
images  A

images  B

images  C

CCParticleSystem class



        CCTextureCache method

        emitter duration


        endSize properties

        GL_SRC_ALPHA and GL_ONE

        gravity mode


        particle direction

        particle lifetime

        particle position

        radialAccel property


        rotatePerSecond property


        speed property


        startRadius property

        totalParticles property





        ParticleEffectSelfMade class





    Abstract War 2.0

    accelerometer controls

    animated cartoon kid story

    API documentation

    automatic reference counting (ARC)

        leaking memory

        Objective-C programmers


    BATAK Duel source code


    building blocks


    cocoa touch

        AppDelegate.m file


        changing scenes


        interface builder view


        Model-View-Controller Pattern

        OpenGL ES

        startAnimation method

        stopAnimation method

        switchChanged method

        user interface

        View-Based Application Project





    game center

    game engines

        Android cocos2d port

        C++ version

        Objective-C code


    “Hello World” project

    Home Page


        App Developers

        App Store

        Cocos2D Central



        OpenGL ES code

        open source

        physics engines



    isometric tilemaps

    iUridium Source Code


    Line-Drawing Game Starterkit

    OpenGL ES

    parallax scrolling shooter game

    ParticleDesigner tool

    physics engines

    Pinball game





        programming experience

    Quexlor Action-RPG Engine Code and Tutorial

    sapus tongue source code

    shoot ’em up

    source code

    space game starterkit

    sprites in-depth

    stack exchange network


    super turbo action pig




        bitmap font

        particle editing

        scene editing

        texture atlas

        tilemap editing



    UIKit View

        Adding Views


        background, UITextFields

        bounding box

        CCGLView class

        hitTest method

        hitTestNodeChildren method

        interface builder

        sendSubviewToBack method

        skinning, UITextField


        touch events


    UIKit views


Cocos2d games

    ARC enabling

        Automatic Reference Counting deselection

        Build Settings pane

        Include Unit Tests deselection

        libs folder

        Link Binary

        memory management

        Project’s Source Code

        Remove References

        small + button

        Target button

        Target template dialog



    certificates and provisioning profiles

    changing the world, CCLabelTTF object

    Default.png file

    fps_images.png files


    Info.plist file

    iOS Developer registration

    iOS devices

        dual-core CPU

        hardware differences

    iOS simulator

        device features

        memory usage

        performance and logging

        performance of

        runtime behavior

    Kobold2D (see Kobold2D)

    memory usage

    NSAssert method

    Project Navigator area

    project running in iOS simulator


    supporting files group

        AppDelegate Class (see AppDelegate Class)

        HelloWorldLayer (see HelloWorldLayer)

