What You've Learned

In this chapter, we discussed the more advanced data structures in Common Lisp. We then used this to create a monster-fighting game. Along the way, you learned the following:

  • Arrays are similar to lists, but allow you to access an item at a specific offset more efficiently.

  • Hash tables are similar to alists, but let you look up the value associated with a key more efficiently.

  • Using arrays and hash tables in the appropriate places will usually make your code much faster.

  • The only true way to tell if changing a data structure or algorithm makes your program faster is to time your code with the time command.

  • Common Lisp has generic functions that can be used against multiple datatypes. The most useful of these are sequence functions that can transparently handle lists, arrays, and strings.

  • You can create objects with properties in list using the defstruct command.

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