Setting up your Temboo account

We are going to use the Temboo service to link our hardware to the Dropbox app that we just created. This will allow us to upload files to Dropbox.

You first need to set up a new Temboo account from the following URL:

Then, we need to actually authorize our Temboo account (and therefore, our Arduino project) in order to use your Dropbox app. For this, go to

You will be asked to enter your Dropbox App key and App secret:

Setting up your Temboo account

Once you click on Run, there are two things that you'll need to do. First, you need to follow the link that is given to you by Temboo:

Setting up your Temboo account

After that, you'll need to grab CallbackID and OAuthTokenSecret and go to the page at

On this page, you can enter all the information that you have received so far:

Setting up your Temboo account

You'll be then given access token and token secret, which you will need for the spy camera project:

Setting up your Temboo account


Note that the Dropbox API is subject to change in the future. Therefore, always check the Temboo page and follow the instructions given there if they are different from the ones presented in this book.

You just need one more thing from Temboo; some data about your account. Go to

There you can see the information about the Application that you created when opening your account:

Setting up your Temboo account

Keep this open, you'll also need this information later.

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