What You've Learned

This chapter didn’t really even come close to covering all of the features of the format function. However, it did provide an introduction, in which you learned the following:

  • The first parameter of the format command determines whether the output is sent to the REPL, a stream, or returned as a string.

  • The second parameter of the format command is a control string that lets you change the way your data is printed. The control string has a sophisticated syntax, acting almost like a programming language in its own right.

  • The remaining format parameters are values that can be referenced from the control string to embed values into the formatted output.

  • To embed a Lisp value into a formatted string, use the ˜s or ˜a control sequences.

  • Many control sequences are available for printing and customizing the appearance of numbers.

  • The format command also has complex looping abilities that can be used, for example, to format tables laid out in many different styles.

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