Defining a Controller

Controllers are the Presentation layer components that are responsible for responding to the user's actions. These actions could be entering a particular URL in the browser, clicking on a link, submitting a form on a web page, or something similar. Any regular Java classes can be transformed into a Controller by simply annotating them with the @Controller (org.springframework.stereotype.Controller) annotation.

And as you have already learned, the @Controller annotation supports Spring's component scanning mechanism in auto-detecting/registering the bean definition in the web application's context. To enable this auto-registering capability, we must add the @ComponentScan (org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan) annotation in the web application context configuration file. You saw how to do this in Chapter 2, Spring MVC Architecture – Architecting Your Web Store under the section Understanding the web application context configuration.

A Controller class is made up of request-mapped methods, also in short called handler methods, and handler methods are annotated with the @RequestMapping (org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping) annotation. The @RequestMapping annotation is used to map the request path of a URL to a particular handler method. In Chapter 2, Spring MVC Architecture – Architecting Your Web Store you got a short introduction to the @RequestMapping annotation and learned how to apply the @RequestMapping annotation on the handler method level, but in Spring MVC you can even specify the @RequestMapping annotation on the Controller class level. In that case, Spring MVC will consider the Controller class level @RequestMapping annotation's value before mapping the remaining URL request path to the handler methods. This feature is called relative request mapping.


The terms request mapped method, mapped method, handler method, and controller method all have the same meaning; these terms are used to specify a controller method with an @RequestMapping annotation. These terms are used interchangeably in this book.

Time for action - adding class-level request mapping

Let's add an @RequestMapping annotation on the class level of our ProductController to demonstrate the relative request mapping feature on the handler methods. But before that, we just want to ensure that you have already replaced the ProductRepository reference with the ProductService reference in the ProductController class as part of the previous chapter's Have a go hero - accessing the product domain object via a service section. Because contacting the Persistence layer directly from Presentation layer is not best practice, all access to the Persistence layer should go through the Service layer. Those who completed the exercise can directly start from step 5; others should continue from step 1.

  1. Open the ProductService interface from the com.packt.webstore.service package in the src/main/java source folder, and add the following method declarations to it:
          List<Product> getAllProducts(); 
  2. Open the corresponding ProductServiceImpl implementation class from the com.packt.webstore.service.impl package in the src/main/java source folder, and add the following method implementation to it:
          public List<Product> getAllProducts() { 
                return productRepository.getAllProducts(); 
  3. Open ProductController and remove the existing ProductRepository reference. Basically delete the following two lines from ProductController:
          private ProductRepository productRepository; 
  4. Now alter the body of the list method as follows in the ProductController class. Note this time we used the productService reference to get all the products:
          public String list(Model model) { 
          return "products"; 
  5. In the ProductController class, add the following annotation on top of the class:
  6. Again run our application and enter our regular URL to list the products (http://localhost:8080/webstore/products/). You will see the HTTP Status 404 error page in the browser.
  7. But now you can access the same products page under http://localhost:8080/webstore/market/products/.

What just happened?

What we demonstrated here is a simple concept called relative request mapping. In step 5, we just added an extra @RequestMapping annotation at the class level with a value attribute defined as market. Basically, your class signature will look as follows after your change:

public class ProductController { 

In all our previous examples, we annotated @RequestMapping annotations only on the Controller's method level, but Spring MVC also allows us to specify request mapping on the Controller's class level. In that case, Spring MVC maps a specific URL request path on the method level that is relative to the class level of the @RequestMapping URL value. So if we have defined any class level request mapping, Spring MVC will consider that class level request path before mapping the remaining request path to the handler methods.

That's why when we accessed our regular products page in step 6, we got the HTTP Status 404 error. Because we added an extra request mapping on the Controller class level, our list method is now being mapped to the URL http://localhost:8080/webstore/market/products.

Now have we changed our Controller's request mapping in ProductController, we also need to change the return value of the updateStock method as follows to avoid side effects because of our change:

return "redirect:/market/products"; 

We will consider more about the redirect: prefix in the next chapter. For now, just remember this change is needed to avoid side-effects since we changed the Controller request mapping.

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