© Bauke Scholtz, Arjan Tijms 2018

Bauke Scholtz and Arjan Tijms, The Definitive Guide to JSF in Java EE 8, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3387-0_1

1. History

Bauke Scholtz and Arjan Tijms2

(1)Willemstad, Curaçao

(2)Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, The Netherlands

This chapter describes the history of JSF, starting from its early conception and ending where we are today at the moment of writing. We’ll discuss how the JSF API (application programming interface) itself evolved, which important events took place during that evolution, and who some of the people were that were involved in all of this.

This is in no way a complete description of the history and the reader should take notice of the fact that many more events took place and many more people were involved than we were able to mention here.

In the Beginning . . .

JSF goes back a long time. Its initial JSR, JSR 127, started in 2001. At that time the Struts web framework was wildly popular, although it wasn’t that long ago that it was released itself (around 2000). Despite Struts’ popularity, a large number of other web frameworks were in use in the Java space, and new ones were popping up all the time. JavaServer Faces (JSF) was conceived as an attempt to bring a standardized MVC (model-view-controller) web framework base into the overall Java EE platform.

Controversies are quite common in the web framework space, and JSF is no exception here. Right at the start of its inception there was a big controversy where Apache opposed the creation of JSF on the bases that Apache Struts already existed and a closed source alternative would have little value. Apache therefore voted against the creation of JSF with the following comment:

This JSR conflicts with the Apache open source project Struts. Considering Sun’s current position that JSRs may not be independently implemented under an open source license, we see little value in recreating a technology in a closed environment that is already available in an open environment.

To the extent that this JSR extends beyond Struts today, we would encourage the Sun developers proposing this JSR to join the Sun developers already leading Struts to create an open solution at Apache, something which when finished would be assured of being able to be implemented as open source.

Eventually the conflict was resolved when after about a year into the process spec lead Amy Fowler (from Swing fame) was replaced by Craig McClanahan, the very father of the Struts project that JSF was said to be competing with. The open source restriction was lifted as well, and the open source JSF implementation, called MyFaces, was developed in parallel with the (then nameless) RI and hence the specification itself. MyFaces initially started as an LGPL licensed project at sourceforge.net in December 2002 and had an initial 0.1 release conforming to what was then called an “Early Access Specification” in January 2003.

Open source implementations are the most common implementations in Java EE 8, and there’s barely any EE specification at the time of this writing (2018) that’s still implemented as closed source. In 2001, however, this was not just uncommon; it was actually not allowed for new JSRs. Allowing for an open source implementation was therefore quite a change, and the honor fell to JSF to be the first of its kind for which this was allowed.

Despite the open source implementation being allowed, the actual development of the spec was still done in secret and behind closed doors. There was no public mailing list, and no tracker (e.g., a JIRA instance) for the public to create issues or express wishes. Occasionally interviews were being done, and in the fall of 2002 by then former spec lead Amy Fowler did reveal quite a few details about JSF, but largely the project was shrouded in mystery for the general public.

The team behind JSF was, however, hard at work. The first e-mail to the internal JSR-127 list was sent on August 17, 2001. As with most projects, the team spent the initial months on gathering requirements and looking at the existing competing products. A package name was chosen as well. The initial placeholder package, which was "javax.servlet.ui", now " javax.faces", was chosen as the package to use. The very first technical architecture to be considered was the component model. For a component-based MVC framework this is obviously one of the most important aspects. During the last month of 2001 and the first two months of 2002 the team looked at what is now known as the Managed Bean (called “Object Manager” then). Managed beans with their scopes, names, and dependency injection are clearly another cornerstone of the JSF framework. Events and the model behind it were being looked at as well during that time frame.

In the second quarter of 2002 two other cornerstones of JSF were discussed: the Expression Language (inspired by JSTL), which is instrumental for the so-called bindings of beans from a template to backing code, and the factory finder, which allowed key parts of JSF to be replaced and although perhaps not fully realized at the time may have contributed greatly to JSF still being relevant some 16 years later.

