Chapter 1. Getting into Go

This chapter covers

  • Introducing Go
  • Understanding where Go fits into the language landscape
  • Getting up and running in Go

The way we build and run software is changing. Innovation has swept in, disrupting long-standing assumptions about the computing environments that software runs in. To fully take advantage of these innovations, you need languages and tools that support them at their core.

When most mainstream programming languages and supporting toolchains were developed, they were designed for single-core processing. That’s what we had. Now desktop computers, servers, and even our phones have processors with multiple cores. Running software with operations taking place concurrently can happen anywhere.

Toolchains around building applications have changed. Increased functionality and complexity in software requires environments that can build and execute the code rapidly and efficiently. Testing larger and more complicated codebases needs to happen quickly so it doesn’t become a development blocker. Many applications are developed using libraries. Libraries and their versions are managed differently, thanks to solutions to disk-space problems that hampered this in the past.

The way infrastructure and software are delivered has changed. Using colocated servers, managing your own hardware, or getting simple virtual private servers used to be the norm. Standing up a service at scale often meant you needed an investment in running your own hardware, including load balancers, servers, and storage. Getting everything ordered, assembled, and connected to the world would take weeks or months. Now it’s available in a matter of seconds or minutes via the cloud.

This chapter introduces the Go programming language for those not already familiar with it. In this chapter, you’ll learn about the language, the toolchain that accompanies it, where Go fits into the landscape of languages, and how to install Go and get it running.

1.1. What is Go?

Go, sometimes referred to as golang to make it easier to find on the web, is a statically typed and compiled open source programming language initially developed by Google. Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson were attempting to create a language for modern systems programming that solved real-world problems they encountered while building large systems at scale.

Instead of attempting to attain theoretical pureness, these designers engineered Go around real-world practical situations. It’s inspired by a host of languages that came before it, including C, Pascal, Smalltalk, Newsqueak, C#, JavaScript, Python, Java, and many others.

Go isn’t the typical statically typed and compiled language. The static typing has features that make it feel dynamic, and the compiled binaries have a runtime that includes garbage collection. The design of the language took into account the types of projects that Google would need to use it for: large codebases operating at scale and being developed by large developer teams.

At its core, Go is a programming language defined by a specification that can be implemented by any compiler. The default implementation is shipped via the go tool. But Go is more than a programming language. As figure 1.1 illustrates, layers are built on top of the language.

Figure 1.1. The layers of Go

Developing applications requires more than a programming language—for example, testing, documentation, and formatting. Each of these areas needs tools to support it. The go tool that’s used to compile applications also provides functionality to support these elements. It’s a toolchain for application development. One of the most notable aspects of the toolchain is package management. Out of the box, the programming language Go and the go toolchain provide for packages. A built-in package system, along with a common toolchain for the essential elements of development, has enabled an ecosystem to form around the programming language.

One of the defining characteristics of Go is its simplicity. When Griesemer, Pike, and Thompson were originally designing the language, a feature didn’t go in until all three agreed that it should be a feature of the language. This style of decision-making, along with their years of experience, led to a simple but powerful language. It’s simple enough to keep in your head yet powerful enough to write a wide variety of software.

An example of this philosophy can be seen in the variable syntax:

var i int = 2

Here a variable is created as an integer and set to a value of 2. Because an initial value is given, you can shorten the syntax as follows:

var i = 2

When an initial value is provided, the compiler is smart enough to figure out the type. In this case, the compiler sees the value of 2 and knows the type is an integer.

Go doesn’t stop there. Do we need the var keyword? Go provides something called short variable declarations:

i := 2

This is a concise equivalent to the first variable statement. It’s less than half the length of the first example, easy to read, and happens because the compiler figures out the missing parts.

Simplicity means Go doesn’t have all the features of every other programming language. For example, Go has neither a ternary operator (usually ?:) nor type generics. Lacking some features present in other modern languages has opened Go to occasional criticism, but this shouldn’t deter you from using Go. With software, there’s often more than one way to solve a programming problem. Although Go may lack a feature that another language contains, Go provides ways to solve the same problems in a well-thought-out manner.

