discussion of acceptable risk-level concepts.)

Physical security is a combination of people, processes, procedures, technology, and equipment to protect resources. The design of a solid physical security program should be methodical and should weigh the objectives of the program and the available resources. Although every organization is different, the approach to constructing and maintaining a physical security program is the same. The organization must first define the vulnerabilities, threats, threat agents, and targets.


NOTE Remember that a vulnerability is a weakness and a threat is the potential that someone will identify this weakness and use it against you. The threat agent is the person or mechanism that actually exploits this identified vulnerability.

Threats can be grouped into categories such as internal and external threats. Internal threats may include faulty technology, fire hazards, or employees who aim to damage the company in some way. Employees have intimate knowledge of the company’s facilities and assets, which is usually required to perform tasks and responsibilities—but this makes it easier for the insider to carry out damaging activity without being noticed. Unfortunately, a large threat to companies can be their own security guards, which is usually not realized until it is too late. These people have keys and access codes to all portions of a facility and usually work during employee off-hours. This gives the guards ample windows of opportunity to carry out their crimes. It is critical for a company to carry out a background investigation, or to pay a company to perform this service, before hiring a security guard. If you hire a wolf to guard the chicken coop, things can get ugly.

External threats come in many different forms as well. Government buildings are usually chosen targets for some types of political revenge. If a company performs abortions or conducts animal research, then activists are usually a large and constant threat. And, of course, banks and armored cars are tempting targets for organized crime members.

A threat that is even trickier to protect against is collusion, in which two or more people work together to carry out fraudulent activity. Many criminal cases have uncovered insiders working with outsiders to defraud or damage a company. The types of controls for this type of activity are procedural protection mechanisms. This may include separation of duties, preemployment background checks, rotations of duties, and supervision.

As with any type of security, most attention and awareness surrounds the exciting and headline-grabbing tidbits about large crimes being carried out and criminals being captured. In information security, most people are aware of viruses and hackers, but not of the components that make up a corporate security program. The same is true for physical security. Many people talk about current robberies, murders, and other criminal activity at the water cooler, but do not pay attention to the necessary framework that should be erected and maintained to reduce these types of activities. An organization’s physical security program should address the following goals:

•  Crime and disruption prevention through deterrence Fences, security guards, warning signs, and so forth

•  Reduction of damage through the use of delaying mechanisms Layers of defenses that slow down the adversary, such as locks, security personnel, and barriers

•  Crime or disruption detection Smoke detectors, motion detectors, CCTV, and so forth

•  Incident assessment Response of security guards to detected incidents and determination of damage level

•  Response procedures Fire suppression mechanisms, emergency response processes, law enforcement notification, and consultation with outside security professionals

So, an organization should try to prevent crimes and disruptions from taking place, but must also plan to deal with them when they do happen. A criminal should be delayed in her activities by having to penetrate several layers of controls before gaining access to a resource. All types of crimes and disruptions should be able to be detected through components that make up the physical security program. Once an intrusion is discovered, a security guard should be called upon to assess the situation. The security guard must then know how to properly respond to a large range of potentially dangerous activities. The emergency response activities could be carried out by the organization’s internal security team or by outside experts.

This all sounds straightforward enough, until the team responsible for developing the physical security program looks at all the possible threats, the finite budget that the team has to work with, and the complexity of choosing the right combination of countermeasures and ensuring that they all work together in a manner that ensures no gaps of protection. All of these components must be understood in depth before the design of a physical security program can begin.

As with all security programs, it is possible to determine how beneficial and effective your physical security program is only if it is monitored through a performance-based approach. This means you should devise measurements and metrics to gauge the effectiveness of your countermeasures. This enables management to make informed business decisions when investing in the protection of the organization’s physical security. The goal is to increase the performance of the physical security program and decrease the risk to the company in a cost-effective manner. You should establish a baseline of performance and thereafter continually evaluate performance to make sure that the company’s protection objectives are being met. The following list provides some examples of possible performance metrics:

•  Number of successful crimes

•  Number of successful disruptions

•  Number of unsuccessful crimes

•  Number of unsuccessful disruptions

•  Time between detection, assessment, and recovery steps

•  Business impact of disruptions

•  Number of false-positive detection alerts

•  Time it took for a criminal to defeat a control

•  Time it took to restore the operational environment

•  Financial loss of a successful crime

•  Financial loss of a successful disruption

Capturing and monitoring these types of metrics enables the organization to identify deficiencies, evaluate improvement measures, and perform cost/benefit analyses.


Figure 3-50  Relationships of risk, baselines, and countermeasures


NOTE Metrics are becoming more important in all domains of security because organizations need to allocate the necessary controls and countermeasures to mitigate risks in a cost-beneficial manner. You can’t manage what you can’t measure.

The physical security team needs to carry out a risk analysis, which will identify the organization’s vulnerabilities, threats, and business impacts. The team should present these findings to management and work with management to define an acceptable risk level for the physical security program. From there, the team must develop baselines (minimum levels of security) and metrics in order to evaluate and determine if the baselines are being met by the implemented countermeasures. Once the team identifies and implements the countermeasures, the performance of these countermeasures should be continually evaluated and expressed in the previously created metrics. These performance values are compared to the set baselines. If the baselines are continually maintained, then the security program is successful because the company’s acceptable risk level is not being exceeded. This is illustrated in Figure 3-50.

So, before an effective physical security program can be rolled out, the following steps must be taken:

1. Identify a team of internal employees and/or external consultants who will build the physical security program through the following steps.

2. Define the scope of the effort: site or facility.

3. Carry out a risk analysis to identify the vulnerabilities and threats and to calculate the business impact of each threat.

4. Identify regulatory and legal requirements that the organization must meet and maintain.

5. Work with management to define an acceptable risk level for the physical security program.

6. Derive the required performance baselines from the acceptable risk level.

7. Create countermeasure performance metrics.

8. Develop criteria from the results of the analysis, outlining the level of protection and performance required for the following categories of the security program:

•  Deterrence

•  Delaying

•  Detection

•  Assessment

•  Response

9. Identify and implement countermeasures for each program category.

10. Continuously evaluate countermeasures against the set baselines to ensure the acceptable risk level is not exceeded.

Once these steps have taken place then the team is ready to move forward in its actual design phase. The design will incorporate the controls required for each category of the program: deterrence, delaying, detection, assessment, and response. We will dig deeper into these categories and their corresponding controls later in the chapter in the section “Designing a Physical Security Program.”

One of the most commonly used approaches in physical security program development is described in the following section.

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a discipline that outlines how the proper design of a physical environment can reduce crime by directly affecting human behavior. It provides guidance in loss and crime prevention through proper facility construction and environmental components and procedures.

CPTED concepts were developed in the 1960s. They have been expanded upon and have matured as our environments and crime types have evolved. CPTED has been used not just to develop corporate physical security programs, but also for large-scale activities such as development of neighborhoods, towns, and cities. It addresses landscaping, entrances, facility and neighborhood layouts, lighting, road placement, and traffic circulation patterns. It looks at microenvironments, such as offices and restrooms, and macroenvironments, like campuses and cities. The crux of CPTED is that the physical environment can be manipulated to create behavioral effects that will reduce crime and the fear of crime. It looks at the components that make up the relationship between humans and their environment. This encompasses the physical, social, and psychological needs of the users of different types of environments and predictable behaviors of these users and offenders.

CPTED provides guidelines on items some of us might not consider. For example, hedges and planters around a facility should not be higher than 2.5 feet tall so they cannot be used to gain access to a window. A data center should be located at the center of a facility so the facility’s walls will absorb any damages from external forces, instead of the data center itself. Street furnishings (benches and tables) encourage people to sit and watch what is going on around them, which discourages criminal activity. A corporation’s landscape should not include wooded areas or other places where intruders can hide. CCTV cameras should be mounted in full view so that criminals know their activities will be captured and other people know that the environment is well monitored and thus safer.

CPTED and target hardening are two different approaches. Target hardening focuses on denying access through physical and artificial barriers (alarms, locks, fences, and so on). Traditional target hardening can lead to restrictions on the use, enjoyment, and aesthetics of an environment. Sure, we can implement hierarchies of fences, locks, and intimidating signs and barriers—but how pretty would that be? If your environment is a prison, this look might be just what you need. But if your environment is an office building, you’re not looking for Fort Knox décor. Nevertheless, you still must provide the necessary levels of protection, but your protection mechanisms should be more subtle and unobtrusive.

Let’s say your organization’s team needs to protect a side door at your facility. The traditional target-hardening approach would be to put locks, alarms, and cameras on the door; install an access control mechanism, such as a proximity reader; and instruct security guards to monitor this door. The CPTED approach would be to ensure there is no sidewalk leading to this door from the front of the building if you don’t want customers using it. The CPTED approach would also ensure no tall trees or bushes block the ability to view someone using this door. Barriers such as trees and bushes may make intruders feel more comfortable in attempting to break in through a secluded door.

The best approach is usually to build an environment from a CPTED approach and then apply the target-hardening components on top of the design where needed.

If a parking garage were developed using the CPTED approach, the stair towers and elevators within the garage might have glass windows instead of metal walls, so people would feel safer, and potential criminals would not carry out crimes in this more visible environment. Pedestrian walkways would be created such that people could look out across the rows of cars and see any suspicious activities. The different rows for cars to park in would be separated by low walls and structural pillars, instead of solid walls, to allow pedestrians to view activities within the garage. The goal is to not provide any hidden areas where criminals can carry out their crimes and to provide an open-viewed area so if a criminal does attempt something malicious, there is a higher likelihood of someone seeing it.

CPTED provides three main strategies to bring together the physical environment and social behavior to increase overall protection: natural access control, natural surveillance, and natural territorial reinforcement.

Natural Access Control

Natural access control is the guidance of people entering and leaving a space by the placement of doors, fences, lighting, and even landscaping. For example, an office building may have external bollards with lights in them, as shown in Figure 3-51. These bollards actually carry out different safety and security services. The bollards themselves protect the facility from physical destruction by preventing people from driving their cars into the building. The light emitted helps ensure that criminals do not have a dark place to hide. And the lights and bollard placement guide people along the sidewalk to the entrance, instead of using signs or railings. As shown in Figure 3-51, the landscape, sidewalks, lighted bollards, and clear sight lines are used as natural access controls. They work together to give individuals a feeling of being in a safe environment and help dissuade criminals by working as deterrents.


Figure 3-51  Sidewalks, lights, and landscaping can be used for protection.


NOTE Bollards are short posts commonly used to prevent vehicular access and to protect a building or people walking on a sidewalk from vehicles. They can also be used to direct foot traffic.

Clear lines of sight and transparency can be used to discourage potential offenders, because of the absence of places to hide or carry out criminal activities.

The CPTED model shows how security zones can be created. An environment’s space should be divided into zones with different security levels, depending upon who needs to be in that zone and the associated risk. The zones can be labeled as controlled, restricted, public, or sensitive. This is conceptually similar to information classification, as described in Chapter 2. In a data classification program, different classifications are created, along with data handling procedures and the level of protection that each classification requires. The same is true of physical zones. Each zone should have a specific protection level required of it, which will help dictate the types of controls that should be put into place.


Access control should be in place to control and restrict individuals from going from one security zone to the next. Access control should also be in place for all facility entrances and exits. The security program development team needs to consider other ways in which intruders can gain access to buildings, such as by climbing adjacent trees to access skylights, upper-story windows, and balconies. The following controls are commonly used for access controls within different organizations:

•  Limit the number of entry points.

•  Force all guests to go to a front desk and sign in before entering the environment.

•  Reduce the number of entry points even further after hours or during the weekend, when not as many employees are around.

•  Implement sidewalks and landscaping to guide the public to a main entrance.

•  Implement a back driveway for suppliers and deliveries that is not easily accessible to the public.

