Internal Iterators

We mostly use for to program external iterators. But internal iteration involves many specialized tools like filter(), map(), flatMap(), reduce(), and so on. Much like the way a professional mechanic uses different specialized tools to fix a car, and doesn’t settle for just a hammer, in functional programming we use a combination of the right tools for different tasks. The Kotlin standard library provides plenty of higher-order functions for internal iteration. We’ll visit some of the most commonly used functions.

filter, map, and reduce

filter(), map(), and reduce() are the three amigos of functional programming; they are fundamental functions used as internal iterators. The filter() function picks certain values from a given collection while dropping the others. The map() function transforms the values in a collection using a given function or lambda. Finally, the reduce() function performs a cumulative operation on the elements, often to arrive at a single value. All these functions perform their operations without mutating or changing the given collection—they return a copy with the appropriate values.

The size of the collection returned by filter() may vary from 0 to n where n is the number of elements in the original collection. The result is a sub-collection; that is, the values in the output collection are values present in the original collection. The lambda passed to filter() is applied on each element in the original collection. If and only if the lambda returns true, when evaluated for an element, the element from the original collection is included in the output collection.

The size of the collection returned by map() is the same as the original collection. The lambda passed to map() is applied on each element in the original collection, and the result is a collection of these transformed values.

A lambda passed to both filter() and map() takes only one parameter, but a lambda passed to reduce() takes two parameters. The first is an accumulated value and the second is an element from the original collection. The result of the lambda is the new accumulated value. The result of reduce() is the result of the last invocation of the lambda.

An example will help to illustrate the behavior and purpose of these three functions. For that, let’s start with a Person class and a people collection with some sample values.

 data class​ Person(​val​ firstName: String, ​val​ age: Int)
 val​ people = listOf(
  Person(​"Sara"​, 12),
  Person(​"Jill"​, 51),
  Person(​"Paula"​, 23),
  Person(​"Paul"​, 25),
  Person(​"Mani"​, 12),
  Person(​"Jack"​, 70),
  Person(​"Sue"​, 10))

Let’s use internal iterators to create the names, in uppercase and comma separated, of everyone who is older than 20.

 val​ result = people.filter { person -> person.age > 20 }
  .map { person -> person.firstName }
  .map { name -> name.toUpperCase() }
  .reduce { names, name -> ​"$names, $name"​ }
 println(result) ​//JILL, PAULA, PAUL, JACK

The filter() function extracts from the given collection only Persons who are older than 20. That list is then passed on to map(), which then transforms the list of Persons who are older than 20 to a list of names. The second map() then transforms the names list into a list of names in uppercase. Even though we could have combined the two map() calls into one, keeping them separate makes the code more cohesive, where each line focuses on one operation. Finally, we combine the uppercase names into one string, comma separated, using the reduce() function. The figure illustrates the operations in the example.


The filter() and map() functions operate within their swim lanes, where their lambdas return a value based only on the respective elements in the collection, whereas the lambda passed to reduce() operates by cutting across the swim lanes. The lambda combines the result of computation for previous elements in the collection with the operation on the subsequent element.

Kotlin provides a number of specialized reduce functions for different operations like sum, max, and even to join strings. We can replace the previous reduce() call with the following, to make the code more concise:

 .joinToString(​", "​)

If we want to total the age of every Person in the list instead, we can use map() and reduce(), like so:

 val​ totalAge = { person -> person.age }
  .reduce { total, age -> total + age }
 println(totalAge) ​//203

Again, instead of reduce(), we may use the specialized reduce operation sum(), like so:

 val​ totalAge2 = { person -> person.age }

Whereas reduce() is a more general cumulative operation on the values in a collection, specialized functions are available for some operations like join and sum. Use the specialized functions where they’re available as that makes the code more expressive, less error prone, and easier to maintain as well.

Getting the First and the Last

Much like the specialized reduce operation sum() Kotlin also has a function first() to return the first element from a given collection. When used with filter() and map(), we can perform filtering and transformation before extracting the first element from the resulting collection.

For example, using the first() function, let’s get the name of the first adult, where adulthood is defined based on the age being greater than 17 rather than the maturity of a person:

 val​ nameOfFirstAdult = people.filter { person -> person.age > 17 }
  .map { person -> person.firstName }
 println(nameOfFirstAdult) ​//Jill

The filter() function returns a collection of everyone who is older than 17, and the map() function returns the names of those adults. Finally, the first() function returns the first element from that list of the names of the adults.

If instead of the first adult’s name you want to get the last adult’s name, replace the call to first() with last(). This will result in "Jack" in the above example.

flatten and flatMap

Suppose we have a nested list, such as List<List<Person>>, where the top-level list contains families and the members of the families are in sublists of Persons. What if we want to convert it to one flat list of Persons? Kotlin, like languages such as Ruby, has a flatten() function for that.

Given an Iterable<Iterable<T>> the flatten() function will return a Iterable<T> where all the elements in the nested iterables are combined into the top level, thus flattening the hierarchy.

Let’s use flatten() in a short example.

 val​ families = listOf(
  listOf(Person(​"Jack"​, 40), Person(​"Jill"​, 40)),
  listOf(Person(​"Eve"​, 18), Person(​"Adam"​, 18)))
 println(families.size) ​//2
 println(families.flatten().size) ​//4

The variable families refers to a nested list of Person objects. A call to size property on families tells us there are 2 lists contained inside of the outer list. A call to flatten() returns a new list which has at the top level the four elements in the nested list.

In the previous example we intentionally created nested lists within a list. Sometimes such nesting may be the result of a map() operation on another collection. Let’s explore one such scenario and see how flatten() plays a role in that context.

