Chapter 8. This Ain't Your Daddy's Wumpus

In the previous chapter, we worked with mathematical graphs in a simple game. However, as an old-school geek, the first thing I think of when I see these graphs is the old game Hunt the Wumpus. When I was nine, I could think of nothing more fun than sitting in front of my TI-99/4A and playing this excellent game.

Here is the original title screen:

In Hunt the Wumpus, you are a hunter searching through a network of caves to find a mysterious monster—the fabled Wumpus. Along the way, you also deal with bats and tar pits. Ah, those were the days!

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But, unfortunately, those days are long gone. We’re in a new millennium now, and no one would be impressed by these crude graphics anymore. And the story line, well, let’s just say it sounds a bit corny by modern standards. I think we can all agree that Hunt the Wumpus is in serious need of a makeover. That’s quite a challenge, but one I think we can handle.

Therefore, I present to you . . .

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The Grand Theft Wumpus Game

In this new version of Hunt the Wumpus, you are the Lisp alien. You and the Wumpus have just robbed a liquor store and made off with the loot. However, during the escape, the Wumpus decides to double-cross you and run off with the money and your car. But before he drives off, you manage to cap him a couple of times in the kidney.

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Now you’re in a pretty tough situation. You don’t have a car or any money, and no way to track down your former partner in crime. But you also have no choice. You have your principles, so you’re going to hunt the Wumpus. You know he won’t be able to get very far with his injuries. He will most likely need to lie low for a few days to recover, which means he will still be somewhere in Congestion City. The problem is that the roads in this town are impossibly convoluted, and no one can find their way around, especially an out-of-towner like yourself. How are you ever going to find the Wumpus in this impossible maze?

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Luckily, being the Lisp alien, you always carry your trusty pocket computer. Using Lisp and your graph utilities, you’re fully equipped to analyze complicated data such as the Congestion City roadways and intersections. Surely, you have the tools to conquer this impenetrable road system.

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The Wumpus has been your partner in crime for a while now, so you know his MO quite well. He will always carefully scout out any new hiding place before he uses it. And since he is injured, any location one or two blocks away (that is, one or two graph edges away) from his hiding place should be marked with some telltale signs: his blood stains.

A problem is that he still has his trusty AK-47, while you have only a handgun with a single bullet. If you’re going to take him out, you’ll need to be absolutely sure you’ve tracked him down. You’ll need to charge into his hideout and shoot him down immediately, and you’ll have only one chance to pull this off.

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Unfortunately, you and the Wumpus aren’t the only criminals in this town. The most feared outlaw group in Congestion City is the Gruesome Glowworm Gang. These guys are a band of ruthless kidnappers. If you run into them, they will kidnap you, beat you up, rob you, blindfold you, and then kick you out of their car and leave you in some random part of town.

Luckily, they can be avoided if you know to keep an eye out for their glowing thoraxes (hence their name). If you see some blinking lights, you know that these guys are one street away from your current location. Also, you know the gang has exactly three separate teams that work the city from three separate locations.

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Finally, you still need to contend with the cops. You know they’ve probably set up some roadblocks in town to try to catch you and the Wumpus. You should still be able to visit any location in Congestion City, but you need to be careful which streets you travel. (In other words, the cops will catch you if you travel along the wrong edge.) Unfortunately, you don’t know how many of these roadblocks there may be.

As you can see, finding the Wumpus and getting back your money and car will be tough. If you think you’re Lisp alien enough to take on the Wumpus, then let’s write this game and hunt him down!

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