•  Provide lighting for the pathways the public should follow to enter a building to help encourage use of only one entry for access.

•  Implement sidewalks and grassy areas to guide vehicle traffic to only enter and exit through specific locations.

•  Provide parking in the front of the building (not the back or sides) so people will be directed to enter the intended entrance.

These types of access controls are used all of the time, and we usually do not think about them. They are built into the natural environment to manipulate us into doing what the owner of the facility wants us to do. When you are walking on a sidewalk that leads to an office front door and there are pretty flowers on both sides of the sidewalk, know that they are put there because people tend not to step off a sidewalk and crush pretty flowers. Flowers are commonly placed on both sides of a sidewalk to help ensure that people stay on the sidewalk. Subtle and sneaky, but these control mechanisms work.

More obvious access barriers can be naturally created (cliffs, rivers, hills), existing manmade elements (railroad tracks, highways), or artificial forms designed specifically to impede movement (fences, closing streets). These can be used in tandem or separately to provide the necessary level of access control.

Natural Surveillance

Surveillance can also take place through organized means (security guards), mechanical means (CCTV), and natural strategies (straight lines of sight, low landscaping, raised entrances). The goal of natural surveillance is to make criminals feel uncomfortable by providing many ways observers could potentially see them and to make all other people feel safe and comfortable by providing an open and well-designed environment.

Natural surveillance is the use and placement of physical environmental features, personnel walkways, and activity areas in ways that maximize visibility. Figure 3-52 illustrates a stairway in a parking garage designed to be open and allow easy observation.

Next time you are walking down a street and see a bench next to a building or you see a bench in a park, know that the city has not allocated funds for these benches just in case your legs get tired. These benches are strategically placed so that people will sit and watch other people. This is a very good surveillance system. The people who are watching others do not realize that they are actually protecting the area, but many criminals will identify them and not feel as confident in carrying out some type of malicious deed.

Walkways and bicycle paths are commonly installed so that there will be a steady flow of pedestrians who could identify malicious activity. Buildings might have large windows that overlook sidewalks and parking lots for the same reason. Shorter fences might be installed so people can see what is taking place on both sides of the fence. Certain high-risk areas have more lighting than what is necessary so that people from a distance can see what is going on. These high-risk areas could be stairs, parking areas, bus stops, laundry rooms, children’s play areas, dumpsters, and recycling stations. These constructs help people protect people without even knowing it.

Natural Territorial Reinforcement

The third CPTED strategy is natural territorial reinforcement, which creates physical designs that emphasize or extend the company’s physical sphere of influence so legitimate users feel a sense of ownership of that space. Territorial reinforcement can be implemented through the use of walls, fences, landscaping, light fixtures, flags, clearly marked addresses, and decorative sidewalks. The goal of territorial reinforcement is to create a sense of a dedicated community. Companies implement these elements so employees feel proud of their environment and have a sense of belonging, which they will defend if required to do so. These elements are also implemented to give potential offenders the impression that they do not belong there, that their activities are at risk of being observed, and that their illegal activities will not be tolerated or ignored.


Figure 3-52  Open areas reduce the likelihood of criminal activity.

Most corporate environments use a mix of the CPTED and target-hardening approaches. CPTED deals mainly with the construction of the facility, its internal and external designs, and exterior components such as landscaping and lighting. If the environment is built based on CPTED, then the target hardening is like icing on the cake. The target-hardening approach applies more granular protection mechanisms, such as locks and motion detectors. The rest of the chapter looks at physical controls that can be used in both models.

Designing a Physical Security Program

If a team is organized to assess the protection level of an existing facility, it needs to investigate the following:

•  Construction materials of walls and ceilings

•  Power distribution systems

•  Communication paths and types (copper, telephone, fiber)

•  Surrounding hazardous materials

•  Exterior components:

•  Topography

•  Proximity to airports, highways, railroads

•  Potential electromagnetic interference from surrounding devices

•  Climate

•  Soil

•  Existing fences, detection sensors, cameras, barriers

•  Operational activities that depend upon physical resources

•  Vehicle activity

•  Neighbors

To properly obtain this information, the team should do physical surveys and interview various employees. All of this collected data will help the team to evaluate the current controls, identify weaknesses, and ensure operational productivity is not negatively affected by implementing new controls.

Although there are usually written policies and procedures on what should be taking place pertaining to physical security, policies and reality do not always match up. It is important for the team to observe how the facility is used, note daily activities that could introduce vulnerabilities, and determine how the facility is protected. This information should be documented and compared to the information within the written policy and procedures. In most cases, existing gaps must be addressed and fixed. Just writing out a policy helps no one if it is not actually followed.

Every organization must comply with various regulations, whether they be safety and health regulations; fire codes; state and local building codes; Departments of Defense, Energy, or Labor requirements; or some other agency’s regulations. The organization may also have to comply with requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), if it is operating in the United States, or with the requirements of equivalent organizations within another country. The physical security program development team must understand all the regulations the organization must comply with and how to reach compliance through physical security and safety procedures.

Legal issues must be understood and properly addressed as well. These issues may include access availability for the disabled, liability issues, the failure to protect assets, and so on. This long laundry list of items can get a company into legal trouble if it is not doing what it is supposed to. Occasionally, the legal trouble may take the form of a criminal case—for example, if doors default to being locked when power is lost and, as a result, several employees are trapped and killed during a fire, criminal negligence may be alleged. Legal trouble can also come in the form of civil cases—for instance, if a company does not remove the ice on its sidewalks and a pedestrian falls and breaks his ankle, the pedestrian may sue the company. The company may be found negligent and held liable for damages.

Every organization should have a facility safety officer, whose main job is to understand all the components that make up the facility and what the company needs to do to protect its assets and stay within compliance. This person should oversee facility management duties day in and day out, but should also be heavily involved with the team that has been organized to evaluate the organization’s physical security program.

A physical security program is a collection of controls that are implemented and maintained to provide the protection levels necessary to be in compliance with the physical security policy. The policy should embody all the regulations and laws that must be adhered to and should set the risk level the company is willing to accept.

By this point, the team has carried out a risk analysis, which consisted of identifying the company’s vulnerabilities, threats, and business impact pertaining to the identified threats. The program design phase should begin with a structured outline, which will evolve into a framework. This framework will then be fleshed out with the necessary controls and countermeasures. The outline should contain the program categories and the necessary countermeasures. The following is a simplistic example:

  I. Deterrence of criminal activity

A. Fences

B. Warning signs

C. Security guards

D. Dogs

 II. Delay of intruders to help ensure they can be caught

A. Locks

B. Defense-in-depth measures

C. Access controls

III. Detection of intruders

A. External intruder sensors

B. Internal intruder sensors

IV. Assessment of situations

A. Security guard procedures

B. Damage assessment criteria

 V. Response to intrusions and disruptions

A. Communication structure (calling tree)

B. Response force

C. Emergency response procedures

D. Police, fire, medical personnel

The team can then start addressing each phase of the security program, usually starting with the facility.


When a company decides to erect a building, it should consider several factors before pouring the first batch of concrete. Of course, it should review land prices, customer population, and marketing strategies, but as security professionals, we are more interested in the confidence and protection that a specific location can provide. Some organizations that deal with top-secret or confidential information and processes make their facilities unnoticeable so they do not attract the attention of would-be attackers. The building may be hard to see from the surrounding roads, the company signs and logos may be small and not easily noticed, and the markings on the building may not give away any information that pertains to what is going on inside that building. It is a type of urban camouflage that makes it harder for the enemy to seek out that company as a target. This is very common for telecommunication facilities that contain critical infrastructure switches and other supporting technologies. When driving down the road you might pass three of these buildings, but because they have no features that actually stand out, you likely would not even give them a second thought—which is the goal.

A company should evaluate how close the facility would be to a police station, fire station, and medical facilities. Many times, the proximity of these entities raises the real estate value of properties, but for good reason. If a chemical company that manufactures highly explosive materials needs to build a new facility, it may make good business sense to put it near a fire station. (Although the fire station might not be so happy.) If another company that builds and sells expensive electronic devices is expanding and needs to move operations into another facility, police reaction time may be looked at when choosing one facility location over another. Each of these issues—police station, fire station, and medical facility proximity—can also reduce insurance rates and must be looked at carefully. Remember that the ultimate goal of physical security is to ensure the safety of personnel. Always keep that in mind when implementing any sort of physical security control. Protect your fellow humans, be your brother’s keeper, and then run.

Some buildings are placed in areas surrounded by hills or mountains to help prevent eavesdropping of electrical signals emitted by the facility’s equipment. In some cases, the organization itself will build hills or use other landscaping techniques to guard against eavesdropping. Other facilities are built underground or right into the side of a mountain for concealment and disguise in the natural environment, and for protection from radar tools, spying activities, and aerial bomb attacks.

In the United States there is an Air Force base built into a mountain close to Colorado Springs, Colorado. The underground Cheyenne Mountain complex is made up of buildings, rooms, and tunnels. It has its own air intake supply, as well as water, fuel, and sewer lines. This is where the North American Aerospace Defense Command carries out its mission and apparently, according to many popular movies, is where you should be headed if the world is about to be blown up.


Physical construction materials and structure composition need to be evaluated for their appropriateness to the site environment, their protective characteristics, their utility, and their costs and benefits. Different building materials provide various levels of fire protection and have different rates of combustibility, which correlate with their fire ratings. When making structural decisions, the decision of what type of construction material to use (wood, concrete, or steel) needs to be considered in light of what the building is going to be used for. If an area will be used to store documents and old equipment, it has far different needs and legal requirements than if it is going to be used for employees to work in every day.

The load (how much weight can be held) of a building’s walls, floors, and ceilings needs to be estimated and projected to ensure the building will not collapse in different situations. In most cases, this is dictated by local building codes. The walls, ceilings, and floors must contain the necessary materials to meet the required fire rating and to protect against water damage. The windows (interior and exterior) may need to provide ultraviolet (UV) protection, may need to be shatterproof, or may need to be translucent or opaque, depending on the placement of the window and the contents of the building. The doors (exterior and interior) may need to have directional openings, have the same fire rating as the surrounding walls, prohibit forcible entries, display emergency egress markings, and—depending on placement—have monitoring and attached alarms. In most buildings, raised floors are used to hide and protect wires and pipes, and it is important to ensure any raised outlets are properly grounded.

Building codes may regulate all of these issues, but there are still many options within each category that the physical security program development team should review for extra security protection. The right options should accomplish the company’s security and functionality needs and still be cost effective.

When designing and building a facility, the following major items need to be addressed from a physical security point of view.


•  Combustibility of material (wood, steel, concrete)

•  Fire rating

•  Reinforcements for secured areas


•  Combustibility of material (wood, pressed board, aluminum)

•  Fire rating

•  Resistance to forcible entry

•  Emergency marking

•  Placement

•  Locked or controlled entrances

•  Alarms

•  Secure hinges

•  Directional opening

•  Electric door locks that revert to an unlocked state for safe evacuation in power outages

•  Type of glass—shatterproof or bulletproof glass requirements


•  Combustibility of material (wood, steel, concrete)

•  Fire rating

•  Weight-bearing rating

•  Drop-ceiling considerations


•  Translucent or opaque requirements

•  Shatterproof

•  Alarms

•  Placement

•  Accessibility to intruders


•  Weight-bearing rating

•  Combustibility of material (wood, steel, concrete)

•  Fire rating

•  Raised flooring

•  Nonconducting surface and material

Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning:

•  Positive air pressure

•  Protected intake vents

•  Dedicated power lines

•  Emergency shutoff valves and switches

•  Placement

Electric power supplies:

•  Backup and alternative power supplies

•  Clean and steady power source

•  Dedicated feeders to required areas

•  Placement and access to distribution panels and circuit breakers

Water and gas lines:

•  Shutoff valves—labeled and brightly painted for visibility

•  Positive flow (material flows out of building, not in)

•  Placement—properly located and labeled

Fire detection and suppression:

•  Placement of sensors and detectors

•  Placement of suppression systems

•  Type of detectors and suppression agents

The risk analysis results will help the team determine the type of construction material that should be used when constructing a new facility. Several grades of building construction are available. For example, light frame construction material provides the least amount of protection against fire and forcible entry attempts. It is composed of untreated lumber that would be combustible during a fire. Light frame construction material is usually used to build homes, primarily because it is cheap, but also because homes typically are not under the same types of fire and intrusion threats that office buildings are.

