Delegating Variables and Properties

In the examples so far, we focused on delegation at the class level. You may delegate get and set access to properties of objects and local variables too.

When you read a property or a local variable, internally Kotlin calls a getValue() function. Likewise, when you update a property or a variable, it calls a setValue() function. By providing as delegate an object with these two methods, you may intercept calls to read and write local variables and objects’ properties.

Delegating Variables

You can intercept access, both read and write, to local variables and alter what is returned and where and how the data is stored. To illustrate this facility, let’s create a custom delegate to intercept access of String variables.

Suppose we’re creating an application that takes users’ comments. The text they enter may be displayed to other users, and we definitely want to be polite. So let’s write a delegate that filters out an offensive word, like “stupid”.

Let’s look at a small script with no filtering:

 var​ comment: String = ​"Some nice message"
 comment = ​"This is stupid"
 println(​"comment is of length: ${comment.length}"​)

Running this will produce the rude output, no surprise:

 Some nice message
 This is stupid
 comment is of length: 14

Our objective is to replace the word “stupid” so when the string is printed it’s not as rude. For that, let’s create a class named PoliteString that has getValue() and setValue() methods with special signatures:

 package​ ​com.agiledeveloper.delegates
 import​ ​kotlin.reflect.KProperty
 class​ PoliteString(​var​ content: String) {
 operator​ ​fun​ ​getValue​(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<​*​>) =
  content.replace(​"stupid"​, ​"s*****"​)
 operator​ ​fun​ ​setValue​(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<​*​>, value: String) {
  content = value

The class PoliteString is all set to act as a delegate. Kotlin doesn’t require any interface to be implemented, no ceremony—all it wants is the get method. If the delegate will target a mutable property or variable, then it demands the set method also. It’s that simple. If you’re unsure of the signature of these methods, refer to the interfaces and Though you don’t have to implement these interfaces, the getValue() and setValue() methods are the same as the ones in these symbolic interfaces.

The PoliteString class receives a mutable property named content. From the getValue() function we return the value in the contents string after cleansing any offending words in it. In the setValue() function we merely store the given value into the content property. The methods are marked with the annotation operator since they stand for the assignment operator = used for get and set.

We’ll have to compile this code into a jar file since it’s in a separate package. We’ll see the command for that soon. Let’s make use of this delegate with the code that contains the impolite comment.

 import​ ​com.agiledeveloper.delegates.PoliteString
 var​ comment: String ​by​ PoliteString(​"Some nice message"​)
 comment = ​"This is stupid"
 println(​"comment is of length: ${comment.length}"​)

We imported PoliteString and changed the comment variable to use the PoliteString in the declaration. It’s a String that will delegate access to PoliteString.

Here are the steps to compile and execute this example:

 $ ​​kotlinc-jvm​​ ​​com/agiledeveloper/delegates/PoliteString.kt​​ ​​-d​​ ​​polite.jar
 $ ​​kotlinc-jvm​​ ​​-classpath​​ ​​polite.jar​​ ​​-script​​ ​​politecomment.kts

The output from the code shows the offending word replaced:

 Some nice message
 This is s*****
 comment is of length: 14

In the example, we’re passing an instance of PoliteString as delegate. That’s fine, but if you’d rather use a function that returns a delegate instance, instead of calling the constructor of a class after by, you may do so easily. Let’s introduce a top-level function in the file PoliteString.kt within the package com.agiledeveloper.delegates:

 //This function goes at the end of class PoliteString
 fun​ ​beingpolite​(content: String) = PoliteString(content)

We can now use this function instead of the PoliteString class:

 import​ ​com.agiledeveloper.delegates.beingpolite
 var​ comment: String ​by​ beingpolite(​"Some nice message"​)

We can improve on the PoliteString delegate to filter out many rude words. Then anywhere we want to keep things polite, we can pass the variable to the delegate to achieve that goal.

Delegating Properties

Using the previous approach, we can not only delegate access to local variables but also to properties of objects. When defining a property, instead of assigning a value, specify by and follow it with a delegate. Again here, delegate may be any object that implements getValue() for a val or read-only property, and both getValue() and setValue() for a read-write property.