Although the core of the language is fairly simple, the Go built-in package system enables you to add many aspects. Many of the missing elements can be built as a third-party package and incorporated into applications via the package system.

The minimal size and complexity has benefits. The language can be learned quickly and easily retained. This turns out to be quite a benefit when quickly crafting and iterating over a codebase.

1.2. Noteworthy aspects of Go

Because Go is designed around practical situations, it has several noteworthy features. These useful characteristics, when used together, provide the building blocks for Go applications.

1.2.1. Multiple return values

One of the first things you’ll learn in Go is that functions and methods can return multiple values. Most programming languages support returning a single value from a function. When you need to return multiple values, they’re shoehorned into a tuple, hash, or other type, and that value is returned. Go is one of the few languages natively supporting multiple return values. This feature is regularly used, and something you’ll see in virtually every part of Go and the libraries and applications written in it. For example, consider the following function that returns two string names.

Listing 1.1. Multiple returns: returns.go


Imported packages used in this chapter, such as fmt, bufio, net, and others, are part of the standard library. More details, including their APIs and how they work, can be found at

In this example, each return is defined in the function definition after the arguments . In this case, there are two string values. When return is called, it returns two strings to match the definition. When the Names function is called, you need to have a variable for each return to capture the value . But if you want to ignore one of the returned values, use _ instead of a variable name . (Don’t worry too much about the details of this example. You’ll come back to these concepts, libraries, and tools in the coming chapters.)

Building on the idea of multiple returned values, you can name them and work with these names the same way you do variables. To illustrate, let’s rework the previous example to use named return values in the next listing.

Listing 1.2. Named return values: returns2.go

As the Names function executes, the named return variables are available to have values assigned to them . When return is called with no values, the current values for the return names are returned. For code calling the function, getting the response and using it works the same as without using names.

1.2.2. A modern standard library

Modern applications have common themes, such as being networked and dealing with encryption. Instead of burdening you, the developer, with the task of hunting for commonly needed libraries, the Go standard library provides useful modern functionality out of the box. Let’s take a look at a few elements in the standard library so you can get an idea of what’s included.


The entire standard library is documented, with examples, at

Networking and HTTP

Building applications in a networked world means applications need to work as both a client that can connect to other networked devices, and as a server that other applications can connect to (see listing 1.3). The Go standard library makes this easy, whether you’re working with HTTP or dealing directly with Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), or other common setups.

Listing 1.3. Read TCP status: read_status.go

Connecting directly to a port is part of the net package, in which Go provides a common setup for different types of connections. The Dial function connects using the type and endpoint specified. In this case, it makes a TCP connection to on port 80. Over the connection, a GET request is sent , and the first line of the response is printed .

The ability to listen on a port is similarly easy to work with. Instead of calling out to an endpoint by using Dial, the Listen function in the net package enables an application to listen on a port and act on incoming connections.

HTTP, Representational State Transfer (REST), and web servers are incredibly common. To handle this common case, Go has the http package for providing both a client and a server (see the following listing). The client is simple enough to use that it meets the needs of the common everyday cases and extensible enough to use for the complex cases.

Listing 1.4. HTTP GET: http_get.go

This example shows how to print the body of a simple HTTP GET request. The HTTP client can go far beyond this to deal with proxies, perform TLS handling, set headers, handle cookies, create client objects, and even swap out the transport layer altogether.

Creating an HTTP server with Go is a common task. What Go provides in the standard library is powerful enough to operate at scale, easy to get started with, and flexible enough to handle complex applications. Chapter 3 is dedicated to getting up and running with an HTTP server.


If you’re working with web servers, you’re likely going to work with HTML as well. The html and html/template packages provide a great start to generating web pages. Whereas the html package deals with escaping and unescaping HTML, the html/template package deals with creating reusable HTML templates. The security model for handling the data is documented, and helper functions exist for working with HTML, JavaScript, and more. The template system is extensible, making it an ideal base for more-complicated functionality, while providing a good set of functionality for anyone to get started.