Heavy timber construction material is commonly used for office buildings. Combustible lumber is still used in this type of construction, but there are requirements on the thickness and composition of the materials to provide more protection from fire. The construction materials must be at least 4 inches in thickness. Denser woods are used and are fastened with metal bolts and plates. Whereas light frame construction material has a fire survival rate of 30 minutes, the heavy timber construction material has a fire survival rate of one hour.

A building could be made up of incombustible material, such as steel, which provides a higher level of fire protection than the previously mentioned materials, but loses its strength under extreme temperatures, something that may cause the building to collapse. So, although the steel will not burn, it may melt and weaken. If a building consists of fire-resistant material, the construction material is fire retardant and may have steel rods encased inside of concrete walls and support beams. This provides the most protection against fire and forced entry attempts.

The team should choose its construction material based on the identified threats of the organization and the fire codes to be complied with. If a company is just going to have some office workers in a building and has no real adversaries interested in destroying the facility, then the light frame or heavy timber construction material would be used. Facilities for government organizations, which are under threat by domestic and foreign terrorists, would be built with fire-resistant materials. A financial institution would also use fire-resistant and reinforcement material within its building. This is especially true for its exterior walls, through which thieves may attempt to drive vehicles to gain access to the vaults.

Calculations of approximate penetration times for different types of explosives and attacks are based on the thickness of the concrete walls and the gauge of rebar used. (Rebar, short for reinforcing bar, refers to the steel rods encased within the concrete.) So even if the concrete were damaged, it would take longer to actually cut or break through the rebar. Using thicker rebar and properly placing it within the concrete provides even more protection.

Reinforced walls, rebar, and the use of double walls can be used as delaying mechanisms. The idea is that it will take the bad guy longer to get through two reinforced walls, which gives the response force sufficient time (hopefully) to arrive at the scene and stop the attacker.

Entry Points

Understanding the company needs and types of entry points for a specific building is critical. The various types of entry points may include doors, windows, roof access, fire escapes, chimneys, and service delivery access points. Second and third entry points must also be considered, such as internal doors that lead into other portions of the building and to exterior doors, elevators, and stairwells. Windows at the ground level should be fortified because they could be easily broken. Fire escapes, stairwells to the roof, and chimneys often are overlooked as potential entry points.


NOTE Ventilation ducts and utility tunnels can also be used by intruders and thus must be properly protected with sensors and access control mechanisms.

The weakest portion of the structure, usually its doors and windows, will likely be attacked first. With regard to doors, the weaknesses usually lie within the frames, hinges, and door material. The bolts, frames, hinges, and material that make up the door should all provide the same level of strength and protection. For example, if a company implements a heavy, nonhollow steel door but uses weak hinges that could be easily extracted, the company is just wasting money. The attacker can just remove the hinges and remove this strong and heavy door.

The door and surrounding walls and ceilings should also provide the same level of strength. If another company has an extremely fortified and secure door, but the surrounding wall materials are made out of regular light frame wood, then it is also wasting money on doors. There is no reason to spend a lot of money on one countermeasure that can be easily circumvented by breaking a weaker countermeasure in proximity.

Doors Different door types for various functionalities include the following:

•  Vault doors

•  Personnel doors

•  Industrial doors

•  Vehicle access doors

•  Bullet-resistant doors

Doors can be hollow-core or solid-core. The team needs to understand the various entry types and the potential forced-entry threats, which will help the team determine what type of door should be implemented. Hollow-core doors can be easily penetrated by kicking or cutting them; thus, they are usually used internally. The team also has a choice of solid-core doors, which are made up of various materials to provide different fire ratings and protection from forced entry. As stated previously, the fire rating and protection level of the door need to match the fire rating and protection level of the surrounding walls.

Bulletproof doors are also an option if there is a threat that damage could be done to resources by shooting through the door. These types of doors are constructed in a manner that involves sandwiching bullet-resistant and bulletproof material between wood or steel veneers to still give the door some aesthetic qualities while providing the necessary levels of protection.

Hinges and strike plates should be secure, especially on exterior doors or doors used to protect sensitive areas. The hinges should have pins that cannot be removed, and the door frames must provide the same level of protection as the door itself.

Fire codes dictate the number and placement of doors with panic bars on them. These are the crossbars that release an internal lock to allow a locked door to open. Panic bars can be on regular entry doors and also on emergency exit doors. Those are the ones that usually have the sign that indicates the door is not an exit point and that an alarm will go off if the door is opened. It might seem like fun and a bit tempting to see if the alarm will really go off or not—but don’t try it. Security people are not known for their sense of humor.

Mantraps and turnstiles can be used so unauthorized individuals entering a facility cannot get in or out if it is activated. A mantrap is a small room with two doors. The first door is locked; a person is identified and authenticated by a security guard, biometric system, smart card reader, or swipe card reader. Once the person is authenticated and access is authorized, the first door opens and allows the person into the mantrap. The first door locks and the person is trapped. The person must be authenticated again before the second door unlocks and allows him into the facility. Some mantraps use biometric systems that weigh the person who enters to ensure that only one person at a time is entering the mantrap area. This is a control to counter piggybacking.

Doorways with automatic locks can be configured to be fail-safe or fail-secure. A fail-safe setting means that if a power disruption occurs that affects the automated locking system, the doors default to being unlocked. Fail-safe deals directly with protecting people. If people work in an area in which there is a fire or the power is lost, it is not a good idea to lock them in. A fail-secure configuration means that the doors default to being locked if there are any problems with the power. If people do not need to use specific doors for escape during an emergency, then these doors can most likely default to fail-secure settings.

Window Types Though most of us would probably think of doors as the obvious entry points, windows deserve every bit as much attention in the design of secure facilities. Like doors, different types of windows afford various degrees of protection against intrusions. The following sums up the types of windows that can be used:

•  Standard No extra protection. The cheapest and lowest level of protection.

•  Tempered Glass is heated and then cooled suddenly to increase its integrity and strength.

•  Acrylic A type of plastic instead of glass. Polycarbonate acrylics are stronger than regular acrylics.

•  Wired A mesh of wire is embedded between two sheets of glass. This wire helps prevent the glass from shattering.

•  Laminated The plastic layer between two outer glass layers. The plastic layer helps increase its strength against breakage.

•  Solar window film Provides extra security by being tinted and offers extra strength due to the film’s material.

•  Security film Transparent film is applied to the glass to increase its strength.

Internal Compartments

Many components that make up a facility must be looked at from a security point of view. Internal partitions are used to create barriers between one area and another. These partitions can be used to segment separate work areas, but should never be used in protected areas that house sensitive systems and devices. Many buildings have dropped ceilings, meaning the interior partitions do not extend to the true ceiling—only to the dropped ceiling. An intruder can lift a ceiling panel and climb over the partition. This example of intrusion is shown in Figure 3-53. In many situations, this would not require forced entry, specialized tools, or much effort. (In some office buildings, this may even be possible from a common public-access hallway.) These types of internal partitions should not be relied upon to provide protection for sensitive areas.


Figure 3-53  An intruder can lift ceiling panels and enter a secured area with little effort.

Server Rooms

It used to be necessary to have personnel within the server rooms for proper maintenance and operations. Today, most servers, routers, switches, mainframes, and data centers can be controlled remotely. This enables computers to live in rooms that have fewer people milling around and spilling coffee. Because the server rooms no longer have personnel sitting and working in them for long periods, the rooms can be constructed in a manner that is efficient for equipment instead of people.

On the other hand, there are situations in which people may have to be physically in the data center, perhaps for very extended periods of time (equipment installations/upgrades, data center infrastructure upgrades and reconfigurations, incident response, forensic data acquisition, etc.). Consequently, the inhospitable conditions (cold, dry environment; lack of comfortable work spaces; extremely high decibel levels) should be taken into account when deploying such personnel.

Data centers and server rooms should be located in the core areas of a facility, with strict access control mechanisms and procedures. The access control mechanisms may be smart card readers, biometric readers, or combination locks. These restricted areas should have only one access door, but fire code requirements typically dictate there must be at least two doors to most data centers and server rooms. Only one door should be used for daily entry and exit, and the other door should be used only in emergency situations. This second door should not be an access door, which means people should not be able to come in through this door. It should be locked, but should have a panic bar that will release the lock if pressed.

These restricted areas ideally should not be directly accessible from public areas like stairways, corridors, loading docks, elevators, and restrooms. This helps ensure that the people who are by the doors to secured areas have a specific purpose for being there, versus being on their way to the restroom or standing around in a common area gossiping about the CEO.

Because data centers usually hold expensive equipment and the company’s critical data, their protection should be thoroughly thought out before implementation. A data center should not be located on an upper floor of a building, because that would make accessing it in a timely fashion in case of a fire more difficult for an emergency crew. By the same token, data centers should not be located in basements where flooding can affect the systems. And if a facility is in a hilly area, the data center should be located well above ground level. Data centers should be located at the core of a building so that if there is some type of attack on the building, the exterior walls and structures will absorb the hit and hopefully the data center will not be damaged.

Which access controls and security measures should be implemented for the data center depends upon the sensitivity of the data being processed and the protection level required. Alarms on the doors to the data processing center should be activated during off-hours, and there should be procedures dictating how to carry out access control during normal business hours, after hours, and during emergencies. If a combination lock is used to enter the data processing center, the combination should be changed at least every six months and also after an employee who knows the code leaves the company.

The various controls discussed next are shown in Figure 3-54. The team responsible for designing a new data center (or evaluating a current data center) should understand all the controls shown in Figure 3-54 and be able to choose what is needed.

The data processing center should be constructed as one room rather than different individual rooms. The room should be away from any of the building’s water pipes in case a break in a line causes a flood. The vents and ducts from the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system should be protected with some type of barrier bars and should be too small for anyone to crawl through and gain access to the center. The data center must have positive air pressure, so no contaminants can be sucked into the room and into the computers’ fans.

Smoke detectors or fire sensors should be implemented, and portable fire extinguishers should be located close to the equipment and should be easy to see and access (see “Fire Prevention, Detection, and Suppression” later in the chapter for details). Water sensors should be placed under the raised floors. Since most of the wiring and cables run under the raised floors, it is important that water does not get to these places and, if it does, that an alarm sound if water is detected.


TIP If there is any type of water damage in a data center or facility, mold and mildew could easily become a problem. Instead of allowing things to “dry out on their own,” many times it is better to use industry-strength dehumidifiers, water movers, and sanitizers to ensure secondary damage does not occur.


Figure 3-54  A data center should have many physical security controls.

Water can cause extensive damage to equipment, flooring, walls, computers, and facility foundations. It is important that an organization be able to detect leaks and unwanted water. The detectors should be under raised floors and on dropped ceilings (to detect leaks from the floor above it). The location of the detectors should be documented and their position marked for easy access. As smoke and fire detectors should be tied to an alarm system, so should water detectors. The alarms usually just alert the necessary staff members and not everyone in the building. The staff members who are responsible for following up when an alarm sounds should be trained properly on how to reduce any potential water damage. Before anyone pokes around to see where water is or is not pooling in places it does not belong, the electricity for that particular zone of the building should be temporarily turned off.

