Inlining Functions with Lambdas

Lambdas are elegant, and it’s convenient to pass functions to functions, but there’s a catch—performance. Kotlin provides the inline keyword to eliminate the call overhead in order to improve performance, to provide non-local control flow such as a return from within forEach(), and to pass reified type parameters as we saw in Reified Type Parameters.

Before we delve into ways to improve performance of functions that use lambdas, let’s set some context. Every higher-order function we write doesn’t need the solutions we’ll see in this section. A good amount of code we write will enjoy a reasonable performance and need nothing special. But in some situations—such as when a higher-order function contains a loop and excessively calls a lambda expression from within the loop, for example—the overhead of calling the higher-order function and the lambdas within it may be measurable. In that case, and only in that case, measure the performance first, and then consider these added complexities to improve the performance where necessary.

No inline Optimization by Default

To learn about inline, let’s create an invokeTwo() function that takes an Int and two lambdas. It also returns a lambda. We’ll modify this function a few times in this section, but the following is a good starting point without any inline:

 fun​ ​invokeTwo​(
  n: Int,
  action1: (Int) -> Unit,
  action2: (Int) -> Unit
  ): (Int) -> Unit {
  println(​"enter invokeTwo $n"​)
  println(​"exit invokeTwo $n"​)
 return​ { _: Int -> println(​"lambda returned from invokeTwo"​) }

The short function invokes the two lambdas given and returns a lambda created within the function. The lambda that’s returned ignores the input parameter and merely prints a message. Let’s call this function from within another function named callInvokeTwo(). And, right after defining that function, let’s call callInvokeTwo().

 fun​ ​callInvokeTwo​() {
  invokeTwo(1, { i -> report(i) }, { i -> report(i) })

Within the callInvokeTwo() function we pass the value 1 as the first argument to invokeTwo(). For the second and third arguments we pass two identical lambdas that call a function named report. That function doesn’t exist yet, but we’ll write it now to print the parameter it receives along with the depth of the call stack.

 fun​ ​report​(n: Int) {
  print(​"called with $n, "​)
 val​ stackTrace = RuntimeException().getStackTrace()
  println(​"Stack depth: ${stackTrace.size}"​)
  println(​"Partial listing of the stack:"​)

The function reports the number of levels of call stack below the current execution of report(). Let’s run the code to take a look at the calls and the number of levels in the call stack:

 enter invokeTwo 1
 called with 1, Stack depth: 31
 Partial listing of the stack:
 called with 1, Stack depth: 31
 Partial listing of the stack:
 exit invokeTwo 1

The call to callInvokeTwo() results in a call to invokeTwo(). That function call in turn results in a call to action1(), the first lambda passed as parameter. The lambda calls report(). Likewise, when invokeTwo() calls the second lambda, action2(), it calls report(). Between the place of call to invokeTwo() and within each call to report(), we have three levels of stack. That’s the top three out of the depth of 31.

Inline Optimization

You may improve performance of functions that receive lambdas using the inline keyword. If a function is marked as inline, then instead of making a call to the function, the bytecode for that function will be placed inline at the call location. This will eliminate the function call overhead, but the bytecode will be larger since the inlining will happen at every location where the function is called. It’s usually a bad idea to inline long functions.

Though you may annotate any non-recursive function with inline, Kotlin will give you a warning if it sees no benefit to inlining, for example, if the function isn’t receiving any lambda parameters.

Let’s optimize the invokeTwo() function using inline:

 inline​ ​fun​ ​invokeTwo​(
  n: Int,
  action1: (Int) -> Unit,
  action2: (Int) -> Unit
  ): (Int) -> Unit {

The function’s body has no change; the inline annotation prefixes the function declaration—that’s enough to tell the compiler to optimize the call.

Let’s run the code after this change and take a look at the depth of the call stack.

 enter invokeTwo 1
 called with 1, Stack depth: 28
 Partial listing of the stack:
 called with 1, Stack depth: 28
 Partial listing of the stack:
 exit invokeTwo 1

The three top levels of call stack we discussed earlier, before adding the inline annotation, are gone. Within the callInvokeTwo() function the compiler expands the bytecode for the invokeTwo() function. And within the invokeTwo() functions body, the compiler inlines or expands the bytecode for the two lambdas, instead of making the calls. That optimization continues to eliminate the call overhead to report() as well.

By using the inline annotation you can eliminate the call overhead. But if the function being inlined is very large and if it’s called from a lot of different places, the bytecode generated may be much larger than when inline isn’t used. Measure and optimize—don’t optimize blindly.

Selective noinline of Parameter

If for some reason we don’t want to optimize the call to a lambda, we can ask that optimization to be eliminated by marking the lambda parameter as noinline. We can use that keyword only on parameters when the function itself is marked as inline.

Let’s ask the compiler to inline the invokeTwo() function, and as a result inline the call to action1(), as well, but specifically exclude the optimization for action2() call, using noinline on that parameter:

 inline​ ​fun​ ​invokeTwo​(
  n: Int,
  action1: (Int) -> Unit,
 noinline​ action2: (Int) -> Unit
  ): (Int) -> Unit {

Kotlin won’t allow us to hold a reference to action1 since it’s inlined, but we may create a reference to action2 within the invokeTwo() function, if we like, since action2 is defined as noinline.