Cryptography has become a common component of an application, whether you’re dealing with hashes or encrypting sensitive information. Go provides the common functionality including MD5, multiple versions of Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Transport Layer Security (TLS), Data Encryption Standard (DES), Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES, formerly known as Rijndael), Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), and many others. Additionally, a cryptographically secure random number generator is provided.

Data Encoding

When you share data between systems, an immediate concern is encoding. Did the data come in with base64 encoding? Does JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) or Extensible Markup Language (XML) data need to be turned into a local object? These are common situations, especially in our modern networked world.

Go was designed with encoding in mind. Internally, Go is entirely handled as UTF-8. This should be no surprise, as the creators of UTF-8 also created Go. But not everything passed around between systems is in UTF-8, and you have to deal with data formats that add meaning to the text. To handle the transitions and manipulations, Go has packages and interfaces. The packages provide features such as the ability to turn a JSON string into instantiated objects, and the interfaces provide a way to switch between encodings or add new ways to work with encodings via external packages.

1.2.3. Concurrency with goroutines and channels

Computer processors with multiple processing cores have become commonplace. They’re in devices from servers to cell phones. Yet most programming languages were designed for processors with a single core, because that’s what existed at the time. Some programming languages even have a runtime with a global thread lock hampering the ability to easily run routines in parallel. Go was designed with parallel and concurrent processing in mind.

Go has a feature called a goroutine, a function that can be run concurrently to the main program or other goroutines. Sometimes dubbed lightweight threads, goroutines are managed by the Go runtime, where they’re mapped and moved to the appropriate operating system thread and garbage-collected when no longer needed. When multiple processor cores are available, the goroutines can be run in parallel because various threads are running on different processing cores. But from the developer’s point of view, creating a goroutine is as easy as writing a function. Figure 1.2 illustrates how goroutines work.

Figure 1.2. Goroutines running in threads distributed on the available processing cores

To further illustrate how this works, let’s look at a goroutine that counts from 0 to 4 while the main program prints Hello World concurrently, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 1.5. Concurrent output
Hello World

This printed output is a mix of two functions printing concurrently. The code to make this happen is similar to normal procedural programming, but with a small twist, as shown next.

Listing 1.6. Printing concurrently

The count function is a normal function that counts from 0 to 4. To run count in parallel rather than in order, you use the go keyword . This causes main to continue executing immediately. Both count and main execute concurrently.

Channels provide a way for two goroutines to communicate with each other. By default, they block execution, allowing goroutines to synchronize. Figure 1.3 shows a simple example.

Figure 1.3. Passing variables between goroutines via a channel

In this example, a variable is passed from one goroutine to another through a channel. This operation works even when goroutines are running in parallel on different processor cores. Although this example shows one-directional information passing, channels can be one-directional or bidirectional.

The following listing is an example of taking advantage of a channel.

Listing 1.7. Using channels: channel.go

At the start of main, an integer-typed channel c is created to communicate between goroutines. When printCount is started as a goroutine, the channel is passed in . As an argument to printCount, the channel needs to be identified as an integer channel . In the for loop inside printCount, num waits for channel c to send in integers . Back in main, a list of integers is iterated over and passed into the channel c one at a time . When each integer is passed into the channel on main , it’s received into num within printCount . printCount continues until the for loop goes into another iteration and comes to the channel statement again , where it waits for another value to come in on the channel. After main is done iterating over the integers, it continues on. When main is finished executing, the entire program is done, so you pause for a second before exiting so printCount can complete before main is done. Running this code produces the following listing.

Listing 1.8. Channel output
8 6 7 5 3 0 9 -1 End of main

Using channels and goroutines together provides functionality similar to lightweight threads or internal micro-services that communicate over a type-defined API. These can be chained or pieced together by using various techniques.