Water detectors can help prevent damage to

•  Equipment

•  Flooring

•  Walls

•  Computers

•  Facility foundations

Location of water detectors should be

•  Under raised floors

•  On dropped ceilings

It is important to maintain the proper temperature and humidity levels within data centers, which is why an HVAC system should be implemented specifically for this room. Too high a temperature can cause components to overheat and turn off; too low a temperature can cause the components to work more slowly. If the humidity is high, then corrosion of the computer parts can take place; if humidity is low, then static electricity can be introduced. Because of this, the data center must have its own temperature and humidity controls that are separate from those for the rest of the building.

It is best if the data center is on a different electrical system than the rest of the building, if possible. Thus, if anything negatively affects the main building’s power, it will not carry over and affect the center. The data center may require redundant power supplies, which means two or more feeders coming in from two or more electrical substations. The idea is that if one of the power company’s substations were to go down, the company would still be able to receive electricity from the other feeder. But just because a company has two or more electrical feeders coming into its facility does not mean true redundancy is automatically in place. Many companies have paid for two feeders to come into their building, only to find out both feeders were coming from the same substation! This defeats the whole purpose of having two feeders in the first place.

Data centers need to have their own backup power supplies, either an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) or generators. The different types of backup power supplies are discussed later in the chapter, but it is important to know at this point that the power backup must be able to support the load of the data center.

Many companies choose to use large glass panes for the walls of the data center so personnel within the center can be viewed at all times. This glass should be shatter-resistant since the window is acting as an exterior wall. The center’s doors should not be hollow, but rather secure solid-core doors. Doors should open out rather than in so they don’t damage equipment when opened. Best practices indicate that the door frame should be fixed to adjoining wall studs and that there should be at least three hinges per door. These characteristics would make the doors much more difficult to break down.

Distribution Facilities

Distribution facilities are systems that distribute communications lines, typically dividing higher bandwidth lines into multiple lower bandwidth ones. A building will typically have one main distribution facility (MDF) where one or more external data lines are fed into the server room, data center, and/or other smaller intermediate distribution facilities (IDFs). The IDF usually provides individual lines or drops to multiple endpoints, though it is possible to daisy-chain IDFs as needed.

Larger IDFs are usually installed in small rooms normally called wiring closets. All of the design considerations for unstaffed server rooms and data centers discussed in the previous section also apply to these facilities. It is critical to think of these as the sensitive IT facilities that they are and not as just closets. We’ve seen too many organizations that allow their IDF rooms to do double duty as janitors’ closets.

Smaller IDFs are oftentimes installed in rooms that have a large number of network endpoints. They can be as small as a single switch and small patch panel on a shelf or as big as a cabinet. Unlike an MDF, an IDF is usually not enclosed in its own room, which makes it more susceptible to tampering and accidental damage. Whenever possible, an IDF should be protected by a locked enclosure. Ideally, it will be elevated to reduce the risk of flood or collision damage and to make it more visible should someone tamper with it. Another consideration that is oftentimes overlooked is placing the IDF away from overhead sprinklers, pipes, or HVAC ducts.

Storage Facilities

We discussed in Chapter 2 that the information life cycle includes an archival phase during which information is not regularly used but we still need to retain it. This happens, for example, when we close accounts but still need to keep the records for a set number of years, or when we do backups. In any event, we have to keep a large amount of disks, magnetic tapes, or even paper files for prolonged periods until we either need them or are able to dispose of them. This has to happen in a secure location that meets the requirements discussed for server rooms and data centers. Unfortunately, media storage is sometimes not given the importance it deserves, which can result in the loss or compromise of important information.

Evidence storage facilities are even more sensitive because any compromise, real or perceived, could render evidence inadmissible in court. We will cover forensic investigations in Chapter 7, but every organization with a dedicated IT staff should probably have a secure facility in which to store evidence. The two key requirements for evidence storage facilities are that they are secured and that all access and transfers are logged. Ideally, only select incident handlers and forensic investigators have keys to the facility. Unless forensic investigations are part of your business, you will likely only need a rugged cabinet with a good lock and a register in which to record who opened/closed it and what was done in it. This is yet another example of a situation in which a technical control alone (like the cabinet or safe) won’t do the job. You also have to have a good policy (like logging all access to the contents) that is rigorously enforced.

Internal Support Systems

Having a fortified facility with secure compartmentalized areas and protected assets is nice, but also having lights, air conditioning, and water within this facility is even better. Physical security needs to address these support services, because their malfunction or disruption could negatively affect the organization in many ways.

Although there are many incidents of various power losses here and there for different reasons (storms, hurricanes, California nearly running out of electricity), one of the most notable power losses took place in August 2003, when eight East Coast states and portions of Canada lost power for several days. There were rumors about a computer worm causing this disruption, but the official report blamed it on a software bug in GE Energy’s XA/21 system. This disaster left over 50 million people without power for days, caused four nuclear power plants to be shut down, and put a lot of companies in insecure and chaotic conditions. Security professionals need to be able to help organizations handle both the small bumps in the road, such as power surges or sags, and the gigantic sinkholes, such as what happened in the United States and Canada on August 14, 2003.

Electric Power

Because computing and communication have become so essential in almost every aspect of life, power failure is a much more devastating event than it was 10 to 15 years ago. Having good plans to fall back on is crucial to ensure that a business will not be drastically affected by storms, high winds, hardware failure, lightning, or other events that can stop or disrupt power supplies. A continuous supply of electricity assures the availability of company resources; thus, a security professional must be familiar with the threats to electric power and the corresponding countermeasures.

Several types of power backup capabilities exist. Before a company chooses one, it should calculate the total cost of anticipated downtime and its effects. This information can be gathered from past records and other businesses in the same area on the same power grid. The total cost per hour for backup power is derived by dividing the annual expenditures by the annual standard hours of use.

Large and small issues can cause power failure or fluctuations. The effects manifest in variations of voltage that can last a millisecond to days. A company can pay to have two different supplies of power to reduce its risks, but this approach can be costly. Other, less expensive mechanisms are to have generators or UPSs in place. Some generators have sensors to detect power failure and will start automatically upon failure. Depending on the type and size of the generator, it might provide power for hours or days. UPSs are usually short-term solutions compared to generators.

Power Protection

Protecting power can be done in three ways: through UPSs, power line conditioners, and backup sources. UPSs use battery packs that range in size and capacity. A UPS can be online or standby. Online UPS systems use AC line voltage to charge a bank of batteries. When in use, the UPS has an inverter that changes the DC output from the batteries into the required AC form and regulates the voltage as it powers computer devices. This conversion process is shown in Figure 3-55. Online UPS systems have the normal primary power passing through them day in and day out. They constantly provide power from their own inverters, even when the electric power is in proper use. Since the environment’s electricity passes through this type of UPS all the time, the UPS device is able to quickly detect when a power failure takes place. An online UPS can provide the necessary electricity and picks up the load after a power failure much more quickly than a standby UPS.


Figure 3-55  A UPS device converts DC current from its internal or external batteries to usable AC by using an inverter.

Standby UPS devices stay inactive until a power line fails. The system has sensors that detect a power failure, and the load is switched to the battery pack. The switch to the battery pack is what causes the small delay in electricity being provided. So an online UPS picks up the load much more quickly than a standby UPS, but costs more, of course.

Backup power supplies are necessary when there is a power failure and the outage will last longer than a UPS can last. Backup supplies can be a redundant line from another electrical substation or from a motor generator, and can be used to supply main power or to charge the batteries in a UPS system.

A company should identify critical systems that need protection from interrupted power supplies and then estimate how long secondary power would be needed and how much power is required per device. Some UPS devices provide just enough power to allow systems to shut down gracefully, whereas others allow the systems to run for a longer period. A company needs to determine whether systems should only have a big enough power supply to allow them to shut down properly or to keep them up and running so critical operations remain available.

Just having a generator in the closet should not give a company that warm fuzzy feeling of protection. An alternative power source should be tested periodically to make sure it works and to the extent expected. It is never good to find yourself in an emergency only to discover the generator does not work or someone forgot to buy the gas necessary to keep the thing running.

Electric Power Issues

Electric power enables us to be productive and functional in many different ways, but if it is not installed, monitored, and respected properly, it can do us great harm.

When clean power is being provided, the power supply contains no interference or voltage fluctuation. The possible types of interference (line noise) are electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI), which can cause disturbance to the flow of electric power while it travels across a power line, as shown in Figure 3-56. EMI can be created by the difference between three wires: hot, neutral, and ground, and the magnetic field they create. Lightning and electrical motors can induce EMI, which could then interrupt the proper flow of electrical current as it travels over wires to, from, and within buildings. RFI can be caused by anything that creates radio waves. Fluorescent lighting is one of the main causes of RFI within buildings today, so does that mean we need to rip out all the fluorescent lighting? That’s one choice, but we could also just use shielded cabling where fluorescent lighting could cause a problem. If you take a break from your reading, climb up into your office’s dropped ceiling, and look around, you would probably see wires bundled and tied up to the true ceiling. If your office is using fluorescent lighting, the power and data lines should not be running over, or on top of, the fluorescent lights. This is because the radio frequencies being given off can interfere with the data or power current as it travels through these wires. Now, get back down from the ceiling. We have work to do.


Figure 3-56  RFI and EMI can cause line noise on power lines.

Interference interrupts the flow of an electrical current, and fluctuations can actually deliver a different level of voltage than what was expected. Each fluctuation can be damaging to devices and people. The following explains the different types of voltage fluctuations possible with electric power:

Power excess:

•  Spike Momentary high voltage

•  Surge Prolonged high voltage

Power loss:

•  Fault Momentary power outage

•  Blackout Prolonged, complete loss of electric power

Power degradation:

•  Sag/dip Momentary low-voltage condition, from one cycle to a few seconds

•  Brownout Prolonged power supply that is below normal voltage

•  In-rush current Initial surge of current required to start a load

When an electrical device is turned on, it can draw a large amount of current, which is referred to as in-rush current. If the device sucks up enough current, it can cause a sag in the available power for surrounding devices. This could negatively affect their performance. As stated earlier, it is a good idea to have the data processing center and devices on a different electrical wiring segment from that of the rest of the facility, if possible, so the devices will not be affected by these issues. For example, if you are in a building or house without efficient wiring and you turn on a vacuum cleaner or microwave, you may see the lights quickly dim because of this in-rush current. The drain on the power supply caused by in-rush currents still happens in other environments when these types of electrical devices are used—you just might not be able to see the effects. Any type of device that would cause such a dramatic in-rush current should not be used on the same electrical segment as data processing systems.

Because these and other occurrences are common, mechanisms should be in place to detect unwanted power fluctuations and protect the integrity of your data processing environment. Voltage regulators and line conditioners can be used to ensure a clean and smooth distribution of power. The primary power runs through a regulator or conditioner. They have the capability to absorb extra current if there is a spike and to store energy to add current to the line if there is a sag. The goal is to keep the current flowing at a nice, steady level so neither motherboard components nor employees get fried.

Many data centers are constructed to take power-sensitive equipment into consideration. Because surges, sags, brownouts, blackouts, and voltage spikes frequently cause data corruption, the centers are built to provide a high level of protection against these events. Other types of environments usually are not built with these things in mind and do not provide this level of protection. Offices usually have different types of devices connected and plugged into the same outlets. Outlet strips are plugged into outlet strips, which are connected to extension cords. This causes more line noise and a reduction of voltage to each device. Figure 3-57 depicts an environment that can cause line noise, voltage problems, and possibly a fire hazard.


Figure 3-57  This configuration can cause a lot of line noise and poses a fire hazard.

Preventive Measures and Good Practices

When dealing with electric power issues, the following items can help protect devices and the environment:

•  Employ surge protectors to protect from excessive current.

•  Shut down devices in an orderly fashion to help avoid data loss or damage to devices due to voltage changes.

•  Employ power line monitors to detect frequency and voltage amplitude changes.

•  Use regulators to keep voltage steady and the power clean.

