A look at node-quic

While QUIC is not the easiest to work with right now and the only official implementation is written in the Chromium source, there have been other implementations that allow us to play around with this protocol. The node-quic module has been deprecated in favor of the QUIC implementation that is trying to be built into Node.js directly, but we can still use it to see how we might utilize QUIC or even HTTP/3 in the future.

First, we need to install the module by running the npm install node-quic command. With this, we are able to write a simple client-server application. The client should look something like the following:

import quic from 'node-quic'

const port = 3000;
const address = '';
process.stdin.on('data', (data) => {
quic.send(port, address, data.trim())
.onData((data) => {
console.log('we received the following back: ', data);

We will notice that sending data is similar to how we would do so in the UDP system; that is, we can send data without actually needing to bind to the port and address. Other than this, the system runs similarly to how other applications would run when written with the http or http2 module. One interesting thing to note here is that data is automatically converted into a string for us when we receive it from the quic stream.

A server for the previous client would look as follows:

import quic from 'node-quic'

const port = 3000;
const address = '';
quic.listen(port, address)
.then(() => {})
.onError((err) => console.error(err))
.onData((data, stream, buffer) => {
console.log('we received data:', data);
if( data === 'quit' ) {
console.log('we are going to stop listening for data');
} else {
stream.write("Thank you for the data!");

Again, it should look familiar to the other applications that we have written. One of the major differences here is that this module was written with promises in mind. Other than this, the data we receive is a string, so we turn ourselves off if we receive quit by running the stopListening method. Otherwise, we write the data we want to send to the steam, similar to what we do with the HTTP/2 protocol.

To stay on top of the implementation status for HTTP/3, it is recommended that you check out the following link and check it periodically: https://quicwg.org/.

As we can see, it is quite simple to utilize the QUIC protocol with this module. This may also be useful for internal applications. Just note that neither the QUC protocol nor the HTTP/3 standard has been fully finished and probably won't be for a few more years. This doesn't mean that you shouldn't utilize them—it just means that things can change quite quickly while the standard is in flux.

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