You’ll return to goroutines and channels, two of Go’s most powerful concepts, several times in this book. You’ll see how they’re used to write servers, handle message passing, and delay the execution of tasks. You’ll also examine design patterns for working with goroutines and channels.

1.2.4. Go the toolchain—more than a language

Developing modern scalable and maintainable applications requires many elements. Compiling isn’t the only common step. From the beginning, Go had this in mind. Go is more than a language and compiler. The go executable is a toolchain enabling lightweight package management, testing, documentation generation, and more, in addition to being able to compile a Go codebase into an executable. To illustrate, let’s look at a few of the components in the toolchain.

Package Management

Many modern programming languages have package managers, but how many have package management built right in? Go does, and this proves to be useful for two important reasons. The obvious reason is programmer productivity. The second reason is faster compile time. Package handling was designed with a compiler in mind. It’s one of the reasons the compiler is so fast.

The easiest way to ease into packages is to look at the standard library (see the following listing), which is built on the package system.

Listing 1.9. Single package import

Packages are imported by their name. In this case, fmt is the format package. Everything in the package that can be referenced is available with the package name as the prefix. Here you have fmt.Println:

import (

Package imports can be grouped together and should be in alphabetical order. In this case, the net/http package is referenced with the http. prefix.

The import system works with packages from outside the Go standard library, and those packages are referenced just like any other package:

Package names are unique strings and can be anything. Here they’re URLs to external packages. This enables Go to know this unique resource and to go out and get it for you:

$ go get ./...

The go get command can accept a path, such as, to get an individual package or ./... can be used, which will walk through the codebase and get any referenced external packages. Here Go looks at the import statement, sees an external reference, gets the package, and makes it available in the current workspace.

Go can talk to version-control systems to get the packages. It can speak to Git, Mercurial, SVN, and Bazaar when you have them installed in your local environment. In this case, Go retrieves the codebase from Git and checks out the latest commit from the default branch.

This package system isn’t designed to be everything anyone would ever want in a package system. It provides the basics that can be used directly or as a basis for a more fully featured system.


Testing is a common element of software development—some would say it’s essential. Go provides a system for testing that includes a package in the standard library, a command-line runner, code-coverage reporting, and race-condition detection.

Creating and executing tests is fairly straightforward, as shown in the next listing.

Listing 1.10. Hello World: hello.go
package main

import "fmt"

func getName() string {
    return "World!"

func main() {
    name := getName()
    fmt.Println("Hello ", name)

Starting with a variant form of a Hello World application, you have a function, getName, that can be tested. Go’s naming convention for test files is that they end in _test.go. This suffix tells Go that this is a file to be run when tests execute, and excluded when the application is built, as shown in the next listing.

Listing 1.11. Hello World test: hello_test.go

When go test is run, it executes the function that begins with Test . In this case, TestName is executed, and a struct t is passed in to help with testing. It contains useful functionality such as reporting an error. For more details, see the full testing package. If the name isn’t correct, the test reports an error .

The output of go test shows the packages tested and how they fared, as shown in the following listing. To test the current package and the ones nested in subdirectories, go test ./... can be used.

Listing 1.12. Running go test
$ go test
ok   go-in-practice/chapter1/hello      0.012s

If getName had returned something different from World!, you’d see something different. In the next example, the test system reports the location where the test error occurs, indicating the failed test, the file the test is in, and the line where the error happens. In this case, getName has been altered to return something different from World!.

Listing 1.13. Running go test failure
$ go test
--- FAIL: TestName (0.00 seconds)
       hello_test.go:9: Response from getName is unexpected value
exit status 1
FAIL   go-in-practice/chapter1/hello              0.010s

Go provides the basic tooling and processes needed to get up and running quickly with tests. Go itself uses these tools. For those who want something more opinionated, such as behavior-driven development or something found in a framework from another language, external packages can be used that build atop the built-in functionality. Tests in Go have the full power of the language available, which includes packages.

Code coverage

In addition to executing tests, the test system can generate code-coverage reports and provide a view of the coverage down to the statement level, as shown in listing 1.14.


