Explicit Type Casting

Use explicit casts only in situations where smart casts aren’t possible—that is, when the compiler can’t determine the type with confidence. For example, if a var variable were to change between the check and its use, then Kotlin can’t guarantee the type. In such cases it won’t apply smart casts, and we have to take the responsibility for casts.

Kotlin provides two operators to perform explicit cast: as and as?. Let’s create an example that illustrates how to use both of them.

Suppose we have a function that returns a message of different types, like this one:

 fun​ ​fetchMessage​(id: Int): Any =
 if​ (id == 1) ​"Record found"​ ​else​ StringBuilder(​"data not found"​)

Now suppose that we want to receive the message by calling the above function, and print some details about it, but only if the result is a String type. One approach to writing such code would be to store the result of the call to fetchMessage() in a temporary variable. Then we can use is to check the type, and if it is of String type, then we can use smart casts to get the details we need from that temporary variable.

That will work. It’s defensive coding, and so it’s a prudent solution. But at times, we all are tempted to reduce the number of lines of code to an unhealthy extent and in the process may introduce unintended behavior in code. If we give in to that urge here, we could be tempted to use as to write code like this:

 for​ (id ​in​ 1..2) {
  println(​"Message length: ${(fetchMessage(id) as String).length}"​)

Casting using as is like putting all your money into a lottery—the outcome won’t be pleasant. If the type of the object is different from what’s expected, the result is a runtime exception. No fun.

 Message length: 12
 java.lang.ClassCastException: java.base/java.lang.StringBuilder cannot be cast
  to java.base/java.lang.String

To avoid this possibility we may fall back and use the is operator, but the safe alternative as? works in this particular example.

The as operator results in a reference of the same type as the one specified to the right of the operator, as in this example:

 val​ message: String = fetchMessage(1) ​as​ String

On the other hand, as? results in a nullable reference type, like in this one:

 val​ message: String? = fetchMessage(1) ​as​? String

Whereas the as operator blows up if the casting fails, the safe cast operator as? will assign null to the reference upon failure.

Instead of using the as operator, let’s switch over to using the safe alternative as?. Here’s the one line of code that has changed from the previous example:

 println(​"Message length: ${(fetchMessage(id) as? String)?.length ?: "​---​"}"​)

Since the safe cast operator assigns the reference to null if the cast fails, we use the Elvis operator to provide an alternative to length when necessary.

This is the output after the change:

 Message length: 12
 Message length: ---

The safe cast operator as? is better than the unsafe as. Here are some recommendations to take to the office:

  • Use smart casts as much as possible.
  • Use safe cast only when smart cast isn’t an option.
  • Use unsafe cast if you want to see the application crash and burn.

Kotlin’s support for making your code type safe doesn’t end with simple types. The language walks a few extra miles to make code that uses generics type safe as well. We often use generic types in code, and learning about the flexibility that Kotlin offers with generics’ parametric types will help us not only create better code but also, more importantly, understand code that uses these features.

Dealing with generics in general isn’t easy, and when we mix in terms like covariance and contravariance, it can get frustrating. The following are some advanced capabilities of the language that are worth the effort to learn, but take it slow for the concepts to sink in. Take a short walk first, refill your caffeinated beverage, and when you come back, get ready to practice the code as you read along—that will help you absorb this advanced topic more easily.

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