Defining Local Functions in Lisp

We define local functions using the flet command. The flet command has the following structure:

 (flet ((function_name (arguments)
          ...function body...))

At the top of the flet, we declare a function (in the first two lines). This function will then be available to us in the body . A function declaration consists of a function name, the arguments to that function , and the function body , where we put the function’s code.

Here is an example:

 > (flet ((f (n)
             (+ n 10)))
     (f 5))

In this example, we define a single function, f, which takes a single argument, n . The function f then adds 10 to this variable n , which has been passed in it. Then we call this function with the number 5 as the argument, causing the value 15 to be returned .

As with let, you can define one or more functions within the scope of the flet.

A single flet command can be used to declare multiple local functions at once. Simply add multiple function declarations in the first part of the command:

 > (flet ((f (n)
            (+ n 10))
          (g (n)
            (- n 3)))
    (g (f 5)))

Here, we have declared two functions: one named f and one named g . In the body of the flet, we can then refer to both functions. In this example, the body first calls f with 5 to yield 15, then calls g to subtract 3, leading to 12 as a final result.

To make function names available in defined functions, we can use the labels command. It’s identical in its basic structure to the flet command. Here’s an example:

 > (labels ((a (n)
              (+ n 5))
            (b (n)
               (+ (a n) 6)))
    (b 10))

In this example, the local function a adds 5 to a number . Next, the function b is declared . It calls the function a, and then adds 6 to the result . Finally, the function b is called with the value 10 . Since 10 plus 6 plus 5 equals 21, the number 21 becomes the final value of the entire expression. The special step that requires us to use labels instead of flet is where the function b calls the function a . If we had used flet, the function b would not have “known” about the function a.

The labels command lets you call one local function from another, and it allows you to have a function call itself. This is commonly done in Lisp code and is called recursion. (You will see many examples of recursion in future chapters.)

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