
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.



50/5 Rule

“50-Year Seduction, The” (Dunnavant)

60/40 rule

100/15 Rule

“47,000 heroes”


Aadil, Naseem

Aaron, Tommie

Abbott, Mark


collegiate athletics

competitive balance and revenue sharing

emerging and niche leagues

NFL programming

NHL programming

Abrahamian, Ara

Abramovich, Roman

Academic Enhancement Fund

academic integrity

Academic Performance Program (APP)

academic performance, collegiate athletics and

Academic Progress Rate

academic qualifications, collegiate

athletics and

academic reform


alumni giving and

college athletes

collegiate athletics and

collegiate athletics success and

Title IX and

university presidents and

accommodation, Title IX and


Ackerman, Val

AC Milan

action sports

Action Sports Network

Adair, Aaron

Adebayor, Emmanuel


admissions, collegiate athletics and

advanced degrees, collegiate athletics and


athletic departments

economic downturn and

European sports ratings and

facility financing through

fan blogs


Super Bowl


“Advice for the Next Jeremy Bloom: An Elite Athlete’s Guide to NCAA Amateurism Regulations” (Callanan)


AEG Live project

African Americans. See race


age-related issues, in women’s basketball

AIBA Executive Committee Bureau


Air Force Academy

airlines, broadcast licensing for

Ak Bars Kazan

Akmetov, Rinat, sports interests of

Alaskan Natives. See race

Albany Firebirds

Albany River Rats

Alderson, Sandy

Alexander, D. L.

All American Football League

Allen, Paul

Alli (Alliance of Action Sports)

All-NBA teams

All-Rookie Team (NBA)

Alou, Felipe

Alston, Walter

alternative league structure model

alternative ownership models

NFL vs. Sherman Act: How the NFL’s Ban on Public Ownership Violates Federal Antitrust Laws”

Piece of the Rock (Or the Rockets), A

alternative player transfer methods

Altitude Sports and Entertainment Network (ASE)


alumni giving

Amateur Athletic Club of England


college athletes, compensation for

collegiate athletics, costs and financing of

collegiate athletics, higher education and

collegiate athletics, historical transformation of


NCAA principle of

NCAA regulations

Olympics and

player compensation

Amateur Sports Act

Amato, Louis

Ambani, Mukesh


ambush marketing deals

America West Airlines

American Arbitration Association

American Association (baseball)

American Basketball Association (ABA)

American Basketball League (ABL)

American Council on Education (ACE)

American Express

American Football Conference (AFC)

American Football Conference Coach of the Year Award

American Football League (AFL)

American Indians. See race

American League (MLB)

Amherst College

Amon, Carol Bagley


Anaheim Angels


expansion fees

Moreno, Arte


price changes

team sale price and growth rates

Anaheim Arena

Anaheim Mighty Ducks

analytics. See sports analytics

“Analyzing the WNBA’s Mandatory Age/Education Policy from a Legal, Cultural, and Ethical Perspective” (Edelman and Harrison)

ancient Greeks

Anderson, Sparky

Angel, Juan Pablo

Anschutz, Phil

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG)

Anti-Corruption Programme

anti-discrimination provisions, in EU spectator racism management

Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice

antitrust exemption, for NFL/AFL merger

antitrust issues

Fraser v. Major League Soccer



New York Rangers


regional sports networks

single-entity structure

Antonucci, Tonya

AOL Time Warner

Apostolopoulou, A.

appointment television


limitations on

MLB franchises

See also capital gains


arbitration. See salary arbitration

architecture, revenue and

Arena Football League (AFL)

arenas. See sports facilities

Arguello, Martin Vassallo

Arison, Mickey

Arizona Cardinals

Arizona Diamondbacks

Arlington Stadium

arms race, in collegiate athletics

Armstrong, Lance

Arrowhead Water Company

Arsenal Broadband Limited

Arsenal FC

“Arsenal FC Annual Report, 2008” (Hill-Wood)

Arsenal Soccer Schools

Ashforth, B. E.

Asian Champions League

Asian Football Confederation (AFC)

Asians. See race

Asian strategy, of Manchester United

asset appreciation

asset bubble, in valuation of pro sports teams

Associated Press (AP)

Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB)

Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP)

Association of Tennis Professionals Anti-Corruption Hearing Officer

Association of Tennis Professionals Official Rulebook

Association of Tennis Professionals Tennis Anti-Corruption Program

Association of Tennis Professionals World Tour

Aston Villa



Astrodome Complex

Athens Organizing Committee (ATHOC)

Athens Stock Exchange

athlete compensation. See player compensation

athlete culture

athletes. See players

athletic administrations, gender inequalities in

athletic budgets, in college sports

athletic opportunities

Title IX and

women coaches and

athletic programs

Title IX and

women coaches and

athletic recruitment, for collegiate athletics

Athletics Contributions Questionnaire Revised Edition II

athletics directors

Athletics Reputation rule

Atlanta Beat

Atlanta Braves

AOL Time Warner

corporate ownership of

historical value

price changes

team sale price and growth rates

Atlanta Falcons

Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Motor Speedway

Atlanta Organizing Committee (ACOG)

Atlanta Spirit LLC

Atlanta Thrashers

Atlantic 10 Conference

Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)

Atlantic Yards

Atlantic Yards Development Company

ATP. See Association of Tennis Professionals

Attanasio, Mark



ticket pricing and

attribution problem

audience viewership, for NFL programming

Audina, Mia

Auerbach, Red

Australian Federal Government

Australian Tourist Commission (ATC)

Austrian ski team, doping by

Austrian Skiing Federation

Autry, Darnell

Autry, Gene

Autzen Stadium

Azerbaijan Field Hockey Federation (AFHF)

Azerbaijan National Olympic Committee (ANOC)

Azerbaijan women’s field hockey team, doping by


Baade, Robert


Baker, Dusty

Baker, Gene

Baku, Azerbaijan

balance. See competitive balance

Ball State University

Baltimore Colts

Baltimore Orioles

luxury tax

Moneyball and

price changes

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

Baltimore Ravens

Bamzai, Sandeep

Bangalore Royal Challengers

Bank Danamon

Bank of America

Bank of America Stadium

Bank One Ballpark

bankruptcies, of pro sports teams

bankruptcy analysis

Banner 17 LLC

Bannister, Sir Roger

Barclays English Premier League

Barclays League

Barclays Premier League

bargaining. See collective bargaining

Barkley, Charles

Barr, Carol A.

Baseball Encyclopedia

base-case scenarios

Basic Agreement (MLB, 1973)

Basic Agreement (MLB, 1976)

Basketball Association of America (BAA)

Basketball Related Income (BRI)

batting average

batting skills, valuation of. See also Moneyball

Battista, James

“Battle of the Sexes” tennis match

Bayern Munich

Baylor, Don

Baylor University

Beane, Billy

bear markets, team sales related to

Bear Stearns

BEC Tero

Beckham, David

MLS and

MLS ticket sales and

Beeston, Paul

Beijing Laboratory

Beijing Olympics (2008)

Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (BOCOG)

Belgian Football Association (URBSFA)

Belkin, Steve

Bell Canada

Beltran, Carlos

Beltre, Adrian

“Bend It for Beckham: A Look at Major League Soccer and Its Single Entity Defense to Antitrust Liability after the Designated Player Rule” (Bezbatchenko)

Benson, Cedric

Bentley, David

Berlocq, Carlos

Berlusconi, Silvio, sports interests of

Berra, Yogi

Berri, David J.

“Does One Simply Need to Score to Score?”

“Stars at the Gate: The Impact of Star Power on NBA Gate Revenues”

Bertarelli, Ernesto, sports interests of

Bertuzzi, Todd

Best, George


BET Network

Bettman, Gary

“Beyond the Box Score: A Look at Collective Bargaining Agreements in Professional Sports and Their Effect on Competition” (Dryer)

Bezbatchenko, Tim

biased refereeing

Bidwell, Bill

Big East Conference

Big Eight Conference

“Big Six” Conferences

Big Ten Conference

Big Ten Council of Presidents

Big Ten football championship

Big Ten Network

Big Twelve Conference

Big West Conference

billionaires, sports interests of

Bird, Larry

Birmingham City

Biron, Martin

Birren, Genevieve F. E., “NFL vs. Sherman Act: How the NFL’s Ban on Public Ownership Violates Federal Antitrust Laws”

Black Coaches Association (BCA)

Blanco, C.

Blank, Arthur

Bloch, Richard

blogs, advertising on

Bloom v. National Collegiate Athletic Association

Bloom, Jeremy

Bloomberg, Michael

Bloomfield, Richard

Blue Ribbon Panel


Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)

Board of Directors (NCAA)

Board of Regents v. NCAA

Bodenheimer, George

Bodvarsson, Orn

Boise State University

Bolt, Usain

Bombay Dyeing


Bonds, Barry

Bosman, Jean-Marc

Bosman case

Boston Braves

Boston Celtics


fan ownership

Los Angeles Lakers and

public offering

stock market team

Boston Celtics LP

Boston College

Boston, Concord & Montreal Railroad Company

Boston Red Sox

60/40 rule and

globalization and

Moneyball and


price changes

public offerings and

regional sports network

team sale price and growth rates

team valuation

television revenues

Yawkey, Tom

Boucher v. Syracuse University

Bowen, W. G.

Bowl Championship Series (BCS)

commercialization and

professional sports teams and


television negotiations

boxing, refereeing bias in

Bracciali, Daniele

Brady, M. K.

Brand, Myles

branding. See sports branding

Brastow, Raymond T.

Bratschi, Peter

Bremmer, D.

Bridgeman Settlement Agreement

“Brief History of the National Collegiate Athletic Association’s Role in Regulating Intercollegiate Athletics, A” (Smith)

Briere, Daniel

broadcasting. See television

Broadcasting & Cable

broken-time payments

Brook, Stacey L.

“Does One Simply Need to Score to Score?”

“Stars at the Gate: The Impact of Star Power on NBA Gate Revenues”

Brooker, George

Brookheimer, Samuel

Brooklyn Dodgers

Brotherhood of Professional Baseball Players

Brown, Eleanor

Brown, G.

Brown, I. D.

Brown, Matthew T.

Brown County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Brown University

Brundage, Avery

Bryant, Bear


bubble, in valuation of pro sports teams

Bud Light


Buffalo Bills

Buffalo Sabres

Buffett, Warren, sports interests of

buildings. See facilities


Burdekin, R. C. K.

Burden, Willie J.

Burger, J.

Bus, George W.

Busby, Matt

Busch, Augie

business model, of sports and television

“Business of College Sports and the High Cost of Winning, The” (Noll)

Business-to-Business (B-2-B)

Business-to-Consumer (B-2-C)

Butkus, Dick

Butler, J.

Butler University

Butt, Nicky

buy-and-hold strategy

Byers, Walter

Byrne, Jim


Cable Act (1992)

cable television. See also television

Cablevision Systems

Cairns, J.

Calgary Stampede

Callanan, Christopher A.

