10.3 Basic Method Overriding

When extending a class, it is sometimes convenient to alter methods that already exist in the class’s superclass. For example, both the checking and saving accounts need a method for withdrawing money. However, the methods are only the same on the outside. Unlike the regular checking account, the savings account needs to check if the balance would fall below the minimum allowed. To achieve this, the SavingsAccount class will need to override the withdraw method by defining its own withdraw functionality, as shown in Example 10-2. Overriding is accomplished by using the same name in the local class. The local definition always supersedes the parent definition.

Example 10-2. SavingsAccount version 2
     1 require_relative '../chapter_09/account_5.rb'
     3 class SavingsAccount < Account
     4 	def initialize(balance, name, phone_number, interest, minimum)
     5 		super(balance, name, phone_number)
     6 		@interest = interest
     7 		@minimum = minimum
     8 	end
    10 	def accumulate_interest
    11 		@balance += @balance * @interest
    12 	end
    14 	def withdraw(amount)
    15 		if (@balance - amount >= @minimum)
    16 			@balance -= amount
    17 		else
    18 			puts "Balance cannot drop below: " + @minimum.to_s
    19 		end
    20 	end
    21 end

Instead of calling on the withdraw method that belongs to Account, the SavingsAccount class will use the new withdraw method that overrode it. As a result, any instances of SavingsAccount will not be able to fall below their minimum account balances. This powerful property of OOP has its problems. It implies that the writer of a subclass be fully cognizant of the methods and instance variables of the superclass.

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