As of Go 1.5, the coverage commands are part of the core Go toolchain. Prior to 1.5, cover had been an add-on tool.

To see the code coverage from the tests, run the following command:

$ go test -cover

Adding the -cover flag to the go test command causes it to report code coverage alongside the other details about the tests.

Listing 1.14. Testing with code coverage
$ go test –cover
Coverage: 33.3% of statements
ok   go-in-practice/chapter1/hello         0.011s

Code coverage doesn’t stop there. Coverage can be exported into files that other tools can use. Those reports can be displayed using built-in tools. Figure 1.4 shows a report displayed in a web browser that indicates which statements were executed in the tests.

Figure 1.4. Code coverage displayed in a web browser

Quite often test coverage reports provide details down to the line level. Multiple statements can be on the same line. A simple example can be seen in if and else statements. Go will display which statements were executed and which don’t have coverage in the tests.


More information about the cover tool can be found on the Go blog at

Testing is an important feature in Go and one we spend some time on in chapter 4.


Should block indentations use tabs or spaces? Formatting and style questions are regularly discussed and debated when it comes to coding conventions. How much time would we save if these discussions didn’t need to happen? With Go, you don’t need to spend time debating formatting or other idioms.

Effective Go, available at, is a guide to writing idiomatic Go. It describes styles and conventions used throughout the Go community. Using these conventions makes it easier to read and interact with Go programs.

Go has a built-in tool for reformatting code to meet many of the style guidelines. Running the go fmt command from the root of a package causes Go to go through each of the .go files in a package and rewrite them into the canonical style. The go fmt command can have a path to a package or ./... (iterate over all subdirectories) appended to it.

Numerous editors have commands, either built in or through add-on packages, to handle formatting for you. These include Vim, Sublime Text, Eclipse, and many others. For example, the Sublime Text package GoSublime updates the formatting of a file when it’s saved.

1.3. Go in the vast language landscape

GitHub, the popular code-hosting service, holds projects in hundreds of languages. The TIOBE index, a listing of the most popular programming languages, indicates that those popular languages are capturing a diminishing percent of the market. More languages have traction. With so many languages available, it’s useful to know where Go fits in.

Go was designed to be a systems language. What we call cloud computing is often considered a form of systems programming. Go was designed with systems programming use cases in mind, which is where it excels.

Being a systems language narrows its focus. For example, although Go is useful in situations where C or C++ has been used, it’s not a good language for embedded systems. Go has a runtime and a garbage-collection system that don’t run well on embedded systems with limited resources.

Comparing Go to other popular programming languages can provide insight into where it sits relative to those languages. Although we believe Go is great for some applications, this isn’t a debate about which programming languages to use. Choosing the right languages needs to take into account more than the characteristics of those languages.

1.3.1. C and Go

Go initially came to life as an alternative to C for developing applications. Because the original inspiration came out of developing in C (and C is one of the most popular languages, if not the most popular), it’s helpful to show the similarities and differences in these languages.

Both Go and C compile into machine code for a target operating system and architecture. Both share many style similarities, but Go goes well beyond what C does.

C + Go = cgo

Go provides support for binding C libraries to Go programs. Go provides a library of C compatibility tools. This library eases the transition between, for example, C-style strings and Go strings. Furthermore, the Go tools can build mixed C and Go programs. Go also has support for Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) wrappers. You can get a feel for the features by running go help c and go doc cgo to read a brief overview.

Go provides a runtime that includes features such as managing threads and garbage collection. When writing Go applications, you give up control over thread management and work around interruptions for garbage collection as you would with other garbage-collected languages. In C, you manage threads and memory yourself. Any threads and the corresponding work on them are handled by the application. Memory is intentionally managed without a garbage collector.

C and its object-oriented derivatives such as C++ enable a wide variety of applications to be written. High-performance embedded systems, large-scale cloud applications, and complicated desktop applications can all be written in C. Go is useful as a systems and cloud-platform language. Go applications have a sweet spot that provides real productivity.