“Called Up to the Big Leagues” (Davis)

“Call to Action: Reconnecting College Sports and Higher Education” (Knight Foundation)

Cambridge University

Camden Yards

Canada, NHL television programming in

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

Canadian Currency Assistance Plan

Canadian Football League (CFL)

Canadian leagues, English football leagues and

Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission

Candlestick Park

Canon League Divisions

Cantona, Eric

capital appreciation. See appreciation

capital gains


collegiate athletics and

scholarships and

Carling Cup

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education

Carnegie Level I institutions

Carnegie Report

Carolina Panthers

Carolina Sports Entertainment Television (C-SET)

Carter, Anthony

Carter, Robert

cash flow, of Arsenal Football Club

cash flow analysis

Cass, Dick

Cass, Ronald A.

Cavelli, Gary


collegiate athletics

Knight Commission and

March Madness

NFL programming

NFL rights fees


revenue sharing and competitive balance

vertical integration

CBS Sports


Cedrone, Timothy

Centennial Games


centrally planned structures, mixed-mode

Cermak, Frantisek

Certificates of Participation (COPs)

certification program, for collegiate athletics

“Challenging the Myth: A Review of the Links Among College Athletic Success, Student Quality and Donations” (Frank)

Champions League (UEFA)

Champs Cola

Chandler, Albert “Happy”

Channel 4 (England)

Channel 7 (Australia)

Chappelet, Jean-Loup

chariot races

charitable contributions, tax deductions for


Arsenal Football Club

collegiate athletics and

Charlotte Bobcats

Charlton, Bobby

Charlton Athletic

Charter Communications

Charter of Fundamental Rights

Chastain, Brandi

Chavez, Endy

Chavez, Eric

cheating, in college sports

Cheetham Bell

Chelsea FC

Chennai Super Kings

Chiba Lotte Marines

Chicago Bears

Chicago Blackhawks

Chicago Bulls

Chicago Cubs

price changes

regional sports networks and

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

ticket pricing

Tribune Company and

variable ticket pricing

Chicago Fire

Chicago White Sox

price changes

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

U.S. Cellular Field

Veeck, Bill

Chicago White Stockings

Chin, Lee


MLB in

NBA in

Chressanthis, George

Christiano, Kevin J.

Chronicle of Higher Education, The

Chunichi Dragons

Cincinnati Bengals

Cincinnati Red Stockings

Cincinnati Reds

“Circumstantial Factors and Institutions’ Outsourcing Decisions on Marketing Operations” (Burden and Li)


Citizens Bank Ballpark

Civil Rights Restoration Act

“Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Guidance: The Three-Part Test” (OCR)

classroom performance, collegiate athletics and

Clemens, Roger

Clemson University

Cleveland Browns

Cleveland Browns Stadium

Cleveland Cavaliers, tax issues and

Cleveland Indians

discrimination issues


Jacobs, Dick


price changes

public offering


shareholder meetings

stock market team

tax issues

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

variable ticket pricing

Veeck, Bill

Cleveland Indians Baseball Company

club-based private property structure

club seats







“Discrimination in Major League Baseball”

ethical issues

“Fritz Pollard Alliance, the Rooney Rule, and the Quest to ‘Level the Playing Field’ in the National Football League”

gender equity and

higher education and collegiate athletics


See also managers

Coalition of Presidents

Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics

Coates, Dennis


Cochran, Johnnie L., Jr.

Cohen v. Brown University

Colangelo, Jerry

collateral coverage

collective bargaining

competition and

Fitch ratings and

MLB labor negotiations

NBA luxury tax


player compensation and

team valuation and

See also salary arbitration

collectivism. See revenue sharing

college athletes

academics and welfare of

compensation for

NCAA regulations and

rewards for

women’s rowing

See also players

college athletic conferences

college basketball fund (NCAA)

College Board’s Test-Takers Database (SAT database)

college coaches, gender equity and

College Division

college faculty

College Football Association (CFA)

College Football Officiating, LLC

College of Charleston

colleges. See collegiate athletics

collegiate athletics

costs and financing of

ethical issues facing

higher education and

historical transformation of


operating expenses

See also NCAA; NCAA member institutions; Title IX

collegiate athletics: amateurism and reform

collegiate athletics, costs and financing of

higher education

historical transformation


NCAA regulations

player compensation

collegiate athletics: history and structure


NCAA regulations

sports law cases and materials

sports management principles and practice

collegiate athletics success

student applications and

student quality and donations

Collegiate Sports, LLC

collusion, in MLB

Colonial League

Colorado Rockies

Colorado Xplosion

Columbia University

Columbus Blue Jackets

Columbus Quest

Combine. See NFL Scouting Combine

Combined Statistical Area (CSA)

Comcast Corporation

Comcast SportsNet (CSN)

Comerma, Gloria

“Coming Revenue Revolution in Sports, The” (Williams)

Comiskey, Charles


collegiate athletics and

sports facilities and

Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics

Commission on Opportunities in Athletics

Committee on Infractions (NCAA)

common property system

communications industry

communities, professional managers and

community-based ownership

community sports, economic downturn and

compensation. See player compensation competence, in Manchester United sports brand


collective bargaining agreements and

NCAA member institutions

regional sports networks and

structure of

Title IX and

competitive balance

globalization and




player drafts and

revenues and

revenue sharing and

“Thinking about Competitive Balance”

“Competitive Balance in Team Sports and the Impact of Revenue Sharing” (Kesenne)

Competitive Balance tax

competitive development, in Twenty20 cricket

competitive imbalance, natural demand for and supply of

competitive leagues

competitor leagues

complex invasion team sports

compliance, with Title IX

computers, at stadium seats


CONCACAF Champions League


facility financing through

team valuation and

Conference USA

conferences (NCAA). See also specific conferences

Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation

congressional testimony

Demause, Neil

Humphreys, Brad R.

Conlin, Mike

Conroy, William T., “Impact of the Flat World on Player Transfers in Major League Baseball, The”

consensus building

consistency, in player performance

Constitutional Compliance Committee

Constitutional Treaty (2004)

construction risks

consumer demand, for NBA

Consumer Price Index for all Urban Employees (CPI-U)

consumers, regional sports networks and. See also fans

consumption value

Continental Basketball Association (CBA)

Continental League

Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)

contractually obligated revenues (COR)

Cook, Philip

Cooney, Gerry

Cooper, Cynthia


Coors Field

Cope Libertadores

Copeland, Jack

corporate ownership, NFL ban on

corporate spending


financial disclosure and

ownership by

sports facility naming rights and

third-generation league owners

See also public offerings; public ownership


cost of capital, in collegiate athletics

Costas, Bob


collegiate athletics

FBS (2006)

menu costs

NCAA member institutions


professional sports teams

public offerings and


See also losses

Coughlin, C.

“Could the New Women’s Soccer League Survive in America?” (Edelman and Masterson)

Coulson, N. Edward, “Tax Revisions of 2004 and Pro Sports Team Ownership”

country-of-origin advantages

court advertising

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)

Court of Arbitration for Sport Ad Hoc Division

Cousy, Bob


credit ratings, team valuation and


“Cricket in India: Moving into a League of Its Own” (India Knowledge@Wharton)

Cristobal, Mario

critical success factors, in Twenty20 cricket competition

Croom, Sylvester

Cross, Michael

Crowe, Martin

Crowley, Joseph

CSM Media Research

CSN Bay Area

CSN Chicago

CSN Mid-Atlantic

Cuban, Mark

cultural issues, in women’s basketball

cultural values, sports law and

culture, of college athletes

culture of sport

Cunningham, Michael

Curt Flood Act

customer relations, of Manchester United



Daley, Richard

Dallas Cowboys

Monday Night Football

revenue sharing and

Thanksgiving Day games

ticket prices

Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders

Dallas Mavericks

Dallas Stars

Daly, Bill

Danielson, Michael

Dark, Alvin

Darling Harbour Authority (DHA)

Davidson, Gary

“David” strategy

Davis, Al

Davis, Michael

Davydenko, Nikolay

DC United


debt limits, European sports ratings and

debt policies, in leagues

debt-service account (DSA)

debt-service coverage

Deccan Chronicle

decision making, ethical

Deficit Reduction Act (1984)

deflationary salary mechanisms: NBA luxury tax model



balance and imbalance


new leagues and

Demause, Neil, congressional testimony from

Dempsey, Cedric


Denver Metropolitan Major League Baseball Stadium District

DePaul University


Derby County

Designated Player Rule, in MLS

destination viewing

“Determinants of Franchise Values in North American Professional Sports Leagues: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model” (Humphreys and Mondello)

Detroit Lions

Detroit Pistons

Detroit Red Wings

Detroit Tigers

DeVito, Basil, Jr.

DeVos, Rich, sports interests of

Dewey & LeBoeuf

Dey, Matthew S.

Dhoni, Mahendra Singh

differential racism

digital television

digital video recorders

Di Mauro, Alessio

Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS)

Directive 2000/43/EC (Race Directive)

Directive 68/360



discounted cash flow (DCF)

Discovery Communications

discretionary income




See also gender equity; race; Title IX

“Discrimination in Major League Baseball” (Rimer)

Dish Network


Distorting Subsidies Limitation Act


college athletics and

NCAA divisional reclassification and


“Diversity, Racism, and Professional Sports Franchise Ownership” (Shropshire)


Division I

Division I-A

Division I-AA

Division I-AAA

Division I Academic Performance Program (APP) Supplemental Support Fund

Division I Board of Directors

Division I Football Bowl Subdivision

Division I Management Council

Division I Men’s Basketball Championship

Division I Men’s Basketball Committee

Division I Philosophy Statement

Division I Without Football Subdivision

Division I Women’s Basketball Championship

Division II

Division II Men’s and Women’s Basketball Championship

Division III

divisional reclassification, for NCAA member institutions


Doby, Larry

“Does One Simply Need to Score to Score?” (Berri, Brook, and Schmidt)

“Do Firms Have Short Memories?: Evidence from Major League Baseball” (Healy)

Dolan, Larry

Domanski-Lyfors, Marika

Dome, D.

Donaghy, Tim

donations. See alumni giving; fundraising

Donovan, Landon


“Doping in Sports: Legal and Ethical Issues: Corruption: Its Impact on Fair Play” (McLaren)

Doubleday, Abner

Doubleday, Nelson

Dowling, William

downstream pressure, in EPL

drafts. See player drafts

Drake Group

Draper, Peter

Dravid, Rahul

drugs, performance-enhancing

drug testing, in Beijing Olympics

Dryden, Ken

Dryer, Ryan T.

Duck Athletic Fund

Duderstadt, James J.

Duffy, William

Duke, Wayne

Duke University

Dungy, Tony

Dunnavant, Keith

Durocher, Leo

Duru, N. Jeremi

Dutch League



Eagleson, Alan

earned run average

earnings. See income

EA Sports

Eastern Europe

Ebbets, Charles

Ebbets Field


Ebersol, Dick


Ecclestone, Bernie

econometric issues, in NBA

economic background, for sports facilities

economic benefits, of public stadium financing

economic downturn, sports and

“Economic Evaluation of the Moneyball Hypothesis, An” (Hakes and Sauer)

economic generators

economic globalization

Manchester United

team valuation and

economic impact, of Olympics

economic logic, of revenue sharing

economics, of leagues

“Economics of Promotion and Relegation in Sports Leagues” (Noll)

economic theory, for competitive balance

Economist, The

Edelman, Marc

“Analyzing the WNBA’s Mandatory Age/Education Policy from a Legal, Cultural, and Ethical Perspective”

“Could the New Women’s Soccer League Survive in America?”