        main Function

        Prefix Header files

    system requirements

        iOS Developer registration

        Mac OS X versions

    Xcode project templates

        HelloWorld project


        iOS simulator

        iOS template

    Xcode version downloading

Collision checks

    with bullets

        BOOL player


        isPlayerBullet parameter

        isPlayerBullet property

        wrapper methods

    EnemyCache class

Component class







        source code

images  D

DoodleDrop game

    accelerometer input

    ARC-enabled cocos2d Project

    collision detection

        ccpDistance method

        image sizes

        radial check

        range-check/radial collision-check suffices


    final version

    first test run

    HelloWorld layer


        CCNode-derived classes

        Cocos2d and Kobold2D

        GameLayer class

    iPad porting

        App Store

        iPhone and iPad versions

        Retina iPad

        Universal apps

        with Xcode 4

    labels and bitmap fonts


        CCLabelTTF class

        Glyph Designer

        score label

    obstacles addition

        CCCallFuncN action

        CCMoveTo action

        GameScene.h file

        GameScene init method

        initSpiders method

        logging statement

        node’s position


        resetting spider position

        runSpiderMoveSequence method



        spider sprite positions resetting

        spidersUpdate method

        tempSpider CCSprite

    player sprite

        accelerometer input


        Apple’s @2x file extension

        CCSprite* Player

        contentSize property

        files addition

        GameLayer class

        image height

        image sizes

        png and alien-hd.png


        resource files addition

        resources group

    player velocity

        acceleration and deceleration

        accelerometer code

        accelerometer control


        CGPoint variable

        current velocity

        design parameters

        GameScene init method


        -(void) update:(ccTime)delta method

    playing audio

        afconvert command

        CocosDenshion audio functionality

        MP3 files



    project setup

        cocos2d Application template

        save file dialog

images  E

Essentials Xcode project


        CCAction class hierarchy

        CCFollow action

        CCRepeatForever action

        CCSpeed action

        ease actions

        grid actions

        instant actions



    CCDirector class


        sharedDirector method


    CCLabelTTF class

    CCLayer class

        accelerometer events

        adding scene


        grouping concept

        keyboard events

        mouse events

        touch events


    CCNode class

        abstract class


        child nodes


        scheduled messages (see Scheduled messages)

        tag parameter

        z parameter

    CCScene class

        applicationDidFinishLaunching method

        CCLayer object


        CCTransitionShrinkGrow class

        pushScene method

        replaceScene method

        runWithScene method

    CCSprite class

        anchor points

        CCTexture2D texture

    CCTransitionScene subclass



        replaceScene and pushScene


    cocos2d API reference

    cocos2d scene graph

        background layer

        CCScene and CCLayer

        child node position

        container, layer


        exploded view

        game objects layer

        node hierarchy

        scene hierarchy

        shoot ’em up game

        virtual joypad layer

    Cocos2d test cases



        CCMenu class

        CCMenuItem class hierarchy



        CCMenuItemLabel class

        CCMenu node

        menuItem1Touched method

        MenuScene class

    orientation course

    pushing and popping scenes

    scenes and memory


        MyManager class

        static autorelease initializer

        tight coupling

images  F

images  G

Game building blocks

    CCNode class

        CCMotionStreak (see CCMotionStreak class)

        CCParallaxNode (see CCParallaxNode)

        CCParallaxNode class

    CCProgressTimer (see CCProgressTimer class)

    CCSprite subclassing


        FadeIn/FadeOut actions

    game objects, CCSprite

        composition (see Game objects composition)