The Go runtime and toolchain provide a lot out of the box. This functionality enables Go applications to be written fairly quickly and with less tedious work than a comparable C counterpart. For example, a Go application taking advantage of all four cores in a server can use goroutines. The C version would need to start threads and manage the work moved between them in addition to the application code.

Compiling C applications can take time. This is especially true when working with outside dependencies and the need to compile them. Speed when compiling applications in Go was a design goal, and Go applications compile faster than their C counterparts. When applications scale in size to the point that compiling can take minutes or hours, saving time while compiling can make a real difference in the productivity of your development. Compiling Go applications is fast enough that many applications and their dependent packages can compile in seconds or less.

1.3.2. Java and Go

Java, which is consistently one of the most popular programming languages on the planet, is used for a wide variety of projects, ranging from server applications to mobile and Android applications to cross-platform desktop applications. Go was originally designed as a systems language. Although its use has expanded into areas such as web and mobile development, Go still isn’t a language that you can use to easily write a desktop application. It excels the most when used as originally intended.

Given that Java is so popular and can be used for a wider variety of applications, why would anyone want to use Go? Although the basic syntax is similar, Java and Go are quite different. Go compiles to a single binary for an operating system. This binary contains the Go runtime, all the imported packages, and the entire application—everything needed to run the program. Java takes a different approach. With Java, you have a runtime installed on the operating system. Java applications are packaged into a file that can be run on any system with the runtime. The applications need to be executed in a compatible runtime version.

These differing approaches, depicted in figure 1.5, have practical applications. Deploying a Go application to a server entails deploying the one file. Deploying a Java application requires installing and maintaining Java on the system along with deploying the application.

Figure 1.5. Java and Go running in an operating system

Another key difference between Java and Go has to do with how applications are executed. Go programs are compiled into a system binary and executed by the operating system. Java applications are executed in a virtual machine (VM) typically containing a just-in-time (JIT) compiler. A JIT can look at how the code is executing in context and optimize it accordingly.

This raises an important question: is code running a VM with a JIT faster than a compiled binary? The answer isn’t straightforward because it depends on the JIT, the code being executed, and more. In tests comparing similar functionality side by side, no clear-cut winner emerges.

1.3.3. Python, PHP, and Go

Python and PHP are two of the most popular dynamic languages in the world. Python has become one of the most popular languages taught and used in universities. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from building cloud applications to websites to command-line utilities. PHP is the most popular programming language used to build websites with a focus on the web. Although these two languages have many differences, they have a few similarities that highlight some of the ways Go works.

Python and PHP are dynamically typed languages, whereas Go is a statically typed language with dynamic-like features. Dynamic languages check type at runtime and even perform what appear to be type conversions on the fly. Statically typed languages do type checking based on static code analysis. Go has the ability to do some type switching. Under some circumstances, variables of one type can be turned into variables of a different type. This may seem unorthodox for a statically typed language, but it’s useful.

When Python and PHP are used to build a website or application, they typically sit behind a web server such as Nginx or Apache. A web browser connects to the web server that handles the communication. The web server then hands off information to the language runtime and program.

Go has a built-in web server, as illustrated in figure 1.6. Applications, such as web browsers, connect directly to a Go application, and the Go application manages the connection. This provides a lower level of control and interaction with applications that connect. The built-in Go web server handles connections concurrently, taking full advantage of how the language works.

Figure 1.6. Python, PHP, and Go paths of a client request

One of the reasons it’s useful to put Python and PHP behind a web server has to do with threads and concurrent connections. Python has a global interpreter lock that allows only one thread to execute at a time. PHP applications tend to run from start to end in a process. To enable multiple connections to an application concurrently, a web server can sit in front of the application and handle running the concurrent connections in separate processes.

The built-in Go web server takes advantage of goroutines to run connections concurrently. The Go runtime manages the goroutines across application threads. You’ll see this in more detail in chapter 3. Whereas Python and PHP end up with separate processes for the different connections, Go shares an environment, allowing you to share resources where it makes sense.