“Sports and the City: How to Curb Professional Sports Teams’ Demands for Free Public Stadiums”

Education Amendments

education policy, of WNBA

education-related issues, in women’s basketball

Edwards, Duncan

Edwards, Herman

Edwards, Martin

“Effects of Collegiate Athletics: An Interim Report”

El Hodiri, M.

eligibility, for collegiate athletics

Eligibility Center, LLC

Eliot, Charles William

Elkins Railroad Line

Ellison, Larry, sports interests of

Elseneer, Gilles

emerging/niche leagues


minor league baseball


women’s basketball

women’s soccer


Emerson, Patrick M.

Emirates Airline

Emirates Cup

Emirates Stadium

emotions, of ownership

“Empirical Effects of Collegiate Athletics: An Update to the Interim Report” (Orszag and Orszag)

Endowment Fund (University of Michigan)

England, amateurism in

England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB)

English Football Association (FA)

English Football Association Premier League

English Football League

English Premier League (EPL)

Arsenal FC


Fitch ratings

globalization and

industry environment

revenues (2009)

revenue sharing

team performance analysis

enrollment, Title IX and

Enron Field

entertainment, as traditional revenue source

entertainment assets, sports franchises as

entertainment industry

entry. See league entry

“Environmental Review of Integrity in Professional Tennis”

environmental risks

Epstein, Robert

Epstein, Theo

equity, liquidation of

Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA)

Erekson, O.

Ergen, Charles, sports interests of

Ericsson Stadium

Escrow and Team Payment


collegiate athletics and

emerging and niche leagues

globalization and

importance of

March Madness

MLB collective bargaining and

MMDs and

network umbrella of



regional sports networks

rights fees


ESPN Classic

ESPN Star Sports

Essien, Michael

estate planning

estimation strategy

ethical decision making

“Ethical Issues Confronting Managers in the Sport Industry” (Hums, Barr, and Gullion)


doping and corruption




women’s basketball

ethnic diversity, NCAA divisional reclassification and

Eto’o, Samuel

Etzel, M. J.


European Champions Hockey League

European Champions League

European Commission

European Community

European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR)

European Council

European Court of Human Rights (CHR)

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

European Monitoring Center on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC)

European Parliament

European sports ratings

European Sports Security Association

“European Union and Fan Racism in Europe” (Ryan)

Evans, Dena

events, competitive balance and

“Evolution of Olympic Sponsorship and Its Impact on the Olympic Movement (Giannoulakis and Stotlar)

Ewing, Patrick

excess demand, new leagues and

excitement, in Manchester United sports brand

exclusive agreements

Executive Committee

exits. See league exits


expansion fees

expenses. See costs/expenses; losses

Extreme Games


F1 races

facilities. See sports facilities

facility leases

facility tours

Faculty Summit

faculty, of colleges and universities

FA Cup

Fairfield University


Falconhead Capital

Fan Cost Index

Fannie Mae


blogs (with advertising)

collegiate sports

competitive balance and

competitive leagues and

EPL and

headsets for

Manchester United

player compensation and

public offerings and

racism in European soccer stadiums

revenue sharing and competitive balance

winning and

See also consumers

FA Premier League (FAPL)

Favre, Brett

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

Federal Express

Federal League

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Federation Internationale de Football Associations (FIFA)

Federer, Roger

FedEx Field

Fedun, Leonid, sports interests of

Fehr, Don

Fehr, Steve

Fenton, Kevin

Fenway Park

Ferguson, Alex

Ferguson, Jim

field advertising

field hockey team (women’s), doping by

Fiesta Bowl

figure skating, refereeing bias in

Final Act to the Treaty of Amsterdam

Final Four

final-offer salary arbitration

financial accountability, of NCAA member institutions

financial aid

financial benefits, of ownership

financial cheating, in college sports

financial crisis, sports and

financial disclosure

financial information, access to

financial integrity, in collegiate athletics

financial management, for Olympics

financial overview/review

Arsenal Football Club


NCAA divisional reclassification

financial profiles, team valuation and

financial stakes, in college sports

financial valuation. See team valuation

“Financial Valuation of Sports Franchises, The” (Ziets and Haber)

Financial World Magazine


collegiate athletics

European sports


sports facilities

See also public financing

“Financing and Economic Impact of the Olympic Games, The” (Humphreys and Zimbalist)

financing instruments

Finley, Charlie

First Basic Agreement (MLB)

first-generation league owners

First USA Bank

Fisher, Roger


“Fitch Ratings-Criteria Report Global Sports Rating Guidelines, May 9, 2007” (Lewis, Soltz, Monnier, and George)

Fix: Soccer and Organized Crime, The (Hill)

Fleet Bank

Fleet Financial Group

Flood, Curt

Flood v. Knight

Florida International University

Florida Marlins

Florida Panthers

Florida Panthers Holdings Inc.

Flutie, Doug

Flutie effect

Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE)

Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS)

Football Championship Subdivision

“Football May Be Ill, But Don’t Blame Bosman” (Duffy)


Football Television Plan


“Forecasting the Importance of Media Technology in Sport: The Case of the Televised Ice Hockey Product in Canada” (O’Reilly and Rahinel)

foreign exchange issues, of Arsenal Football Club

foreign fans, of EPL

foreign ownership

foreign players, Bosman case and

Forest City Enterprises, Inc.

Forsberg, Peter

Fort, Rodney D.

“Hard Ball”

“Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports”

“Tax Revisions of 2004 and Pro Sports Team Ownership”

“Value of Major League Baseball Ownership, The”

Fortunato, John A.


MLB collective bargaining and

NFL programming

regional sports networks

rights fees

Fox Entertainment Group

Fox Network

Fox Soccer Channel

Fox Sports

Fox Sports Net (FSN)

Fox Sports Net Chicago

Fox Sports Net Prime Ticket

Fox Sports Net South

Fox Sports Net West

Fox Sports Net West II

Fox Sports New York

Fox Sports on MSN

Fox Sports World TV

Franchise Free Agency (NFL)

franchise players (NFL)

franchises. See ownership; teams; specific teams

Frank, Robert H.

Franklin v. Gwinnett County Public Schools

Fraser v. Major League Soccer, L.L.C.

Fraternity of Professional Baseball Players of America

Freddie Mac

free agency

importance of




restrictions on

See also player compensation

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

freedom of opportunity

free trade, NFL and

Frisco Roughriders

Fritz Pollard Alliance (FPA)

“Fritz Pollard Alliance, the Rooney Rule, and the Quest to ‘Level the Playing Field’ in the National Football League” (Duru)

front office personnel, professional managers and



full faith and credit obligations

fun activities, facility financing through


collegiate athletics success and

major donor behavior

Funds From Operations (FFO)

Funk, D. C.

“Further Clarification of Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Guidance Regarding Title IX Compliance” (OCR)


G-3 Program

Gaborik, Marian

Galimberti, Giorgio


Game of Life, The (Shulman and Bowen)

games, facility financing through

gaming, as nontraditional revenue


Ganguly, Sourav

Garzon, Baltasar

Gaski, I. E.

Gaston, Cito

gate receipts

collegiate athletics

NBA stars and

NFL revenue sharing and

revenue streams and

sharing of

star players and


gender equity

collegiate athletics

financial aid


legal framework


operational issues

Title IX policy guidance

women coaches and

women’s rowing

“Gender Equity in College Athletics: Women Coaches as a Case Study” (Rhode and Walker)

Gender Equity Report

gender inequalities

gender issues

gender, collegiate athletics and

women’s basketball

gender stereotypes

general corporate ownership

General Motors of Canada

general obligation bonds

general university funds

George, Cherian

George Mason University

George Washington University

Georgia Tech University

Gerking, Shelby


Gerrard, Bill

Getz, M.

Giamatti, A. Bartlett

Giambi, Jason

Giannoulakis, Chrysostomos

Giants Stadium

Giggs, Ryan

Gillett, George

Gillette Stadium

Gilovich, Tom

giving. See alumni giving

giving rates, of alumni

Gladden, J. M.

Glasgow Rangers

glass ceilings, in ownership

Glazer, Malcolm

global economic downturn, sports and

global expansion. See international expansion

“Globalisation and Sports Branding: The Case of Manchester United” (Hill and Vincent)

globalization. See economic globalization

global leagues



local heroes

player markets


global player compensation, in soccer

global player drafts

global player transfer. See player markets

global values, Olympics and

GMR Holdings

Goldman Sachs

Goldstein, Paul

Gomez, Preston

Gonyo v. Drake University

Gonzaga University

Good Jobs New York

Goodenow, Bob


Goplerud, C. Peter

Goplerud, Peter, III

Gourdine, Simon

government financial support, for athletic departments

Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 33 (“GASB 33”)


Graduation Rate Report

graduation rates

Graduation Success Rates (GSR)

grandfather clause

Grand Prix

Grand Slam Committee (GSC)

Grange, Red

Grantham, Charles



Great American Ballpark

great teams

Great Western Bank

Great Western Forum

“Great White Hope”

Gree Electrics

Greek athletics

Green, Dennis

Green Bay Packers

Lambeau Field

NFL revenues and

public offerings

public ownership of

public ownership

shareholders meetings

Green Bay Packers Hall of fame

Greenberg, Hank

Greenberg, Martin J.

Greenberg, Steve

Gretzky, Wayne

grievance arbitration

Griffith, Calvin

Grimes, Paul W.

Grousbeck, Irving

Grousbeck, Wyc

Grove City v. Bell

Grow, Nathaniel

“Growth of NCAA Women’s Rowing: A Financial, Ethical and Legal Analysis, The” (Rosner)

Gullion, Laurie

Gunn, Ben


Haber, David

Hakes, Jahn K.

Halas, George

Halas family

Hall, S.

Hall of Fame

Hamilton, Barton Hughes

Hamm, Mia

Hams, Steve

Hansen, Tom

Hanshin Tigers

Hanson, Andrew P.

Hanssen, Andrew

“Hard Ball” (Quirk and Fort)

Hard Cap

Hard Rock Café

Harlem Globetrotters

Harrah, Toby

Harris, Louis

Harrison, C. Keith

Harvard Board of Overseers

Harvard Faculty Athletics Committee

Harvard University

Hatteberg, Scott

Hawk, Tony

headsets, for fans

Healy, Andrew

hedonic price model


Helsinki Report

Hendricks, John

Henry, John

Henry, Thierry

Henson, Drew

Hicks, Tom

high definition television (HDTV)

Highbury Square

higher education, collegiate athletics and. See also academics

Hill, Declan

Hill, Grant

Hill, John S.

Hill, Jonathan

Hill-Wood, P. D.

hiring standards, in MLB (1975–1994)

hiring strategies, NFL revenue sharing and competitive balance

Hiroshima Toyo Carp

Hispanics. See race

historical precedent

Hleb, Alexander

Hoang, Ha

Hockey Canada

“Hockey Lockout of, The” (Staudohar)

Hokkaido Nippon Ham Fighters

hold strategy

Hollway, Sandy

Holmes, Larry

Home Depot

“Home Team” (Danielson)



Hong, Gao

Horowitz, I.

housing, sports complexes and

Houston Astros

Houston Comets

Houston NFL Holdings, Inc.