In the next example, we’ll use a variation of PoliteString delegate that we created earlier. Instead of storing the comment within the instance of PoliteString, we’ll store it in a data source.

By design, the Kotlin standard libraries, Map and MutableMap (that we discussed in Using Map), can serve as delegates—the first for val properties and the second for var properties. That’s because, in addition to providing the get() method, Map also has getValue(). Likewise, in addition to set, MutableMap also has the setValue() method. In the example, we’ll use these as delegates to handle property access.

We’ll first create the variation of PoliteString to store the comment value in a MutableMap that will serve as a data source:

 import​ ​kotlin.reflect.KProperty
 import​ ​kotlin.collections.MutableMap
 class​ PoliteString(​val​ dataSource: MutableMap<String, Any>) {
 operator​ ​fun​ ​getValue​(thisRef: Any?, property: KProperty<​*​>) =
  (dataSource[] ​as​? String)?.replace(​"stupid"​, ​"s*****"​) ?: ​""
 operator​ ​fun​ ​setValue​(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<​*​>, value: String) {
  dataSource[] = value

Instead of receiving a String parameter, here we receive a reference to a MutableMap<String, Any> that will hold the comment value. In the getValue() method, we return the value from the map for the property’s name as key. If the value exists, we safely cast to String and cleanse it; otherwise, return an empty string. In the setValue() we merely save the given value into the map.

Next, we’ll create a PostComment class that represents a blog post comment. Instead of storing the fields locally, its properties will delegate the get/set operations to a map. Let’s take a look at the code, and then we’ll discuss it further.

 class​ PostComment(dataSource: MutableMap<String, Any>) {
 val​ title: String ​by​ dataSource
 var​ likes: Int ​by​ dataSource
 val​ comment: String ​by​ PoliteString(dataSource)
 override​ ​fun​ ​toString​() = ​"Title: $title Likes: $likes Comment: $comment"

The primary constructor receives a parameter dataSource of type MutableMap<String, Any>, which will serve as a delegate to the properties of this class. The title is a read-only property of type String and is delegated to dataSource. Likewise, likes, which is of type Int but is a read-write property, is delegated to the same object, dataSource. The comment property, however, is delegated to PoliteString, which in turn will store and retrieve data from the same dataSource.

When the title property of an instance of PostComment is read, Kotlin will invoke the getValue() method of the delegate dataSource by passing the property name title to it. Thus, the map will return the value for the key title, if present.

The behavior for reading the likes property is similar to that of reading the title property. Unlike title, likes is mutable. When the likes property is written or set, Kotlin will invoke the setValue() method of the delegate passing the property name likes and the value. This will result in the value being stored for the key likes within the dataSource that is the MutableMap<String, Any>.

Read and write of the comment property will result in calls to getValue() and setValue(), respectively, on the PoliteString delegate. Via this delegate, the comment value will be fetched from or stored into the dataSource.

Let’s create some sample data for a couple of blog post comments. We’ll store them in a list of MutableMap instances.

 val​ data = listOf(
 "title"​ to ​"Using Delegation"​,
 "likes"​ to 2,
 "comment"​ to ​"Keep it simple, stupid"​),
 "title"​ to ​"Using Inheritance"​,
 "likes"​ to 1,
 "comment"​ to ​"Prefer Delegation where possible"​))

Now we can create an instance of PostComment using the data in the list.

 val​ forPost1 = PostComment(data[0])
 val​ forPost2 = PostComment(data[1])

The instances of PostComment act as a façade around the MutableMaps—they delegate any access to their properties to their dataSource. Here’s the output from the above code:

 Title: Using Delegation Likes: 3 Comment: Keep it simple, s*****
 Title: Using Inheritance Likes: 1 Comment: Prefer Delegation where possible

An object doesn’t have to delegate all its properties. As we saw here, it may delegate properties to different delegates and may also internally store a few in its own fields.

We’ve seen how to create our own delegates. Next, we’ll see some delegates that are built in to the Kotlin standard library.

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