It was in this same quarter that Craig McClanahan took over as spec lead, father of Struts and architect of Tomcat’s Servlet container, took over. Not long after the discussion about using JSP started, a discussion, perhaps unbeknownst to the team at the time, that would, unfortunately, have a rather negative impact on JSF later on. Around the end of the year 2002, Ed Burns, who like McClanahan had also worked on Tomcat before, joined the team as co-spec lead. Burns is the person who would eventually become the main spec lead of JSF for well over a decade.

While the team continued to work on things like the aforementioned managed beans and the so-called value binding, which is the Java representation of the also aforementioned expression language binding, the first dark cloud appeared when in the spring of 2003 team member Hans Bergsten realized that there were very real and major issues with using JSP as the templating language for JSF. He brought these concerns to the team, but ultimately they weren’t addressed and instead the following months were spent, among other things, on a variant of the value binding; it later on became clear that the method binding and the state saving mechanism were another of JSF’s less than ideal implementations.

JSF 1.0 and its still nameless RI were eventually released on March 11, 2004—coincidentally, a mere two weeks before the release of another framework that’s still strong today, Spring 1.0. MyFaces released its 1.0.0 alpha version only days later, on March 19. It’s perhaps an interesting observation that JSF went final with a full-fledged XML-based dependency injection (DI) framework just before Spring, which is largely known for its DI, went final.

JSF 1.0 was generally well received; despite a rather crowded market with competitors such as Tapestry, WebObjects, Velocity, and Cocoon operating, not less than three books from writers such as Horst Caymann and Hans Bergsten appeared in the months after, and the eXo platform (a Digital Collaboration Platform) started using JSF right away.

Hans Bergsten’s earlier concerns, however, become painfully clear almost just as quickly; the JSP technology is based on processing a template from start to end, immediately writing to the response as tags are encountered. JSF, however, requires a phased approach where components need to be able to inspect and act on the component tree, which is built from the tags on the page, before starting to write anything to the response. This mismatch led to many strange issues, such as content disappearing or being rendered out of order.

Only three months after the introduction of JSF, Hans Bergsten made a strong case of dropping JSP in his legendary article “Improving JSF by Dumping JSP.” There Bergsten explains how ill-suited JSP is for use a template language in JSF, but he also presents a glimmer of hope; because of JSF’s great support for extendibility, it’s relatively easy to introduce alternative templating simply by replacing the so-called view handler, something which JSF explicitly allows. It would, however, take five long years until JSF would indeed ship with a more suitable view templating language, and even though JSP had been essentially deprecated at that point it’s still present in JSF at the time of writing.

The Adolescent Years

Back in 2004 another first befell JSF; on June 28 Ed Burns announced that the source of the RI was released by Sun. This represented a major milestone as before that date most technology in active use by Sun was closed source. Initially the source was licensed under the somewhat exotic JRL, but later this would be changed to dual licenses, GPL with classpath exception and CDDL. At the same time as this announcement, the tradition was established that every new feature or bug fix should be accompanied by a test, and that all existing tests should be executed before committing the change. Some 14 years later there’s a largely different set of people working on the RI source, and the project structure and code conventions have changed as well, but the test-driven tradition is still being uphold in its original form.

At that point Ed Burns decided to focus more on the specification aspects of JSF as the JSF 1.2 spec work had started right away, and Jayashri Visvanathan, one of the early team members, took on the lead role concerning the implementation aspects, with Ryan Lubke, working as the TCK (testing) engineer.

Still only a few months old, a variety of component libraries for JSF had already started to pop up, although all of them commercial. Among those was the one from Oracle, ADF Faces. ADF Faces was put on Oracle’s roadmap well before JSF 1.0 went final, and the first early access release was presented on August 17, 2004. Its lead was Adam Winer, who represented Oracle in the team that created JSF 1.0. ADF Faces primarily contained a set of rich components, but also a dialog framework, and remarkably already featured partial page rendering (PPR), quite a bit ahead of the later crop of AJAX solutions. ADF Faces also contained a “for each” tag (af:forEach) that actually worked. Adam Winer explained in these early days that such tag is not quite trivial to build but promised that Oracle would contribute the knowledge back to JSF itself.

