What You've Learned

In this chapter, we created a custom REPL to supercharge our text adventure game. Along the way, you learned the following:

  • The print and read functions let you directly communicate with the user through the console. These two functions work in a computer-friendly way.

  • Other input/output functions are not as elegant as read and print, but are friendlier for interacting with humans. Examples include princ and read-line.

  • A homoiconic programming language stores its program code and program data in a similar format. Lisp’s quoting, quasiquoting, eval, and macro features make it extremely homoiconic.

  • It’s easy to write your own custom REPL.

  • It’s simple to transform your internal Lisp data into the format most suitable for your program’s interface. This makes it easy to separate presentation details from your program’s internal data structures.

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