Houston Rockets, globalization and

Houston Texans

Howard, Dennis R.

Howe, Don

Hoyte, Justin

Hsing, Y.

Huizenga, Wayne

Hulbert, William

human relations, MLB discrimination and

human resources management, in Olympics

Humphreys, Brad R.

congressional testimony from

“Determinants of Franchise Values in North American Professional Sports Leagues: Evidence from a Hedonic Price Model”

“Ticket Prices, Concessions and Attendance at Professional Sporting Events”

Hums, Mary A.

Hunt, J. W.

Hustler’s Handbook, The (Veeck)

Hyde, Christopher



ice advertising


Identity Salience Model

ideology, amateurism and

Idson, Todd L.

imbalance. See competitive imbalance


“Impact of College Sports Success on the Quantity and Quality of Student Applications” (Pope and Pope)

“Impact of Reclassification from Division II to I-AA and from Division I-AA to I-A on NCAA Member Institutions from 1993 to 2003”

“Impact of the Flat World on Player Transfers in Major League Baseball, The” (Rosner and Conroy)

implied senior unsecured ratings

“Inaugural (and Only) Season of the Xtreme Football League” (Willoughby and Mancini)

In Black and White: Race and Sports in America

incentives, performance and


collegiate athletics and

professional sports teams

scholarships and

income taxation, exemption from

incumbent teams, expansion and

Independent European Sports Review

India Cements

India Knowledge@Wharton

Indianapolis Colts

Indianapolis Star

Indiana Stadium and Convention Building Authority

Indiana University

Indian Cricket League (ICL)

Indian Premier League (IPL)

individual equity ownership model

individual salary caps

indoor variations, of outdoor sports

Industry Growth fund (IGF)

inflationary salary mechanisms


NHL and salary arbitration

information access

information management, in Olympics

Infractions Appeals Committee

initial public offerings (IPOs). See public offerings

inner market


media technology

traditional league structures and

Institute for Intercollegiate Athletics

institutional arrangements, competitive balance and

institutional financial support, for athletic departments

instrumental media use

Integrated Postsecondary Education Date System (IPEDS)

interactive television (iTV)

Intercollegiate Athletic Association (IAA)

Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States (IAAUS)

intercollegiate athletics. See collegiate athletics Intercollegiate Athletics Policy Interpretation

“Intercollegiate Athletics and the American University: A University President’s Perspective” (Duderstadt)

Intercollegiate Conference of Faculty Representatives (Big Ten Conference)

Intercollegiate Football Association

Internal Revenue Code

Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

International Amateur Athletics Federation

International Basketball Federation (FIBA)

International Boxing Association (AIBA)

international expansion, as traditional revenue source

International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles (FILA)

International Federation of Association Football (FIFO)

International Federations (IFs)

International Hockey Federation (FIH)

International Hockey Federation Judicial Committee

International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF)

international leagues. See global leagues

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Olympic Committee (IOC)

ethics and

Olympics management

revenue sources


International Olympic Committee Code of Ethics

International Olympic Committee Ethics Commission

international player transfer. See player markets

International Skating Union (ISU)

International Tennis Federation (ITF)


MLB and

sports programming and

sports-related Web sites

“In the Arena: The NCAA’s First Century” (Crowley)

intradependence, revenue sharing and

invasion team sports, complex

investment issues


athletic departments

liquidation of

investors, in MLS

IPO. See public offerings

Irabu, Hideki

Irani, Daraius

“Is the Moneyball Approach Transferable to Complex Invasion Team Sports?” (Gerrard)



Iverson, Allen

Ivy League

Izguilov, Vitaly


Jack Kent Cooke Stadium

Jackson, Derrick Z.

Jacksonville University

Jacobs, Dick

Jacobs Field

Jagr, Jaromir

James, Bill

Jamieson, Cathy

Japanese baseball

Jayasuriya, Sanath

Jeanrenaud, Claude

Jiobu, Robert M.

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Johnson, Bob

Johnson, Eddie

Johnson, Jack

Johnson, Norris R.

Johnson, Robert

joint venture, MLS as

Jones, Jerry

Jordan, Michael

Joyce Julius and Associates

Joyner-Kersee, Jackie

judging scandal (Salt Lake)

Junior X Games

Justice, David


Kafelnikov, Yevgeny

Kahn, Lawrence M.

“Sports Business as a Labor Market Laboratory, The”

Kahneman, Daniel

Kameni, Carlos

Kane County Cougars

Kansas City Athletics

Kansas City Monarchs

Kansas City Royals

expansion fees

price changes

revenue generation

team sale price and growth rates

Kaplan, Richard A.

Kasten, Stan

Kauffman, Ewing

Kaul, Ashish

Keenan, Diane

“Keeping Score: The Economics of Big-Time Sports” (Sheehan)

Keillor, Garrison

Keith, Floyd

Kelly, Jim

Kelly, Sharon Pratt

Kennedy, Jim, sports interests of

Kenyon, Peter

Kern, W.

Kesenne, S.

Kesselring, R.

Kessler, Jeffrey

Key bank

Khan, Shah Rukh

Khristoforov, Leonid

Killanin, Lord

Kim, Ho

King, Billie Jean

Kintetsu Buffaloes

Kirmani, Syed

Kirshner, Irwin

Klastorin, T. D.

Klements Sausage Haus

Knickerbocker Arena

Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics

Knight Commission Summit on the Collegiate Athlete Experience

Knight, Bob

Knight, James L.

Knight, John S.

Knight, Michael

Knight, Phil, sports interests of

Koch, James V.


Kohl Center

Kolkata Knight Riders

Koppett, Leonard

Kowet, Don

Kraft, Robert

Kraft Sports Group

Krasner, Jeremy

Kroc, Ray

Kroenke, E. Stanley

Kroenke Sports Enterprises (KSE)

Kronick, S.

Kuhn, Bowie

Kun-Hee, Lee, sports interests of

Kuypers, T.

Kypreos, Nick


Labatt Brewing Company

labor issues


single-entity structure

See player compensation

labor law issues, in NCAA

labor market


player salaries

team valuation and

See also player markets

labor market research, through sports business

labor negotiations, in MLB collective bargaining

“Labor Relations in Major League Baseball” (Zimbalist)

labor unions

collective bargaining agreements and competition

European sports leagues and


MLB labor negotiations

MLB labor relations

NHL lockout (2004–2005)

Lacity, M.

Ladies Professional Basketball Association (LPBA)

Lady Foot Locker

“Lake Wobegon Effect”

La Liga


Lambeau, Curly

Lambeau Field

Lansing Lugnuts

Larry Bird Exception

La Salle University

Latinos. See race

laundry money

law, cases and materials

Law, Denis

law. See legal issues

Lawrence, Janet H.

Lawson, Robert

lawyers, collegiate athletics and


collegiate athletics and

emerging and niche leagues


women coaches

league debt policy

league entry

league exits

league membership agreements

league owners, generations of



European labor unions and

European sports ratings

public offerings and



teams, number of

team valuation and

See also emerging/niche leagues; global leagues; teams; specific leagues

league strategies

league structure and background

alternative model


positioning in U.S. economy

professional model overview

traditional structure

women’s soccer (U.S.)

“League Think” philosophy

lease revenue bonds

Lecavalier, Vincent

legal issues

collegiate sports



ownership diversity

sports law

team valuation

Title IX

women’s basketball

legal structures, of American professional sports leagues

“Legislation for the Glory of Sport: Amateurism and Compensation” (Shropshire)

Lehman Brothers

Leiweke, Tim

Leonhardt, David

Leonsis, Ted

Leopold, Craig

Lerner, Al

Lerner, Randy

lesbian coaches

“Letter Clarifying Apportionment of Financial Aid in Intercollegiate Athletics Programs” (OCR)


Levi Strauss

Levitt, Arthur

Levy Restaurants

Lewis, Chad

Lewis, K. A.

Lewis, Marvin

Lewis, Michael

Leyland, Jim

Li, Ming

Liberty Basketball Association (LBA)

Liberty Media


broadcasting on trains and airlines

merchandise sales and

personal seat

Lidstrom, Nicklas

Lieweke, Tim

Lifetime Network


limited partnerships

limited-tax general obligation bonds

Linden, Trevor

Lindsay, Ted


Litan, Robert E.

Liverpool FC

Llodra, Michael

loan to value (LTV)

Lobo, Rebecca

local communities, professional managers and

local economic benefits, from professional sports

local heroes

local revenues

European sports and

NFL revenue sharing and

local sports, economic downturn and

local television rights


emerging and niche leagues

minor league baseball teams


lockbox mechanisms/accounts

lockout, in NHL (2004–2005)

Lohse, Kyle

Long, James E.

Long, Judith Grant

Long, Russell

Lopez, Jennifer

Los Angeles, NFL relocation and

Los Angeles Angels

Los Angeles Dodgers

free agency

globalization and

Murdoch, Rupert

New Corporation and

price changes

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

Los Angeles Forum

Los Angeles Galaxy

Los Angeles Kings

Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum Commission v. National Football League

Los Angeles Olympics (1984)

Los Angeles Organizing Committee (LAOCOG)

Los Angeles Raiders

Los Angeles Rams

Los Angeles Sparks

losses. See also costs/expenses

Louisiana Superdome

Low-A minor league baseball

LPGA Tour, global economic downturn and

Lucas Oil

Lucchino, Larry

Lurie, Jeffrey

luxury suites

luxury taxes




team valuation and

Luzzi, Federico


MacCracken, Henry Mitchell

Mackey v. National Football League

Madden, Janice

Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden LP

Madison Square Garden Sports Network (MSG)

Mael, F.

Mahony, D. F.

Major Indoor Soccer League (MISL)

majority ownership

Major League Baseball (MLB)

advertising, on-field



bubble in

collective bargaining

competitive balance

credit program

discrimination in

entertainment aspects of

ethical issues

Fan Cost Index and

Fitch ratings

franchise sale price versus market size

free agency

global economic downturn and

globalization and

inflationary salary mechanisms

international expansion

international player transfers

Internet and

Labor Relations Department

labor relations

local revenues

luxury taxes

media revenues

minor league baseball and

MLS and

Moneyball and

Nielsen ratings



online packages

ownership in

player compensation

player performance

player transfers

player unions

profit maximization in

promotion and relegation

public ownership


reserve clause

revenue generation

revenue multiples


revenue sharing

revenue sources

rival leagues

salary arbitration


sports facilities

stadium subsidies

strike (1994–1995)

tax issues

team debts

team valuation

television rights

ticket pricing

“Value of Major League Baseball Ownership, The”

variable ticket pricing in

work stoppages

See also specific teams

Major League Baseball Extra Innings

Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA)

collective bargaining

free agency and

luxury taxes and

MLB Draft and

MLB labor relations

Major League Lacrosse

Major League Soccer (MLS)

antitrust liability

Beckham, David

emerging and niche leagues

FIFA and

LLC Agreement

management fees

player unions

promotion and relegation


single-entity structure


ticket sales and David Beckham

majors, of college athletes

major television networks

Malkin, Evgeni

Mallya, Vijay

Maloof, Joe

management, by Olympics organizing committees

Management Councils

“Management of the Olympic Games: The Lessons of Sydney” (Chappelet)

management strategy, Moneyball and

managerial skills, knowledge, and abilities


“Discrimination in Major League Baseball”

ethical issues facing

“Fritz Pollard Alliance, the Rooney Rule, and the Quest to ‘Level the Playing Field’ in the National Football League”

Manchester City

Manchester United

globalization and sports branding

media ventures of

team performance analysis

Mancini, Chad

mandatory age/education policy, in NBA

Mara, Wellington

Mara family

Marburger, D.

