Calling a stored procedure

A stored procedure is a group of transact SQL statements. If you have a situation where you write the same query over and over again, then you can save that specific query as a stored procedure and call it just by calling its name. Stored procedures are a block of SQL statements that are stored as basic objects within your database.

Let's take our Employee table that has columns as EmpId, Name, and Age. Let's say that we need the name and age of an employee, we will write the query as Select Name, Age from employee. So every time we need the name and age of the employee, we will need to write this query. Instead, we can add this query to the stored procedure and call that stored procedure rather than writing this query again and again.

The advantages and disadvantages of using the stored procedure are as follows:



Stored procedure helps in increasing the performance of an application. Stored procedures, once created, are compiled and stored in the database. And this compiled version of the stored procedures is used if an application uses the stored procedures multiple times in a single connection.

Stored procedures are difficult to debug and only a few DBMS allow you to debug it.

It helps in reducing the traffic between the application and the database server. Because, the application has to send the name and the parameter of the stored procedures rather than sending the multiple length SQL statements.

Developing and maintaining the stored procedures is not easy and leads to problems in the development and the maintenance phases, as it requires a specialized skill set, which the average developer has no interest in learning.

Using the SimpleJdbcCall class

An instance of the SimpleJdbcCall class is that of a multithreaded and reusable object, representing a call to a stored procedure. It provides the metadata processing to simplify the code required for accessing the basic stored procedure. While executing a call, you only have to provide the name of the stored procedure. The names of the supplied parameters are matched with the in and out parameters, specified during the declaration of a stored procedure. Here, we will discuss the calling of a stored procedure and a stored function using the SimpleJdbcCall class.

Calling a stored procedure

The SimpleJdbcCall class takes the advantage of the metadata present in the database to look up the names of the IN and OUT parameters, and thereby there is no need to explicitly declare the parameters. However, you can still declare them if you have the parameters that don't have the automatic mapping of the class, such as the array parameters.

In MYSQL, we declare a stored procedure named getEmployee, which contains an IN parameter ID and two OUT parameter IDs, named Emp_Name and Emp_Age. The query lies between BEGIN and END:


   OUT Emp_Name VARCHAR(20),
   SELECT Name, Age
   INTO Emp_Name, Emp_Age
   FROM employee where EmpId = id;

In the preceding code snippet, three parameters were specified. First was the IN parameter id, containing the ID of the employee. The remaining parameters were the OUT parameters, which were used for returning the data retrieved from table.

In Apache Derby, we declare a stored procedure named getEmployee as shown here:

IN Apache Derby

CREATE PROCEDURE getEmployee(IN id INTEGER,  OUT name varchar(30)) LANGUAGE JAVA EXTERNAL NAME 'org.packt.Spring.chapter5.JDBC.dao.EmployeeDaoImp.getEmployee' PARAMETER STYLE JAVA;

The CREATE PROCEDURE statement, as shown in aforementioned code snippet, allows us to create the Java stored procedures that can be called by using the CALL PROCEDURE statement. The getEmployee is a procedure name that is created in the database. The LANGUAGE JAVA makes the database manager call the procedure as a public static method in a Java class. The EXTERNAL NAME 'package.class_name.method_name' makes the method_name method to be called when the procedure is executed. Here, the EXTERNAL NAME 'org.packt.Spring.chapter5.JDBC.dao.EmployeeDaoImp.getEmployee' makes the getEmployee method get called during the execution of the procedure. The Java method created org.packt.Spring.chapter5.JDBC.dao.EmployeeDaoImp.getEmployee is specified as the EXTERNAL NAME.

Now, let's discuss the implementation of SimpleJdbcCall for calling the getEmployee stored procedure. The following code snippet shows us how to read the getEmployee stored procedure.

The file

The following code snippet gives the class:

package org.packt.Spring.chapter5.JDBC.dao;

import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.packt.Spring.chapter5.JDBC.model.Employee;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.SqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcCall;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository;

public class EmployeeDaoImpl implements EmployeeDao {
   private DataSource dataSource;
   private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
   private SimpleJdbcCall jdbcCall;

   public void setJdbcTemplateObject(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) {
         this.jdbcTemplate = jdbcTemplate;

   public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) {
         this.dataSource = dataSource;
         this.jdbcCall = new SimpleJdbcCall(this.dataSource)

   public Employee getEmployee(Integer id) {
          SqlParameterSource in = new MapSqlParameterSource().addValue("id", id);
          Map<String, Object> simpleJdbcCallResult = jdbcCall.execute(in);
         Employee employee = new Employee(id,
                       (String) simpleJdbcCallResult.get("name"));
         return employee;

In the preceding code snippet, the instance of the SqlParameterSource interface was created, which contained the parameters that must match the name of the parameter declared in the stored procedure. The execute() method accepts the IN parameter as an argument and returns a map containing the OUT parameters, keyed by the name, as specified in the stored procedure. Here the OUT parameter is name. The retrieved value is set to the employee instance of employee.

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