Under the hood in the primary implementation, Python and PHP are built in C. Built-in objects, methods, and functions, whose implementation is in C, execute more quickly than application objects, methods, and functions. The code written for an application takes a different path that includes an intermediate format that’s interpreted. One of the performance tips for both Python and PHP is to take performance-critical code and rewrite it in C.

Go applications compile into a binary. Software in the standard library and application code are both compiled into machine code. There’s no distinction.

1.3.4. JavaScript, Node.js, and Go

JavaScript came into being in just over 10 days. It went on to be one of the most popular languages in the world, as it was baked into all the major web browsers. More recently, JavaScript has been used on servers, in desktop applications, and in other areas. This was driven by the Node.js platform.

Go and JavaScript, primarily through Node.js, can fill a similar space but do so in different ways. Exploring how they fill the space differently helps to highlight where Go fits in the space.

JavaScript has a single-threaded model. Although asynchronous I/O may use separate threads, the main program executes in a single thread. When code in the main thread takes a significant amount of time, it blocks other code from executing. Go uses a multithreaded model in which the runtime manages goroutines running concurrently on the different threads. The Go model, with multiple threads running across multiple cores, can take advantage of more of the available hardware than the single thread used in JavaScript.

Node.js uses the V8 engine created by Google and used in Google Chrome. The V8 engine contains a virtual machine with a JIT compiler. This is conceptually similar to Java. The virtual machine and JIT can lead to some performance improvements. As V8 watches a long-running program execute, it can improve performance over time. For example, it can look at the execution of a loop and see ways to improve the performance beyond the direct machine code because it knows the context. V8 also knows a variable type even though JavaScript is dynamically typed. The longer a program runs, the more V8 can learn and improve the performance.

On the other hand, Go programs are compiled machine code and execute at statically typed machine-code speeds. No JIT is looking to improve runtime execution. As in C, there’s no practical need for a JIT.

Package handling

The Node.js ecosystem has a community and tooling surrounding the handling and distribution of packages. These can range from libraries to command-line utilities to full applications. The package manager npm is often bundled with installation of Node.js. A central repository of information about packages is available at When a package is fetched, metadata about the package is received from the central repository, and the package is downloaded from its source location.

As we touched on earlier, Go has a package-handling system. Unlike Node.js, which has metadata and content in a central repository, Go has no central repository, and packages are fetched from their source location.

1.4. Getting up and running in Go

You have a few options for getting into Go, depending on your level of commitment.

The easiest way to get started with Go is through a tour at, which walks you through using some of its main features. What separates the Go tour from typical tutorials is in how the examples work. You can execute the examples right in your browser. If you want to change them and execute your changes, you can do that as well.

If you want to try executing simple Go applications, you can do that through the Go Playground at The Go Playground is what enables the tour examples to be executable. Here you can test code and share a link to it. The examples in this book that represent a program can be executed in the Playground.

1.4.1. Installing Go

Installing Go is a fairly straightforward process. Everything you need to know about getting and installing Go is documented at This includes the operating systems supported, the hardware architectures that can be targeted for these systems, and more.

For Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, installers take care of the installation. It’s as easy as installing any other program. Users of Homebrew on OS X can install Go by using the command brew install go.

Installing Go on Linux includes a wider variety of options. You can install go using built-in package managers, such as apt-get and yum. The version available is usually an older version, and newer versions are faster or contain new features. Through the Go install instructions, you can download the most recent version of Go, put it on your system, and add the Go executables to your path. On versions of Linux that support the Debian package system, such as Ubuntu, you can use the godeb tool to install the latest version of Go. The author of godeb explains the process at

1.4.2. Working with Git, Mercurial, and version control

To work with packages and external imports stored in version-control systems, Go expects these systems to be installed on the local system. Go doesn’t reimplement any software configuration management (SCM) tools; rather, it knows about them and takes advantage of them when installed.