•  Protect distribution panels, master circuit breakers, and transformer cables with access controls.

•  Provide protection from magnetic induction through shielded lines.

•  Use shielded cabling for long cable runs.

•  Do not run data or power lines directly over fluorescent lights.

•  Use three-prong connections or adapters if using two-prong connections.

•  Do not plug outlet strips and extension cords into each other.

Environmental Issues

Improper environmental controls can cause damage to services, hardware, and lives. Interruption of some services can cause unpredicted and unfortunate results. Power, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning, and air-quality controls can be complex and contain many variables. They all need to be operating properly and to be monitored regularly.

During facility construction, the physical security team must make certain that water, steam, and gas lines have proper shutoff valves, as shown in Figure 3-58, and positive drains, which means their contents flow out instead of in. If there is ever a break in a main water pipe, the valve to shut off water flow must be readily accessible. Similarly, in case of fire in a building, the valve to shut off the gas lines must be readily accessible. In case of a flood, a company wants to ensure that material cannot travel up through the water pipes and into its water supply or facility. Facility, operations, and security personnel should know where these shutoff valves are, and there should be strict procedures to follow in these types of emergencies. This will help reduce the potential damage.

Most electronic equipment must operate in a climate-controlled atmosphere. Although it is important to keep the atmosphere at a proper working temperature, it is important to understand that the components within the equipment can suffer from overheating even in a climate-controlled atmosphere if the internal computer fans are not cleaned or are blocked. When devices are overheated, the components can expand and contract, which causes components to change their electronic characteristics, reducing their effectiveness or damaging the system overall.


Figure 3-58  Water, steam, and gas lines should have emergency shutoff valves.


NOTE The climate issues involved with a data processing environment are why it needs its own separate HVAC system. Maintenance procedures should be documented and properly followed. HVAC activities should be recorded and reviewed annually.

Maintaining appropriate temperature and humidity is important in any facility, especially facilities with computer systems. Improper levels of either can cause damage to computers and electrical devices. High humidity can cause corrosion, and low humidity can cause excessive static electricity. This static electricity can short out devices and cause the loss of information.


Table 3-4  Components Affected by Specific Temperatures

Lower temperatures can cause mechanisms to slow or stop, and higher temperatures can cause devices to use too much fan power and eventually shut down. Table 3-4 lists different components and their corresponding damaging temperature levels.

In drier climates, or during the winter, the air contains less moisture, which can cause static electricity when two dissimilar objects touch each other. This electricity usually travels through the body and produces a spark from a person’s finger that can release several thousand volts. This can be more damaging than you would think. Usually the charge is released on a system casing and is of no concern, but sometimes it is released directly to an internal computer component and causes damage. People who work on the internal parts of a computer usually wear antistatic armbands to reduce the chance of this happening.

In more humid climates, or during the summer, more humidity is in the air, which can also affect components. Particles of silver can begin to move away from connectors onto copper circuits, which cement the connectors into their sockets. This can adversely affect the electrical efficiency of the connection. A hygrometer is usually used to monitor humidity. It can be manually read, or an automatic alarm can be set up to go off if the humidity passes a set threshold.

Fire Prevention, Detection, and Suppression

The subject of physical security would not be complete without a discussion on fire safety. A company must meet national and local standards pertaining to fire prevention, detection, and suppression methods. Fire prevention includes training employees on how to react properly when faced with a fire, supplying the right equipment and ensuring it is in working order, making sure there is an easily reachable fire suppression supply, and storing combustible elements in the proper manner. Fire prevention may also include using proper noncombustible construction materials and designing the facility with containment measures that provide barriers to minimize the spread of fire and smoke. These thermal or fire barriers can be made up of different types of construction material that is noncombustible and has a fire-resistant coating applied.

Fire detection response systems come in many different forms. Manual detection response systems are the red pull boxes you see on many building walls. Automatic detection response systems have sensors that react when they detect the presence of fire or smoke. We will review different types of detection systems in the next section.

Fire suppression is the use of a suppression agent to put out a fire. Fire suppression can take place manually through handheld portable extinguishers or through automated systems such as water sprinkler systems or CO2 discharge systems. The upcoming “Fire Suppression” section reviews the different types of suppression agents and where they are best used. Automatic sprinkler systems are widely used and highly effective in protecting buildings and their contents. When deciding upon the type of fire suppression systems to install, a company needs to evaluate many factors, including an estimate of the occurrence rate of a possible fire, the amount of damage that could result, the types of fires that would most likely take place, and the types of suppression systems to choose from.

Fire protection processes should consist of implementing early smoke or fire detection devices and shutting down systems until the source of the fire is eliminated. A warning signal may be sounded by a smoke or fire detector before the suppression agent is released so that if it is a false alarm or a small fire that can be handled without the automated suppression system, someone has time to shut down the suppression system.

Types of Fire Detection

Fires present a dangerous security threat because they can damage hardware and data and risk human life. Smoke, high temperatures, and corrosive gases from a fire can cause devastating results. It is important to evaluate the fire safety measurements of a building and the different sections within it.

A fire begins because something ignited it. Ignition sources can be failure of an electrical device, improper storage of combustible materials, carelessly discarded cigarettes, malfunctioning heating devices, and arson. A fire needs fuel (paper, wood, liquid, and so on) and oxygen to continue to burn and grow. The more fuel per square foot, the more intense the fire will become. A facility should be built, maintained, and operated to minimize the accumulation of fuels that can feed fires.

There are four classes (A, B, C, and D) of fire, which are explained in the “Fire Suppression” section. You need to know the differences between the types of fire so you know how to properly extinguish each type. Portable fire extinguishers have markings that indicate what type of fire they should be used on, as illustrated in Figure 3-59. The markings denote what types of chemicals are within the canisters and what types of fires they have been approved to be used on. Portable fire extinguishers should be located within 50 feet of any electrical equipment and also near exits. The extinguishers should be marked clearly, with an unobstructed view. They should be easily reachable and operational by employees and inspected quarterly.


Figure 3-59  Portable extinguishers are marked to indicate what type of fire they should be used on.

A lot of computer systems are made of components that are not combustible but that will melt or char if overheated. Most computer circuits use only 2 to 5 volts of direct current, which usually cannot start a fire. If a fire does happen in a server room, it will most likely be an electrical fire caused by overheating of wire insulation or by overheating components that ignite surrounding plastics. Prolonged smoke usually occurs before combustion.

Several types of detectors are available, each of which works in a different way. The detector can be activated by smoke or heat.

Smoke Activated Smoke-activated detectors are good for early warning devices. They can be used to sound a warning alarm before the suppression system activates. A photoelectric device, also referred to as an optical detector, detects the variation in light intensity. The detector produces a beam of light across a protected area, and if the beam is obstructed, the alarm sounds. Figure 3-60 illustrates how a photoelectric device works.

Another type of photoelectric device samples the surrounding air by drawing air into a pipe. If the light source is obscured, the alarm will sound.

Heat Activated Heat-activated detectors can be configured to sound an alarm either when a predefined temperature (fixed temperature) is reached or when the temperature increases over time (rate-of-rise). Rate-of-rise temperature sensors usually provide a quicker warning than fixed-temperature sensors because they are more sensitive, but they can also cause more false alarms. The sensors can either be spaced uniformly throughout a facility or implemented in a line type of installation, which is operated by a heat-sensitive cable.


Figure 3-60  A photoelectric device uses a light emitter and a receiver.

It is not enough to have these fire and smoke detectors installed in a facility; they must be installed in the right places. Detectors should be installed both on and above suspended ceilings and raised floors because companies run many types of wires in both places that could start an electrical fire. No one would know about the fire until it broke through the floor or dropped ceiling if detectors were not placed in these areas. Detectors should also be located in enclosures and air ducts because smoke can gather in these areas before entering other spaces. It is important that people are alerted about a fire as quickly as possible so damage may be reduced, fire suppression activities may start quickly, and lives may be saved. Figure 3-61 illustrates the proper placement of smoke detectors.


Figure 3-61  Smoke detectors should be located above suspended ceilings, below raised floors, and in air vents.


Table 3-5  Four Types of Fires and Their Suppression Methods

Fire Suppression

It is important to know the different types of fires and what should be done to properly suppress them. Each fire type has a rating that indicates what materials are burning. Table 3-5 shows the four types of fires and their suppression methods, which all employees should know.

You can suppress a fire in several ways, all of which require that certain precautions be taken. In many buildings, suppression agents located in different areas are designed to initiate after a specific trigger has been set off. Each agent has a zone of coverage, meaning an area that the agent supplier is responsible for. If a fire ignites within a certain zone, it is the responsibility of that suppression agent device to initiate and then suppress that fire. Different types of suppression agents available include water, foams, CO2, and dry powders. CO2 is good for putting out fires but bad for many types of life forms. If an organization uses CO2, the suppression-releasing device should have a delay mechanism within it that makes sure the agent does not start applying CO2 to the area until after an audible alarm has sounded and people have been given time to evacuate. CO2 is a colorless, odorless substance that is potentially lethal because it removes oxygen from the air. Gas masks do not provide protection against CO2. This type of fire suppression mechanism is best used in unattended facilities and areas.

For Class B and C fires, specific types of dry powders can be used, which include sodium or potassium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, or monoammonium phosphate. The first three powders interrupt the chemical combustion of a fire. Monoammonium phosphate melts at low temperatures and excludes oxygen from the fuel.

Foams are mainly water-based and contain a foaming agent that allows them to float on top of a burning substance to exclude the oxygen.


TIP There is actually a Class K fire, for commercial kitchens. These fires should be put out with a wet chemical, which is usually a solution of potassium acetate. This chemical works best when putting out cooking oil fires.

A fire needs fuel, oxygen, and high temperatures. Table 3-6 shows how different suppression substances interfere with these elements of fire.


Table 3-6  How Different Substances Interfere with Elements of Fire


NOTE Halon has not been manufactured since January 1, 1992, by international agreement. The Montreal Protocol banned halon in 1987, and countries were given until 1992 to comply with these directives. The most effective replacement for halon is FM-200, which is similar to halon but does not damage the ozone.

The HVAC system should be connected to the fire alarm and suppression system so it properly shuts down if a fire is identified. A fire needs oxygen, and this type of system can feed oxygen to the fire. Plus, the HVAC system can spread deadly smoke into all areas of the building. Many fire systems can configure the HVAC system to shut down if a fire alarm is triggered.

Water Sprinklers

Water sprinklers typically are simpler and less expensive than FM-200 system, but can cause water damage. In an electrical fire, the water can increase the intensity of the fire because it can work as a conductor for electricity—only making the situation worse. If water is going to be used in any type of environment with electrical equipment, the electricity must be turned off before the water is released. Sensors should be used to shut down the electric power before water sprinklers activate. Each sprinkler head should activate individually to avoid wide-area damage, and there should be shutoff valves so the water supply can be stopped if necessary.

A company should take great care in deciding which suppression agent and system is best for it. Four main types of water sprinkler systems are available:

•  Wet pipe Wet pipe systems always contain water in the pipes and are usually discharged by temperature control–level sensors. One disadvantage of wet pipe systems is that the water in the pipes may freeze in colder climates. Also, if there is a nozzle or pipe break, it can cause extensive water damage. These types of systems are also called closed-head systems.

•  Dry pipe In dry pipe systems, the water is not actually held in the pipes. The water is contained in a “holding tank” until it is released. The pipes hold pressurized air, which is reduced when a fire or smoke alarm is activated, allowing the water valve to be opened by the water pressure. Water is not allowed into the pipes that feed the sprinklers until an actual fire is detected. First, a heat or smoke sensor is activated; then, the water fills the pipes leading to the sprinkler heads, the fire alarm sounds, the electric power supply is disconnected, and finally water is allowed to flow from the sprinklers. These pipes are best used in colder climates because the pipes will not freeze. Figure 3-62 depicts a dry pipe system.