Also, since the action2 parameter is marked with noinline, there’ll be no optimization to its call. Thus, the second call to report(), from within the lambda passed to action2 will be deeper than the call to report() from within the lambda passed to action1. We can see this in the output of the code we used:

 enter invokeTwo 1
 called with 1, Stack depth: 28
 Partial listing of the stack:
 called with 1, Stack depth: 30
 Partial listing of the stack:
 exit invokeTwo 1

In addition to inlining the code, the inline keyword also makes it possible for lambdas called from inlined functions to have non-local return. We saw this in the context of forEach() earlier. Let’s revisit that for our invokeTwo() function.

Non-Local return Permitted in Inlined Lambdas

In the previous example, the invokeTwo() function has the inline annotation and, as a result, the first lambda action1() will also be inlined. However, the second lambda action2() is marked as noinline. Thus, Kotlin will permit non-local return and labeled return from within the lambda passed as an argument for the action1 parameter. But, from within the lambda passed as the argument for the action2 parameter, only labeled return is permitted. This is because, whereas an inlined lambda expands within a function, the non-inlined lambda will be a separate function call. While the return from the former will exit the function, the return from the latter won’t do the same since it’s in a more nested level of stack.

Let’s see this behavior in action.

1: fun​ ​callInvokeTwo​() {
invokeTwo(1, { i ->
if​ (i == 1) { ​return​ }
5:  report(i)
}, { i ->
//if (i == 2) { return }| //ERROR, return not allowed here
10: }

Within the first lambda passed to invokeTwo(), we call return if the value of the parameter i == 1. This is a non-local return and will result in the exit from the function being defined—that is, callInvokeTwo(). We can verify this in the output that follows. On the other hand, within the second lambda passed to invokeTwo(), the Kotlin compiler won’t permit using non-local return. Any attempt to uncomment line 7 will result in compilation failure.

 enter invokeTwo 1

In addition to annotating functions with inline, you may also mark methods and properties of classes with inline if you choose. When using inline you can not only eliminate the function call overhead, but also gain the ability to place a non-local return from within the inlined lambdas. Any lambda that is not inlined can’t have a non-local return. That’s good, but what if a lambda that’s intended to be inlined can’t really be inlined? Let’s discuss next how this may happen and how Kotlin lets us know about this situation.

crossinline Parameters

If a function is marked inline, then the lambda parameters not marked with noinline are automatically considered to be inlined. At the location where a lambda is invoked within the function, the body of the lambda will be inlined. But there’s one catch. What if instead of calling the given lambda, the function passes on the lambda to yet another function, or back to the caller? Tricky, you can’t inline what is not being called.

In the case where the lambda is passed on instead of being called, not placing any annotation on the lambda parameter makes no sense. One solution is to mark it as noinline. But what if you want the lambda to be inlined wherever it may be called. You can ask the function to pass on your request for inlining across to the caller; that’s what crossinline is for.

Let’s understand this scenario and how crossinline helps with an example. Let’s make two changes to the invokeTwo() function. First, let’s remove the noinline annotation of the action2 parameter. Second, let’s modify the lambda returned in the end of invokeTwo() to call action2—that is, invokeTwo() passes on action2 so that it may be called eventually by the caller of invokeTwo().

 inline​ ​fun​ ​invokeTwo​(
  n: Int,
  action1: (Int) -> Unit,
  action2: (Int) -> Unit ​//ERROR
  ): (Int) -> Unit {
  println(​"enter invokeTwo $n"​)
  println(​"exit invokeTwo $n"​)
 return​ { input: Int -> action2(input) }

When invokeTwo() is inlined, the internal call action1(n) can be inlined. But since invokeTwo() isn’t directly calling action2, the action2(input) call embedded within the lambda on the last line can’t be inlined. Since there is no noinline annotation on the second parameter to invokeTwo(), we’re in a conflict situation and the compiler will give us an error.

Besides the error, we need to document for the programmers using invokeTwo() that they can’t use a non-local return from the second lambda passed to invokeTwo(). We can achieve this goal and resolve the compilation error in one of two ways:

  • Mark the second parameter as noinline. In this case, the call to action2 won’t be inlined, period. There’ll be no performance benefit and a non-local return won’t be permitted within the lambda passed for action2.

  • Mark the second parameter as crossinline. In this case, the call to action2 will be inlined, not within the invokeTwo() function but wherever it is called.

You’re not allowed to place a non-local return within a lambda passed to the parameter marked with crossinline. The reason is that by the time the lambda is executed, you would have exited from the function to which it is passed as a parameter; no point trying to return from a function that has already completed.

Let’s modify the above code so it will pass compilation, by using crossinline:

 inline​ ​fun​ ​invokeTwo​(
  n: Int,
  action1: (Int) -> Unit,
 crossinline​ action2: (Int) -> Unit
  ): (Int) -> Unit {

Now that we marked action2 as crossinline, the compiler is happy that we understood the consequences.

In summary,

  • inline performs inline optimization, to remove function call overhead.

  • crossinline also performs inline optimization, not within the function to which the lambda is passed, but wherever it is eventually called.

  • Only lambdas passed for parameters not marked noinline or crossinline can have non-local return.

Good Practices for inline and returns

The concepts related to inline, return from lambda, and non-local returns is not trivial and can get overwhelming. Take some time to review, practice the examples, and try out your own code examples to get a better grip of the concepts.

Here’s a summary and some good practices related to returns and inline:

  • Unlabeled return is always a return from a function and not from a lambda.

  • Unlabeled returns are not permitted in non-inlined lambdas.

  • Function names are the default labels, but don’t rely on them, always provide custom names if you choose to use labeled returns.

  • Measure performance before deciding to optimize code; this is true in general, and in particular for code that uses lambdas.

  • Use inline only when you see measurable performance improvements.

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