What You've Learned

In this chapter, we put together a simple engine for a text adventure game. Along the way, you learned the following:

  • A game world can be represented by a mathematical graph, consisting of nodes for the places the player can visit and edges for the paths between these places.

  • You can store these nodes in an association list (alist) called *nodes*. This alist allows you to look up properties of a node/place by using its name. In the case of our game, the property we’re storing is a description of each node/place.

  • You use the assoc function to look up a key (location name in our example) in an alist.

  • Quasiquoting is a technique that allows you to insert small bits of computer code into larger pieces of data.

  • Some Lisp functions accept other functions as arguments. These are called higher-order functions. The mapcar function is the most popular higher-order function in Common Lisp.

  • To replace a value from an alist, you push new items onto the list. Only the most recent value will be reported by the assoc function.

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