Creating Infinite Sequences

Since coroutines are useful for creating cooperating tasks, we can use them to create an infinite series or unbounded values and process the generated values at the same time. A function may create a value in the series and yield it to the code that is expecting the value. Upon consuming the value, the calling code can come back asking for the next value in the series. These steps can continue in tandem until either the code that produces the series exits or the caller doesn’t bother asking for another value in the series. We’ll take a look at two different functions available in Kotlin to create infinite series.

Using Sequence

The Kotlin library has a sequence function that’s readily available for creating a series of values. We’ll use that to create an infinite series of prime numbers, starting from a given number.

Here’s a primes() function that takes a starting number and returns a Sequence<Int>. The Sequence acts as a continuation, yielding values for iteration.

 fun​ ​primes​(start: Int): Sequence<Int> = sequence {
  println(​"Starting to look"​)
 var​ index = start
 while​ (​true​) {
 if​ (index > 1 && (2 until index).none { i -> index % i == 0 }) {
  println(​"Generating next after $index"​)

Within the lambda passed to the sequence() function, we look for the next prime value and yield it using a yield() method—this one is part of the standard library and is different from the yield() we used from the kotlinx.coroutines library. We can iterate over the values generated by a Sequence, much like the way we iterate over List, Set, and so on.

 for​ (prime ​in​ primes(start = 17)) {
  println(​"Received $prime"​)
 if​ (prime > 30) ​break

The fact that coroutines and continuations are involved here isn’t visible in the code. We iterate over the values, one at a time, print a prime received from primes(), and decide to get the next element or break. At every step of the iteration, the flow of control jumps right into the primes() function, right back to where it left the last time. We can see this from the output, which has extra print messages to illustrate this behavior.

 Starting to look
 Received 17
 Generating next after 17
 Received 19
 Generating next after 19
 Received 23
 Generating next after 23
 Received 29
 Generating next after 29
 Received 31

The sequence() function offers three benefits. First, you don’t have to create a collection of values ahead of time, so you don’t have to know how many values to compute—you can create the values on the fly. Second, you can amortize the cost of creating the values over time and let the values generated so far be used. Third, since the creation of a value in the series happens only on demand—that is, lazily—we can avoid creating values that may never be used. That results in more efficient code. It’s also easier to apply this technique to write custom Iterable/Iterator classes.

In addition to creating a Sequence<T>, you may also easily implement an Iterator<T> using Kotlin’s iterator() function. Let’s take a look at that next.

Using the iterator Function

Back in Injecting into Third-Party Classes, we added an extension function into the ClosedRange<String> class to iterate over a range of String values. For convenience, that code is repeated here:

 operator​ ​fun​ ​ClosedRange​<String>.iterator() =
  object: Iterator<String> {
 private​ ​val​ next = StringBuilder(start)
 private​ ​val​ last = endInclusive
 override​ ​fun​ ​hasNext​() =
  last >= next.toString() && last.length >= next.length
 override​ ​fun​ ​next​(): String {
 val​ result = next.toString()
 val​ lastCharacter = next.last()
 if​ (lastCharacter < Char.MAX_VALUE) {
  next.setCharAt(next.length - 1, lastCharacter + 1)
  } ​else​ {
 return​ result

The iterator() function of ClosedRange<String> is returning an object that implements the Iterator<String> interface. The implementation has a couple of properties and two methods. The hasNext() tells us if there’s another value for iteration, and the next() function returns the next value when called. If we step back from the implementation and look at the overall goal, what we want here is an iterator that yields one value at a time until it reaches some termination value. This fits the bill of coroutines well.

What we need is an iterator that will run as a coroutine. That’s the purpose of the method iterator() in the Kotlin standard library. Let’s rewrite the above function using iterator() and then call it to see its behavior.

 operator​ ​fun​ ​ClosedRange​<String>.iterator(): Iterator<String> = iterator {
 val​ next = StringBuilder(start)
 val​ last = endInclusive
 while​ (last >= next.toString() && last.length >= next.length) {
 val​ result = next.toString()
 val​ lastCharacter = next.last()
 if​ (lastCharacter < Char.MAX_VALUE) {
  next.setCharAt(next.length - 1, lastCharacter + 1)
  } ​else​ {
 for​ (word ​in​ ​"hell"​..​"help"​) { print(​"$word, "​) }

Unlike the sequence function which returned a Sequence<T>, the iterator() function returns an Iterator<T>. Within the lambda passed to the iterator() function, we loop through to generate the next String in the sequence and call the yield() function, much like the way we did in the example that used sequence(), to return a generated String to the caller. In this latest version, the hasNext() function disappeared and instead of return, which we used in the next() method, we use yield() in the iterator() function.

In the last line we exercise the ClosedRange<String>’s iterator() function using the for loop to iterate over a range of values. The output of this code is the same as the output of the other version this code replaces.

Between the sequence() function and the iterator() function, Kotlin has you covered for creating coroutines to generate unbounded values with highly expressive code.

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