
adaptive smoothing, 60

add-in tools of Excel, 1516

adjustments, 5

based on error evaluations, 5152

Excel applications, 5355

holdout-sample evaluations and, 5556

arbitrage pricing theory (APT) model, 182183

Aristotle, 243

associative analyses, 6, 86, 158, 173

autocorrelation, 100101, 103104, 107108, 110111, 127

autoregressive (AR) models, 244

concept, 158160

Excel applications, 168169

interval forecasts, 162163

point forecasts, 160161

standard error of the regression, 162163

autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, 158, 244

concept, 163164

Excel applications, 166167

testing for stationarity, 164166

average consumer expectations for business conditions, 225

average forecast value, 59

average seasonal index (AS), 145146

average weekly hours in manufacturing sector, 221222

Bass model, 189191

best linear unbiased estimators (BLUE), 87

bond markets. See also stock markets

expected yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond, 178180

interest rate forecasting (IRF), 180

Box–Jenkins procedure, 164

Brown’s DE, 7476

business forecast models. See diffusion models on sales and demand; financial forecasting; operational forecasting

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 181182

Excel applications, 187188

cautions on forecast results

confusion between precision and accuracy, 247

global financial conditions, 248

mistaking correlation for causality, 246

overestimation or underestimation of forecast values, 247

theory-less forecasting, 247

center moving average (CMA), 145

central tendency, measures of, 811. See also probability

charting tools of Excel, 1315

composite index, 6

composite seasonal index, 145146

constant price, 35

consumer price index (CPI), 3637

continuous variable, 78

convergence (or catching up), 231236

at future level, 233234

required growth rate to keep a constant gap, 235236

required growth rate to reach a target, 234235

covariance, 9

credit index, 224

critical value, 5758

cross-sectional data, 12, 13

logarithm of zero and, 250

missing observations and, 249

current prices, 35

cyclical-random index, 147148

data analyses, 45

changing units, 250

cleaning of data, 249

missing observations, 249250

preliminary steps of, 251

data collection, 45, 248249

data manipulations in Excel, 1617

data randomness, 5658


calculating trend-random values (TRt), 146147

concept, 144

constructing a composite seasonal index, 145146

constructing seasonal-random indices for individual periods, 144145

cyclical component in, 147148

Excel applications, 148152

obtaining forecast values, 147

steps in, 144

three-component, 144

Delphi method, 6

de-randomizing process, 154

descriptive statistics, 1820, 251

de-seasoning process, 154

determinants of land use, 211

deviation in percentage (DPE) measures, 4647

diagnostic checking, 164

Dickey–Fuller test, 164, 165

diffusion indices, 225228. See also turning point, forecasting

Excel applications, 228231

diffusion models on sales and demand, 188194. See also financial forecasting; operational forecasting

Bass model, 189191

Excel application, 193194

Lawrence–Lawton model, 191193

discrete variable, 7

dispersion of a distribution, 9

dividend discount model (DDM), 183184

double exponential smoothing (DE), 7481, 244. See also Exponential smoothing (ES)