March Madness

March Madness on Demand (MMOD)

marginal revenue product (MRP)

Maricopa County Stadium District

Mariucci, Steve

market appropriation, by emerging and niche leagues

market characteristics, for NBA teams


Dallas Cowboys

ownership and


Marketing Magazine

marketing operations, of NCAA member institutions

market ownership

Markham, Jesse

Marple, David P.

Marquette National Bank

Marquette University

Marshall University

Martinez, Marty

Martino, Thomas

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Master Agreement (NFL revenue sharing)

Masteralexis, Lisa Pike

Master Card International

Masterson, Elizabeth



McCloud, George

McCormick, Robert

McCourt, Frank

McCray, Nikki

McCurdy, James R.


McEvoy, Chad D.

McFarland, Victor

McGraw, John

McGuire, Pierre

MCI Center

McLaren, Richard H.

McMahon, Vince

McNair, Robert

McNally, Dave

McRae, Hal



athletic departments and

future of


league perspectives

league television deals

NFL television programming

NHL television programming (Canada)

regional sports networks

sports television, future of

See also regional sports networks; television

Media Access Charge (MAC)

media companies, ownership by

media contracts

media revenues, by league

media rights

Mediate, Rocco

Medvedev, Andrei

Mehri, Cyrus

Mellon Foundation

member institutions. See NCAA member institutions

Member States

Memorial Stadium (Baltimore)

Memphis Grizzlies

menu costs

merchandise sales


athletic departments


mergers, of regional sports networks

Merrill Lynch

Mertinak, Michal

Messersmith, Andy


Metropolitan Intercollegiate Basketball Association (MIBA)

M-Go Blue Shops

Mi, Xhou

Miami Dolphins

club seats

globalization and

Thanksgiving Day NFL games

Miami Heat

Michener, James

Michigan Stadium

Mid-American Conference

Mid-Atlantic Sports network (MASN)

Middle Tennessee State University

Midwest Express Airlines

Mikitani, Hiroshi, sports interests of

Milan Stock Exchange

Millen, Matt

Miller, Bode

Miller, Marvin


Miller Lite

Miller Park

Milwaukee Braves

Milwaukee Brewers

price changes


revenue generation

revenue sharing

sports facilities

tax issues and

team sale price and growth rates

Milwaukee County Stadium

Minge, David

Minnesota North Stars

Minnesota Timberwolves

Minnesota Twins

community ownership

Moneyball and

price changes

salary arbitration

tax issues

team sale price and growth rates

Minnesota Vikings

Minnesota Wild

minorities. See race

Minority Opportunity and Interests Committee

minority ownership

minor leagues


hockey and basketball

player unions

Mississippi State University (MSU)

Mitchell Report

Mittal, Lakshmi, sports interests of

mixed-mode centrally planned structures

Mixon, Franklin

MLB. See Major League Baseball


MLB Draft

MLB.TV Premium

MLS Shootout

Moag, J.

mobile multimedia devices (MMDs)

Modell, Art

Modi, Lalit

Monday Night Football

Mondello, Michael


Moneyball (Lewis)

complex invasion team sports and

economic evaluation of

Monmouth University

Monnier, Laurence


monopoly price determination, model of


Montcourt, Mathieu

Montreal Expos


Moonves, Leslie

Moore, Harold

Moores, John

Moorhead, Clay

Moreno, Arte

Morgan, Lynn

Mornhinweg, Marty

Moss, Diana

Motivation of Athletics Donors


Hard Ball

Sport as Business

Value of Major League Baseball Ownership, The


Motton, Curt

Mountain West Conference

MTV Networks

Muamba, Fabrice


MU Finance

MU International

multi-channel video programming distributors (MVPDs)


multi-video programming (MVP), markets for

MU Mobile

municipal bonds

Municipal Stadium (Kansas City)

Murakami, Masanori

Murdoch, Rupert

Murphy, Dennis

Murphy, Robert G.

Murray, Andy

MU Travel


Myllari, Leo



Nadal, Rafael

Nagel, Mark S.


“Name Is the Game in Facility Naming Rights, The” (Greenberg and Anderson)

naming rights

facility financing through

NCAA facilities

Nets Sports and Entertainment, LLC and Subsidiaries

sports facilities

team valuation and

Nankai Hawks

Nardinelli, Clark


global economic downturn and

globalization and

housing and


television rights


Nashville Predators

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

National Association of Baseball Clubs

National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO)

National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA)

National Association of Securities Dealers

National Basketball Association (NBA)

amateurism and collegiate athletics reform



Bettman, Gary

bubble in

collective bargaining

college basketball and

credit facility in

entertainment aspects of

ethical issues

Fan Cost Index and


Fitch ratings

franchise sale price versus market size

free agency

gate receipts and star players

global economic downturn and

globalization and

inner market and outer market

international expansion

international player transfers

labor relations timeline

league structure

lockout (1998–1999)

luxury taxes

match-fixing and gambling

media revenues

MLS and

NHL and

Nielsen ratings


Olympics and

online packages

ownership in

pension plans in

player compensation

player jersey sales (2008–2009)

player unions


revenue multiples


revenue sharing

revenue sources (traditional)

rival leagues

salary cap

sports analytics

sports facilities

stadium naming rights

stadium subsidies

substitutes for

tax issues

team debts

team merchandise sales

team valuation

television rights

ticket pricing

See also specific teams

National Basketball League (NBL)

National Basketball Players Association (NBPA)

National City Bank

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

academic reform

amateurism and

authority and rules

BCS conference finances

budget (2009)

collegiate athletics, historical transformation of

ethical issues

FBS and

financial overview

gender equity

higher education and collegiate athletics

infractions case


organizational structure and governance

origin of

player compensation and sports law



revenue distribution plan (2008–2009)

sports facility naming rights

State of the Association speech (2009)

subsidiaries and

television coverage

Title IX and

See also NCAA member institutions; Title IX

National Football Conference (NFC)

National Football League (NFL)

AFL and

AFL-NFL merger

amateurism and collegiate athletics reform


Arena Football League and


bubble in

collective bargaining

college football and

competitive balance

competitiveness in

corporate ownership ban in

credit program

entertainment aspects of

ethical issues

Fan Cost Index and

Fitch ratings

Franchise Free Agency

franchise sale price versus market size

free agency

global economic downturn and

globalization and

international expansion

labor relations timeline

league structure

media revenues

MLS and

NFL vs. Sherman Act: How the NFL’s Ban on Public Ownership Violates Federal Antitrust Laws”

Nielsen ratings


ownership in

player compensation

player contracts

player jersey sales (2008)

player performance

player unions

public ownership prohibition


revenue generation

revenue multiples


revenue sharing

revenue sources (traditional)

revenue trends

rival leagues

salary cap


sports analytics

sports facilities

stadium naming rights

stadium subsidies

strike (1987)

substitutes for

tax issues

team advertising revenue

team debts

team merchandise sales (2008)

team valuation

television programming schedule

television rights

ticket pricing

USFL and

XFL and

See also specific teams

National Football League Players Association (NFLPA)

National Governing Bodies (NGBs)

national higher education associations

National Hockey League (NHL)


bubble in

collective bargaining

discrimination in

ethical issues

Fitch ratings

franchise sale price versus market size

global economic downturn and

globalization and

international player transfers

labor relations timeline

lockout (2004–2005)

media revenues

MLS and

Nielsen ratings


online packages


player compensation

player unions

public ownership


revenue generation

revenue multiples


revenue sharing

rival leagues

salary arbitration and

sports facilities

stadium subsidies

substitutes for

tax issues

team debts

team valuation

television programming (Canada)

television rights

ticket prices

variable ticket pricing

work stoppages

See also specific teams

“National Hockey League and Salary Arbitration: Time for a Line Change” (Yoost)

National Hockey League Players Association

National Indoor Soccer League (NISL)

National Invitation Tournament (NIT)

National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

National Lacrosse League

National League (MLB)

National Letter of Intent program

National Olympic Committee (NOC)

revenue sources


National Organization for Women

National Pro Fastpitch

National Women’s Law Center

National Wrestling Coaches Association

Nationwide Football League

Native Americans. See race

NBA. See National Basketball League

NBA All-Star Game

NBA Board of Governors

NBA Board of Governors Audit Committee

NBA Constitution

NBA D-League

NBA Draft

NBA Efficiency

NBA Individual Cap

“NBA Luxury Tax Model: A Misguided Regulatory Regime” (Kaplan)

NBA Team Cap


collegiate athletics

emerging and niche leagues




revenue sharing and competitive balance

rights fees

NBC Sports


NCAA Amateur Code

NCAA Basketball Championship

NCAA Basketball Tournament

NCAA Board of Directors

NCAA Bylaws

NCAA Committee on Infractions

NCAA Constitution

NCAA Convention (1994)

NCAA Convention (2006)

NCAA Council

NCAA Division I Athletic Directors’ Association

NCAA Division I Board of Directors

NCAA Division I Football Bowl Subdivision

NCAA Division I Philosophy Statement

NCAA Division I Without Football Subdivision

NCAA Eligibility Code

NCAA Elite Eight

NCAA Executive Committee

NCAA Executive Director

NCAA Football Television Plan

NCAA Gender Equity Report

NCAA Gender Equity study

NCAA Gender Equity Task Force

NCAA Manuals

NCAA member institutions

collegiate athletics operating expenses

collegiate athletics success, student applications and

collegiate athletics success, student quality and donations

divisional reclassification


institutional impact overview


Knight Commission Summit on the Collegiate Athlete Experience

operational issues

physical capital stock

tax issues

University of Michigan Athletics Department

NCAA Minority Opportunity and Interests Committee

NCAA National Office

NCAA Presidents Commission

NCAA Presidents Council

NCAA Special Assistance Fund

NCAA Student Opportunity Fund

NCAA v. Board of Regents

NCAA v. University of Oklahoma Board of Regents


MLB collective bargaining

NHL lockout (2004–2005)

Negro American League

Negro Leagues

Negro National League

Nets Sports and Entertainment, LLC and Subsidiaries

Neville, Gary

Neville, Phillip

Newark Eagles

New England Blizzard

New England Patriots

New England Revolution

New England Sports Network (NESN)

New Frontier Era (stadium financing)

New Jersey Generals

New Jersey Nets. See also Nets Sports and Entertainment, LLC and Subsidiaries

New Mexico State University

New Orleans Hornets

New Orleans Saints

“new school” owners

News Corporation

Newton Health Lancashire and Yorkshire Football Club

New York Athletic Club

New York Cosmos

New York Giants (baseball)

New York Giants (football)

New York Jets, relocation of

New York Knicks

New York Liberty

New York Mets

expansion fees

globalization and

Moneyball and

price changes

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

variable ticket pricing

New York Power

New York Rangers

New York Red Bulls

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)

New York Times

New York University

New York Yankees

CBS purchase of

globalization and

luxury tax

Madison Square Garden Network and

Manchester United and

Moneyball and


price changes


revenue generation

revenue sharing

Ruppert, Jacob

stadium deal

team sale price and growth rates


ticket prices

variable ticket pricing

YES Network and

New Zealand Cricket Council

New Zealand Cricket Inc.

