Extending Functions

Functions are objects in Kotlin, and you can inject methods into functions, like you can inject methods into classes. In Java 8, the functional interface Function<T, R> has an andThen() method to combine two functions, and we can use this to compose operations—see Functional Programming in Java [Sub14]. Kotlin’s Function doesn’t have that method, but we can inject an andThen() method into Kotlin functions like this, for example:

 fun​ <T, R, U> ​((​​T​) -> R).andThen(next: (R) -> U): (T) -> U =
  { input: T -> next(​this​(input)) }

The extension function signature says that andThen() is added to a function that takes a parametrized type T and returns a result of type R. The parameter passed to andThen() has to be a function that takes as a parameter a variable of type R—the return type of the function on which andThen() is called—and it returns a result of parameterized type U. The resulting composed function created by andThen() takes a parameter of type T and returns a result of type U. In the body of andThen() we return a lambda expression. This lambda passes its parameter to the function on which andThen() is called and passes the result to the next function—that is, the parameter to andThen(). Thus, andThen() passes the result of one function as input to the next.

Let’s write two standalone functions that we’ll use to exercise the above function:

 fun​ ​increment​(number: Int): Double = number + 1.toDouble()
 fun​ ​double​(number: Double) = number * 2

Now we can use andThen() to combine the result of increment() with a call to the double() function, like this:

 val​ incrementAndDouble = ::increment.andThen(::double)
 println(incrementAndDouble(5)) ​//12.0

On a reference to the increment() function, obtained using the :: construct, we call the andThen() method and pass a reference to the double() method. The result is a function that will combine calls to these two functions, increment() and then double().

We’ll apply this technique in Memoization, the Groovy Way in Kotlin, to inject a memoize() method into functions.

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