The ADF Faces components originated mostly from the earlier User Interface XML (UIX) framework, of which Adam Winer was the lead architect as well. Earlier versions of UIX used the names “Cabo,” “Baja,” and “Marlin.” UIX was a rich client framework for use in the browser. With JSF sharing more than a few similarities to UIX, and with its lead, Adam Winer, being part of the original JSF team, it’s perhaps not unreasonable to surmise that UIX influenced JSF. Such similarities include the concept of components with separate renderers, JSP tag handlers and declarative options to compose a page, and the ability to instantiate those same components programmatically in Java. There was even a conceptually similar data binding, although with a less elegant syntax. Instead of, say, value="#{user.age}", UIX would use data:value="age@user" but also required a kind of producer to be defined on each page to declare where “user” comes from, and then nest the page’s content within that declaration. By contrast, JSF and EL have always used global definitions and left it up to the user to avoid name clashes.

One of the first, if not the first open source component library in 2004 was Matthias Unverzagt’s OurFaces. As JSF did not had its own resource API (application programming interface) at the time to serve up things like images, OurFaces required a Servlet to be added to web.xml, the so-called SkinServlet (ourfaces.common.webapp.SkinServlet). The significance of this is that it became a rather common thing for JSF libraries in those days to ask their users: add something manually to web.xml before the component library can be used.

Most of the last months of 2004 and early months of 2005 were spent by the JSF 1.2 expert group (EG) working on various JSP and EL issues, such as the JSTL <c:forEach> support and the generation of IDs in JSP, as well as on the dreaded “content interweaving” issue, which refers to the aforementioned content that appears at wrong places in the response when rendering.

While OurFaces may have been one of the first component libraries, it didn’t last and few will remember it or have even heard about it today. This is not quite the same for another framework that has its roots in early 2005, namely, Alexander Smirnov’s Telamon framework, later renamed Ajax4jsf . This framework was one of the first of its kind that combined JSF and the then new and fresh AJAX technology. The beauty of Ajax4Jsf was that it could add AJAX support to existing components, which weren’t built with AJAX support in mind at all by enclosing them among others in the <a4j:region> tag. This technology was incorporated in the Exadel Visual Component Platform, which was released in March 2006 and would later be renamed RichFaces, and would become one of the most memorable JSF component libraries.

At around the same time Alexander Smirnov started work on what eventually would become RichFaces, a company called ICEsoft started working on a JSF component library. ICEsoft had been in business for a couple of years and had been working on a product called ICEbrowser, a Java-based browser, and a product called ICEbrowser beans, which were “lightweight, configurable Javabean components that can be rapidly integrated into Java client applications.” During JavaOne 2005 of that year, on 27 June, ICEsoft announced their its component library for JSF—ICEfaces. This was based on AJAX as well but incorporated AJAX directly into the components. ICEsoft called its specific technique “patent pending Direct-to-DOM™,” which basically meant that changes coming from the server were directly injected into the DOM tree structure of a web page. A final version wasn’t available right away though, but an early access release was provided. This was closed source but cost-free.

Meanwhile, JSF EG member Jacob Hookom, inspired by Hans Bergsten’s concerns about the unsuitability of JSP, grabbed the bull by the horns and started working himself on that alternative templating language envisioned by Bergsten. In August 2005 this work had progressed into a usable initial version. The name of this templating language? Facelets! It immediately took the JSF world by storm. Kito Mann published the first part of a series of articles about it on JSFCentral the very first month, and Richard Hightower published the famous article “Facelets fits JSF like a glove” several months later.