•  Preaction Preaction systems are similar to dry pipe systems in that the water is not held in the pipes, but is released when the pressurized air within the pipes is reduced. Once this happens, the pipes are filled with water, but it is not released right away. A thermal-fusible link on the sprinkler head has to melt before the water is released. The purpose of combining these two techniques is to give people more time to respond to false alarms or to small fires that can be handled by other means. Putting out a small fire with a handheld extinguisher is better than losing a lot of electrical equipment to water damage. These systems are usually used only in data processing environments rather than the whole building because of the higher cost of these types of systems.

•  Deluge A deluge system has its sprinkler heads wide open to allow a larger volume of water to be released in a shorter period. Because the water being released is in such large volumes, these systems are usually not used in data processing environments.


Figure 3-62  Dry pipe systems do not hold water in the pipes.


Central to security engineering are the architectures of the systems and subsystems upon which we are building. The architecture of a computer system is very important and comprises many topics. The system has to ensure that memory is properly segregated and protected, ensure that only authorized subjects access objects, ensure that untrusted processes cannot perform activities that would put other processes at risk, control the flow of information, and define a domain of resources for each subject. It also must ensure that if the computer experiences any type of disruption, it will not result in an insecure state. Many of these issues are dealt with in the system’s security policy.

Once the security policy and architecture have been developed, the computer operating system or product must be built, tested, evaluated, and rated. An evaluation is done by comparing the system to predefined criteria. The rating assigned to the system depends upon how it fulfills the requirements of the criteria. Customers use this rating to understand what they are really buying and how much they can trust this new product. Once the customer buys the product, it must be tested within their own environment to make sure it meets their company’s needs, which takes place through certification and accreditation processes.

Cryptographic algorithms provide the underlying tools to most security protocols used in today’s infrastructures. They are, therefore, an integral part of security engineering. The cryptographic algorithms work off of mathematical functions and provide various types of functionality and levels of security. A big leap was made when encryption went from purely symmetric key use to public key cryptography. This evolution provided users and maintainers much more freedom and flexibility when it came to communicating with a variety of users all over the world.

On a more local scale, every organization should develop, implement, and maintain site and facility security programs that contain the following control categories: deterrence, delay, detection, assessment, and response. It is up to the organization to determine its acceptable risk level and the specific controls required to fulfill the responsibility of each category. Physical security is not often considered when people think of organizational security and company asset protection, but real threats and risks need to be addressed and planned for. Who cares if a hacker can get through an open port on the web server if the building is burning down?

Quick Tips

•  System architecture is a formal tool used to design computer systems in a manner that ensures each of the stakeholders’ concerns is addressed.

•  A system’s architecture is made up of different views, which are representations of system components and their relationships. Each view addresses a different aspect of the system (functionality, performance, interoperability, security).

•  ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 is an international standard that outlines how system architecture frameworks and their description languages are to be used.

•  A CPU contains a control unit, which controls the timing of the execution of instructions and data, and an ALU, which performs mathematical functions and logical operations.

•  Memory managers use various memory protection mechanisms, as in base (beginning) and limit (ending) addressing, address space layout randomization, and data execution prevention.

•  Operating systems use absolute (hardware addresses), logical (indexed addresses), and relative address (indexed addresses, including offsets) memory schemes.

•  Buffer overflow vulnerabilities are best addressed by implementing bounds checking.

•  A garbage collector is a software tool that releases unused memory segments to help prevent “memory starvation.”

•  Different processor families work within different microarchitectures to execute specific instruction sets.

•  Early operating systems were considered “monolithic” because all of the code worked within one layer and ran in kernel mode, and components communicated in an ad hoc manner.

•  Operating systems can work within the following architectures: monolithic kernel, layered, microkernel, or hybrid kernel.

•  Mode transition is when a CPU has to switch from executing one process’s instructions running in user mode to another process’s instructions running in kernel mode.

•  CPUs provide a ringed architecture, which operating systems run within. The more trusted processes run in the lower-numbered rings and have access to all or most of the system resources. Nontrusted processes run in higher-numbered rings and have access to a smaller amount of resources.

•  Operating system processes are executed in privileged mode (also called kernel or supervisor mode), and applications are executed in user mode, also known as “problem state.”

•  Virtual memory combines RAM and secondary storage so the system seems to have a larger bank of memory.

•  The more complex a security mechanism is, the less amount of assurance it can usually provide.

•  The trusted computing base (TCB) is a collection of system components that enforces the security policy directly and protects the system. These components are within the security perimeter.

•  Components that make up the TCB are hardware, software, and firmware that provide some type of security protection.

•  A security perimeter is an imaginary boundary that has trusted components within it (those that make up the TCB) and untrusted components outside it.

•  The reference monitor concept is an abstract machine that ensures all subjects have the necessary access rights before accessing objects. Therefore, it mediates all access to objects by subjects.

•  The security kernel is the mechanism that actually enforces the rules of the reference monitor concept.

•  The security kernel must isolate processes carrying out the reference monitor concept, must be tamperproof, must be invoked for each access attempt, and must be small enough to be properly tested.

•  Processes need to be isolated, which can be done through segmented memory addressing, encapsulation of objects, time multiplexing of shared resources, naming distinctions, and virtual mapping.

•  The level of security a system provides depends upon how well it enforces its security policy.

•  A closed system is often proprietary to the manufacturer or vendor, whereas an open system allows for more interoperability.

•  The Common Criteria was developed to provide globally recognized evaluation criteria.

•  The Common Criteria uses protection profiles, security targets, and ratings (EAL1 to EAL7) to provide assurance ratings for targets of evaluation (TOEs).

•  Certification is the technical evaluation of a system or product and its security components. Accreditation is management’s formal approval and acceptance of the security provided by a system.

•  ISO/IEC 15408 is the international standard that is used as the basis for the evaluation of security properties of products under the CC framework.

•  Process isolation ensures that multiple processes can run concurrently and the processes will not interfere with each other or affect each other’s memory segments.

•  TOC/TOU stands for time-of-check/time-of-use. This is a class of asynchronous attacks.

•  A distributed system is a system in which multiple computing nodes, interconnected by a network, exchange information for the accomplishment of collective tasks.

•  Cloud computing is the use of shared, remote computing devices for the purpose of providing improved efficiencies, performance, reliability, scalability, and security.

•  Software as a Service (SaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users access to a specific application that executes on the service provider’s environment.

•  Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users access to a computing platform that is typically built on a server operating system, but not the virtual machine on which it runs.

•  Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is a cloud computing model that provides users unfettered access to a cloud device, such as an instance of a server, which includes both the operating system and the virtual machine on which it runs.

•  Parallel computing is the simultaneous use of multiple computers to solve a specific task by dividing it among the available computers.

•  Any system in which computers and physical devices collaborate via the exchange of inputs and outputs to accomplish a task or objective is a cyber-physical system.

•  Cryptography is the science of protecting information by encoding it into an unreadable format.

•  The most famous rotor encryption machine is the Enigma used by the Germans in World War II.

•  A readable message is in a form called plaintext, and once it is encrypted, it is in a form called ciphertext.

•  Cryptographic algorithms are the mathematical rules that dictate the functions of enciphering and deciphering.

•  Cryptanalysis is the study of breaking cryptosystems.

•  Nonrepudiation is a service that ensures the sender cannot later falsely deny sending a message.

•  Key clustering is an instance in which two different keys generate the same ciphertext from the same plaintext.

•  The range of possible keys is referred to as the keyspace. A larger keyspace and the full use of the keyspace allow for more random keys to be created. This provides more protection.

•  The two basic types of encryption mechanisms used in symmetric ciphers are substitution and transposition. Substitution ciphers change a character (or bit) out for another, while transposition ciphers scramble the characters (or bits).

•  A polyalphabetic cipher uses more than one alphabet to defeat frequency analysis.

•  Steganography is a method of hiding data within another media type, such as a graphic, WAV file, or document. This method is used to hide the existence of the data.

•  A key is a random string of bits inserted into an encryption algorithm. The result determines what encryption functions will be carried out on a message and in what order.

•  In symmetric key algorithms, the sender and receiver use the same key for encryption and decryption purposes.

•  In asymmetric key algorithms, the sender and receiver use different keys for encryption and decryption purposes.

•  Symmetric key processes provide barriers of secure key distribution and scalability. However, symmetric key algorithms perform much faster than asymmetric key algorithms.

•  Symmetric key algorithms can provide confidentiality, but not authentication or nonrepudiation.

•  Examples of symmetric key algorithms include DES, 3DES, Blowfish, IDEA, RC4, RC5, RC6, and AES.

•  Asymmetric algorithms are used to encrypt keys, and symmetric algorithms are used to encrypt bulk data.

•  Asymmetric key algorithms are much slower than symmetric key algorithms, but can provide authentication and nonrepudiation services.

•  Examples of asymmetric key algorithms include RSA, ECC, Diffie-Hellman, El Gamal, knapsack, and DSA.

•  Two main types of symmetric algorithms are stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers use a keystream generator and encrypt a message one bit at a time. A block cipher divides the message into groups of bits and encrypts them.

•  Many algorithms are publicly known, so the secret part of the process is the key. The key provides the necessary randomization to encryption.

•  Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher that divides a message into 64-bit blocks and employs S-box-type functions on them.

•  Because technology has allowed the DES keyspace to be successfully broken, Triple-DES (3DES) was developed to be used instead. 3DES uses 48 rounds of computation and up to three different keys.

•  International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA) is a symmetric block cipher with a key of 128 bits.

•  RSA is an asymmetric algorithm developed by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman and is the de facto standard for digital signatures.

•  Elliptic curve cryptosystems (ECCs) are used as asymmetric algorithms and can provide digital signature, secure key distribution, and encryption functionality. They use fewer resources, which makes them better for wireless device and cell phone encryption use.

•  When symmetric and asymmetric key algorithms are used together, this is called a hybrid system. The asymmetric algorithm encrypts the symmetric key, and the symmetric key encrypts the data.

•  A session key is a symmetric key used by the sender and receiver of messages for encryption and decryption purposes. The session key is only good while that communication session is active and then it is destroyed.

•  A public key infrastructure (PKI) is a framework of programs, procedures, communication protocols, and public key cryptography that enables a diverse group of individuals to communicate securely.

•  A certificate authority (CA) is a trusted third party that generates and maintains user certificates, which hold their public keys.

•  The CA uses a certification revocation list (CRL) to keep track of revoked certificates.

•  A certificate is the mechanism the CA uses to associate a public key to a person’s identity.

•  A registration authority (RA) validates the user’s identity and then sends the request for a certificate to the CA. The RA cannot generate certificates.

•  A one-way function is a mathematical function that is easier to compute in one direction than in the opposite direction.

•  RSA is based on a one-way function that factors large numbers into prime numbers. Only the private key knows how to use the trapdoor and how to decrypt messages that were encrypted with the corresponding public key.

•  Hashing algorithms provide data integrity only.

•  When a hash algorithm is applied to a message, it produces a message digest, and this value is signed with a private key to produce a digital signature.

•  Some examples of hashing algorithms include SHA-1, SHA-2, SHA-3, MD4, and MD5.

•  SHA produces a 160-bit hash value and is used in DSS.

•  A birthday attack is an attack on hashing functions through brute force. The attacker tries to create two messages with the same hashing value.

•  A one-time pad uses a pad with random values that are XORed against the message to produce ciphertext. The pad is at least as long as the message itself and is used once and then discarded.

•  A digital signature is the result of a user signing a hash value with a private key. It provides authentication, data integrity, and nonrepudiation. The act of signing is the actual encryption of the value with the private key.

•  Examples of algorithms used for digital signatures include RSA, El Gamal, ECDSA, and DSA.

•  Key management is one of the most challenging pieces of cryptography. It pertains to creating, maintaining, distributing, and destroying cryptographic keys.