NFL. See National Football League

NFL Charities

NFL Constitution

NFL Europe

NFL Films

NFL Internet Network

NFL Management Council

NFL Network

“NFL Programming Schedule: A Study of Agenda-Setting” (Fortunato)

NFL Properties

NFL Scouting Combine

NFL Sunday Ticket

NFL Team Cap

NFL Trust

NFL vs. Sherman Act: How the NFL’s Ban on Public Ownership Violates Federal Antitrust Laws”

NHL. See National Hockey League

NHL Individual Cap

Nice Declaration

niche leagues. See also emerging/niche leagues

Nielsen Media Research


Ning, Zhang

Nintendo Company

Nippon Ham

Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB)


Nissan Pavilion


Noll, R. G.

“Business of College Sports and the High Cost of Winning, The”

“Economics of Promotion and Relegation in Sports Leagues”

nomenclature, overview of

Nomo, Hideo

non-resident aliens. See race

nonstatutory labor exemption

nontraditional revenue sources

Norman, Dick

North, Douglas

North American leagues, English football leagues and

North American Soccer League (NASL)

North American strategy, of Manchester United

North American Television Systems Committee (NTSC)

North Texas State University

Northwestern University

Notre Dame. See University of Notre Dame

Nucci, Robert


Oakland Athletics

globalization and

Moneyball and

price changes

tax issues and

team performance and payroll

team sale price and growth rates

Oakland Raiders



revenue sharing and competitive balance

Obreja, Rudel

O’Brien, Seamus

obsolescence, of facilities

O’Donoghue, Tandy

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

Oh, Sadaharu

Ohio State University

Okner, B. A.

“old boys network”

Oldsmobile Park

Oliver, Dean



Olympic Coordination Authority (OCA)

Olympic Movement

Olympic Myth of Greek Amateur Athletics, The (Young)

Olympic Roads and Transport Authority (ORTA)


Beijing (2008)


financing and economic impact

global values and


Los Angeles (1984)

match-fixing and gambling

NBC television coverage

online coverage

organizing committee management

organizing committee revenue sources

refereeing, biased


Sydney (2000)

Torino (2006)

“Olympics and the Search for Global Values, The” (Smith)

Olympic Security Command Center (OSCC)

“Olympic Sponsorship: Evolution, Challenges and Impact on the Olympic Movement” (Giannoulakis and Stotlar)

O’Malley, Walter

O’Malley family

on-base percentage

O’Neal, Shaquille

O’Neill, Patrick J.

O’Neill, Tip

on-field/on-court/on-ice advertising

“On The Global Economic Downturn and Sports” (Shropshire and Rosner)

open competition models

open leagues

“Open to All: Title IX at Thirty” (Commission on Opportunities in Athletics)

operating expenses, for collegiate athletics

Operating Fund (University of Michigan)

operating profits

operating revenues and expenses, by NCAA member institutions

operating rights, exclusive

operating subsidiary

operational issues

NCAA member institutions

Title IX

Opta Index

Orange Bowl

O’Reilly, Norm

organization, sports brands as

organizational management, in Olympics

Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG)

Beijing Olympics (2008)

financial arrangements (contemporary)

Los Angeles Olympics (1984)


revenue sources

sponsorships and

Sydney Olympics (2000)

Orlando Predators

Orr, Bobby

Orszag, Jonathan M.

“Empirical Effects of Collegiate Athletics: An Update to the Interim Report”

“Physical Capital Stock Used in Collegiate Athletics, The”

Orszag, Peter R.

“Empirical Effects of Collegiate Athletics: An Update to the Interim Report”

“Physical Capital Stock Used in Collegiate Athletics, The”

Osborne, Tom

outer market

out-of-contract player

outsourcing, of collegiate athletics marketing operations

Ovechkin, Alex


alternative models

emerging and niche leagues


labor relations and

objectives of

personalities and motivations

player compensation and

race issues

revenue sharing and

tax considerations

value of

ownership collusion, in MLB

ownership glass ceilings

Ozanian, Michael


Pac-10 Conference

Pacific Bell Park

Pagliuca, Stephen

Paige, Rod

Paige, Satchel

Palmer, Arnold


“Panel I: The Future of Sports Television” (Cass, Abbott, Kirshner, Ruskin, and Vickery)

parity. See competitive balance

Parkhouse, B.

parking, facility financing through

Parliament and Council (Tobacco Directive)

Parliament’s Directive

Parmar, Arvind

participation, Title IX and

Patriot Place

Pauwels, W.

“Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports” (Quirk and Fort)

pay-per-view (PPV)

payroll caps. See also salary caps

payrolls, winning and

Pearson, Drew

Pedowitz, Lawrence B.

peer review process

Pell Grant

Penn State University

pension plans, NBA


Pepsi Arena

Pepsi Max

Perez, Florentino

Perez, Oliver

Perez, Tony

performance, MLB and inflationary salary mechanisms. See also Moneyball

performance-enhancing drugs


Hard Ball

Sport as Business

Value of Major League Baseball Ownership, The

personality attributes, of sports brands

personal seat license (PSL)

personal video recorders (PVRs)

personnel management, MLB discrimination and

persons, sports brands as

Petco Park

“Peterson’s Guide to Four Year Colleges”

Petrov, Gennady

PGA Tour, global economic downturn and

Phelan, Gerard

Phelps, Michael

Philadelphia 76ers

Philadelphia Athletics

Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Flyers

Philadelphia Phillies

Philips Arena

Phillips, Godfrey

Phillips, Jeff

Phoenix Cardinals

Phoenix Coyotes

Phoenix Suns

“Physical Capital Stock Used in Collegiate Athletics, The” (Orszag and Orszag)

“Piece of the Rock (Or the Rockets), A” (Schaffer)

Pilson, Neil

Pittsburgh Penguins

Pittsburgh Pirates

Pittsburgh Steelers

Plant Fund (University of Michigan)

player agents. See agents

player compensation

amateurism and

college athletes

European sports ratings and


global framework: soccer


labor market research

league revenues and

MLB inflationary salary mechanisms

Moneyball and

NBA deflationary salary mechanisms

NHL and salary arbitration

race and

salary structures

sports analytics

See also salary caps

player contracts

player drafts

competitive balance and

free agency and

MLB Draft

NBA Draft



player issues, Designated Player Rule (MLS). See also player compensation

player markets

alternative player transfer methods


historical precedent


posting process

posting process alternatives

posting process suboptimalities

workings of

See also labor markets

player performance

consistency of

incentives and supervision

player productivity (NBA), player salaries and

Player Relations Committee (MLB)


Arsenal Football Club

competitive balance and

Designated Player Rule (MLS)

gate receipts and star players

labor relations and

MLB managers and


NBA stars


professional managers and

racial composition of

See also college athletes

player salaries



salary arbitration

transition and franchise players (NFL)

See also salary caps

player scarcity, in EPL

Players Inc.

player strikes

player transfers, Bosman case. See also player markets

player unions. See labor unions

playoff ticket sales

PNC Arts Center

Pohlad, Carl

Policy, Carmen

Policy Interpretation (OCR)

“Policy Interpretation: Title IX and Intercollegiate Athletics” (OCR)

Ponting, Ricky

Pope, D.

Pope, J.

population, competitive balance and

Porter, P.

Portland State University

Portland Trail Blazers


positioning, of sports

posting process

alternatives to

suboptimalities of

power, professional team sports and

preferences, competitive balance and

Prehistoric Era (stadium financing)

President’s Club

Presidents Commission

Presidents Council (NCAA)

price growth, of MLB franchises

“Price of Winning” (Philadelphia Inquirer)

pricing, of naming rights

Princeton University

principled negotiations, in MLB collective bargaining

Principles and Practice of Sport Management (Masteralexis, Barr, and Hums)

Pritchard, Adrian

private athletic clubs

private equity (PE) investment

private financing, of sports facilities

private property structure, in professional sports leagues

Procter & Gamble

product attributes, of Manchester United

product scope, of Manchester United

professional athletes, definition of

Professional Golf Association (PGA)

professional league structure model, overview of

professional managers, ethical issues facing

professional sports franchises. See ownership

professional sports leagues. See ownership

professional sports nomenclature, overview of

“Professional Sports: The Next Evolution in Value Creation” (Phillips and Krasner)

professional team sports. See ownership

Pro Football Hall of Fame

profit maximization, MLB

profit orientation


Arsenal Football Club

MLS teams


Prohorov, Mikhail, sports interests of

project finance

Prokhorov, Mikhail

Prokom Open


property, of Arsenal Football Club. See also real estate; sports facilities

property structure, in professional sports leagues



Protocol 30 of the Treaty of Amsterdam


psychological benefits, of ownership

public financing

congressional testimony on

sports facilities

team valuation and


public offerings

advantages of

disadvantages of

fans and

notes on

public ownership structure

viability of

public ownership

economic aspects of

majority versus minority ownership

NFL ban on


See also public offerings

public relations, variable ticket pricing and

Purdue University


qualitative research, on costs and financing of collegiate athletics

quality/value, of Manchester United product

“Quantitative and Qualitative Research with Football Bowl Subdivision Presidents on the Costs and Financing of Intercollegiate Athletics” (Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics)

quantitative research, on costs and financing of collegiate athletics

Quasi-Endowment Funds

Quirk, J.

“Hard Ball”

“Pay Dirt: The Business of Professional Team Sports”



college athletic recruitment and

fan racism in European soccer stadiums

hiring practices in collegiate athletics


managers and coaches


player demographics

player salaries

player transfers and

Race Directive

Racial Equality Directive


ownership and

soccer (European)

radio, revenues from

Radulov, Alexander

Rahinel, Ryan

Ramirez, Manny

Rascher, D.

ratio analysis

Ratner, Bruce

Ravitch, Richard

Raycom Sports

Raymond James & Associates

Raymond James Stadium

RBC Financial

RCA Dome

RC Liege

Reagan, Ronald

real estate

sports complexes and

team valuation and

real estate structures, team valuation and

Real Madrid

reclassification, for NCAA member institutions

recreational sports, economic downturn and

recruitment, for collegiate athletics

Red Bull

Red Chillies Entertainment

Red Cinema Complex


Rees, Jeffrey

refereeing bias

reform. See collegiate athletics: amateurism and reform

regional identity

regional sports networks (RSNs)

“Regional Sports Networks, Competition, and the Consumer” (Moss)

regular season ticket sales


NBA luxury taxes

regional sports networks


Reinsdorf, Jerry


Reliance Industries

Reliant Energy


competitive balance and

minor league baseball teams

NFL teams

North American leagues

professional sports nomenclature and

public ownership and

public stadium financing and

revenue sharing and

Renaissance Era (stadium financing)

Renfro, Wallace I.