Oracle had not been sitting still either in 2005, and after about 16(!) early access releases it announced in late 2005 at the JavaPolis conference in Antwerpen (nowadays called Devoxx) that ADF Faces would be donated to MyFaces and thus become open source.

In the first month of 2006, Jacob Hookom and Adam Winer contemplated the terrible implementation of JSF’s state save mechanism. This worked by first creating a component tree from a template and then, near the end of the request, blindly serializing the entire tree with all data that may have been put there during the request. During a postback the tree is restored from this serialized form (hence the name of the phase “restore view”). This is a tremendous waste, as the majority of this information is already available in the template. Especially when doing AJAX requests with client-side state saving this poses a very big burden, but it is also a problem when storing this state on the server as it massively increases JSF’s memory usage. One of the main reasons for doing state saving in such terrible way again has to do with that one decision: to support JSP. With JSF 1.2 about to go final, there was unfortunately no time left to fix this for version 1.2.

Even though it was clear at this point that Facelets was the future of JSF, when JSF 1.2 was eventually released in May 2006 it still contained only JSP. Not all was bad though. Thanks to a cooperation between the JSF and JSP EGs, a revision of JSP was released, JSP 2.1, which was much better aligned with the demands of JSF. On top of that, JSP’s expression language and JSF’s expression language were merged. The result was UEL (Unified Expression Language). A very practical advantage of UEL is that JSF components no longer have to convert Strings manually into expressions but directly receive a ValueExpression from the templating language. Both JSP 2.1 and JSF 1.2 became part of Java EE 5, which was released at the same time.

On June 13, 2006, the MyFaces community announced that the donated project would have its name changed to Trinidad. ADF Faces kept existing at Oracle, though, but was based on Trinidad with some extra features (such as support for Portals, JSR 227, etc.). Just two weeks prior to that, on May 31, 2006, ICEsoft announced its free, although still closed source, community edition. A few months later, on November 14, 2006, ICEsoft would fully open source ICEfaces under the MPL license. RichFaces, still closed source at that point and being sold by Exadel, would not stay behind for long though, and some four months later, on March 29, 2007, Exadel announced a partnership with Red Hat that made RichFaces available under an open source license and available and supported via its JBoss group.

On to Maturity

On May 22, 2007, the specification work for JSF 2.0 began. The scope was hugely ambitious and promised not only to fix many of the issues that people had been complaining about but also to introduce quite a bunch of new features. Mentioned among the many goals in the JSR was a particularly interesting one when looking at the bigger picture—extracting the managed bean facility from JSF and making it available for the entire platform.

During the fall of 2007 the community was polled for a name for the JSF RI. Four names rose to the top, but as is often the case none of these names could be approved by Sun’s legal department. Eventually Mojarra was proposed, and perhaps to the surprise of some this one did pass legal’s scrutiny. Ryan Lubke, one of the main JSF committers then, made the official announcement on December 5, 2007.

A little under a year later, on October 29, 2008, Çağatay Çivici started a new library, PrimeFaces . The name derives from Çağatay’s nickname, which is Optimus Prime, the courageous leader of the heroic autobots in the fictional Transformers universe. Çağatay had been involved with JSF development for a long time and had worked on the YUI4JSF JSF component library before. PrimeFaces was initially based on JSF 1.x, but with JSF 2.x looming and the project still young it would soon after switch to JSF 2.x.

On July 1, 2009, the long-awaited JSF 2.0 finally arrived. JSF 2.0 indeed fixed nearly every problem that the industry had with JSF; finally, Facelets was included as the default view templating language. JSP was effectively deprecated. The state saving concerns that Hookom and Winer brought forward more than three years earlier were addressed as well; from then on JSF only saved delta state (state changes), and in restore view the component tree was reloaded from the template, instead of actually restored.

