
The Controller class is the brain of the Line-follower robot. It integrates color sensor and differential drive, and it makes the decisions that allow the robot to follow a line/path. We will rewrite the main LineFollower class (inside to simply create a Controller object and hand over control to it.

Let's look at a basic (initial) implementation of Controller to get an idea of what we are talking about.

The file

We start with the modified LineFollower class that simply hands control over to Controller:

import lejos.hardware.port.MotorPort;
import lejos.hardware.port.SensorPort;

public class LineFollower
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Controller controller = new Controller(SensorPort.S1, MotorPort.B, MotorPort.C);;

It is immediately obvious that this, the main class where execution of the program begins, has been drastically reduced in size and complexity. There is a single main() method that is required in the main class of the project and is where execution actually begins. It contains only two statements.

The first statement creates a new object of type Controller. The constructor takes three arguments where you specify the ports to which the color sensor, the left Large Motor, and the right Large Motor are attached respectively.

The second and the last statement takes the newly created Controller object and executes its run() method. This is designed to be a blocking call, that is, execution will remain inside the run() method until the robot is done with its task. When execution finally passes out of the method, the program will come to an end.

So we now know that Controller should be initiated with the ports for the various components and that it should have a run() method that should hold on to the execution until the robot has completely traversed the path.

The file

We present a basic implementation of the Controller object, which will allow the program to be compiled and executed but will not perform any meaningful actions (for now). The remainder of this chapter will consist solely of slowly evolving the Controller class until we end up with a fully functional autonomous Line-follower robot:

import lejos.hardware.Sound;
import lejos.hardware.port.Port;

public class Controller
    private ColorSensor sensor;
    private DifferentialDrive drive;

    public Controller(Port sensor_port, Port left_port, Port right_port)
        log("Initializing Controller");

        sensor = new ColorSensor(sensor_port);
        drive = new DifferentialDrive(left_port, right_port);

    public void run()
        log("Starting controller");


    private void end()

        log("Program ends");

    private static void log(String msg)
        System.out.println("log>	" + msg);


The first two lines simply import objects that we use in the rest of the code. For now, these consist only of the Port object that represents both Sensor and Motor ports on EV3 and the Sound class that we will use to generate a sequence of beeps to denote the end of the program.

The first two lines inside the definition of the Controller class:

   private ColorSensor sensor;
   private DifferentialDrive drive;

These lines declare members (variables) of the types ColorSensor and DifferentialDrive. These will store the ColorSensor and DifferentialDrive objects we will create to access and control these components.

The constructor takes the three ports that are passed in and uses this information to create and store the ColorSensor and DifferentialDrive objects:

   public Controller(Port sensor_port, Port left_port, Port right_port)
        log("Initializing Controller");

        sensor = new ColorSensor(sensor_port);
        drive = new DifferentialDrive(left_port, right_port);

The constructor starts off with a log that indicates to the user (by printing the log message to the terminal) that we are initializing (creating) the Controller object. It then goes on to create and store the ColorSensor and DifferentialDrive objects (using the ports passed in) in anticipation of using them later.

Next, we define the crucial run() method:

   public void run()
        log("Running controller");


Note that the run() method is declared public, since it needs to be accessible from outside the class (as is the constructor). All other methods are declared private, since they are for internal use only. For our basic implementation, we simply print a log indicating that we are beginning the execution of the run() method followed immediately to a call to the private end() method:

   private void end()

        log("Program ends");

The preceding method uses the LeJOS Sound class and its associated beepSequence() method to play a sequence of beeps (on EV3's speaker) to indicate to the user that the execution of the program is coming to an end. A log is also printed to the terminal to indicate the same.

So, when the project is compiled, transferred to EV3, and executed (which you can do in one go using Makefile and issuing make run), the program starts in the main() method of the LineFollower class. There, it creates a new Controller object (by running the constructor from the Controller class). This prints the Initializing Constructor log and creates the ColorSensor and DifferentialDrive objects.

The second (and last) statement in main() (inside LineFollower) calls the run() method of Controller. This prints the Running Constructor log and then calls the end() method, which in turn plays the beep sequence on the speaker and prints the Program ends log. The end() method finishes, which allows the run() method to finish. This, in turn, allows the main() method to finish bringing the entire program to an end.

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