Describing Objects at a Specific Location

To create the final piece of code to help us visualize our game world, we need to describe the objects on the floor at a given location, which a player can pick up and use.

Listing Visible Objects

To do so, we first create a list of the objects:

> (defparameter *objects* '(whiskey bucket frog chain))
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We can also create a second variable, *object-locations*, to track the location of each object in the form of an alist:

(defparameter *object-locations* '((whiskey living-room)
                                   (bucket living-room)
                                   (chain garden)
                                   (frog garden)))

Next, we write a function that lists the objects visible from a given location:

(defun objects-at (loc objs obj-locs)
   (labels ((at-loc-p (obj)
              (eq (cadr (assoc obj obj-locs)) loc)))
     (remove-if-not #'at-loc-p objs)))

This objects-at function declares a new function named at-loc-p using the labels command . (Remember that the labels function allows you to define functions locally.) Since the at-loc-p function won’t be used elsewhere, we can just declare it directly within objects-at, hiding it from the rest of the code in our program.

The at-loc-p function takes the symbol for an object and returns t or nil, depending on whether that object exists at the location loc. It does this by looking up the object in the obj-locs alist. Then, it uses eq to see whether the location it finds matches the location in question .

Why did we name this function at-loc-p? When a function returns nil or a truth value, it’s a Common Lisp convention to append a p to the end of that function’s name. For instance, you can check that the number 5 is odd by calling (oddp 5). Such true/false functions are called predicates, which is why we use the letter p.

The remove-if-not function in the last line of the listing , as you might expect, removes all things from a list for which a passed-in function (in this case, at-loc-p) doesn’t return true. Essentially, it returns a filtered list of objects consisting of those items for which at-loc-p is true.

Here’s what object-at looks like in action:

> (objects-at 'living-room *objects* *object-locations*)

Describing Visible Objects

Now we can write a function to describe the objects visible at a given location:

(defun describe-objects (loc objs obj-loc)
  (labels ((describe-obj (obj)
               `(you see a ,obj on the floor.)))
    (apply #'append (mapcar #'describe-obj (objects-at loc objs obj-loc)))))

In this listing, describe-objects first creates the describe-obj function . This function generates a pretty sentence stating that a given object is on the floor, using quasiquoting . The main part of the function consists of calling objects-at to find the objects at the current location, mapping describe-obj across this list of objects, and finally appending the descriptions into a single list .

Let’s try running describe-objects:

> (describe-objects 'living-room *objects* *object-locations*)


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