Two of the dominant version-control systems used by Go developers for packages are Git and Mercurial (hg). Git is widely popular and is used by numerous Google developers and by the packages they release to GitHub. You’ll need to have Git installed, but Go doesn’t require a specific version. Any recent version should do.

1.4.3. Exploring the workspace

The go toolchain expects Go code to be in a workspace. A workspace is a directory hierarchy with the src, pkg, and bin directories, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 1.15. Workspace layout

The one environment variable that you need to set is $GOPATH . This points go to the base directory for the workspace. Source code, including both the code you’re working on and any dependent code, goes in the src directory. Although you’ll do some management of this directory, the Go tools will help manage external source code repositories. The other two directories are almost always managed by the Go tools themselves. When you run go install on a project, executables (like the one in listing 1.15) will be compiled and written to bin. In this example, the Glide project compiles into an executable named glide. The Cookoo project, though, doesn’t have a standalone executable. It provides only libraries that other Go programs can use. Running go install on it will create an archive file suffixed with .a, and that’s stored in the pkg directory.

1.4.4. Working with environment variables

GOPATH is one environment variable that the go executable expects to exist. GOPATH tells Go where your workspace is to import packages, install binaries, and store intermediate archives. The following example creates a workspace in a directory named go on a UNIX-like system:

$ mkdir $HOME/go
$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go

Inside GOPATH, the go program will create a bin directory where executables are installed. For convenience, it’s useful to add this directory to your path. For example, on UNIX-like systems:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

If you’d like to install binaries to an alternative location, the GOBIN environment variable can be set to that path. This is an optional environment variable.

1.5. Hello, Go

In an obvious twist on the standard Hello World program, the next listing shows a simple application that prints Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya through a web server.

Listing 1.16. Hello World web server: inigo.go

This simple application has three parts. It opens with a package declaration . Where libraries are declared with a short name describing what they do—for example, net or crypto—applications have the package main. To write strings and operate as a web server, the fmt and http packages are imported . Importing these packages makes them available in the code and in the compiled application.

The application execution begins with the main function that has no arguments or returned values. Following the first line of main, the http.HandleFunc function is called, telling the web server to execute the function hello when the path / is matched. The hello function follows an interface for handlers. It receives an object for the HTTP request and response. This is followed by a call to http.ListenAndServe, telling the web server to start up and listen on port 4000 of the domain localhost.

You can execute this application in two ways. In the next listing you use go run, which compiles the application into a temp directory and executes it.

Listing 1.17. Running inigo.go
$ go run inigo.go

The temporary file is cleaned up when the application is done running. This is useful in development of new versions of applications that are regularly tested.

After the application has started, you can open a web browser and visit http://localhost:4000 to view the response, as shown in figure 1.7.

Figure 1.7. “Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya” viewed in web browser

Alternately, an application can be built and run as in the following listing.

Listing 1.18. Building inigo.go
$ go build inigo.go
$ ./inigo

Here the first step is to build the application. Using go build without filenames will build the current directory. Using a filename, or set of filenames, only builds the selection. From there, the built application needs to be executed.

1.6. Summary

Go is a language designed for modern hardware and application development. It takes advantage of recent advances in technology while providing a toolchain so that Go development just works. In this chapter, you took a peek at what makes Go a powerful language worth using to develop applications, and learned the following:

  • The Go philosophy of simplicity plus extensibility that created a useful language and enables an ecosystem to surround it
  • Features of Go that take advantage of modern hardware, such as goroutines that enable concurrent execution
  • The toolchain accompanying the Go language, including testing, package management, formatting, and documentation
  • How Go compares to languages such as C, Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, and others, as well as when to use it and when to use something else
  • How to install and get up and running in Go

Chapter 2 starts with the foundation necessary to build applications from console utilities through web services. How should you handle applications that have commands, arguments, and flags? Does a web service need to gracefully shut down? Answering questions like these provides the foundation for production-ready applications.

The rest of the book explores practical aspects of building and working with Go applications. Chapters build on each other, culminating in putting the practices together to build a well-rounded application.

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