Brown’s approach, 7476

Excel applications, 7881

forecasts against actual demand, 8081

Holt’s approach, 7678

double moving averages (DMs), 6574

calculate MAs, 66, 67

equation for one-period forecasts using, 67

Excel applications, 7274

forecast error, 6768

multiperiod forecasts, 7072

trend line in, 6870

early adopters, 190

early majority, 190

econometric model(s), 8687

cross-sectional regressions, 116

linear regression analysis, 8687

multiple linear regressions, 115116

economic indicators, 6

economic models. See input–output demands model; production–allocation model

endogeneity, 128129

error measurements

concept, 4243

evaluations, 5

error. See Error measurements

holdout-sample, 5556

Excel applications

add-in tools, 1516, 206

adjustments, 5355

autocorrelation, 107108, 110111

autoregressive (AR) models, 168169

autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models, 166167

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 187188

charting tools, 1315

composite seasonal index, obtaining, 151

converting nominal values to real values, 39

cross-sectional data for regression analysis, 9193, 120122

cyclical component values, obtaining, 152

data manipulations, 1617

data operations, 1213

decomposition, 148152

descriptive statistics, performing, 1820

diffusion indices, 228231

diffusion models on sales and demand, 193194

double exponential smoothing (DE), 7274

DPE, 5051

expected yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond, 185186

exponential smoothing (ES), 3435

FB, 49

forecast values, obtaining, 151

formating cells, 1718

GDPD calculation, 3839

gravity models, 215216

heteroskedasticity, 106110

higher-order exponential smoothing (HOE), 156158

Holt–Winters Exponential Smoothing, 155156

interest rate forecasting (IRF), 186187

interval forecasts, 8384

investment choices, 237240

MAE, 49

MAPE, 4950

mathematical operations in, 1112

MSE, 49

multiple linear regressions, 120123, 131134

operational forecasting, 176177

panel-data forecasting, 137140

production–allocation model, 205210

SDF, 4849

seasonal-random indexes for individual quarters, constructing, 150

simple MA, performing, 2930

stock markets, 187188

time-series data for regression analysis, 9394, 122123

trend-random values, calculating, 151

triple exponential smoothing, 155158

weighted MA, performing, 3031

expectation concept, 89

expected yield to maturity (YTM) of a bond, 178180

Excel applications, 185186

exponential smoothing (ES), 23, 244. See also Double exponential smoothing (DE)

calculating an average values, 32

concept, 3134

equation of forecasts, 3132

Excel application, 3435

next-period forecast and current-period forecast, 33

obtaining forecast values, 3435

F-critical value, 125126

financial forecasting, 177188, 196197. See also diffusion models on sales and demand; operational forecasting

