Creating Interfaces and Abstract Classes

Object-oriented programming is programming with hierarchies of abstractions—complex applications typically have multiple interfaces, abstract classes, and implementation classes. We heavily rely on interfaces to specify behavior of abstractions and use abstract classes to reuse implementations. So learning about interfaces and abstract classes is a good starting point for learning about building object-oriented hierarchies.

In recent years interfaces have dramatically evolved in Java. In the past, interfaces were permitted to carry only method declarations and no implementation: they could tell a lot about what’s possible, but never did anything—kinda like my boss. In recent versions of Java, interfaces can have default methods, static methods, and even private methods. With such improvements in Java, it’s fair to ask how interfaces in Kotlin measure up to interfaces in modern Java. We’ll start with that question and explore how Kotlin interfaces fare in comparison. Then we’ll explore how abstract classes differ in Kotlin when compared to Java.

Creating Interfaces

Semantically, Kotlin interfaces are a lot like Java interfaces, but they differ widely in syntax. You can honor the original design-by-contract intent of interfaces by writing abstract methods in them. In addition, you may also implement methods within interfaces, but without the default keyword that Java requires. Much like the way static methods in Kotlin classes are placed in companion objects, interfaces can also have static methods, but only via companion objects written within the interfaces.

To get a good feel for interfaces in Kotlin, we’ll create an interface with a few abstract methods and a method with implementation. Then we’ll inherit from that interface to see how the implementation gets carried over to the derived class. Finally, we’ll look at the Kotlin way to define static methods for interfaces.

Let’s start with a Remote interface that represents a remote control device.

 interface​ Remote {
 fun​ ​up​()
 fun​ ​down​()
 fun​ ​doubleUp​() {

Abstract methods, like up(), are merely declared within the interface. Implementing a method, like doubleUp(), in an interface is much like implementing a method in a class—no extra syntax or ceremony. Any class implementing the interface will have to override the abstract methods. However, they get the implementation in the doubleUp() method for free and may optionally override the implementation as well.

The methods implemented within interfaces—that is, Kotlin-type default methods—work even in Java 1.6, even though default methods were introduced only in Java 8. To make the Kotlin default methods visible as default methods in the bytecode, you can use the @JvmDefault annotation, which we’ll cover in More Annotations.

To see how the interface interplays with an implementor, let’s implement the Remote interface in a TVRemote class that may be used to control the volume of a TV:

 class​ TV {
 var​ volume = 0
 class​ TVRemote(​val​ tv: TV) : Remote {
 override​ ​fun​ ​up​() { tv.volume++ }
 override​ ​fun​ ​down​() { tv.volume-- }

To convey that the class TVRemote is implementing the Remote interface, we place Remote following the colon : after the primary constructor’s parameter list. Kotlin follows the Ruby and C# style for inheritance syntax. The TVRemote is required to implement the abstract methods of Remote, and the override keyword is required for any method that is overriding a method of a base class or an interface. The TVRemote class isn’t overriding the implementation of doubleUp() in Remote.

To see how these classes and the interface work together, let’s exercise the methods of Remote through an instance of TVRemote.

 val​ tv = TV()
 val​ remote: Remote = TVRemote(tv)
 println(​"Volume: ${tv.volume}"​) ​//Volume: 0
 println(​"After increasing: ${tv.volume}"​) ​//After increasing: 1
 println(​"After doubleUp: ${tv.volume}"​) ​//After doubleUp: 3

The reference remote is of type Remote but refers to an instance of TVRemote at runtime. The call to up() was handled by the TVRemote instance, but the call to doubleUp() landed in the implementation within Remote.

In Java, interfaces may have static methods too, but in Kotlin we can’t place static methods directly in interfaces, just like we can’t place them directly in classes. Use companion objects to create static methods in interfaces. For example, let’s create a combine() method that will bind two remotes so that the operations are performed on both remotes, one after the other:

 companion​ ​object​ {
 fun​ ​combine​(first: Remote, second: Remote): Remote = object: Remote {
 override​ ​fun​ ​up​() {
 override​ ​fun​ ​down​() {

This companion object goes directly into the Remote interface. To access the method in the companion object, use the Remote interface, like so:

 val​ anotherTV = TV()
 val​ combinedRemote = Remote.combine(remote, TVRemote(anotherTV))
 println(tv.volume) ​//4
 println(anotherTV.volume) ​//1

When implementing an interface, you must implement all the abstract methods. When implementing multiple interfaces, any methods that collide—that is, have the same name and signature—must be implemented in the class as well.

Creating Abstract Classes

Kotlin also supports abstract classes. The classes have to be marked abstract to be considered abstract, and abstract methods have to be marked abstract in abstract classes.

Here’s an example of an abstract base class and a class that extends from it.

 abstract​ ​class​ Musician(​val​ name: String, ​val​ activeFrom: Int) {
 abstract​ ​fun​ ​instrumentType​(): String
 class​ Cellist(name: String, activeFrom: Int) : Musician(name, activeFrom) {
 override​ ​fun​ ​instrumentType​() = ​"String"
 val​ ma = Cellist(​"Yo-Yo Ma"​, 1961)

Since the instrumentType() method isn’t implemented in the base class, it has to be marked as abstract. When overriding it in the derived class, the override keyword is required. The derived class Cellist’s primary constructor receives the two parameters and passes them to the base class. It may receive additional parameters not needed by the base, and those additional parameters may be declared using val or var to become properties in the derived class.

The main differences between an abstract class and an interface are these:

  • The properties defined within interfaces don’t have backing fields; they have to rely on abstract methods to get properties from implementing classes. On the other hand, properties within abstract classes can use backing fields.

  • You may implement multiple interfaces but can extend from at most one class, abstract or not.

Interface or Abstract Class?

Should you create an interface or an abstract class instead? Interfaces can’t contain fields, but a class may implement multiple interfaces. On the other hand, abstract base classes can have fields, but a class may only extend from at most one abstract class. So each has pros and cons. Let’s discuss how to choose between them.

If you want to reuse state between multiple classes, then an abstract class is a good choice. You can implement the common state in the abstract class and have implementing classes override the methods, while reusing the state provided by the abstract class.

If you want multiple classes to abide by one or more contracts or specifications, but you want those classes to choose their own implementations, then interfaces are the better choice. If you choose this route, you may also move some common methods into the interfaces, while still letting the implementing classes choose how they implement the state.

In both modern Java and Kotlin, interfaces have a slight advantage over abstract classes. Interfaces have the ability to carry method implementations, but without state. A class may implement multiple interfaces. Where possible, prefer interfaces over abstract or base classes, as this offers more flexibility.

In the example for interfaces, the TVRemote relied on a public property volume of TV to implement the methods of the Remote interface. Next we’ll explore an alternative to this approach.

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