Fluency with Any Object

infix reduces some noise, but when working with just about any object, Kotlin makes code less verbose and more expressive. The language does this by adding a few convenience functions. Learning those methods can make your everyday coding a pleasant experience and make your code more fluent.

Coding in Kotlin involves invoking functions, methods, and passing lambda expressions, among other things. The language offers some support for minimizing noise with these day-to-day operations.

Specifically, Kotlin has four significant methods that can make code fluent: also(), apply(), let(), and run(). Each of these methods takes a lambda expression as a parameter and returns something back after invoking the given lambda. The format of a call to one of these methods, on a context object, looks like this:

 result = context.oneOfTheseFourMethods { optionalParameter ->
  ...what​'​s ​this​ (receiver) here?...

Depending on the method you call, the optionalParameter and this, the receiver of the call, will be assigned differently. The optionalResult received from the call will differ as well. Once we learn a bit more about these functions, we’ll see how we can benefit from these functions to create concise and expressive code. Stay tuned.

Behavior of the Four Methods

Let’s exercise these four methods and report back on the arguments received by the lambdas passed, the this receiver within each lambda expression, the result returned by them, and the result received on the calling side of these four methods.

 val​ format = ​"%-10s%-10s%-10s%-10s"
 val​ str = ​"context"
 val​ result = ​"RESULT"
 fun​ ​toString​() = ​"lexical"
 "Method"​, ​"Argument"​, ​"Receiver"​, ​"Return"​, ​"Result"​))
 val​ result1 = str.let { arg ->
  print(String.format(format, ​"let"​, arg, ​this​, result))
 println(String.format(​"%-10s"​, result1))
 val​ result2 = str.also { arg ->
  print(String.format(format, ​"also"​, arg, ​this​, result))
 println(String.format(​"%-10s"​, result2))
 val​ result3 = str.run {
  print(String.format(format, ​"run"​, ​"N/A"​, ​this​, result))
 println(String.format(​"%-10s"​, result3))
 val​ result4 = str.apply {
  print(String.format(format, ​"apply"​, ​"N/A"​, ​this​, result))
 println(String.format(​"%-10s"​, result4))

Each of the lambdas ends with an expression result, but some of them may get ignored, as we’ll see. The first two lambdas receive a parameter arg and the last two don’t. Study the output to learn about the behavior of the methods:

 Method Argument Receiver Return Result
 let context lexical RESULT RESULT
 also context lexical RESULT context
 run N/A context RESULT RESULT
 apply N/A context RESULT context

The let() method passes the context object, the object on which it’s called, as an argument to the lambda. The lambda’s this, or receiver, is lexically scoped and bound to the this in the defining scope of the lambda—we discussed lexical scoping in Closures and Lexical Scoping. The result of the lambda is passed as the result of the call to let().

The also() method also passes the context object as the argument to its lambda, and the receiver is tied to this in lexical scoping. However, unlike let(), the also() method ignores the result of its lambda and returns the context object as the result. The return types of the lambda that also() receives is Unit, thus the result returned is ignored.

The run() method doesn’t pass any argument to its lambda but binds the context object to the this, or receiver, of the lambda. The result of the lambda is returned as the result of run().

The apply() method also doesn’t pass any argument to its lambda and binds the context object to the this, or receiver, of the lambda. But unlike the run() method, the apply() method ignores the result of the lambda—Unit type used for return—and returns the context object to the caller.

Let’s summarize these four methods’ behaviors:

  • All four methods execute the lambdas given to them.

  • let() and run() execute the lambda and return the result of lambda to the caller.

  • also() and apply() ignore the result of the lambda and, instead, return the context object to their callers.

  • run() and apply() run the lambda in the execution context—this—of the context object on which they are called.

Let that sink in. Don’t try to memorize these, it will fall in place with practice. The key is to understand that there are differences in the receiver and what is returned from these methods.

From a Verbose and Noisy Code

We’ll now use these four methods to make a piece of code fluent. For this purpose, we start by defining a Mailer class:

 class​ Mailer {
 val​ details = StringBuilder()
 fun​ ​from​(addr: String) = details.append(​"from $addr... "​)
 fun​ ​to​(addr: String) = details.append(​"to $addr... "​)
 fun​ ​subject​(line: String) = details.append(​"subject $line... "​)
 fun​ ​body​(message: String) = details.append(​"body $message... "​)
 fun​ ​send​() = ​"...sending... $details"

The fluency of code to interact with the methods of the class is the focus here, thus the class doesn’t do anything useful other than registering the calls into a StringBuilder.

Here’s a rather verbose example of using this Mailer class.

 val​ mailer = Mailer()
 mailer.from(​"[email protected]"​)
 mailer.to(​"[email protected]"​)
 mailer.subject(​"Your code sucks"​)
 val​ result = mailer.send()

Before we discuss the quality of the code, let’s make sure it works:

 from [email protected]...
 to [email protected]...
 subject Your code sucks...
 body ...details......

The code worked, but the calls to the methods on Mailer were noisy, repetitive, and not very pleasant. This is where the four convenience methods we discussed come into play.

Removing Repetitive References with apply

Refer back to the output table from the example in Behavior of the Four Methods; the apply() method executes the lambda in the context of the object on which it’s called and returns the context object back to the caller. The apply() method can form a chain of method calls, like so: obj.apply{...}.apply{...}...