Another big concern brought forward by the JSF community over the years, JSF’s over-the-top emphasis on postbacks, was addressed too; GET requests became a first-class citizen in JSF 2.0. A well-known usability problem with JSF, sometimes called “The Trap ,” was that for a number of operations the data involved needed to be the same during both the original request and the postback. This is not entirely trivial to guarantee in JSF 1.x. JSF 2.0 introduced the so-called view scope for this, which elegantly solved the problem. The creation of custom components, yet another problem area of JSF 1.x, was made much simpler as well. JSF 2.0 also introduced core support for AJAX, modeled after the way Ajax4Jsf worked, a resource API, system events, and quite a few other things.

One of JSF 2.0’s goals, making its managed bean facility usable outside JSF, was implicitly reached by the CDI spec, which was introduced together with JSF 2.0 in Java EE 6. The CDI spec itself has a long history too, but one of its defining characteristics is that CDI Beans are strongly based on JSF Managed Beans and are essentially a super set of those.

Altogether the impact of all those fixes and new features was such that it split the community essentially in two; those who had used JSF 1.x and never looked at it again and those who switched to JSF 2.x or, specifically, the ones who started using JSF with 2.0 and never saw 1.x. This often led to heated debates, with the 1.x side arguing that JSF is horrible, and the 2.x side not understanding at all why that would be the case. Even at the time of this writing, which is almost nine years after JSF 2.0 was released, and a longer period than JSF 1.x ever existed, these sentiments still remain to some degree.

Despite the many things that JSF 2.0 did right, there was one missed opportunity; even though CDI was now available and superseded JSF’s Managed Beans, JSF chose not to deprecate its managed bean facility right away. Even worse, it introduced an annotation-based alternative to the XML-based system JSF 1.x used to define managed beans. With CDI already out there having annotations like javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped, simultaneously introducing a javax.faces.bean.RequestScoped annotation that did exactly the same thing seems debatable as best. The EG seemed to be aware of this conflict, as a warning was put in place that these new annotations would possibly be superseded by platform functionality before long.

On December 23, Cay Horstmann raised his concerns about this very unwanted situation in an article titled “Is @javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean Dead on Arrival? ” The response was quite clear; people, including Java EE book writer Antonio Goncalves, asked for this huge mistake that JSF 2.0 had made to be corrected as soon as possible and to deprecate javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean right away in the upcoming JSF 2.1 maintenance release which was called for, among other things, to rectify another mistake (namely, the problem JSF 2.0 introduced that in addition to a custom ResourceResolver it was also necessary to provide a custom ExternalContext, which was very unclear). Why javax.faces.bean.ManagedBean indeed wasn’t deprecated in the JSF 2.1 MR remains a mystery to this day.

While applications written against the JSF 1.x APIs would mostly run unchanged on JSF 2.0, or only needed a few small changes, the component libraries had a much harder time. Specifically, the platform-provided AJAX support meant that the existing component libraries would have to forego their own AJAX implementations and rebase on the standard APIs. Clearly that was no small feat, and it took a long time for component libraries to migrate, with some never really making the switch at all.

Here PrimeFaces was clearly at an advantage. Being a relatively new library without much legacy, it made the switch relative easy. Be it a coincidence or not, PrimeFaces’ ascension in popularity seemed to start right after JSF 2.0 was released, which was also the exact same time that both ICEfaces and RichFaces seemed to become less popular. Although it must be noted that hard statistics are difficult to obtain and contain many facets (downloads, deployments, book, questions asked, available jobs, taking different industries into account, etc.), somewhere around 2012 PrimeFaces had seemingly become the more popular JSF component library.

In the beginning of that same year, February 19, 2012, Arjan Tijms and Bauke Scholtz (by coincidence also the authors of this book) started the OmniFaces library for JSF. The goal of OmniFaces was to be a utility library for JSF, essentially what Apache Commons and Google Guava are to Java SE. Tijms and Scholtz had worked on a JSF-based web site together and found that they both had a collection of private JSF utilities that they reused for different projects, and also that a great number of similar utilities were essentially rewritten again and again for many JSF projects and were partially floating around in places like forum messages and blog posts. OmniFaces was set up in particular not to not compete component libraries like PrimeFaces but to work together with those. Hence, visual-oriented components were largely out of scope for OmniFaces.

