About the Reviewers

Hector Cuesta is the author of the book Practical Data Analysis, Packt Publishing, and holds a BA in Informatics and a Master's degree in Computer Science. He provides consulting services for software engineering and data analysis with more than 9 years of experience in a variety of industries, including financial services, social networking, e-learning, and human resources.

Hector is fluent in several programming languages and computational tools such as Java, Python, R, CUDA C, ActiveMQ, Hadoop, C#, D3.js, MongoDB, SQL, Weka, Cassandra, OpenMP, and MPI. His main research interests are data science, computational epidemiology, machine learning, computer vision, high-performance computing, big data, simulation, and data visualization.

He did a research residency (in the fall of 2011) in Computational Epidemiology at the Center for Computational Epidemiology and Response Analysis (CeCERA) in the University of North Texas, working on Modeling and Simulation of Infectious Diseases Using Global Stochastic Cellular Automata.

He has helped in the technical review of the books Raspberry Pi Networking Cookbook, Rick Golden; Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects, Richard Grimmett; and Hadoop Operations and Cluster Management Cookbook, Shumin Guo, by Packt Publishing. He is also a columnist for the magazine Software Guru, and he has published several scientific papers in international journals and presented at international conferences. He is an enthusiast of Lego robotics and Raspberry Pi in his spare time.

You can follow him on Twitter at https://twitter.com/hmCuesta.

Patrick Lindborg is a runner, dad, Apple fanboy, and systems developer. He was born and raised in Malmö, Sweden, but now lives in Kalmar, Sweden. He has been a systems developer since 1999. He has experience in everything from e-commerce to telecoms. When he is not working, he likes coding for things that can move, such as EV3 and drones. He can be reached on Twitter at @plindborg.

Diego 'Kartones' Muñoz, more commonly known by his nickname, Kartones, is a multidisciplinary developer who lives in Madrid, Spain. Having worked for more than 12 years with all kinds of desktop, mobile, and web applications, he has used quite a few languages—from C++ and C# to PHP and, more recently, Ruby and JavaScript.

Regarding Lego Mindstorms, he fell in love with RCX in 2003 and then NXT, both of which he liked to code in C instead of the default firmware and brick system. Now, with Mindstorms EV3, he seeks to code robot logic in Node.js.

He loves learning about anything he comes across and keeps a few blogs. He sometimes speaks at events or user groups, and he would love to do more open source work. He can be reached at http://portfolio.kartones.net.

Gong Yi is a software developer working in Shanghai, China. He maintains an open source project at https://github.com/topikachu/python-ev3, which can control Lego Mindstorms EV3 robots using the Python language.

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