Let’s rewrite the previous code that uses Mailer to use apply():

 val​ mailer =
  .apply { from(​"[email protected]"​) }
  .apply { to(​"[email protected]"​) }
  .apply { subject(​"Your code sucks"​) }
  .apply { body(​"details"​) }
 val​ result = mailer.send()

None of the methods of Mailer return back the Mailer instance on which they were called. That means we can’t combine multiple calls to Mailer methods. The apply() solves that issue nicely. With each call to apply(), we start with a Mailer and end with the same instance. This allows us to chain—that is, continue making multiple calls on a Mailer instance—without repeating the reference name. The good news is less repetition of the reference, but the code is now noisy with all these apply {... calls.

The apply() method executes the lambda in the context of its target object. As a result we may place multiple calls to Mailer within the lambda, like so:

 val​ mailer = Mailer().apply {
  from(​"[email protected]"​)
  to(​"[email protected]"​)
  subject(​"Your code sucks"​)
 val​ result = mailer.send()

Without changing the Mailer class, the user of the Mailer is able to make multiple calls on an instance without repeatedly using the reference dot notation. That reduces the noise significantly in code. Also, a builder-pattern like expressions can be used for any class, even those that were not designed for chaining of calls to setters.

Getting Results Using run

In the previous example, we made multiple calls to methods of Mailer, but eventually we wanted to get the result of the send() method call. apply() is a great choice if we want to keep the Mailer reference at the end of the calls and do more work with the instance. But if we’re after the result of a sequence of calls on an object and don’t care for the instance, we may use run(). The run() method returns the result of the lambda, unlike apply(); but just like apply(), it runs the lambda in the context of the target object.

Let’s modify the code to use run() instead of apply():

 val​ result = Mailer().run {
  from(​"[email protected]"​)
  to(​"[email protected]"​)
  subject(​"Your code sucks"​)

Each of the method calls within the lambda executed on the Mailer instance that was used as a target to run(). The result of the send() method, the String, is returned by the run() method to the caller. The Mailer instance on which run() was called isn’t available anymore.

To keep the target object at the end of a sequence of calls, use apply(); to keep the result of the last expression within the lambda instead, use run(). In either case, use these methods only if you want to run the lambda in the context of the target.

Passing an Object as Argument Using let

Suppose you receive an instance from a function but want to pass that instance to another method as argument. That sequence of operation will break the flow of code, the fluency in general. The let() method will help restore the fluency in that case.

Let’s look at an example to illustrate this point. Here are two functions—one that returns a Mailer object and one that takes that in as a parameter:

 fun​ ​createMailer​() = Mailer()
 fun​ ​prepareAndSend​(mailer: Mailer) = mailer.run {
  from(​"[email protected]"​)
  to(​"[email protected]"​)
  subject(​"Your code suks"​)

The internals of the createMailer() and prepareAndSend() aren’t important for this discussion. Let’s focus on the code that uses these two functions:

 val​ mailer = createMailer()
 val​ result = prepareAndSend(mailer)

We first stored the result of createMailer() into a variable, then passed it to prepareAndSend() and stored that result into a variable named result for final printing. That’s boring. Where’s the flow? you protest.

Ignoring the println(), we could change the calls to the two functions like this:

 val​ result = prepareAndSend(createMailer())

That’ll work, but fluency is definitely missing there; it feels heavy with multiple parenthesis, like the regular code we write. We want to be able to take the result of one operation and perform the next step on it, to nicely compose one call to the next. Let the let() method lead us there.

 val​ result = createMailer().let { mailer ->

On the output from createMailer() we call let() and pass a lambda expression to it. Within the lambda, the Mailer instance—that is, the target of let(), the result of createMailer()—is available as a parameter. We are then passing it to the prepareAndSend() function. Hmm, really, this is an improvement? That’s a reasonable question, but this code is like a delicious meal being prepared—it’s not fully baked yet.

We can make one teeny-tiny change, to get rid of that parameter name:

 val​ result = createMailer().let {

A notch better, but… The lambda isn’t doing much; it’s taking a parameter and passing it to the prepareAndSend() method. Instead of using a lambda here, we may use a method reference—we saw this in Using Function References.

 val​ result = createMailer().let(::prepareAndSend)

Now that’s a lot better. The result of createMailer() is passed to let(), which then passes that to the prepareAndSend() method, and whatever that function returns, let() hands it back to us.

If you want to use the result of the lambda we passed to let() as argument, then the method let() is a good choice. But to continue doing some work with the target on which let() was called, also() is the method you’re looking for.

Chaining void Functions Using also

The also() method is useful to chain a series of void functions that otherwise don’t fall into a call chain.

Suppose we have a bunch of void functions—returning Unit in Kotlin—like these:

 fun​ ​prepareMailer​(mailer: Mailer):Unit {
  mailer.run {
  from(​"[email protected]"​)
  to(​"[email protected]"​)
  subject(​"Your code suks"​)
 fun​ ​sendMail​(mailer: Mailer): Unit {
  println(​"Mail sent"​)

Using the createMailer() function we saw earlier, we can create a Mailer instance and then pass it to a series of functions that don’t return anything. But that won’t have a good flow:

 val​ mailer = createMailer()

We can restore the chain of function calls using also() since also() passes the target to the lambda as a parameter, ignores the return from the lambda, and returns back the target of the call. Here’s the fluent code to use these void functions:


By using these four functions, we can make the code we write each day a tad more fluent, not just pleasing to our eyes, but reducing the stress of reading the code as well.

Getting used to writing such fluent code takes some effort and practice.

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