In 2012 the specification process for JSF 2.2 was also in full swing. JSF 2.2 was eventually released on the May 21, the next year. JSF 2.2 specifically came up with a formal version of the alternative mode in which Facelets could operate; instead of putting component tags on a view, plain HTML was put on it, with a special ID linking the tag to a component. Such a mode is generally speaking somewhat less interesting to JSF developers but appeals specifically to web designers who can more easily use plain HTML tools for such views. JSF 2.2 also introduced a CDI compatible @ViewScoped annotation, which removed one of the last reasons to still use the JSF managed bean facility in JSF 2.1, namely, that in that version @ViewScoped only worked on those beans. JSF 2.2 also introduced two new big features, Faces Flow and Resource Contracts, but these seem to have seen little uptake in practice.

Just prior to the start of JSF 2.3, on July 20, 2014, RichFaces lead Brian Leathem announced on his blog that RichFaces 5, the next-generation version of RichFaces, would be canceled. Instead, RichFaces would “pursue a path of stability over innovation,” which means that JBoss will make RichFaces 4.x compatible with JSF 2.2 and port back a few things that were in development for RichFaces 5. While the post was somewhat optimistic, it strongly looked like the writing was on the wall for RichFaces.

On August 26, 2014, the specification work for JSF 2.3 started. A new co-spec lead was introduced—Manfred Riem, who up to then had been working mostly on the implementation side of Mojarra, doing such things as migrating hundreds of the tests for which JSF is famous away from the ancient and retired Cactus framework to a more modern Maven-based one, and making sure the gazillions of open Mojarra issues were reduced to a manageable number. JSF 2.3 started off with a perhaps somewhat remarkable message that Oracle had only a few resources available. During the specification process those few resources dropped to a number that few would have expected—absolutely zero. Basically, after JavaOne 2015, nearly all of the spec leads just vanished and most specs as a result abruptly ground to a halt. Josh Juneau reported about this in his famous study, “Java EE 8, What Is the Current Status: Case Study for Completed Work Since Late 2015,” which undeniable makes it clear by showing graphs of e-mails, commits, and issues resolved that Oracle had just walked away.

The openness of the JSF and its RI Mojarra were fortunately such that the specification work and implementation thereof in Mojarra can largely be carried on by the other EG members, which indeed happens.

Meanwhile on February 12, 2016, Red Hat announced that RichFaces would be end of lived (EOL) later that year, namely, in June 2016. One of the most popular JSF component libraries at some point, often named something like “One of the big three,” effectively was no more. On June 20, 2016, the last real commit to the project was done, “RF-14279: update JSDoc.” Two days later Red Hat released RichFaces 4.5.17 and the GitHub repos were put into archived (read only) mode. Brian Leathem, who is still a JSF 2.3 EG member, announced a few days later on February 18 that he would no longer be doing any JSF-related work.


In late 2016 the JSF spec leads briefly returned, but with the message that the spec must be completed in only a few weeks, so the (somewhat) lengthy finalization process could start. On March 28, 2017, JSF 2.3 was then eventually released, bringing with it the start of replacing JSF native artifacts with CDI versions, and finally something which should have happened years ago: the deprecation of the JSF managed bean facility in favor of using CDI beans. Other features are support for WebSocket using the Java EE WebSocket APIs donated by OmniFaces, the introspection of available view resources in the system, and a search expression framework donated by PrimeFaces.

Following the somewhat turbulent development of the JSF 2.3 spec is the even more turbulent announcement by Oracle in 2017 that Java EE, thus including JSF, would be transferred to the Eclipse foundation. Oracle would stop leading the specs it owned before, which again includes JSF. This would mean that Mojarra would be re-licensed, and JSF would be evolved by a new process with likely different leads. At the time of writing, this transfer is in full swing.

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