    multiple layers

        CCLayerColor and CCLayerGradient



        ccTouchMoved event


        dealloc method

        GameLayer class

        getChildByTag method



        levels implementation

        MultiLayerScene class

        multiLayerSceneInstance variable


        ScenesAndLayers04 project

        semi-singleton object

        sharedLayer method



        UserInterfaceLayer class

    multiple scenes

        CCDirector replaceScene method

        CCScene class

        FirstScene dealloc method

        init/dealloc method

        LoadingScene class

        LoadingScene.h file

        onEnter method

        onExit method

        ScenesAndLayers02 project

        ScenesAndLayers03 project

        sceneWithTargetScene method


        SecondLayer’s init method

        switch statement

        TargetScenes enum

Game Center



        GameKitHelper showAchievements method

        getAchievementByID method

        loadAchievements method



    AppController and NavigationController


    block objects

    Game Kit API

    GameKitHelper Delegate

    Game Kit Programming

    iOS 4.1


    iTunes Connect


        Cocos2d’s Root View Controller

        GKScore object

        landscape orientations

        NSRange parameter

        retrieved scores

        submitScore method

        user interface

    leaderboard and achievements

    local player

    local player’s friend list


        existing match

        expectedPlayerCount property

        onMatchFound method

        peer-to-peer networks

        showMatchmakerWithRequest method

    network packets

    onReceivedData method

    sending and receiving data


    Xcode Project

        Bundle identifier key

        Game Kit requirement

        Kobold2D projects

Game developer


    indie game tools


        blogging software

        public relations and press releases




    OpenGameArt website


    revenue stream

        Ads and analytics



        In-App purchase

        push notification providers

        social networks

        socket server technology

images  H

images  I, J

Isometric tilemaps

    Amit’s Game Programming Information

    border area



    designing graphics


        ground floor tiles

        isometric projection

        optical illusions

        orthogonal tileset

        perspective projection

        three-dimensional objects

        visual depth

    diamond shapes


    game programming

    movable player character

    new tilemap creation

    new tileset creation


    playable area

    player’s movement directions




    tiled (Qt) Map Editor

images  K

images  L

images  M

images  N

images  O

Orthogonal tilemaps



        ccTouchesBegan method

        drawing object layer rectangles



        iPhone Simulator

        locating Touched Tiles


        object layer

        removeTileAt and setTileGID methods


        tileGIDAt method

        TileMapLayer class

    Dragon Quest

    impression of depth

    tiled (Qt) Map Editor

    Ultima 7

images  P, Q

Parallax scrolling

    background source code


        .getNodeByTag method

        init method

        iPad version

    background stripes

        anchorPoint property


        delta time

        endless scrolling


        full-screen image

        init method



        own layer


        repeating texture

        scrolling speed

        Seashore image

        source image

        speed factors

        texture atlas

        update method

        virtual joypad

Particle systems

    addChild code

    CCParticleExamples.m file


    CCParticleSystem class (see CCParticleSystem class)


        Background Color settings

        Emitter Config view

        endRadiusVar property

        iPhone Simulator

        ParticleEffects01 project

        particleWithFile method




        runEffect method


    NSStringFromClass method


    particleType variable

    runEffect method


    ShootEmUp04 project

        fx-explosion.plist and fx-explosion2.plist

        gotHit method

        init method


    switch statement

Pinball game

    bumper and ball images

    collision polygons

    concave and convex shapes

    counterclockwise fashion

    PhysicsEditor tool

        application folder

        Box2D physics world

        disk image


        exporter setting

        GB2ShapeCache files

        .pes file

        PTM-Ratio setting

    pinball table

    plunger shape

        anchor point

        category and collision bits

        collision parameters

        manual operation

        rectangular and triangle shapes


        angular damping value

        ball acceleration

        ball class interface

        ball’s image

        body and finger position

        BodySprite (see BodySprite class)

        bodyToFingerDirection vector

        Box2D debug drawing


        flippers (see Flippers)

        gravitation pull simulation

        init and cleanup methods

        maxSpeed value

        PhysicsSprite class

        pinball table (see Pinball table)

        plunger (see Plunger)

        portrait orientation

        setBallStartPosition method

        SetTransform method

        touch delegate methods

        update method

    table shape

        anchor point

        Shape Tracer

        table-bottom image

        table collision

        table-left image

        table-top image

        Tolerance setting

Pinball table

    collision parameters

    initBox2dWorld method

    initPhysics method

    PinballTableLayer class


    TablePart class



    TableSetup class

        header file



    class interface

    contact events

    CreateJoint method

    header file


    maxMotorForce value

    prismatic joint creation

    telescope bar

    universal contact listener

        Box2D contact methods

        collision process

        Contact class

        ContactListener class


        notifyAB method

        notifyObjects method


images  R

images  S


    action control

        dead zone


        ship’s setPosition method

        skinned joystick

        thumb controller

        update method

        velocity property

    button skinning

        ccTime variables

        computer graphics

        disabled image


        GameLayer file

        update method

    button to shoot


        header files

        radius property

        scene method

        update method

    digital control



    open source software




        CCRepeatForever action



        stringWithFormat method

    CCAnimationHelper class

        animationWithFile helper method


        @interface for



        batch rendering



        Sprites01 Demo Project (see Sprites01 Demo Project)

    draw call

    retina display

        AppDelegate.m file

        CCDirector method

        CCFileUtils singleton class


        -hd suffix

        high-definition (HD) graphics

        -ipad and -ipadhd

        scale property


        technical specifications, iOS devices

    Sprite batching

    texture atlas

        AppDelegate.m file

        assets folder

        Border Padding and Shape Padding settings

        CCAnimationHelper class



        dithering option

        GameArt folder


        init method




        output settings


        PVRTC2 and PVRTC4 image

        removeUnused methods

        resources folder


        RGBA4444 format

        RGB565 format

        RGB5551 format


        texture space


Sprites01 Demo Project


        CCMoveTo or CCMoveBy actions


        ship shooting

        update method



        sharedGameLayer and bulletSpriteBatch accessors

    -(id) init method



        Bullet class’s shoot method

        GameScene’s init method


images  T

images  U

images  V, W, X, Y, Z

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