Let’s revisit the people collection and get in lowercase the first name and the reverse of the first name for each person. From the people collection, we can get the list of first names using a call to the map() function. From that, we can get the first names in lowercase again using another call to map(). Finally, we can use map() a third time to get the name in lowercase and its reverse. Let’s start with these steps and observe the result.

 val​ namesAndReversed = { person -> person.firstName }
  .map { name -> listOf(name, name.reversed())}
 println(namesAndReversed.size) ​//7

In the last step we returned a list of two strings for each Person in the original list. The type of namesAndReversed is List<List<String>> and the size of the result is 7, which is the number of elements in the original list. But instead of List<List<String>>, we really want List<String>. That can be achieved readily with a call to flatten(). Let’s verify that works.

 val​ namesAndReversed2 = { person -> person.firstName }
  .map { name -> listOf(name, name.reversed())}
 println(namesAndReversed2.size) ​//14

The type of namesAndReversed2 is List<String> and the number of elements in it is 14, as expected. Although that worked, it will be nice if we can combine the map operation with the flatten operation because our intention is to create one flat list and not a nested list. Thus, it would be great if there were a map-flatten function.

Before we explore this idea further let’s work together on a small verbal exercise. Say this aloud three or four times: map-flatten.

That resulted in a rather awkward movement of the jaw and a noticeable discomfort. Now imagine there was a function called map-flatten and a generation of programmers grew up saying that name. This may have resulted in the evolution of a species with a weird-shaped jaw to accommodate the odd vocal movement. The designers of functional programming saved the human race by naming it flatMap(), even though the actual operation is map followed by a flattening operation.

Let’s combine the last two steps in the previous code into one call to flatMap():

 val​ namesAndReversed3 = { person -> person.firstName }
  .flatMap { name -> listOf(name, name.reversed())}
 println(namesAndReversed3.size) ​//14

The type of namesAndReversed3 is also List<String> and there are 14 values in it, just like in namesAndReversed2.

If you’re trying to decide if you should use map() or flatMap(), here are some tips that will help:

  • If the lambda is a one-to-one function—that is, it takes an object or value and returns an object or value—then use map() to transform the original collection.

  • If the lambda is a one-to-many function—that is, it takes an object or value and returns a collection—then use map() to transform the original collection into a collection of collections.

  • If the lambda is a one-to-many function, but you want to transform the original collection into a transformed collection of objects or values, then use flatMap().


In addition to iterating over the values in a collection, you can also sort anywhere in the middle of the iteration. You can use as criteria for sorting any details available in that stage of the functional pipeline.

For example, let’s get the names of adults from the people collection in the sorted order of age, with the youngest Person’s name first.

 val​ namesSortedByAge = people.filter { person -> person.age > 17 }
  .sortedBy { person -> person.age }
  .map { person -> person.firstName }
 println(namesSortedByAge) ​//[[Paula, Paul, Jill, Jack]

We first filtered the Persons who are older than 17 and then used the sortedBy() function to sort the Person objects based on their age property. The collection returned by sortedBy() is a new collection, where the elements are in the sorted order of age. In the final step of the functional pipeline we used map() to extract only the firstName properties from the sorted collection. The result is the first names in the order of age from the youngest adult to the eldest adult in the original list.

If we want to sort in the descending order of the age properties, or any other property, we can use the sortedByDescending() function. Let’s replace the sortedBy() call in the above example with sortedByDescending() to see this in action:

 .sortedByDescending { person -> person.age }
 //[Jack, Jill, Paul, Paula]

The output of the first names will be in the reverse order, with the eldest Person’s first name coming first.

Grouping Objects

The idea of transforming data through the functional pipeline goes far beyond the basics of filter, map, and reduce. You can group or place into buckets objects based on different criteria or properties.

For example, let’s group the Persons in the people collection based on the first letter of their first name, using the groupBy() function.

 val​ groupBy1stLetter = people.groupBy { person -> person.firstName.first() }
 //{S=[Person(firstName=Sara, age=12), Person(firstName=Sue, age=10)], J=[...

The groupBy() function invokes the given lambda for each element in the collection. Based on what the lambda returns it places the element in an appropriate bucket. In this example, Persons whose first names start with the same letter are placed in the same bucket or group. The result of the operation is a Map<L, List<T>>, where the lambda determines the type of the key of the resulting Map. The type of the value is a List<T> where groupBy() is called on a Iterable<T>. In the previous example, the result is of type Map<String, List<Person>>.

Instead of grouping the Person, if we want to group only their names, we can do that using an overloaded version of groupBy() that takes two arguments. The first parameter is a lambda that maps the element in the original collection to the key. The second lambda maps the element to the value that should be placed into the list. Instead of List<Person> for the values, let’s create List<String> where String represents the first names.

 val​ namesBy1stLetter =
  people.groupBy({ person -> person.firstName.first() }) {
  person -> person.firstName
 //{S=[Sara, Sue], J=[Jill, Jack], P=[Paula, Paul], M=[Mani]}

Since groupBy() is taking two lambdas as parameters, the first is placed inside the parenthesis () and the second floats freely outside the parenthesis—see Use Lambda as the Last Parameter.

If instead of grouping the first names, you want to group the age values, replace the second lambda’s body with person.age instead of person.firstName.

With such a variety of powerful tools available combined with elegant and expressive code for internal iterators, you may wonder, Why not use them all the time instead of external iterators or any other alternatives? Appearances can be deceiving and we need to be cognizant of the performance implications of this style. We’ll look at that next and discuss some alternatives to improve performance.

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