The difference between VMs and containers

VMs such as Hyper-V, VMWare, and Zen were popular choices for data center virtualization a few years ago. Enterprises experienced a cost saving by implementing virtualization over the traditional bare metal usage. It has also helped many enterprises utilize their existing infrastructure in a much more optimized manner. As VMs support automation, many enterprises experienced that they had to make lesser management effort with virtual machines. Virtual machines also helped organizations get isolated environments for applications to run in.

Prima facie, both virtualization and containerization exhibit exactly the same characteristics. However, in a nutshell, containers and virtual machines are not the same. Therefore, it is unfair to make an apple-to-apple comparison between VMs and containers. Virtual machines and containers are two different techniques and address different problems of virtualization. This difference is evident from the following diagram:

The difference between VMs and containers

Virtual machines operate at a much lower level compared to containers. VMs provide hardware virtualization, such as that of CPUs, motherboards, memory, and so on. A VM is an isolated unit with an embedded operating system, generally called a Guest OS. VMs replicate the whole operating system and run it within the VM with no dependency on the host operating system environment. As VMs embed the full operating system environment, these are heavyweight in nature. This is an advantage as well as a disadvantage. The advantage is that VMs offer complete isolation to the processes running on VMs. The disadvantage is that it limits the number of VMs one can spin up in a bare metal due to the resource requirements of VMs.

The size of a VM has a direct impact on the time to start and stop it. As starting a VM in turn boots the OS, the start time for VMs is generally high. VMs are more friendly with infrastructure teams as it requires a low level of infrastructure competency to manage VMs.

In the container world, containers do not emulate the entire hardware or operating system. Unlike VMs, containers share certain parts of the host kernel and operating system. There is no concept of guest OS in the case of containers. Containers provide an isolated execution environment directly on top of the host operating system. This is its advantage as well as disadvantage. The advantage is that it is lighter as well as faster. As containers on the same machine share the host operating system, the overall resource utilization of containers is fairly small. As a result, many smaller containers can be run on the same machine, as compared to heavyweight VMs. As containers on the same host share the host operating system, there are limitations as well. For example, it is not possible to set iptables firewall rules inside a container. Processes inside the container are completely independent from the processes on different containers running on the same host.

Unlike VMs, container images are publically available on community portals. This makes developers' lives much easier as they don't have to build the images from scratch; instead, they can now take a base image from certified sources and add additional layers of software components on top of the downloaded base image.

The lightweight nature of the containers is also opening up a plethora of opportunities, such as automated build, publishing, downloading, copying, and so on. The ability to download, build, ship, and run containers with a few commands or to use REST APIs makes containers more developer friendly. Building a new container does not take more than a few seconds. Containers are now part and parcel of continuous delivery pipelines as well.

In summary, containers have many advantages over VMs, but VMs have their own exclusive strengths. Many organizations use both containers and VMs, such as by running containers on top of VMs.

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