•  Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) combines the physical environment and sociology issues that surround it to reduce crime rates and the fear of crime.

•  The value of property within the facility and the value of the facility itself need to be ascertained to determine the proper budget for physical security so that security controls are cost effective.

•  Some physical security controls may conflict with the safety of people. These issues need to be addressed; human life is always more important than protecting a facility or the assets it contains.

•  When looking at locations for a facility, consider local crime; natural disaster possibilities; and distance to hospitals, police and fire stations, airports, and railroads.

•  Exterior fencing can be costly and unsightly, but can provide crowd control and help control access to the facility.

•  If interior partitions do not go all the way up to the true ceiling, an intruder can remove a ceiling tile and climb over the partition into a critical portion of the facility.

•  The primary power source is what is used in day-to-day operations, and the alternative power source is a backup in case the primary source fails.

•  Smoke detectors should be located on and above suspended ceilings, below raised floors, and in air ducts to provide maximum fire detection.

•  A fire needs high temperatures, oxygen, and fuel. To suppress it, one or more of those items needs to be reduced or eliminated.

•  Gases like FM-200 and other halon substitutes interfere with the chemical reaction of a fire.

•  Portable fire extinguishers should be located within 50 feet of electrical equipment and should be inspected quarterly.

•  CO2 is a colorless, odorless, and potentially lethal substance because it removes the oxygen from the air in order to suppress fires.

•  CPTED provides three main strategies, which are natural access control, natural surveillance, and natural territorial reinforcement.

•  Window types that should be understood are standard, tempered, acrylic, wired, and laminated.


Please remember that these questions are formatted and asked in a certain way for a reason. Keep in mind that the CISSP exam is asking questions at a conceptual level. Questions may not always have the perfect answer, and the candidate is advised against always looking for the perfect answer. Instead, the candidate should look for the best answer in the list.

1. What is the final step in authorizing a system for use in an environment?

A. Certification

B. Security evaluation and rating

C. Accreditation

D. Verification

2. What feature enables code to be executed without the usual security checks?

A. Temporal isolation

B. Maintenance hook

C. Race conditions

D. Process multiplexing

3. If a component fails, a system should be designed to do which of the following?

A. Change to a protected execution domain

B. Change to a problem state

C. Change to a more secure state

D. Release all data held in volatile memory

4. The trusted computing base (TCB) contains which of the following?

A. All trusted processes and software components

B. All trusted security policies and implementation mechanisms

C. All trusted software and design mechanisms

D. All trusted software and hardware components

5. What is the imaginary boundary that separates components that maintain security from components that are not security related?

A. Reference monitor

B. Security kernel

C. Security perimeter

D. Security policy

6. What is the best description of a security kernel from a security point of view?

A. Reference monitor

B. Resource manager

C. Memory mapper

D. Security perimeter

7. In secure computing systems, why is there a logical form of separation used between processes?

A. Processes are contained within their own security domains so each does not make unauthorized accesses to other processes or their resources.

B. Processes are contained within their own security perimeter so they can only access protection levels above them.

C. Processes are contained within their own security perimeter so they can only access protection levels equal to them.

D. The separation is hardware and not logical in nature.

8. What type of rating is used within the Common Criteria framework?




D. A–D

9. Which of the following is a true statement pertaining to memory addressing?

A. The CPU uses absolute addresses. Applications use logical addresses. Relative addresses are based on a known address and an offset value.

B. The CPU uses logical addresses. Applications use absolute addresses. Relative addresses are based on a known address and an offset value.

C. The CPU uses absolute addresses. Applications use relative addresses. Logical addresses are based on a known address and an offset value.

D. The CPU uses absolute addresses. Applications use logical addresses. Absolute addresses are based on a known address and an offset value.

10. Pete is a new security manager at a financial institution that develops its own internal software for specific proprietary functionality. The financial institution has several locations distributed throughout the world and has bought several individual companies over the last ten years, each with its own heterogeneous environment. Since each purchased company had its own unique environment, it has been difficult to develop and deploy internally developed software in an effective manner that meets all the necessary business unit requirements. Which of the following best describes a standard that Pete should ensure the software development team starts to implement so that various business needs can be met?


B. Common Criteria

C. ISO/IEC 43010

D. ISO/IEC 15408

11. Which of the following is an incorrect description pertaining to the common components that make up computer systems?

  i. General registers are commonly used to hold temporary processing data, while special registers are used to hold process-characteristic data as in condition bits.

 ii. A processor sends a memory address and a “read” request down an address bus and a memory address and a “write” request down an I/O bus.

iii. Process-to-process communication commonly takes place through memory stacks, which are made up of individually addressed buffer locations.

 iv. A CPU uses a stack return pointer to keep track of the next instruction sets it needs to process.

A. i

B. i, ii

C. ii, iii

D. ii, iv

12. Mark is a security administrator who is responsible for purchasing new computer systems for a co-location facility his company is starting up. The company has several time-sensitive applications that require extensive processing capabilities. The co-location facility is not as large as the main facility, so it can only fit a smaller number of computers, which still must carry the same processing load as the systems in the main building. Which of the following best describes the most important aspects of the products Mark needs to purchase for these purposes?

A. Systems must provide symmetric multiprocessing capabilities and virtualized environments.

B. Systems must provide asymmetric multiprocessing capabilities and virtualized environments.

C. Systems must provide multiprogramming multiprocessing capabilities and virtualized environments.

D. Systems must provide multiprogramming multiprocessing capabilities and symmetric multiprocessing environments.

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 13–14. Tom is a new security manager who is responsible for reviewing the current software that the company has developed internally. He finds that some of the software is outdated, which causes performance and functionality issues. During his testing procedures he sees that when one program stops functioning, it negatively affects other programs on the same system. He also finds out that as systems run over a period of a month, they start to perform more slowly, but by rebooting the systems this issue goes away.

13. Which of the following best describes a characteristic of the software that may be causing issues?

A. Cooperative multitasking

B. Preemptive multitasking

C. Maskable interrupt use

D. Nonmaskable interrupt use

14. Which of the following best describes why rebooting helps with system performance in the situation described in this scenario?

A. Software is not using cache memory properly.

B. Software is carrying out too many mode transitions.

C. Software is working in ring 0.

D. Software is not releasing unused memory.

Use the following scenario to answer Questions 15–17. Steve has found out that the software product that his team submitted for evaluation did not achieve the actual rating they were hoping for. He was confused about this issue since the software passed the necessary certification and accreditation processes before being deployed. Steve was told that the system allows for unauthorized device drivers to be loaded and that there was a key sequence that could be used to bypass the software access control protection mechanisms. Some feedback Steve received from the product testers is that it should implement address space layout randomization and data execution protection.

15. Which of the following best describes Steve’s confusion?

A. Certification must happen first before the evaluation process can begin.

B. Accreditation is the acceptance from management, which must take place before the evaluation process.

C. Evaluation, certification, and accreditation are carried out by different groups with different purposes.

D. Evaluation requirements include certification and accreditation components.

16. Which of the following best describes an item the software development team needs to address to ensure that drivers cannot be loaded in an unauthorized manner?

A. Improved security kernel processes

B. Improved security perimeter processes

C. Improved application programming interface processes

D. Improved garbage collection processes

17. Which of the following best describes some of the issues that the evaluation testers most likely ran into while testing the submitted product?

A. Nonprotected ROM sections

B. Vulnerabilities that allowed malicious code to execute in protected memory sections

C. Lack of a predefined and implemented trusted computing base

D. Lack of a predefined and implemented security kernel

18. John has been told that one of the applications installed on a web server within the DMZ accepts any length of information that a customer using a web browser inputs into the form the web server provides to collect new customer data. Which of the following describes an issue that John should be aware of pertaining to this type of vulnerability?

A. Application is written in the C programming language.

B. Application is not carrying out enforcement of the trusted computing base.

C. Application is running in ring 3 of a ring-based architecture.

D. Application is not interacting with the memory manager properly.

19. What is the goal of cryptanalysis?

A. To determine the strength of an algorithm

B. To increase the substitution functions in a cryptographic algorithm

C. To decrease the transposition functions in a cryptographic algorithm

D. To determine the permutations used

20. Why has the frequency of successful brute-force attacks increased?

A. The use of permutations and transpositions in algorithms has increased.

B. As algorithms get stronger, they get less complex, and thus more susceptible to attacks.

C. Processor speed and power have increased.

D. Key length reduces over time.

21. Which of the following is not a property or characteristic of a one-way hash function?

A. It converts a message of arbitrary length into a value of fixed length.

B. Given the digest value, it should be computationally infeasible to find the corresponding message.

C. It should be impossible or rare to derive the same digest from two different messages.

D. It converts a message of fixed length to an arbitrary length value.

22. What would indicate that a message had been modified?

A. The public key has been altered.

B. The private key has been altered.

C. The message digest has been altered.

D. The message has been encrypted properly.

23. Which of the following is a U.S. federal government algorithm developed for creating secure message digests?

A. Data Encryption Algorithm

B. Digital Signature Standard

C. Secure Hash Algorithm

D. Data Signature Algorithm

24. Which option best describes the difference between HMAC and CBC-MAC?

A. HMAC creates a message digest and is used for integrity; CBC-MAC is used to encrypt blocks of data for confidentiality.

B. HMAC uses a symmetric key and a hashing algorithm; CBC-MAC uses the first block for the checksum.

C. HMAC provides integrity and data origin authentication; CBC-MAC uses a block cipher for the process of creating a MAC.

D. HMAC encrypts a message with a symmetric key and then puts the result through a hashing algorithm; CBC-MAC encrypts the whole message.

25. What is an advantage of RSA over DSA?

A. It can provide digital signature and encryption functionality.

B. It uses fewer resources and encrypts faster because it uses symmetric keys.

C. It is a block cipher rather than a stream cipher.

D. It employs a one-time encryption pad.

26. What is used to create a digital signature?

A. The receiver’s private key

B. The sender’s public key

C. The sender’s private key

D. The receiver’s public key

27. Which of the following best describes a digital signature?

A. A method of transferring a handwritten signature to an electronic document

B. A method to encrypt confidential information

C. A method to provide an electronic signature and encryption

D. A method to let the receiver of the message prove the source and integrity of a message

28. How many bits make up the effective length of the DES key?

A. 56

B. 64

C. 32

D. 16

29. Why would a certificate authority revoke a certificate?

A. If the user’s public key has become compromised

B. If the user changed over to using the PEM model that uses a web of trust

C. If the user’s private key has become compromised

D. If the user moved to a new location

30. What does DES stand for?

A. Data Encryption System

B. Data Encryption Standard

C. Data Encoding Standard

D. Data Encryption Signature

31. Which of the following best describes a certificate authority?

A. An organization that issues private keys and the corresponding algorithms

B. An organization that validates encryption processes

C. An organization that verifies encryption keys

D. An organization that issues certificates

32. What does DEA stand for?

A. Data Encoding Algorithm

B. Data Encoding Application

C. Data Encryption Algorithm

D. Digital Encryption Algorithm

33. Who was involved in developing the first public key algorithm?

A. Adi Shamir

B. Ross Anderson

C. Bruce Schneier

D. Martin Hellman

34. What process usually takes place after creating a DES session key?

A. Key signing

B. Key escrow

C. Key clustering

D. Key exchange

35. DES performs how many rounds of transposition/permutation and substitution?

A. 16

B. 32

C. 64

D. 56

36. Which of the following is a true statement pertaining to data encryption when it is used to protect data?

A. It verifies the integrity and accuracy of the data.

B. It requires careful key management.

C. It does not require much system overhead in resources.

D. It requires keys to be escrowed.

37. If different keys generate the same ciphertext for the same message, what is this called?

A. Collision

B. Secure hashing


D. Key clustering

38. What is the definition of an algorithm’s work factor?

A. The time it takes to encrypt and decrypt the same plaintext

B. The time it takes to break the encryption

C. The time it takes to implement 16 rounds of computation

D. The time it takes to apply substitution functions

39. What is the primary purpose of using one-way hashing on user passwords?

A. It minimizes the amount of primary and secondary storage needed to store passwords.

B. It prevents anyone from reading passwords in plaintext.

C. It avoids excessive processing required by an asymmetric algorithm.

D. It prevents replay attacks.

40. Which of the following is based on the fact that it is hard to factor large numbers into two original prime numbers?




D. Diffie-Hellman

41. Which of the following describes the difference between the Data Encryption Standard and the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman algorithm?