bond markets, 178180

stock markets, 181184

Fisher, M.E., 243

fixed effect estimators 135-136

focus forecasting, 60

forecast bias (FB) measures, 47


basic steps in, 45

defined, 34

methods, 4, 253256. See also cautions on forecast results

forecast models

combining, 5860

with a quadratic term, 154

forecast of forecast technique, 91, 174

forecast results, cautions on

confusion between precision and accuracy, 247

global financial conditions, 248

mistaking correlation for causality, 246

overestimation or underestimation of forecast values, 247

theory-less forecasting, 247

F-statistic, 126, 139

F-tests, 124125, 137

future information for forecasting, 4

future period, 4

Gauss–Markov theorem, 87

generalized least squares (GLS), 102

Global Indicator Program, 248

good forecaster, 5

goodness of fit, 130

gravity models, 210216

Excel applications, 215216

land-use forecasting, 211212

trip distribution forecasts, 212215

gross domestic product (GDP), 35

gross domestic product (GDP) deflator (GDPD), 3638

heteroskedasticity, 98100, 102103, 106110, 127, 129130

higher-order exponential smoothing (HOE), 154155

Excel applications, 156158

Holt’s DE, 7678

Holt–Winters exponential smoothing (HWE), 153154

Excel applications, 155156

individual judgment, 5

innovators, 190

input–output demands model, 199, 203205. See also production–allocation model

applications, 204205

Institute for Supply Management (ISM) index, 222223

interest rate forecasting (IRF), 180

Excel applications, 186187

interest rate spread of 10-year Treasury Less Federal Funds Target, 224225

interval forecasts

concept, 8183

Excel application, 8384, 9496

for t-distribution for a sample of N observations, 89

interval prediction, 90

investment choices, 236237

Excel applications, 237240

Kurtosis, 1011

laggards, 190

Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test, 99, 101

land-use forecasting, 211212

late majority, 190

Lawrence–Lawton model, 191193

least squares dummy variable (LSDV) estimation, 135, 139

left-skewed (negatively skewed) distribution, 10

left-skewed sample, 10

left-tail test, 9798

linear optimization, 200

linear regression analysis, 85, 244245. See also multiple linear regressions

assumptions, 87

econometric models, 8687

estimations, 8889

evaluations and adjustments, 96111

Excel operations, 9194

forecasts, 9091

of personal consumption (CONS), 86

predictions, 8990

for time-series data, 87

logarithm of zero, 250

log-log model, 101

longitudinal (panel) data, 12

manufacturers’ new orders

of consumer goods and materials, 222

for nondefense capital goods, 223

mean absolute deviation (MAD), 44

mean absolute error (MAE), 4445

approximations, 82

mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), 4546, 188, 243

mean squared error (MSE), 44, 59

modified Hausman test for endogeneity, 132133

moving averages (MA), 23

concept, 26

moving average of order one MA(1), 163

pros and cons, 243

simple, 2628

using Excel, 2931

weighted (WA), 28, 243

multicollinearity problem, 116

multiperiod forecasts, 91

multiple linear regressions. See also linear regression analysis

for cross-sectional data, 116

econometric model, 115116

evaluations and adjustments, 123134

Excel applications, 120123, 131134

forecasts, 119120

interval estimates, 118

multiple regression model specifications, 130131

of personal consumption (CONS), 115116

point estimates, 117

predictions, 118119

time-series data, 117, 122123

negative bias, 47

Newton’s law of gravitational attraction, 210211

nominal values, 3536, 39

nonregression analysis, 6

normal distribution, 8

one-period interval forecasts, 91

operational forecasting. See also diffusion models on sales and demand; financial forecasting

Excel application, 176177

running forecast technique, 174176

ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation, 87, 88, 137

pooled, 134

panel-data forecasting

concept 134-135

detecting different characteristics, 137

Excel applications, 137140

fixed effect estimators 135-136

panel of experts method, 5

point estimates, 88

pooled OLS estimation, 134

positive bias, 47

predictions, 8990

preliminary steps of data analysis, 251

probability, 78. See also central tendency, measures of

of throwing a coin, 78

probability distribution function (pdf), 78

problem of endogenous regressors, 128

production–allocation model, 199203. See also input–output demands model

constraints, 201202

Excel applications, 205210

linear function, 201

production limits, 202

p-value, 104

qualitative forecasting, 56

quantitative forecasting, 67

rate of change, estimation. See diffusion indices

rates of change, models on

convergence (or catching up), 231234

real gross domestic product (RGDP), 220, 228

real values, 3536, 39

regression analysis, 6

right-skewed (positively skewed) distribution, 10

right-skewed sample, 10

right-tail test, 97

running forecast technique, 174176

run test, 5657

R2 value measures, 104105

seasonal-random indices for individual periods, 144145

serial correlation, 100

simple linear regressions. See linear regression analysis

simple moving averages (MA), 2628

using Excel, 2930, 5355

skewness, 10

smoothing constant, 32

smoothing factor, 3334

standard deviation (SD), 10

of forecast (SDF) measures, 4344

standard error of the forecast, 82, 83, 90, 105106, 162163

standard error (SE), 10

Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500), 224

τ-statistic (tau-statistic), 164

stock markets. See also Bond markets

arbitrage pricing theory (APT) model, 182183

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 181182

dividend discount model (DDM), 183184

Excel applications, 187188

student’s GPA, 89

t-distribution, 89

test statistic, 5758

three-component decomposition, 144

three-parameter exponential smoothing, 154

Thurman, W.N., 243

time series analyses, 6, 56

cyclical component of, 2425

Excel application, 9394

missing observations, 250

random component of, 2425

seasonal component of, 2425

trend component of, 2324

time series data, 12

trend-random values (TRt), 146147

trip distribution forecasts, 212215

triple exponential smoothing

concept, 153154

Excel applications, 155158

higher-order exponential smoothing (HOE), 154155

Holt-Winters exponential smoothing (HWE), 153154

t-statistics, 164165

t-test, 96, 97, 101, 126

turning point, forecasting. See also diffusion indices

average consumer expectations for business conditions, 225

average weekly hours in manufacturing sector, 221222

building permits and new houses, 223224

concept, 220225

credit index, 224

Institute for Supply Management (ISM) index, 222223

interest rate spread of 10-year Treasury Less Federal Funds Target, 224225

manufacturers’ new orders

of consumer goods and materials, 222

for nondefense capital goods, 223

measures of unemployment, 222

Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500), 224

two stages least squares (2SLS) estimators, 129

two-tail test, 98

unemployment, measures of, 222

unit-root test, 164

variance measures, 9

weighted forecast value, 59

weighted moving averages (WA), 28, 243

using Excel, 3031, 5355

Z-critical value of a normal distribution, 5758, 82

zero covariance, 9

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