What just happened?

There are plenty of JavaScript frameworks available to send an Ajax request to the server; we decided to use AngularJS (https://angularjs.org/) as our frontend JavaScript library to send Ajax requests. AngularJS is more or less like a frontend MVC framework, but also has the concepts of Model, View, Controller and more. The only difference is that it is designed to work in the frontend using JavaScript.

In step 1, we just created our AngularJS-based Controller called controllers.js in /src/main/webapp/resources/js/. Remember, we purposely put this file under the resources directory because from the client side we want to access this file as a static resource; we don't want to go through Spring MVC Controllers in order to get this file.

Okay, coming to the point, what have we written in controllers.js? We have written five frontend Controller methods, namely refreshCart, clearCart, initCartId, addToCart, and removeFromCart. These methods are used to communicate with the server using Ajax calls. For example, consider the following Controller method:

$scope.refreshCart = function(cartId) { 
        $http.get('/webstore/rest/cart/' + $scope.cartId) 
            .success(function(data) { 
                $scope.cart = data; 

Within the refreshCart method, using the AngularJS $http object, we have sent an HTTP GET request to the URI template /webstore/rest/cart/'+$scope.cartId. Based on the value stored in the $scope.cartId variable, the actual request will be sent to the REST target URL. For instance, if the $scope.cartId contains a value of 111, then a GET request will be sent to the http://localhost:8080/webstore/rest/cart/ 111 to get a cart object whose ID is 111 as JSON data. Once we get the cart object as JSON data, we store it in the frontend Angular model using the $scope object, as follows:

.success(function(data) { 
    $scope.cart = data; 

Similarly, all other AngularJS Controller methods fire some Ajax web requests to the server, and retrieve or update the cart. For example, the addToCart and removeFromCart methods are just adding a cartItem and removing a cartItem from the cart object.

Okay, we have just defined our AngularJS Controller methods, but we have to invoke this method in order to do something useful, which is what we have done in step 2. In step 2, we just defined our regular Spring MVC Controller named CartController, which has two request-mapping methods, namely get and getCart. Whenever a normal web request comes to the URL http://localhost:8080/webstore/cart, the get method will be invoked, and inside the get method we have retrieved the session ID and used it as a cart ID to invoke the getCart method. Here we maintained the session ID as the cart ID:

public String get(HttpServletRequest request) { 
   return "redirect:/cart/"+request.getSession(true).getId(); 

And within the getCart method, we simply stored the cartId in the Spring MVC Model and returned a View name as cart. We did this kind of setup because we want our application to redirect the request to the correct cart based on the session ID whenever a request comes to the URL http://localhost:8080/webstore/cart. Okay, since we have returned a View name as cart, our dispatcher servlet would definitely look for a View file called cart.jsp. That is why we have created the cart.jsp in step 3.

cart.jsp just acts as a template for our shopping cart page. The cart.jsp page internally uses the AngularJS Controller's methods that we have created in step 1 to communicate with the server. The ng-repeat directive of AngularJS would repeat the HTML table rows dynamically based on the cartItems available in the cart:

<tr ng-repeat="item in cart.cartItems"> 
               <td><a href="#" class="label label-danger" ng-click="removeFromCart(item.product.productId)"> 
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" /></span> Remove 

And the ng-click directive from the remove <a> tag would call the removeFromCart Controller method. Similarly, to add a cartItem to the cart, in product.jsp we have added another ng-click directive as follows in step 6 to invoke the addToCart method:

   <a href="#" class="btn btn-warning btn-large" ng-click="addToCart('${product.productId}')"> 
<span class="glyphicon-shopping-cart glyphicon"></span> Order Now 

So that's it, we have done everything to roll out our shopping cart in our application. After running our application, we can access our shopping cart under the URL http://localhost:8080/webstore/cart and can even add products to the cart from each product detail page as well.

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