Rensing case

repeat-player problem

“Report to the Board of Governors of the National Basketball Association” (Pedowitz)

reservation wage

reserve clause

Resolution G-3 of 1999 (G-3 Program)

Resolution JC-1

resource-based view (RBV)

Ressler, R.

restaurants, facility financing through

restricted free agency

retail stores, facility financing through

revenue bonds

revenue distribution plan (NCAA, 2008–2009)

revenue enhancements, competitive balance and

revenue gap, in NFL

revenue generation

revenue revolution, in sports


athletic departments

collegiate athletics

European sports ratings

FBS (2006)

gate receipts and star players




NCAA and

NCAA member institutions



nontraditional sources of


Olympics organizing committees

player compensation and

professional sports teams


team valuation and

traditional sources of

University of Michigan Athletics Department

winning and

See also concessions; ticket sales

Revenues and Expenses of Intercollegiate Athletics Programs report

revenue sharing

competitive balance and






team valuation and

“Revenue Sharing and the Salary Cap in the NFL” (Moorhead)

reverse-order player drafts

Revolution Era (stadium financing)

Reyes, Jose

Reyna, Claudio

Reynolds, Gerald A.

Reynolds, Tom

RFK Stadium

Rhoads, Thomas

Rhode, Deborah L.

Rhodes, Ray

Rice University

Rich, Lauren

Richards, Brad

Richardson, Mark

Richmond Rage

Rich Products Corporation

Rich Stadium

Rich Who Own Sports, The (Kowet)

Rickey, Branch

Riggs, Bobby

Rimer, Edward, “Discrimination in Major League Baseball”


Arsenal Football Club



ritualized media use

rival leagues

Robbie, Joe

Robertson, Oscar

Robertson Settlement Agreement (RSA)

Robinson, Frank

Robinson, Glen

Robinson, Jackie

Rockies Youth Foundation

Rodriguez, Alex

Roenick, Jeremy

Rogers Communications

Rogers Wireless

Rogge, Jacques

Rojas, Cookie

Rolnick, Arthur

Rome, Jim

Romney, Mitt


Ronaldo, Christiano

Rookie Cap

Rookie Scale Contracts (NBA)

Rooney, Art

Rooney, Dan

Rooney, Wayne

Rooney Rule

Roosevelt, Theodore

Rose, Pete

Rose Bowl

Rosner, Scott R.

“Growth of NCAA Women’s Rowing: a Financial, Ethical, and Legal Analysis”

“Impact of the Flat World on Player Transfers in Major League Baseball, The”

“On The Global Economic Downturn and Sports”

roster depreciation allowance (RDA)

roster size limits

Rothenberg, Alan

Rottenberg, S.

Rotwitt, Jeff

Route 2 Digital

Rovell, D.

rowing, women’s

Rozelle, Pete

Rozelle Rule

Ruby League

Rudd, Jessica Soltz

Ruiz, Carlos

Ruppert, Jacob

Ruskin, Brad

Russell, Bill

Russian Kontinental Hockey League (KHL)

Rutgers University

Ryan, Michael


Sachs, M.

Sack, Allen

Sacramento Kings

Sacred Heart University

Safin, Marat

St. Joseph’s University

St. Louis Blues

St. Louis Browns

St. Louis Cardinals (baseball)

St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission

St. Louis Rams

St. Louis University

salaries. See player compensation

salary arbitration




salary caps

competitive balance and

Fitch ratings and






salary floors

sales prices, of MLB franchises

Salt Lake City (SLOC)

Salt Lake City Organizing Committee (SLOCOG)

Salt Lake Olympics judging scandal

Samaranch, Juan Antonio

Samson, David

Samu, Sridhar

Samurgashev v. FILA

San Antonio Spurs

San Diego Chargers

San Diego Padres

San Francisco 49ers

San Francisco Giants

Sanchez, Hugo

Sanders, Barry

Sanderson, Allen R.

Sanity Code

Santana, Johan

Saperstein, Abe

Sarkozy, Nicolas

Saskin, Ted

SAT scores

satellite radio, revenues from

satellite television

Sauer, Raymond D.


scarcity, team valuation and

Schaffer, Ryan

Schaefer Brewing Company

Schaefer Field

scheduling, in NFL

Schembechler, Bo

Schmidt, Martin B.

“Does One Simply Need to Score to Score?”

“Stars at the Gate: The Impact of Star Power on NBA Gate Revenues”


Scholes, Paul

Schott, Marge

Schultz, Richard

Schweitzer, William H.

“Scoreboards vs. Mortarboards: Major Donor Behavior and Intercollegiate Athletics” (Stinson and Howard)

S corporations

Scott, Frank A., Jr.

Scottish premier League

Scouting Combine

Scudamore, Richard

Scully, G.


season ticketholders, contracts with

season ticket sales

Seattle Coliseum

Seattle Mariners

Seattle Pilots

Seattle Reign

Sebago Associates

Second Basic Agreement (MLB)

second-generation league owners

Securities Act (1933)

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Securities Exchange Act (1934)


Seibu Lions

Seitz, Peter

Selig, Bud

collective bargaining

competitive balance

congressional testimony

labor relations

revenue sharing and

roster depreciation allowance

Selig v. U.S.

sell strategy

Senate Finance Committee

senior secured ratings

Senior Woman Administrator

Serie A

Setanta Sports

settlement, of NHL lockout (2004–2005)

Seymour, Harold

Shanahan Summit

Shannon, Randy

shares. See public offerings; public ownership Shea, William

Shea Stadium

Sheehan, Kathleen

Sheehan, Richard G.

Sheffield United

Shell, Art

Sherer, Peter D.

Sherman Antitrust Act


Shorey, Paul

Shropshire, Kenneth L.

“Diversity, Racism, and Professional Sports Franchise Ownership”

“Legislation for the Glory of Sport: Amateurism and Compensation”

“On The Global Economic Downturn and Sports”

traditional league structures

Shubik, Martin

Shulman, J. L.

Siegel, Jeremy

Siegelman, Lee

Siegfried, J.

Siena College

signing bonuses

Simon, Curtis

Singapore GP

Singell, L.

single-entity structure

centrally planned




single sports channels



ski team (Austrian), doping by

Sky (pay-TV operator)


Sloane, Peter

slugging percentage


Smith, Adam

Smith, Alex

Smith, Joe

Smith, John Milton

Smith, Lovie

Smith, Rodney K.

Smulyan, Jeff


Snyder, Dan


European Union and fan racism

global leagues

global player compensation

match-fixing and gambling

See also English Premier League; Major League Soccer; women’s soccer

soccer clubs (British)

soccer schools

social democracy

socialism, in NFL

social sciences, collegiate athletics and

societal values, sports law and

Society for American Baseball Research (SABR)

socioeconomics, college athletic recruitment and

sociological issues. See ethics; race

Softbank Hawks

Soldier Field

Somppi, Ken

Son, Masayoshi, sports interests of


Sony Ericsson WTA Tour

Soriano, Alfonso

Southeastern Conference (SEC)

Southeast Missouri State University

Southeast Wisconsin Professional Baseball Park District

Southern Methodist University

Southwest Conference (SWC)

Southwest Sports Group

Spalding, Albert

Special Assistance Fund

special-purpose vehicle (SPV)

special tax bonds

Specter, Arlen

speculative bubble. See bubble

Sperber, M.

Spire Capital

Spiro, Richard


economic downturn and

emerging and niche leagues

European sports ratings and

NCAA and

Nets Sports and Entertainment, LLC and Subsidiaries



sports facilities

team valuation and

“Sport as Business” (Zimbalist)


sporting events, competitive balance and

“Sporting Labour Markets Are Becoming Global. But What About Sports Themselves?” (The Economist)

Sport Interest Inventory (SII)

sport managers. See managers

Sport Marketing Surveys (SMS)

sports, positioning of

sports analytics

“Sports and the City: How to Curb Professional Sports Teams’ Demands for Free Public Stadiums” (Edelman)

sports branding, of Manchester United

Sports Broadcasting Act (SBA)

“Sports Business as a Labor Market Laboratory, The” (Kahn)

Sports Business Journal

sports camps, by athletic departments


sports complexes. See sports facilities

sports entertainment. See XFL


sports events, top-rated (2008)

sports facilities

athletic departments

congressional testimony from Demause, Neil

congressional testimony from Humphreys, Brad R.

economic downturn and

European sports ratings and

fan racism and European Union

financing and economic background

housing related to


naming rights

NCAA and naming rights

NCAA costs associated with

obsolescence of


public financing

public offerings and

real estate opportunities and

recent construction

revenue generation through

team valuation and

traditional revenue sources

sports franchises. See ownership; teams

Sports in America (Michener)

sports labor markets. See labor markets; player markets

sports law

“Sports Law: Cases and Materials” (Yasser, McCurdy, Goplerud, and Weston)

sports management, principles and practice of

sports media. See media

SportsNet Chicago

SportsNet New York (SNY)

sports nomenclature, overview of

sports-related cable networks. See cable television networks

sports sponsorships, diversity, NCAA divisional reclassification and

“sports strategies”

sports television. See television

Sport-Universal Process

Springsteen, Bruce

Stadium Game, The (Greenberg)

stadiums. See sports facilities

Stake, R. E.

Staley, Dawn

Standard & Poor’s

Stanford University

Stanley Cup Finals

Staples Center

Starace, Potito

star players

gate receipts and


“Stars at the Gate: The Impact of Star Power on NBA Gate Revenues” (Berri, Schmidt, and Brook)

State of the Association speech (NCAA)

statistical significance

statistics. See sports analytics

Staudohar, Paul D.

Staurowsky, E. J.

Stein, Gil

Steinbrenner, George

Stephenson, E. Frank

Stern, David

Stevens, John Paul

Still, Valerie

Stinson, Jeffrey L.

stock market teams

stocks. See public offerings; public ownership

Stony Brook University

Stotlar, David

strategic decision making, in English football leagues

stress-case scenarios


student applications, collegiate athletics success and

Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund (SAOF)

student athletes. See also college athletes

student fees

student quality, collegiate athletic success and

Student Right to Know Act





congressional testimony on


Sugar Bowl

Sullivan, William H.

Summer X Games

Summit on the Collegiate Athlete Experience

Sun Belt Conference

Sundberg, Jeffrey


Sun Jihai

Super Bowl

Superdome. See Louisiana Superdome


supervision, performance and

supplemental revenue redistribution, in NFL

supply, balance and imbalance

support agreements/guarantees

sustainability, of FBS

Suzuki, Ichiro

Swatch Timing

Swoopes, Sheryl

“Sydney 2000”

Sydney Olympic Broadcast Organization (SOBO)

Sydney Olympics (2000)

Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG)

symbols, sports brands as

“Symposium: Sports Law as a Reflection of Society’s Laws and Values: Pay for Play for College Athletes: Now, More Than Ever” (Goplerud III)

Syracuse University

system arbitration

Szymanski, S.



