Shadow DOM

The shadow DOM is usually paired with templates and web components, but it can also be utilized by itself. The shadow DOM allows us to encapsulate our markup and styles for a specific section of our application. This is great if we want to have a certain styling for a piece of our page, but we do not want that to propagate to the rest of the page.

We can easily utilize the shadow DOM by utilizing its API, shown as follows:

const shadow = document.querySelector('#shadowHolder').attachShadow({mode : 'open'});
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.textContent = `<left out to shorten code snippet>`;
const frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
const header = document.createElement('h1');
const par = document.createElement('p');
header.textContent = 'this is a header';
par.textContent = 'Here is some text inside of a paragraph element. It is going to get the styles we outlined above';


First, we attach a shadow DOM to an element, in this case, our shadowHolder element. There is a mode option that allows us to say whether we can access the content through JavaScript outside of the shadow context, but it has been found that we can easily circumvent this, so it is recommended just to keep it open. Next, we create a few elements, one being a number of styling attributes. We then attach these to a document fragment and finally to the shadow root.

With all of that out of the way, we can take a look and notice that our shadow DOM gets affected by the styling attributes that were put inside with it instead of the ones that were put at the top of our main document. What happens if we put a style at the top of our document that our shadow styling does not have? It still does not get affected. With this, we are now able to create components that can be styled separately without the use of classes. This brings us to one of our final topics of the DOM.

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