A. DES is symmetric, while RSA is asymmetric.

B. DES is asymmetric, while RSA is symmetric.

C. They are hashing algorithms, but RSA produces a 160-bit hashing value.

D. DES creates public and private keys, while RSA encrypts messages.

42. Which of the following uses a symmetric key and a hashing algorithm?


B. Triple-DES



43. The generation of keys that are made up of random values is referred to as Key Derivation Functions (KDFs). What values are not commonly used in this key generation process?

A. Hashing values

B. Asymmetric values

C. Salts

D. Passwords

44. When should a Class C fire extinguisher be used instead of a Class A fire extinguisher?

A. When electrical equipment is on fire

B. When wood and paper are on fire

C. When a combustible liquid is on fire

D. When the fire is in an open area

45. Which of the following is not a main component of CPTED?

A. Natural access control

B. Natural surveillance

C. Territorial reinforcement

D. Target hardening

46. Which problems may be caused by humidity in an area with electrical devices?

A. High humidity causes excess electricity, and low humidity causes corrosion.

B. High humidity causes corrosion, and low humidity causes static electricity.

C. High humidity causes power fluctuations, and low humidity causes static electricity.

D. High humidity causes corrosion, and low humidity causes power fluctuations.

47. What does positive pressurization pertaining to ventilation mean?

A. When a door opens, the air comes in.

B. When a fire takes place, the power supply is disabled.

C. When a fire takes place, the smoke is diverted to one room.

D. When a door opens, the air goes out.

48. Which of the following answers contains a category of controls that does not belong in a physical security program?

A. Deterrence and delaying

B. Response and detection

C. Assessment and detection

D. Delaying and lighting


1. C. Certification is a technical review of a product, and accreditation is management’s formal approval of the findings of the certification process. This question asked you which step was the final step in authorizing a system before it is used in an environment, and that is what accreditation is all about.

2. B. Maintenance hooks get around the system’s or application’s security and access control checks by allowing whoever knows the key sequence to access the application and most likely its code. Maintenance hooks should be removed from any code before it gets into production.

3. C. The state machine model dictates that a system should start up securely, carry out secure state transitions, and even fail securely. This means that if the system encounters something it deems unsafe, it should change to a more secure state for self-preservation and protection.

4. D. The TCB contains and controls all protection mechanisms within the system, whether they are software, hardware, or firmware.

5. C. The security perimeter is a boundary between items that are within the TCB and items that are outside the TCB. It is just a mark of delineation between these two groups of items.

6. A. The security kernel is a portion of the operating system’s kernel and enforces the rules outlined in the reference monitor. It is the enforcer of the rules and is invoked each time a subject makes a request to access an object.

7. A. Processes are assigned their own variables, system resources, and memory segments, which make up their domain. This is done so they do not corrupt each other’s data or processing activities.

8. C. The Common Criteria uses a different assurance rating system than the previously used criteria. It has packages of specifications that must be met for a product to obtain the corresponding rating. These ratings and packages are called Evaluation Assurance Levels (EALs). Once a product achieves any type of rating, customers can view this information on an Evaluated Products List (EPL).

9. A. The physical memory addresses that the CPU uses are called absolute addresses. The indexed memory addresses that software uses are referred to as logical addresses. A relative address is a logical address that incorporates the correct offset value.

10. A. ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 is an international standard that outlines specifications for system architecture frameworks and architecture languages. It allows for systems to be developed in a manner that addresses all of the stakeholder’s concerns.

11. D. A processer sends a memory address and a “read” request down an address bus. The system reads data from that memory address and puts the requested data on the data bus. A CPU uses a program counter to keep track of the memory addresses containing the instruction sets it needs to process in sequence. A stack pointer is a component used within memory stack communication processes. An I/O bus is used by a peripheral device.

12. B. When systems provide asymmetric multiprocessing, this means multiple CPUs can be used for processing. Asymmetric indicates the capability of assigning specific applications to one CPU so that they do not have to share computing capabilities with other competing processes, which increases performance. Since a smaller number of computers can fit in the new location, virtualization should be deployed to allow for several different systems to share the same physical computer platforms.

13. A. Cooperative multitasking means that a developer of an application has to properly code his software to release system resources when the application is finished using them, or the other software running on the system could be negatively affected. In this type of situation an application could be poorly coded and not release system resources, which would negatively affect other software running on the system. In a preemptive multitasking environment, the operating system would have more control of system resource allocation and provide more protection for these types of situations.

14. D. When software is poorly written, it could be allocating memory and not properly releasing it. This can affect the performance of the whole system, since all software processes have to share a limited supply of memory. When a system is rebooted, the memory allocation constructs are reset.

15. C. Evaluation, certification, and accreditation are carried out by different groups with different purposes. Evaluations are carried out by qualified third parties who use specific evaluation criteria (e.g., Common Criteria) to assign an assurance rating to a tested product. A certification process is a technical review commonly carried out internally to an organization, and accreditation is management’s formal acceptance that is carried out after the certification process. A system can be certified internally by a company and not pass an evaluation testing process because they are completely different things.

16. A. If device drivers can be loaded improperly, then either the access control rules outlined within the reference monitor need to be improved upon or the current rules need to be better enforced through the security kernel processes. Only authorized subjects should be able to install sensitive software components that run within ring 0 of a system.

17. B. If testers suggested to the team that address space layout randomization and data execution protection should be integrated, this is most likely because the system allows for malicious code to easily execute in memory sections that would be dangerous to the system. These are both memory protection approaches.

18. A. The C language is susceptible to buffer overflow attacks because it allows for direct pointer manipulations to take place. Specific commands can provide access to low-level memory addresses without carrying out bounds checking.

19. A. Cryptanalysis is the process of trying to reverse-engineer a cryptosystem, with the possible goal of uncovering the key used. Once this key is uncovered, all other messages encrypted with this key can be accessed. Cryptanalysis is carried out by the white hats to test the strength of the algorithm.

20. C. A brute-force attack is resource intensive. It tries all values until the correct one is obtained. As computers have more powerful processors added to them, attackers can carry out more powerful brute-force attacks.

21. D. A hashing algorithm will take a string of variable length (the message can be any size) and compute a fixed-length value. The fixed-length value is the message digest. The MD family creates the fixed-length value of 128 bits, and SHA creates one of 160 bits.

22. C. Hashing algorithms generate message digests to detect whether modification has taken place. The sender and receiver independently generate their own digests, and the receiver compares these values. If they differ, the receiver knows the message has been altered.

23. C. SHA was created to generate secure message digests. Digital Signature Standard (DSS) is the standard to create digital signatures, which dictates that SHA must be used. DSS also outlines the digital signature algorithms that can be used with SHA: RSA, DSA, and ECDSA.

24. C. In an HMAC operation, a message is concatenated with a symmetric key and the result is put through a hashing algorithm. This provides integrity and system or data authentication. CBC-MAC uses a block cipher to create a MAC, which is the last block of ciphertext.

25. A. RSA can be used for data encryption, key exchange, and digital signatures. DSA can be used only for digital signatures.

26. C. A digital signature is a message digest that has been encrypted with the sender’s private key. A sender, or anyone else, should never have access to the receiver’s private key.

27. D. A digital signature provides authentication (knowing who really sent the message), integrity (because a hashing algorithm is involved), and nonrepudiation (the sender cannot deny sending the message).

28. A. DES has a key size of 64 bits, but 8 bits are used for parity, so the true key size is 56 bits. Remember that DEA is the algorithm used for the DES standard, so DEA also has a true key size of 56 bits, because we are actually talking about the same algorithm here. DES is really the standard, and DEA is the algorithm.

29. C. The reason a certificate is revoked is to warn others who use that person’s public key that they should no longer trust the public key because, for some reason, that public key is no longer bound to that particular individual’s identity. This could be because an employee left the company or changed his name and needed a new certificate, but most likely it is because the person’s private key was compromised.

30. B. Data Encryption Standard was developed by NIST and the NSA to encrypt sensitive but unclassified government data.

31. D. A registration authority (RA) accepts a person’s request for a certificate and verifies that person’s identity. Then the RA sends this request to a certificate authority (CA), which generates and maintains the certificate.

32. C. DEA is the algorithm that fulfilled the DES standard. So DEA has all of the attributes of DES: a symmetric block cipher that uses 64-bit blocks, 16 rounds, and a 56-bit key.

33. D. The first released public key cryptography algorithm was developed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman.

34. D. After a session key has been created, it must be exchanged securely. In most cryptosystems, an asymmetric key (the receiver’s public key) is used to encrypt this session key, and it is sent to the receiver.

35. A. DES carries out 16 rounds of mathematical computation on each 64-bit block of data it is responsible for encrypting. A round is a set of mathematical formulas used for encryption and decryption processes.

36. B. Data encryption always requires careful key management. Most algorithms are so strong today that it is much easier to go after key management than to launch a brute-force attack. Hashing algorithms are used for data integrity, encryption does require a good amount of resources, and keys do not have to be escrowed for encryption.

37. D. Message A was encrypted with key A and the result is ciphertext Y. If that same message A were encrypted with key B, the result should not be ciphertext Y. The ciphertext should be different because a different key was used. But if the ciphertext is the same, this occurrence is referred to as key clustering.

38. B. The work factor of a cryptosystem is the amount of time and resources necessary to break the cryptosystem or its encryption process. The goal is to make the work factor so high that an attacker could not be successful in breaking the algorithm or cryptosystem.

39. B. Passwords are usually run through a one-way hashing algorithm so the actual password is not transmitted across the network or stored on a system in plaintext. This greatly reduces the risk of an attacker being able to obtain the actual password.

40. B. The RSA algorithm’s security is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers into their original prime numbers. This is a one-way function. It is easier to calculate the product than it is to identify the prime numbers used to generate that product.

41. A. DES is a symmetric algorithm. RSA is an asymmetric algorithm. DES is used to encrypt data, and RSA is used to create public/private key pairs.

42. A. When an HMAC function is used, a symmetric key is combined with the message, and then that result is put though a hashing algorithm. The result is an HMAC value. HMAC provides data origin authentication and data integrity.

43. B. Different values can be used independently or together to play the role of random key material. The algorithm is created to use specific hash, password, andor salt value, which will go through a certain number of rounds of mathematical functions dictated by the algorithm.

44. A. A Class C fire is an electrical fire. Thus, an extinguisher with the proper suppression agent should be used. The following table shows the fire types, their attributes, and suppression methods:


45. D. Natural access control is the use of the environment to control access to entry points, such as using landscaping and bollards. An example of natural surveillance is the construction of pedestrian walkways so there is a clear line of sight of all the activities in the surroundings. Territorial reinforcement gives people a sense of ownership of a property, giving them a greater tendency to protect it. These concepts are all parts of CPTED. Target hardening has to do with implementing locks, security guards, and proximity devices.

46. B. High humidity can cause corrosion, and low humidity can cause excessive static electricity. Static electricity can short out devices or cause loss of information.

47. D. Positive pressurization means that when someone opens a door, the air goes out, and outside air does not come in. If a facility were on fire and the doors were opened, positive pressure would cause the smoke to go out instead of being pushed back into the building.

48. D. The categories of controls that should make up any physical security program are deterrence, delaying, detection, assessment, and response. Lighting is a control itself, not a category of controls.

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