Tagliabue, Paul

Takacs, Artur

Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Tampa Bay Devil Rays

Tampa Bay Lightning

Tampa Bay Storm

Tanzer, Tommy

Tata Tea

Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANs)

tax-exempt bonds

tax-exempt commercial paper

tax issues

luxury taxes


NCAA member institutions

revenue sharing

sports teams

See also luxury taxes

Taxpayer Relief Act

“Tax Preferences for Collegiate Sports, May 2009” (Congressional Budget Office)

Tax Reform Act (1986)

“Tax Revisions of 2004 and Pro Sports Team Ownership” (Coulson and Fort)

tax shelters


hold and sell strategies


policy assessment

roster depreciation allowance

tax shelter model

TBS Superstation

team activities, financing of

team management, public ownership and

Team Marketing Report

Team Millennium

team performance, in NBA

team quality, in English football leagues


“Coming Revenue Revolution in Sports”

emerging and niche leagues

European sports ratings and

Franchise Free Agency (NFL)


legal structures

Manchester United: globalization and sports branding

Moneyball and


Nets Sports and Entertainment, LLC and Subsidiaries

number of

star players and gate receipts

ticket pricing


winning and payroll

winning and revenues

See also NCAA member institutions; sports facilities; specific teams

team salary caps

team sports. See ownership

team strategies, in English football leagues

team valuation

“Financial Valuation of Sports Franchises, The”

appreciation limitations

bear markets, sales related to

credit ratings

determinants of

Forbes (2010)

future of


leagues and

Tejada, Miguel


cable networks

college conferences

collegiate athletics

distribution channel diversity in

economic downturn and

emerging and niche leagues

EPL and

European sports ratings and

Fitch ratings and

future of

globalization and


league bids

league deals





regional sports networks

rights contracts

rights fees

sports events, top-rated (2008)

team valuation and

See also regional sports networks; specific television networks

television markets, largest

Tendulkar, Sachin

tennis, match-fixing and gambling in

Tennis Anti-Corruption Code

Tennis Anti-Corruption Program

Tennis Integrity Unit

Teplitz, Paul

territorial rights

Test-Takers Database (SAT database)

Texas A&M

Texas Christian University

Texas League

Texas North Stars

Texas Rangers

Texas Tech

TGI Friday’s

Thanksgiving Day NFL games

The Olympic Partners (TOP)

The Olympic Program (TOP)

“Thinking about Competitive Balance” (Sanderson and Siegfried)

third-generation league owners

Thirteenth Angel, The

Thomas, Bill

Thomson Corporation

three-part test (OCR)

“Ticket Prices, Concessions and Attendance at Professional Sporting Events” (Coates and Humphreys)

ticket pricing

attendance and concessions

player salaries and


ticket sales

athletic departments



team valuation and

See also revenues


Tiger Beer

time limits, for collegiate athletics

Time (magazine)

time management, in Olympics

time series modeling

Time Warner

Time Warner Cable

Tinsley, Maurice

Title IX

collegiate sports financing and

financial aid

gender equity and

history of


legal framework

operational issues

policy guidance and compliance

women coaches and

Title IX Investigator’s Manual




Tobacco Directive

Today League

Tokhtakhounov, Alimzhan

Tolbert, Bernie

Toma, Douglas

Toolson v. New York Yankees



Torino Olympics (2006)

Torino Organizing Committee (TOROC)

Toronto Blue Jays

corporate ownership of

expansion fees

price changes

Rogers Communications

team sale price and growth rates

television revenues

variable ticket pricing

Toronto Maple Leafs

Tottenham Hotspur

Tour de France

tours, of sports facilities

tracking problem

traditional revenue sources

trains, broadcast licensing for

Trandel, Gregory

transfer fee system

Transfer of Olympic Knowledge (TOK)

transfers. See player markets

transition players (NFL)

transparency, in collegiate athletics

TransWorld Dome

Trask, Amy


treasury, of Arsenal Football Club

Treaty of Amsterdam


“Trend Toward Principled Negotiation in Major League Baseball Collective Bargaining” (Hanson)

Tribune Corporation

trophy assets

Tropicana Field

Troy University

Trump, Donald

Trustees of the Knight Foundation

Tucker, Irvin


Turin Organizing Committee (TOROC)

Turner, Ted

Turner Broadcasting System (TBS)

Tursunov, Dmitry

Tversky, Amos

Twenty20 Cricket

“Twenty20 Cricket: An Examination of the Critical Success Factors in the Development of Competition” (Hyde and Pritchard)



UB Group


Ueberroth, Peter

UEFA Champions League



“Unbound: How a Supreme Court Decision Tore Apart Football Television and Rippled Through 25 Years of College Sports (Copeland)


Arsenal Football Club

competitive balance and

Union College

Union Federal Bank

Union Federal Football Center

Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)

Bosman case

globalization and

international player transfers


sports ratings and

Union of European Football Associations Cup

unions. See labor unions

United Center

United Football League

United National Gridiron League

United Nations (UN)

United States

amateurism in

English football leagues and

women’s soccer in

U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of New York

U.S. Cellular Field

U.S. Congress

MLB and

public stadium financing testimony

Selig, Bud

U.S. Department of Education

U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare

U.S. Department of Justice

U.S. economy, positioning of sports in

United States Football League (USFL)

United States Grand Prix (GP)

U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation

U.S. News and World Report

United States Olympic Committee (USOC)

U.S. Open

United States Soccer Federation (USSF)

U.S. Supreme Court

U.S. Women’s Soccer Team

United Steelworkers of America

universities. See collegiate athletics

University at Albany

University at Buffalo, the State University of New York

University Division

university faculty

University Investment Pool (UIP)

University of Alabama

University of Alabama at Birmingham

University of Arkansas

University of California at Berkley

University of Central Florida

University of Cincinnati

University of Connecticut

University of Florida

University of Georgia

University of Houston

University of Idaho

University of Louisville

University of Miami

University of Michigan

University of Michigan Athletic Department

University of Michigan Center for Postsecondary and Higher Education

University of Michigan Department of Intercollegiate Athletics

University of Michigan Golf Course

University of Minnesota

University of Nebraska

University of New Haven

University of North Carolina-Charlotte

University of Notre Dame

University of Oklahoma

University of Oregon

University of Oregon Benefactor database

University of Oregon Foundation

University of Pennsylvania

University of South Florida

University of Texas

University of Texas-El Paso

University of Tulsa

University of Virginia

University of Washington

University of Wisconsin

university presidents and trustees

unrelated business income tax (UBIT)

unrestricted free agency

“Unsportsmanlike Conduct” (Byers)


upstream pressures, in EPL

Ury, William

U.S. Airways Arena

USA Track & Field (USATF)

US Dunkerque

Usmanov, Alisher, sports interests of

Utah Skier Survey

Utah State University


valuation. See team valuation

value enhancements

“Value of Major League Baseball Ownership, The” (Fort)


Manchester United

Olympics and

sports law and

Vancouver Canucks

Vancouver Organizing Committee (VANOC)

Vanderbeek, Jeff

Vander Hill, C. Warren

van Mil, Loek

variable ticket pricing (VTP)

“Variable Ticket Pricing in Major League Baseball” (Rascher, McEvoy, Nagel, and Brown)

Varsity Tennis Center

Veeck, Bill

“Vend It Like Beckham: David Beckham’s Effect on MLS Ticket Sales” (Lawson, Sheehan, and Stephenson)

Venturi, Robert

venues. See facilities

Verizon Center


vertical integration

Veteran Cap

viability, of naming rights

Vicente, Fernando

Vickery, Alan

Victory Sports

video on demand (VOD)


Vincent, Fay

Vincent, John

Virginia Rage

Virginia Tech

Virgin Media




Vrooman, J.


Wadia, Ness

wage discrimination

Wages of Wins, The (Berri, Schmidt, and Brook)

Walda, John

walk-away rights

Walker, Christopher J.

Walker, Francis Amasa

Walker, Herschel

walks. See on-base percentage

Wallace, Michael

Waller, Mark

Walt Disney. See Disney

Walter Camp Commission on College Football

Walters, Norby

Walters, S.

Ward, John Montgomery

Warne, Shane

Washington Capitals

Washington Freedom

Washington Mutual

Washington Nationals

Washington Redskins

Washington Senators

Washington Wizards

Weather Channel

Weaver, Earl

Web sites. See also Internet

weighting problem

Weiner, Michael

Weinke, Chris

Weisman, Mike

Wenger, A.

Werner, Tom

Western Athletic Conference (WAC)

Westley, Wes

Weston, Maureen A.


White, Byron

White Paper on Sport

Willcocks, L.

Williams, Jack F.

Williams, Ricky

Williams, Serena

Williams, Venus

Williams College

Willoughby, Keith

Willow Foundation

Wills, Maury

Wilpon, Fred



win maximization league

winner’s curse

winner-take-all markets


collegiate athletics and

competitive balance and

Moneyball and

NBA gate receipts and star players

student applications and

student quality and alumni donations

team revenues and

See also Moneyball

winning teams

Winslow, Kellen, Sr.

Winter X Games


Wirtz, Rocky

Wirtz, William

women, collegiate athletics hiring practices and

women athletes, collegiate athletics and

women coaches, gender equity and

women’s basketball. See also Women’s National Basketball Association

women’s field hockey team, doping by

Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA)

Women’s National Basketball Players Association (WNBPA)

Women’s Professional Basketball League (WBL)

Women’s Professional Soccer

women’s rowing

women’s soccer

Women’s Soccer Initiative, Inc. (WSII)

Women’s Sports Association Professional Basketball League (WSAPBL)

Women’s Sports Foundation

women’s sports leagues. See also specific leagues

Women’s Tennis Association (WTA)

Women’s United Soccer Association (WUSA)

Women’s World Basketball Association (WWBA)

Women’s World Cup

Women’s World Hockey

Wood, William

Woods, Tiger

Wooten, John

workers, free movement of

workers’ compensation issues, in NCAA

Workplace Diversity Committee

work stoppages

World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)

World Bank

World Baseball Classic

World Cup

World Football League (WFL)

World Hockey Association (WHA)

World Series

World Sports Group (WSG)

world team tennis

World War II

World Wrestling Federation (WWF)

worldwide expansion. See international expansion

worldwide leagues. See global leagues

worldwide player transfer. See player markets

wrestling, refereeing bias in

Wrigley, Phil

Wrigley, William




XFL All Access

X Games


Yahoo! Sports

Yale University

Yao Ming

Yasser, Ray

Yawkey, Tom

YES Network

Yi Jianlian

Yomiuri Corporation

Yomiuri Giants

Yongbo, Li

Yoost, Stephen M.

Yost Ice Arena

You Don’t Know Where I’ve Been (Adair)

Young, David C.

Young, Steve

youthfulness, in Manchester United sports brand


Yulyev, Salavat


Zell, Sam

Zenit St. Petersburg

Zheng Zhi

Ziets, Mitchell

Zimbalist, Andrew

“Financing and Economic Impact of the Olympic Games, The”

globalization and

“Labor Relations in Major League Baseball”

MLB collective bargaining

“Sports as Business”

Zinn, Z. M.

Zinta, Preity

Zoro, Marc

Zylstra, Warren

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